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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [i]Hunter whistled, calling Artea to his side. He whispered into her ear, and she flew off again. Hunter walked over to Mara, who was washing her clothes in the brook. He looked around, and saw that he and his wife were alone. He removed all of his clothes except his breeches, washing them in the brook as well.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Ya know. We're alone... And we ARE married now... [b]Mara:[/b]Hmm? You suggesting we skinny-dip? [b]Hunter:[/b]You suggested it, not me. [b]Mara:[/b]Really now. [i]Hunter and Mara kissed passionately as they slid behind the waterfall, into the small cave set in the wall. Hunter used his cloak as a pillow as he and Mara consummated their marriage. *three hours later* Hunter ran through the forest after Mara, who ran to the camp, holding his clothes. Hunter's scars stood out against his skin, and he laughed as the party at the camp was relaxing and enjoying the day. He noticed Eve and Ilythiirtar in a sleeping roll... and their travelling gear was on a tree branch.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Damn! Too many people are relaxing. Artea should be here soon, though... [i]As he spoke, Artea landed, bringing the item that Hunter had asked of her. Hunter held up a detailed map of the Fire Temple, finding the Shin-bar. He ran off alone, dropping the map on Ilythiirtar...[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:Sorry, Mist. I had to make it interesting, and Eve and Ilyth were practically BEGGING for that. Forgive me?
  2. As the sun set over the misty plain Jack rode from the den of his foe, now slain. The price for his unlikely win, To lose his soul and lose his kin. He rode shamefully into the town, Seeing his love in her cotton gown. He broke as he said his last goodbye, Daring not to see young Sarie cry. He follwed a seraph to the gate, the realm where his soul would meet it's fate. The angel pointed him to his quest. Jack's soul would fight, unable to rest. Forever passed, and Jack still fought In the Nine Hells, his skill unwrought. As the years rooled on, Jack did not age. He'd fight 'til he ended Hextor's rage! The God started at Jack for many a year, As he met his end, he shed no tear. None had come away from Jack alive, Hextor fell against Jack Rive! Jack rode into Heaven as he smiled wide, Glad to see his love there, for Sarie had died. She ran to Jack, their love Heaven could see, Jack threw to the ground the Blade of Eternity! The blade retrieved, the quest at an end. The happy couple a gift Heaven did send. Jack would live forever, alonside his bride, Sarie, for he had retrieved the Blade of Eternity... [color=sky blue]So, tell me, honestly, how is it?[/color]
  3. ...What pic, but Dani, VERY NICE poem. No brutality needed. Nice work, though I gotta get my OB poem from Jaimie. Meh...
  4. *head spins* And I thought I was getting LOW praise! Thanx everybody, and please let me try to write ANOTHER one later.
  5. [i]Hunter awakened, his eyes showing refreshed beams. He looked over to the other side of the bed, completely wondering why Elysan had insisted on such conditions as a LARGE bed. He hadn't even felt her prescence in the room! He walked out, completely dressed, and found his mother in the library. She whispered to herself...[/i] [b]Serena:[/b]How can I tell my son that I am part drow? How can I tell Lacroix? [i]Hunter fell to his knees, his wings drooping. He walked into the tavern an hour later, looking to drown himself in ale...[/i]
  6. [i]Serenol stopped abruptly, his eyes darting to his best friend, now running ahead in tears. He turned and showed the party his wings, a tear sliding down his face...[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I will say only this. Bleed's heart is black, though Eve once thought it was pure and gentle. [i]With that, he furled his wings again, strapped on his Pegasus Boots, and dashed after Eve,whom he found curled up, crying, on a branch facing his waterfall.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I am sorry for what he did to you, Eve. [b]Eve:[/b]Did he not also do it to Artea? [b]Hunter:[/b]Yes, and for that, his black blood will stain my hands, and the ichor in his veins will dry on the ground. I swear vengeance on him for all the people his evil ways have hurt. [i]As the vow rose in the air, Eve's sobs became muffled as Hunter took her in his arms, and she cried on his shoulder.[/i]
  7. OOC: MysticDarkElf IS in this, as I need someone to fill Raven's place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The sun set as Firemyst Ashblade's funeral pyre was lit. The brave and benevolent dragoon had given his life to save a young girl from a dragon's flames. His soul arose to Heaven, where he met with a strange fate. God himself appointed him to a special team of operatives, the point of which to retrieve the DragonHeart, the very heartjewel of a demonlord. Alongside him stood others who had died saving a life, or such things that deserved retribution. The reward for recapturing the DragonHeart...resurrection as a Holy Knight. All seven of the "operatives" willingly accepted this challenge. Their names were...[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A'ight, people. For now, just post what you did to earn the chance at resurrection. I'll start the quest after that.
  8. Well, everyone, the RPG will soon begin! I listed the members, and I made several editations to the top post. I was NOT expecting Dark Raven to get banned or whatever happened, but ces't la vie. Six, not seven, members will be on this RPG. Look for it in the RPG page. Thank you.
  9. Sorry, Raven. You may only be one class! If you decide to be a cross-class, you will get only 5 spells and 1 CA. Sorry. I will make FEW exceptions from now on, so you're lucky this time!
  10. [i]Hunter realized that it wasn't the real Daisan, merely a controlled priest. As Daisan galloped off with Mara on one of the grey horses, Hunter healed Eve with Lanasen water blessing. As Eve collapsed in relief, Hunter jumped upon Darien's back. (Darien is my HORSE!) He rushed after her, leaving Ryuu to take Eve back to the village. He saw Daisan's castle ahead. He jumped the collapsing drawbridge and galloped into the wrecked courtyard. At a pagan altar stood Daisan, his wife chained to a pentagram-shaped table.[/i] [b]Daisan:[/b]Marry me or die! [b]Mara:[/b]I guess I'll have to die! *spits in Daisan's face* [i]As the blade came down upon Mara, Hunter dashed under it, taking the blade in his rib cage. He gasped, knocked Daisan back, and cut Mara's chains.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Sorry, Daisan. You never were any good, even when my father lived! Now, you shall die for trying to kill my wife!
  11. [i]Hunter heard Mara scream. He whistled for Darien, his black Andalusian steed. He jumped upon it, donning his riding outfit. (He looked a lot like Jesse James) He chased after the carriage, Eve and Ryuu close behind. The rest of the party was god-knows-where, and Artea was spending time with Runeth. Hunter prayed to the Gods and Godesses that Mara would be alright, and he noticed that they were in Lord Daisan's lands. He lit a torch and dropped it in the wheat fields, destroying whole crops. The rains would soak out the rest of Hunter's vengeance...[/i]
  12. OOC:[b][u]Damn![/b][/u] I married a married woman!
  13. [i]As Serenol and Mara yelled at the embarrassed Alriy, Eve was busy forking another sack of gold pieces to Elysan.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]I'm in the middle of a ring of CHEATERS! [b]Elysan:[/b]Shut up and pay up. [b]Alriy(to Mara and Hunter):[/b]I swear! I had nothing to do with it! [b]Thar:[/b]*whistling* I think I'll just go out for a drink...*runs off as fast as he can* [b]Hunter:[/b]*running after him* Come back here!
  14. [i]Hunter dove off of the falls after Eve turned her back. He swooped into the forest, avoiding the area that he saw Bleed land in a week ago, and he gathered some berries, caught a deer, and brought the food back. He settled down.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]Want any food? [b]Hunter:[/b]No, I'm covered. *morphs into a wolf-man hybrid and begins to munch on the deer* [b]Tyron:[/b]Show-off!
  15. Umm...I put the (EPA) there so that I could save you typing time. Ex: [b]EPA:[/b]Elemental Affinity.
  16. [i]Hunter stood stock still, staring at the flowing waterfall. Suddenly, Artemus Bleed dashed out of the water, grabbing Hunter by the throat. He did not look like Artemus Bleed. He looked like a demon. His bat wings unfolded, rasping Ilyth and Eve along their backs. He tossed Hunter into the air like a rag doll, his body energy-less. Suddenly, Hunter's father Muirin and the new disciple of the Magi Tower, Nilothakir, entered the scene, sending Bleed flying into the forest. Muirin began to preach to his students Ilyth and Hunter about surprise water attacks as Nilothakir began to silently chant a spell. The firewall engulfed Muirin, killing him. Hunter drew out Alaris, screaming vengeance. Ilyth knew he was no match for the mage and took Eve and the others away. He looked back in time to see his best friends soul rent from his torn body. Artea screamed.[/i] [b]Artea:[/b]HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! [i]*1 week later*[/i] [b]Priest:[/b]And so we lay to rest the noblest and kindest warrior this land has seen. God speed, Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin. [b]Winged figure in window:[/b]Stop! Why give a funeral to he who is not dead? [b]Eve:[/b]What? Who are you? [b]Artea:[/b]Why do you say Hunter still lives? You give me false hope! [b]Figure:[/b]No, Artea! I am Hunter! I underwent many challenges in Heaven and Hell to earn my place on Earth, these wings, and the title of Holy Knight. Behold Eve! Alaris has been blessed with the ultimate holy powers by the Goddess! [b]Artea:[/b]Hunter! [i]Artea ran into her lover's arms, thankful he was alive. Hunter kissed her, then let Eve lead them into their next adventure. Eve forgot him after the adventure, and he always hid his wings from her and Ilyth. He told Artea to refer to him as Fox when Ilyth was around. Just to be safe...[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC:I started an RPG in thesign-ups about how you become a Holy Knight. I'm finally revealing THAT part of Hunter's life, though I am not using Hunter. Check it out sometime. Ya might like to join.
  17. [i]*3 days later, in a church*Hunter and Mara stood at the altar, Hunter sweating like a madman and Mara beaming like a sunbeam. Her necklace glinted in the candlelight. Hunter did not wait for the priest to say "You may now kiss the bride" to kiss the bride.^_^=. The happy moment was over just as a jealous-looking Eve felt and saw the left wall of the chapel crumble and fall. In the dust cloud stood the silhouette of the Hell-Hawk, devouring the remains of the dusty cake.[/i] [b]Mara and Hunter:[/b]ALRIYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
  18. Greetings, good adventurers. The name of this RPG will be changed to "HeavenQuest: Trials of Hell" You are about to be cast in the pit of evil, Hell. I will tell, in all honesty, the way to become a Holy Knight, which of course is our quest. You must conquer the demon Sharisna and bring his heart back to Gabriel. A Holy Knight is not technically a knight. Even a Holy Dragoon is a Holy Knight. All who participate in this RPG will end up as a Holy Ranger, Fighter, Dragoon, etc. depending on your preferences. I will require, if you participate, the following info. I will put mine up as an example: [b]Name:[/b]Firemyst Ashblade [b]Age:[/b]20 [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Class:[/b]Dragoon [b]Height:[/b]6'5" [b]Weight:[/b]190 lbs [b]Hair:[/b]Black braid falling to my waist, bangs covering my eyebrows. [b]Eyes:[/b]Aquamarine [b]Personality:[/b]Calm, but rash when angered successfully. [b]Extreme Physical Attribute(EPA):[/b]Runs faster than the fastest wolves and can employ extreme agility to dodge. [b]Spells:[/b] Endure Fire [b]Class Abilities:[/b] Jump Spear Rain Dragonrage [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Right Hand:[/b]CyanSpear [b]Left Hand:[/b]Blessed Longsword named Lanasen [b]Body:[/b]Mythril Armor [b]Legs:[/b]Pegasus Boots [b]Head:[/b]Dragon Helm [b]Special:[/b]Dragonheart necklace: the RainGem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Class List:[/b]Note that all classes can only use certain weapons. [b]Ranger:[/b]Uses bows, swords, and daggers. Good with magic.(4 spells, 2 Class Abilities*CA*) [b]Knight:[/b]Great with swords and daggers. No magic.(4 CA) [b]Dragoon:[/b]Good with swords and spears, carry no shields, but 2 weapons.(1 spells, 3 CA) [b]Mage:[/b]Excellent with magic, use rods. (6 spells) [b]Assassin:[/b]Good with knives and daggers. (2 spells and 3 CA) [b]Fighter:[/b]Generic class, uses all weapons. (2 spells, 2 CA) [b]Amazon:[/b]Generic female class. Uses all weapons. (2 spells, 2 CA) [b]Juggernaut:[/b]No weapons, but extreme strength allows the carrying of 2 shields and extremely protective armor.(2 CA involving extreme strength) Please note that you can change your class name according to your preferences, i.e. sex, social or religious traditions, etc., but you must include the true RPG name. Ex: Knight/Samurai Mage/Sorceress Juggernaut/Zealot Assassin/Ninja --------------------------------------------------------------------- Six people will be on this RPG. I will post the members: [b][u][i]Jesus Chicken The Harlequin Arikel Phantom Mist MysticDarkElf And Myself.[/b][/u][/i] Welcome to the team! Sorry if you were interested, but this is the end of the Sign-ups. Don't worry, I'll sign-up a sequel, that one with more characters. Thank you. And Dani, this is the LAST time I'm being a good samaritan!
  19. OOC:Geez, I'm married to Mara in the other RPG! I'm trying to make this interesting and VERY painfully embarrassing for Hunter! I'm not leading it anywhere!
  20. [i]Artea jumped on Hunter's stomach, and of course her sudden growth managed to wake him up. He darted up, staring at the 10 foot tall wyrmling. She telepathically told him of the conversation, and he jumped up, clutching his neck and stomach.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]So my golden dragon isn't good enough for you to notice! Artea isn't cute enough or strong enough or whatever enough for you!?! [b]Artea:[/b]Father Hunter, you need rest. Please calm down. [b]Hunter:[/b]When did you learn to talk like that, call me Hunter, and what happened to "daddy"? [b]Artea:[/b]I have grown, Hunter. Now please rest. Mother would not have liked you to be so active when you are this injured... [b]Hunter:[/b]Artea, I named you after your "mother" so that I would always know how she felt. Please. That does it! I'm going to the library in Ashrenia! I need to do some research, and I need to find a good church! [b]Mara:[/b]Alright, Eve. You owe me 20 gold pieces. I won. [b]Eve:[/b]You knew he was gonna bring it up, you cheater! You knew he was gonna bring the church up!
  21. [b]Hunter:[/b]You two often confuse me. What the hell just happened here? This thing...Let's just get to my village. I can see the oak that marks the entrance into Lanas Tirin. [i]As the party moved into the treetop village, Lacroix was surprised by the lack of prejudice toward him. He expected the worst when a group of children ran to him, but they merelt wanted him to tell them which was his favorite type of weapon. He laughed nervously, gave his answer, and continued on. He noticed that Hunter was walking toward the biggest and most impressive house in the village. Lacroix ran to Hunter's side as Hunter walked through the yard. In the room, he saw a beautiful High-Elf, and volumes of text.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Elysan, Lacroix, meet my mother, Lady Serena Muirin. [b]Elysan:[/b]You're a PRINCE?!? [b]Serena:[/b]Hmmm....you have a coarse tongue for an elf. Son, where DO you get them? [b]Lacroix:[/b]It seems that I am not hated here. Why is this? [b]Serena:[/b]For my son was half-raised by a clan of dark-elves as a part of his training, and that clan interbred with our village. Our village's favorite son learned many skills in stealth and assassinry, and it saved his life, all because of dark-elves. You are not hated, you are welcome here! [b]Lacroix:[/b]...Thank you. [b]Serena:[/b]Your party will be given quarter. You, coarse one, you shall sleep in my son's room with Hunter. Everyone else will be given a map of the palace and told where their rooms are. Good luck tonight son... [i]Hunter went red.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]MOM!!!!!!!!!! [i]The party settled in, Hunter not believing his mother forced him to sleep in the same bed as Elysan.[/i]
  22. [b]Name:[/b]Fox Cole [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]20 [b]Height:[/b]6'3" [b]Weight:[/b]185 lbs [b]Hair+Eyes:[/b]Silver-brown braid down to my waist and bangs covering the top of my eyes, solid silver-blue eyes. [b]Description:[/b]Fox always wears his mythril-chain vest covered by white leather armor. He also wears thigh-high leather boots, shadow-black jeans, a white cape, and a blue travelling cloak. [b]Birthplace:[/b]Kohlingen [b]Background:[/b]Fox is the greatx200 grandson of Locke and Celes Cole, two of the adventurers that sealed Kefka away. He uses his knowledge of pole weapons to great use, and gained this knowledge when his home was burned and destroyed by Bombs and Balloons working for some outside force. He went on to become an excellent engineer, and is currently trying to restore Figaro Castle to its former technological glory. He can create many weapons, but often cannot use them. [b]Personality:[/b]Fox has an extremely calm temperament, but this is nullified when anyone insults his fear of Bombs. He is very skilled with a spear, quarterstaff, and pike. He uses extreme rashness and will rush into a battle, although this doesn't matter as he is skilled enough to cover his rashness. [b]Class:[/b]Dragoon [b]Alignment:[/b]principled, but rash [b]Miscellaneous Ability:[/b]Create and Repair [b]Magic:[/b]Cure, Fire 2 [b]Dragoon Skills:[/b]Spear Rain and Jump [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Weapon Right Hand:[/b]Mythril Pike [b]Weapon Left Hand:[/b]Silver Pike [b]Armor Head:[/b]Silver Helm [b]Armor Body:[/b]Chain Mail [b]Armor Legs:[/b]Leather Boots [b]Relic:[/b]Genji Glove [b]Items:[/b]2 hi-potions, 2 softs, 2 pheonix-downs, 2 green cherries, 1 elixir, and 1 tincture.
  23. [i]Hunter stood, his body surrounded by a dark fire. His eyes gleamed oddly, and he seemingly exploded from the inside. When the smoke cleared, a new shape appeared beside Hunter. It was Artea, his pet fire-lizard, but she had grown into a gold wyrmling. Hunter still looked strange. As Mara looked into his eyes, he howled in pain, his back arching with the effort to contain the evil within him. His body gleamed with a dark light as a shape tore from him. It was his shadow-self, Mavericke.[/i] [b]Mavericke:[/b]Well, well, well. We've gone and gotten ourselves engaged, and nobody even gives old Mavericke a call. [b]Hunter:[/b]Bastard! What do you hope to do now? [b]Mavericke:[/b]Well, BROTHER, you fail to realize that I am the guardian of the eight relics. I am he that will be your greatest challenge before the great lord Nilothakir. I'll be seeing you! [i]Mavericke disappeared, and Hunter collapsed again. Mara gave him a soft kiss, then held his hand, hoping to the gods that he would survive this quest. Hunter awoke and drew his symbol in the air, a heart within a shield, outlined by a rose vine. He touched this symbol to the back of Mara's hand.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]This symbol shall protect you. It is called the Thorneshield Heart. It will protect you from the evils within my own shadow and Nilothakir's magic.
  24. ......I resent causing thine guilt and sadness. I look upon mine work as mediocre, and the works of all others, including thine work, as superior to mine own. I humbly bow aside, yet I steadfastly refuse to *ahem* "shove a sock in it".
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