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Everything posted by Talon

  1. OOC:Fine, I'll post. ---------------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter collapsed through the open window, curled up, and began to cry in his bed. Mara climbed in and wrapped her arms around him. He could feel the tears flowing down her cheeks, and he turned to her. As the stared into each other's eyes, Hunter began to break down in front of her. As he cried, Artea flew in and laid her head upon the bed. Both of the girls in the room silently swore to never let this man come to any more harm, be it a scratch or an emotional blow. Hunter suddenly stood, swearing the same for Eve, Artea, and Mara. He grabbed his sword, kissed Mara softly, then walked alone toward the Misery Mire, the resting place of the Temple of Lost Souls. He needed to get his sword back.[/i]
  2. OOC:True and unarguable. And I'm waiting for someone to post a story spar soon. I don't want to, I already did.
  3. [i]Blaze introduced himself to Eve, whom he thought looked familiar. As he took her hand, he got a glimpse of another memory....[/i] [b]Blaze:[/b]Get outta here! I'll handle this! Rain, get her outta here! [b]Figure:[/b]Okay, but be careful! [b]Eve:[/b]Help! [b]Demon:[/b]Live out your days in the Mire, you fool! [i]Blaze took the blast for Eve and the figure with blue hair, and he found himself in the Mire, with no memories...[/i] [i]The flashback ended, and Lacroix stood over Blaze with concern in his eyes. Blaze had been writhing and twisting and screaming for an hour. He awoke, sweating. Eve cradled her knees, recognizing the dark-elf that had saved her life.[/i]
  4. [i]Fox looked out his window, clenching his spear. He was snapped to attention by his master, Mog.[/i] [b]Mog:[/b]Kupo kupopo kop! [b]Fox:[/b]What? I am no "destined", and Kefka's power died with him. I can't journey with anyone else! Now please hand me that wrench. All I gotta do is tighten this bolt, and Figaro oughta be able to go back to Kohlingen. Damn, it'll be good to get home! [i]Fox had worked on Figaro with help from his master, the age-old Mog, for the last 10 years. Now, he had it working. He turned the lever, and it began to move. Half-way through, it stopped. He began to quest through the ruins, and he found the reains of an esper, Odin. He found the statue of a queen, and he recieved the jewel from her crown as a gift. He found that by using the jewel with his gauntlet, he had a Genji glove. He returned to the castle, and he pulled the lever again. When he walked out of the castle, it was in the Kohlingen desert.[/i]
  5. [i]Blaze awoke, his eyes glazed. He looked around, wondering what part of the world he would walk to next. He trudged through the Mire, sickened at the horrid smell. He knew this area of the land to be the Mire, where nobody lived. He walked, walked, and walked, his hand on his sword. He killed a few lost lizardmen with bad attitudes, and he managed to destroy an ogre. He got into a mess with a TRIBE of ogres, however. He fought valiantly, but the poison in their axes was getting to him at last. He slowed down with only two ogres left. He almost died, but a dark-elf saved him from certain doom. Later, in the elf's "home", they introduced themselves. Lacroix, the other dark-elf, was in search of something... or someone. Blaze was in search of his past. They both began to leave the Mire, as friends and the only kin either of them had, even if it was only by race. They had a long journey, and it was merly the first of a thousand miles. Blaze only had a memory of a beautiful girl with azure hair and brown eyes. Lacroix had a picture that he thought was hidden, but Blaze knew it to be kept in the hidden pocket in Lacroix's armor. Both of them were thankful they had someone to talk to besides tree stumps and ogres.[/i]
  6. OOC:Nice avi, Harlequin. ------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter was still at the house, building his strength. Then, as he jumped down from his window to find Eve, he ran into his mother... and Nilothakir.[/i] [b]Serena:[/b]I could never! [b]Nilo:[/b]If you want to live, you will give me the chant for Vengeance! [b]Serena:[/b]That chant will belong to my son, and if I die, he will inherit it through the dragon-blood in his veins! [b]Nilo:[/b]He and his sister are dragon? [b]Serean:[/b]Yes, as their father was a silver dragon. Now be gone! [b]Nilo:[/b]No, elf! YOU be gone! [i]Nilo grabbed Serena with his most powerful spell, Dejinir. The spell lifted Serena into the air, sucked enough oxygen from the air around Serena to cause great pain, but not enough to kill, and sent wave after wave of 100,000 volt lightning through her body. Serena crumpled and fell, dead.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]NOOOOO! MOTHER! You murdered my father, now you kill my mother! I will not allow you to take my last family from me! [b]Nilo:[/b]Who? Your sister? Or your dear, precious dragon? Behold, Artea's final moments! [i]Artea lay behind Hunter, her eyes tearing. She had a spear of ice in her chest. Hunter turned, but Nilo was gone. He returned his eyes to Artea, and made up his mind. As part dragon, he could invoke the Old Spell. He cut open his chest, transforming into his dragon-self.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Half my heart to make you whole, to follow the course of the ways of old. [i]He reached into his chest, and pulled out part of his heartjewel. He removed the spear from Artea's chest, placed his heartjewel upon hers, and sealed the wound with his fire-magic. She looked up at him, crying. She used the human half of her heart to transform into a human. Hunter stood, amazed. He transformed, and she ran into his arms. She became a dragon again, and carried him to Mara's side, his energy spent.[/i] [b]Artea:[/b]Don't worry, Hunter. We will destroy him.
  7. OOC:Oh man! Lacroix has the hots for Serenol's MOM! Dude, you dug this rabbit hole REALLY deep! ------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Hunter:[/b]Mother, why did you not tell me? [b]Serena:[/b]I wanted to keep you safe. You would have commited- [i]Hunter cut Serena off.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I would have commited my self to ALL arts of the elven races, as I have done!
  8. [i]Firemyst stood, his eyes flickering sadly. He looked over to the party, and walked over to Namida. He held out his hand to both she and Haas, stating his family information.[/i] [b]Firemyst:[/b]I am sorry I did not introduce myself. I am Firemyst Ashblade, named Ashblade by my wishes. My true last name is Ashenmyst. My father was a man named Serenol, my mother was... a certain woman in this party. I have a sister whose name I do not know, and I have a brother named James, who is married to a Gold Dragon, transformed human, named Artea. The dragon's blood is inside me, as well, so I am part dragon. Look at my eyes and know I am not lying. [i]As he spoke, the portal opened completely, bringing the party back to Earth, each one with a body matching the original of each. Everyone was alive again, yet by no means immortal. They were physically, magically, and mentally stronger. They were on a quest to regain the heartjewel of Sharisna...[/i]
  9. OOC:Thanks kool aid. I appreciate the help. ------------------------------------------------------ [i]Hunter decided to build his body, knowing that the Pegasus Boots were known to drain physical stamina. He walked into his palace, kissed his wife, who didn't know she didn't have to be a queen just yet, and he thumped Ilythiirtar on his back.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]We need to train. And you, Mara, need to eat, rest, and get vitamins. [b]Mara:[/b]Yes, but what about Nilothakir? [b]Hunter:[/b]We'll think of something. When the baby is born, well... I want it to be born in a peaceful world. [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]As do I. Umm...I have a question. [b]Hunter:[/b]Yes? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]Why does Eve's thought patterns reflect yours? [b]Hunter:[/b]I don't know. Only siblings are supposed to be such. [i]Hunter's mother, Serena, walked in, and she was somber. She looked up, and she hugged her son.[/i] [b]Serena:[/b]I am sorry I never told you, Serenol. Your sister, whom you thought dead at birth, was sent away. Her name... was Manatsu no Eve. [b]Hunter:[/b]Say WHAT!?!?!? [i]Ilythiirtar and Hunter both fell backwards, Hunter fainted, and Ilythiirtar because he realized that he would soon be Hunter's brother-in-law. Eve merely stared at her mother...[/i]
  10. [i]Hunter snapped awake, the alcohols effect nullified. He then remembered what Raistlin had said picked him up, and woke him up. As Raistlin snapped to his senses, he found his face being smashed into a plate of apple pie.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]First of all, it's sly old WOLF. Second of all, stay outta my business. It's bad enough that Artea died, now you gotta rub it in about Elysan. I oughta... you know, I will. [b]Raistlin:[/b]Will what? [b]Hunter:[/b]Fling you outta the bar and into that pile of horse manure. [i]Hunter picked Raistlin up, walked past Elysan, who had her head in her hands from what Raistlin had said, opened the door, and flung Raist into a wagon of horse manure. Lacroix lifted his head and cracked a smile.[/i] [b]Lacroix:[/b]I should have helped. [b]Hunter:[/b]I'm glad you didn't. [b]Hunter:[/b]You know, Raistlin DOES owe me twenty gold pieces. [b]Lacroix:[/b]You have an excellent memory. [b]Hunter:[/b]I see you have no recognition of humor. Barkeep, get me some rum! [b]Elysan:[/b]Get me some wine! [b]Raistlin:[/b](from outside) Get me some soap! [i]Elysan got up, picked up a brick, and flung it out the door. The brick "conveniently" collided with Raistlin's leg, and Raistlin stalked off to the inn. Hunter got another round of rum, sat, and started a civilized conversation with Lacroix.[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------ OOC:Sorry J_C. I'm just livening things up. And you're the guinea pig. Sorry, dude.
  11. OOC: Hey, Phantom, just so you know. My C's name in this is Firemyst, nicknamed Hunter. Just so ya don't confuse him with Fox Hunter, or Serenol. Damn, I got too many C's! --------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Firemyst struggled to keep his arm awake as Mara hung on it. He yawned as he whipped out his longsword, Lanasen. He stared at the blade, the memory of his death fresh in his mind...[/i] [b]flashback[/b] [b]Girl:[/b]Daddy, help me! [b]Man:[/b]I can't! Marin! I can't get to you! [b]Firemyst:[/b]James! Don't worry! I'll get the dragon! Get Marin out of here, bro! [b]Marin:[/b]Uncle Fiore! Don't do it! [b]Dragon:[/b]Mwhaha! I'll see you in Hell, "Fiore"! [b]Firemyst:[/b]Stop calling me by my family name! [i]As James and his daughter ran from the burning building, the dragon, named Sharisna, grabbed Firemyst, in the same instant that Firemyst rammed his spear into the beast's heart. Firemyst's blood poured from a wound, and a burning beam fell onto his head, bringing him to death.[/i] [b]Sharisna:[/b]Fool! You cannot...kill..the..ruler...of...Hell!...I w..ill...re..t.u....rn...! [b]Firemyst:[/b]And I...will be... the angel... that...st...ri...kes... y...ou...d...own...! [b]flashback over[/b] [i]Firemyst gasped. He'd never realized it, but Sharisna looked like the target that possessed the DragonHeart. He clutched his necklace, the RainGem named Myst. He recieved it when his best friend, and dragon, died. It was a Silver Dragon that spent most of her time in human form. Her heart was his, but now her heartjewel was his. It allowed for his dragonoid transmogrification. A tear slid down his cheek as he thought of Myst...and vowed to kill her killer, Sharisna! He spoke to Haas, and Mara.[/i] [b]Firemyst:[/b]I care not for pleasantries. I will speak more later, though I prefer calm conversation. I hope Hell has some pubs. [b]God:[/b]Hell? Who said anything about Hell? Hell is earth. You are going to come back to life, though your spirits will be, in all respects but one, dead. You will destroy the beast, Sharisna, but be forewarned. Now that you all have tasted the fruits of Heaven, earth's impurity will confuse and muddle you. [b]Firemyst:[/b]It already did! I was born confused! I hated that place, because it tore from me all I had to live for! Don't tell me about muddled and confused! I know what it's like to be outcast! Let Myst speak to me, and then I shall acknowledge this "request"! [b]Necklace:[/b]All you needed was to aks for me. Now that you have died, I will be able to speak with you again, Fiore. [b]Firemyst:[/b]Ummm....Okay, I acknowledge the request. Anyone else that I should know about?
  12. OOC:Rant on[I believe that's THE CROW, Lacroix. nice pic though. And Arikel, trust me. Elven physiology has been assisted by magic, and you know about an hour after. I spend ALL my time studying elves, so trust me on this. Elves have the kid in a month. Damn, I hate having WAY too much free time! And...I offed Maria myself dammit! I said she freakin' fell dead! Do you NOT READ POSTS?!?] Rant off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter stumbled through the doorway of his home, grabbing as many books he could on the Temple of Lost Souls, the resting place of his own Alaris. What he found was promising, but bleak. He would gain Alaris in the first room, but he and any others present at the reclamation would be sealed in with only one exit...the sky-light on the twentieth floor. And the temple was also the resting place of the Eight Physical Enhancement Accessories. It was tough, and would take a while.[/i]
  13. [i]Hunter began talking to Alriy, at which point a portal began to open. The gate to Hell was going to open completely when the rest of the "operatives" arrived. Hunter stood fast, realizing he had a new pair of wings. He tried them out, the new appendages glistening a brilliant blue in the lighted glimmer of Heaven. His spear was now a CyanSpear, and his eyes gleamed aquamarine instead of their former brown. His hair, however, remained the same. He appreciated his new look, and his new armor.[/i]
  14. [b]Hunter:[/b]I'd rather come up against ten mohrgs then let an ally injure themselves for me again. Mara, please stop crying. [i]He kissed his wife, realizing that as an elf, her child would be born in only a month. He picked her up, carrying her to AshenHyre, and the party followed, including the new arrival. Hunter stopped at the holy temple after putting Lacroix in a good inn. He picked up a package and handed it to Oblivion.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I believe this is yours. I found it in the Temple of Light. I have no use for it. You may keep it.
  15. OOC:Ummm...Forgotten Realms? I got the balrog from Lord of the Rings. Mines of Moria? Ring a bell? I dunno what Forgotten Realms is. And...I'M STILL DYING!
  16. [i] Hunter gasped as the blood spilled to the ground. His life began to fade again, his eyes now completely black. His head fell again, blood trailing from his lips...[/i] [b]Mara:[/b]Please, Corellon Larethian, please save him...
  17. OOC: One rule-Nilothakir is MINE! You'd better not plan on using Holy Judgment on him, as I am using Vengeance-Alaris on him! And your weapon will be given to you, as a gift, when you save my life, or defeat the balrog. Welcome to the team.
  18. ...Are you suggesting something? And lemme guess...I have NO choice but to write ANOTHER poem, or a story, huh?
  19. OOC: Welcome, Oblivion. I hope you can do something about the hole in my neck and chest.
  20. OOC:Call me friend. --------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b]Blaze Fioren (nicknamed Flare) [b]Race:[/b]Elf (Dark-elf) [b]Class:[/b]Ranger Knight [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Appearance:[/b]Wears leather armor over a light mythril chain vest. Blaze carries a longsword on his back, a dagger at his waist, a flute next to the dagger, and a crossbow strapped to his leg. Red hair, tied in a ponytail, falls to his waist. He has dark blue eyes. [b]EPA:[/b]Super-speed, and emerald wings [b]Personality:[/b]Kind and gentle, he is, however, reckless in a dangerous situation. [b]Background:[/b]He has no memory of his past. He awakened in the Mire, where he met Lacroix. [b]Spells:[/b] [b]Focus:[/b]Concentration increases, enhancing strength and accuracy [b]Epuipment:[/b] [b]Right Hand:[/b]Blessed Longsword [b]Left Hand:[/b]Silvered Dagger [b]Body:[/b]Mythril mail and Leather armour [b]Legs:[/b]Mythril greaves [b]Head:[/b]Leather cap [b]Special:[/b]Alan's flute (when piped upon, creatures are summoned to Blaze's side.) [b]Starting point:[/b]The Mire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:That's about it. Hope ya like, Harlequin!
  21. OOC:[b]DAMNIT![/b] WHERE THE HELL IS NEWT????? --------------------------------------------------- [i]Hunter ordered another round of ale, drinking himself into a serious stupor. He fell asleep at the table, woke up, and ordered more ale. lacroix stared at him, and Raistlin looked at him crossly.[/i] [b]Raistlin:[/b]I haven't seen someone drink so much since Caramon and Tika got married! [b]Lacroix:[/b]You aren't drunk yet, just... dazed. Why are you doing this to yourself? [b]Hunter:[/b]Mama say she part dark-elf, okay, nite-nite, bye-bye. [i]Serena walked in, saw her son with ten empty mugs of ale in front of him. Her faced contorted in worry and anger, and she sat next to Lacroix.[/i]
  22. OOC:Okay, so I'm gonna be a dad. Hoo boy...Well...uh...y'all like Serenol's look? --------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Mara began to worry, as Serenol had been gone for two days. Then, as she was looking at the moon, she saw him running like hell toward the camp. He was being followed by...[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]DAMN! I knew I shouldn't have pissed that Balrog off! Ilyth! I got your sword back! HELLLLLPPPPPP!!!! [b]Mara:[/b]Hunter? Are you...Oh my...RUN! [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]Shin-bar? You got my Shin-bar? [b]Hunter:[/b]Yes, and you guys gotta battle this damn thing. I gotta take on...her. [i]The demoness, Maria, sister to Alucard and Vlad, appeared. Hunter was tired from his...run...through the Fire Temple, which was only a mile away, but he had been busy battling orcs, goblins, and beholder-mages. Hence why he was missing for two days. He managed to piss a Balrog off, and he managed to liberate the Shin-bar from the beast's inactive digestive system. Now, Hunter was hard-pressed to battle a Flame-Demoness. She held her hand up, flicked her wrist, and Hunter found himself locked in a mage-to-mage battle of wits. Maria launched a stream of magma at Hunter, singeing his torso completely. Hunter grimaced, his chest bleeding. He winced as he focused his energies, weaving the threads of loose mana in his being into a new spell...Aqua Fist. The wave of water energy flowed into the demoness, just as she sent a wave of fire-mana into his neck. The ring of fire disappeared as the demoness faltered and died. Hunter collapsed to the ground, his neck and chest bleeding profusely. His life energy finally began to fade, and his eyes began to flicker. He fell, and Mara ran to her husband, tears in her eyes.[/i] [b]Mara:[/b]NO! Hunter, don't die! Who will help me raise our child? [b]Hunter:[/b]Child? You're...unh! [i]His head fell to the ground, his eyes closed. If help did not come, he would die in one hour, and the Balrog was keeping everyone busy...even Mara...[/i]
  23. Three...thumbs? *hides from the demon*
  24. OOC:I had to get the hard name... ------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Firemyst stood, his sword pepared for any strike. He found that his hair had become whiteish, and his clothing was black. He liked the new look, and he wondered why nobody spoke to him. He merely stood and awaited his mission...[/i]
  25. Do what ye will, friend. I could have done more for the rhyming pattern, but I didn't want to confuse anybody.
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