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Everything posted by Talon

  1. OOC:It's yours, the Pegasus boots are mine, and Arikel, I made the Wristband of Magus especially for you. Everyone else, it's SQUABBLIN' TIME!!!!!!
  2. Uh, well, Vegeta Rocker. I'm not entirely sure what sex you are, and besides, I have a girlfriend. I must make it known that HuntersArtea635 and I are married! And again, thank you Dark Apocolyps, but the praise is too fantastic.
  3. [i]As Serenol slept, he dreamt. His father again appeared, telling him of the Eight Relics of Physical Enhancement.[/i] [b]Muirin:[/b]Son. You have your friend's weapons, but even your own Alaris which still rests in the temple of the Tower of Hera, and Ilythiirtar's missing Shin-bar which resides in the Fire Palace in the Eastern Mountains, cannot get you into Nilothakir's palace. You need these eight relics which rest in the Temple of the Holiest Light, and only these can unlock your friend's ultimate techniques, which will weaken the Necromancer, leaving you with the Alaris-Vengeance, your own Vorpal Slash. [b]Hunter:[/b]What may these relics be, father? [b]Muirin:[/b]They are: [b]Pegasus Boots:[/b]Allows the wearer to run at speeds greater than the fastest wolves and horses. [b]Power Gauntlets:[/b]Quadruples the wearer's physical strength. [b]Ring of Shadows:[/b]Allows the wearer to transform into a mere shadow, rendering them nearly invisible. [b]Dragonscale Bracelet:[/b]The wearer's physical defence is increased, allowing them to take on even a black dragon unscathed. [b]Buckler of Magus:[/b]Allows the wearer to drain the blood of any demon and infuse himself with the demonic powers for a time. [b]Necklace of Light:[/b]The wearer becomes the embodiment of heaven, allowing their blade of Fire to become an unstoppable force of light. [b]Chain of Haze:[/b]The wearer can become a mist, able to pass through any object or magical barrier. [b]Mirror Belt:[/b]The user can reflect any magical attack back to its originator. Those are the relics, and you are destined to wear the Pegasus Boots. [i]With that, the vision faltered and disappeared, leaving Serenol to see the battle. Lacroix and Ilythiirtatr were absent from the fight, however.[/i]
  4. OOC: Sorry I've been kinda lax lately. I had an unexpected engagement. Mike, I'm going for the pagebreaker! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Through all of this, nobody noticed that Serenol had disappeared. Alriy looked back, and realized that he had vanished. The necklace that he wore around his wrist as a bracelet dangled in the air for a moment, then dropped to the ground. Hunter's guiled and lifeless form hung from a chain, his blood dripping from lips. He awakened to a horrible sight. He was held captive in the Mystic Falls, and at his feet was the Shinkoru. He held his head aloft, seeing multitudes of ogres and goblins. Directly in front of him stood Alucard, the Vampire of Eternal Damnation.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]You killed my brother, you foul wretch. I must now kill you. [b]Hunter:[/b]What shalt thee do? Thou can'st physically deterr me from mine love and life! [b]Alucard:[/b]NO, but I can beat you lifeless! [i]Some of the ogres and goblins began to trudge out, defending the way into the temple. The three stories of the palace were soon filled with monsters. Outside the entrance stood a towering Roc [b][/i](BOSS)[/b][i], the Eagle of Darkness.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b]And I can kill your precious Mara! [b]Hunter:[/b]BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]The solid mythril of the chains creaked and shattered as an enraged Hunter broke free, howling fiercly. The rest of the party heard the howl, rushed to the Mystic Falls, wondering where Hunter was. Hunter channelled a new technique, Silverfire Wolfshade. As the fiery of Hunter's hyperion attack surrounded the wolfish being, a suit of mythril armor appeared upon his legs and chest, his Storm Sword strapped to his back. He drew the fierce weapon, whirled it, and destroyed all of the ogres and goblins in the room in a single fluid motion. Alucard remained alive, and he charged, fiercely attacking the ravaging beast. It took three blows to stay the wolf, who again renewed his gusto and attacked. Alucard rammed his fist into Hunter's throat, piercing it and driving his hand out the back of Hunter's neck. Outside the temple, Mara grabbed her throat in pain, a trickle of blood oozing between her fingers. Hunter didn't blink. He reached up, holding Fiore aloft, and brought the weapon down upon the villain's head. As the severed member rolled across the floor, Hunter grabbed up Shinkoru and ran out into the temple. He stopped and saw that the party had made it through the goblins and ogres, but Mara still could not keep the tears from her eyes. She ran and kissed her fiance, not caring about his animal like appearance. He kissed back, then handed Eve her precious Shinkoru. She cried, then embraced her best friend. The party thae walked out of the temple, not noticing the fog-like mist seeping from Alucard's body. It combined with the Roc standing outside in a tree, transforming it into the Hell-Hawk. It attacked the party, knocking Hunter unconscious. He had already done his part in this boss battle. The others would need to level themselves with him. Eve drew out Shinkoru, holding it out to defend her fallen comrade. Mara joined her, drawing both of her weapons and crying that Hunter's left wing was torn. She would heal him later...[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss battle. I already did my share, so do NOT put me in the boss posts. Again, we get a new technique, which includes a beast-like form if you choose to have one. After this, our goal is a tavern, a chapel, then The Mountain of Moraine, where we find Ilythiirtar's Shin-bar. BTW, the Hell-Hawk is about 30 feet tall, can fly, and can launch feather pin-missiles. It has a metal-tipped razor-beak, and the object of the battle is to keep it from killing me, Mara, and Eve. You have to kill it as well.
  5. [i]Mara stood rooted to the spot, looking up at the temple door. Suddenly, a large figure dashed out of the passageway. She looked on in disbelief as her love stood out against the full moon, his lips stained with blood and his wounds partially healed. He transformed, his injuries taking a toll on his body. He took Mara in his arms, her tears soaking through his torn shirt. He had run into the temple without his armor, as the battle had come up unexpectedly. Hunter fumbled with something in his pocket. He fell to the ground, pulling the weapons out of the satchel at his waist.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]I believe these are your weapons, Mara, Thar, Elysan, Alriy, and Lacroix. [b]Mara (under her breath):[/b]You did come back to me. I almost lost you... [b]Hunter:[/b]Mara...not here. Follow me. [i]Hunter led Mara into the forest, out of everyone's sight. He drew out a small black box.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Mara, I've only known you for the three months we have been on this quest, but it's been enough time. [b]Mara:[/b]I don't understand. What do you mean? [i]Hunter opened the box, revealing a beautiful necklace, with a red heartstone set into it. It was an engagement necklace.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Would you marry me, Mara? Would you...be...my...queen? [b]Mara:[/b]Yes! [b]Hunter:[/b]I shall find a church as soon as we get back to Ashrenia. [i]Before Hunter could blink, Mara's eyes lit up, and her arms wrapped around his neck. He led her back to the campsite, putting her necklace around her neck. They settled down into Hunter's bedroll, but they did not sleep soundly. They were too busy looking into each other's eyes...[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Level One Over. Treasures aquired: 5 mystical weapons.
  6. [i]Hunter sat alone, wondering at the young woman. Eve was busy healing her dragon, so he picked up a wooden spear from the ground. He twirled it in his hands, felt and tested it's strength. He threw it square into the rust monster's head, killing it. He turned and drew his new sword, Firenze. He rushed headlong into the fray, letting Mara take care of some of her own problems. Young Artea blinked from the crook of Hunter's neck and challenged one of her own. Hunter then realized that the weapons of five of the warriors were laying on a table, where a Monk guarded them. The Monk had healed Ryuu, and looked at Hunter. Hunter realized what he must do, and he dashed into the temple, running for a straight mile before reaching the table. The Monk, named Vlad Tepes, ran forward, challenging Hunter. Hunter ducked Vlad's first punch, but took a Wave Knee in the stomach. He reeled, retching. Vlad then looked on in wonder as Hunter transformed, growling with all his wolfen might. He bit into Vlad's arm, who proceeded to use the Repeating Fist, pummeling Hunter into the wall. The final blow tore through the flesh, covering Vlad's fist and the wall in a thick, membranous fluid. Hunter collapsed, barely able to breath. His left lung had been torn and liquefied. He coughed his thick clear blood, and Mara stood rooted to the spot, her scream echoing into the oncoming night. Eve fell to her knees, crying. Ilythiirtar stood, disbelieving. Even though Lacroix would later deny it, a single tear streaked from his eye. Hunter fell, and Vlad looked on. Mara began to run forward, hoping to help her love, but Vlad stopped her.[/i] [b]Vlad:[/b]Stop! It is his fight alone! I am not as hard to defeat as it seems. Hunter must fight me, then my brother Alucard, then our sister, Maria. He must prepare his body to use the attack Vengeance, or he will die in the battle against Nilothakir. It is his destiny to avenge his father and rule Ashrenia with his pure heart. You must accept this if you are to be his queen! [i]Hunter staggered up, his blood trailing from his mouth. He had heard none of what Vlad had said, but he grabbed the Monk, raised him over his head, and brought him down. Hunter was victorious.[/i] [b]Vlad:[/b]You have won. The weapons are now yours to return to their owners. This final challenge you must face. Run from the boulder, the mile that you have run to retrieve theses mystical weapons, you must run even faster with the weapons in your arms! [i]As Hunter grabbed the weapons, a massive boulder began to roll out of the wall. Hunter ran for his life,and made it out of the room as the boulder crashed into the wall, ending its rampaging roll.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Well. Skin me alive and call me Indiana Jones. I really wonder where I got that name...
  7. [i]Hunter reached into his pouch again, and pulled out a silver egg. He gently tapped it, and it hatched, releasing a silver fire-lizard. It curled up in the crook of Hunter's neck. It was named Artea as soon as it hatched.[/i] [b]Artea:[/b]Are you my daddy? That a mean dragon! Daddy, hit it's neck and kill it, please! Please kill it daddy! [b]Hunter:[/b]Artea says to go for it's neck! [b]Lacroix:[/b]Is there nothing that you don't have in that pouch? [b]Hunter:[/b]Just you and the others. God, I love sarcasm. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Uh, Newt. Hate to bring it up, but we kinda need you in Phantom's RPG. You DID sign up, and you DO need to give a little back-up. We already had a goddamn boss fight for christ's sake!
  8. [i]Hunter stood looking out from his palace window. Another boring day had gone by, and he was alone, except for Artea. His girlfriend slept peacefully, knowing her Hunter would give his life just to see her smile. He smiled inwardly and slid down next to her. He kissed her forehead. He'd be back soon, but he'd be a lot stronger than that Lord Artemus Bleed, and he wouldn't fail her again. He rubbed the scar that Artemus had left. He also wondered at the new mage his father had seen in the tower, Nilothakir. Hunter shrugged his thoughts aside, jumping from his tower window. He almost immediately heard Eve's voice. He ran toward the elf's voice. She'd said she could forge magical weapons. Maybe he'd ask her to make him a sword, one named Alaris.[/i]
  9. [I]Hunter jumped upon the Hulk's back, which was hard as the beast was three stories tall. Ilyth charged his attack, an Elemental Surge. Thar repeatedly fired powerful ki blasts, angering the giant. Hunter stood in the worst possible place, as the Elemental Surge hit his just as he fired his Wing Slash. The two attacks melded and merged, forming the Elemental Slash Wing. The beast roared as its body was torn, phased, and rent. Suddenly, the displacement of the temporal blast caused the reality of the beast to disrupt. The beast was no more than an illusion. Hunter, being caught in the surge, his energy was redoubled, giving him the power of Realiy Distortion. He used this new power on himself, distorting reality to give himself a Storm Sword. He joined Mara, battling the Nightwalker. As the demon shaded behind her, he brought his Storm Sword down upon it, stunning it with a lightning/ice blast. Mara then layed into it destroying it completely. He realized that Reality Distortion was one-time use, so he chose his new technique as Storm Slash. He equipped the Storm Sword alongside Lanasen, naming it Firenze. He noticed that Mara had earned a new ability. He watched the others battle.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:Mist, please list your new ability OOC on your next post. Every one, if you haven't gotten the chance to post in the battle, please post your new ability in your next post. (unless somebody GIVES you one, in that case, later on, get to a Mage Tower and change it if you want).
  10. [b]Hunter:[/b]Alriy, you say you cannot enter,but why can't you enter? It's your weapon in there, as well as Mara's, Thar's, Lacroix's, and Elysan's. [b]Alriy:[/b]It is the Temple of Light. [b]Hunter:[/b]Then I shall bring yours and Lacroix's weapons from the depths of the Temple. [b]Alriy:[/b]Thank you. [i]As the party moved into the Temple, Alriy realized that they were being followed by a tremendous Umber Hulk, and three other demons, a Rust Monster, a Nightwalker, and worst of all, a Kyton, or a chain demon. Alriy was the first to feel fear at their presence. He could not do much damage to them, as none of them had blood, so he warned everyone. Thar stood, almost rooted to the spot. He drew his weapon.[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:Alright everyone! First boss fight, so make it interesting. Everyone levels up after a boss fight, so get your next spell and post what it is when you next reply. This will last for about four posts, and it's first come, first serve. Please put everybody in. Thar, Lacroix, Hunter, Eve, Ilyth, Mara, Elysan, and Alriy. Your post must have at least three named people in it. Please put your earned spell in your boss fight post. You can use the spell in the battle.
  11. [i]Hunter began to lighten up. His home was in the mountainous forest. He could show them, and give them a place to rest. He leapt over, telling Lacroix of the only High-Elf village to also house drow willingly. He also wanted to tell Elysan. As these thoughts bounded through, he realized that she was right next to him. He blushed fiercely, then set off with her, taking up the train end of the party.[/i] OOC:Sorry for a short post, but I'm hungry and can't type sh*t when I'm hungry.
  12. OOC:Arikel, ya might want to read before you post. We finished the batlle already. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Fox started thinking. Hi eknew what those creautures were, but Shield Gaurdians didn't belong anywhere without their Magi Controller. He began to wonder again, as no chaotic mage (save himself) could create such intricately designed and lawfully fighting Shield Gaurdians. Suddenly, he snapped up, his mind racing. He put Eve down, then grasped his head, screaming inpain. His vision swam, but another one replaced the forest. He was in Heaven once again, and he was alone aside from Lanasen, his longsword, and an odd spirit. The spirit limped up, revieling his face. It was Muirin, Serenol's father.[/I] [b]Muirin:[/b]Son, it is time you faced destiny. You are he that will wield the Alaris Vengeance! It is not a weapon that resides in the Mage's tower, it is a blessing for the holiest sword, the one that only you can wield! [b]Serenol:[/b] But Father! Alaris is lost. All the enchanted weapons of the Siege Legend have been lost! [b]Muirin:[/b]Then go to the Temple of Light. The priest will have known me, and he will help you. Good bye, my son. [b]Serenol:[/b]FATHER! DON'T LEAVE ME![/b] [I]But it was too late. The vision faded, and he awoke. He'd been writhing, but he was on someone's bed. He was back in AshenHyre. He saw Eve trembling in a corner. Lacroix was looking worried, ind Alriy stood, trying his spells. When Fox awoke, Alriy spoke.[/i] [b]Alriy:[/b]So you awaken after a week, good friend. [b]Hunter:[/b]A week?!? [I]As the events of that night are told, how he collapsed, screaming about his father, Mara walks in, a look of concern on his face. Fox realizes that she has been taking care of him, and he has another rush of unwanted feeling. He wished to be near her, and he also realized that she did not know he was awake. He went back to sleep, everyone except Mara and Eve leaving the room. Mara looked at eve, Hunter's best friend.[/I] [b]Mara:[/b]You better swear not to tell anyone about this! [b]Eve:[/b]Okay. I swear. [i]Mara knelt down, looking at Hunter. She gently whispered, thinking he couldn't hear.[/I] [b]Mara:[/b]Why does it have to be you? Why did I have to fall in love with the prince? [i]She bent and gently kissed his lips, and the loud thud followed by giggles meant that Eve had fallen to the floor, laughing.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b]Mara and Hunter sitting in a tree... [b]Mara:[/b]Shut up! [i]As Eve and Mara fought, Fox got up and walked over to his clothes. As he dressed into something aside from his breeches, he felt Mara stare at him. Eve, too was staring. He began to run for the door, jumping out of the house in the tall tree. He began to bound off.[/i] [b]Mara:[/b]Where are you going? [b]Hunter:[/b]The Temple of Light! Come on, everybody! Let's go!
  13. [I]As Hunter read Lacroix's thoughts, he nodded in agreement. What better fate could this world have than being inhabited by Ilythiirtar. He sidled up to Lacroix, Eve's weight off of his shoulders.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]Tis a good thing he is on our side. With the magic, honor, tactics, and "miscellaneous" lessons I gave him, and the lessons in the Drow arts, he would be unstoppable. [b]Lacroix:[/b]Indeed he would. Tis good to see you again, Hunter. I see you have not strayed from your near-suicidal ways. [b]Hunter:[/B]And you yet have your undying wit and cunning. You always have an ally in me, old friend. Tis in legend that our weapons were stolen. "The eight eyes shall vanish into the four temples. Five in Light, One in Fire, One in Water, One in Earth, and the final, most powerful shalt be found in the pit of Despair." Surely you recall that. It means that a weapon that can grant the magic Vengeance resides within Nilo's tower. You do remember that legend, don't you? [I]As he awaited Lacroix's answer, he pulled out his flute and piped his haunting melody.[/I]
  14. [I]As Eve lands, the demon turns its attention to her, as it sends Ilyth and lacroix soaring into a stately elm tree. As the Rakhasa, the demon, turned to her, it's eyes began to glimmer in the starlight. He was going to use Darkness Missile! The beam emitted, and Eve braced herself to die. She didn't. Hunter threw himself into the beam, hurling Lanasen into the demon's eyes. As the explosive energy discharged into Hunter's fragile body, the demon writhed, his life snuffed out. It fell dead, and would not have if it had not been if not for the close teamwork. Hunter fell, the rest of his energy drained. Artea snuggled into his chest, restoring his strength a little. He picked Eve up onto his shoulders again, smiling like a hero.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]So, Eve. Where to? [b]Artea:[/b]Daddy alright? Is Daddy still hurt? [b]Hunter:[/b]She can talk? No, I'm not hurt. I'm okay. [I]The party began to rest, but they continued on in a cautious manner.[/I]
  15. [b]Name:[/b]Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin (Hunter) [b]Age:[/b]25 (about 10 for a half-elf) [b]Race:[/b]Half-Elf [b]Eye Color:[/b]Green (I ain't died yet, so they're not silver) [b]Hair:[/b]White, always in a braid [b]Class:[/b]Prince Ranger [b]Abilities:[/b]Infravision, enhanced senses [b]Spells:[/b]Create Water, Water Slash, Tsunami Surge (more like a small wave) [b]Weaknesses:[/b]Dark Magic [b]Strengths:[/b]Open minded, control over water, does not dislike any race. [b]Symbol:[/b]A flute crossing a sword on a shield. [b]Equipment:[/b]Same as always, except Alaris is Lanasen, an ordinary water-blessed longsword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Hunter was walking through the courtyard, wondering why he was so bored. He saw a female elf jumping through the trees, having a grand time. Hunter jumped down, hoping to catch the cute elf. He caught her by employing his snhanced speed, catching her in mid-flight, bringing her to the ground.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]Hello. I am Prince Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin. You may call me Hunter. [b]Eve:[/b]I am Manatsu no Eve. Call me Eve. Hey! Wanna see if you can carry me? [b]Hunter:[/b]Wha? [i]Before Hunter had time to react, Eve vaulted onto his shoulders, one leg on either side of his head. As Hunter started to have fun, he got an idea.[/i] [b]Hunter:[/b]Tag! You're it! [b]Eve:[/b]Hey! No fair! I'll get you, Hunter! [b]Hunter:[/b]No, you won't! I'm being trained with a guy named Ilyth by my dad. We're gonna be the best mages ever! Can't catch a drop of water, Eve! [i]Hunter and Eve jumped off, dashing between and on the trees. Hunter finally had a friend.[/I]
  16. [I]Immediately Hunter began to chant a flowing, indecipherable spell. His body began to glow, and his wings unfurled. His control over the elemaents became obvious as he combined the flows of all four elements in such a way that they formed a newer, virtuous element. He released his most powerful spell up to that point.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]Sern kilath fiore Heavenous wingerr selanish. [b]Eve:[/b]Uh-oh. Everybody get down! He's using his Wing Slash! [b]Hunter:[/b]Denizens of the NetherRealm, feel the pain of lives gone past! I damn thee to feel my Holy Wing Slash! [I]Hunter's wings slashed across the sky, lighting the forest up like day, and the creatures surrounding the demon desippated instantly, howling in pain. The demon blocked the attack using unholy magic, and Hunter's energy was half-spent. It would be a fierce battle...[/I]
  17. [I]Hunter awakened, a dull throbbing in his once-broken leg. Lacroix was again sulking in his corner, muttering about wasted time, energy, and medicine. Hunter reached into his pouch, the only person noticing the action being Eve. Ilythiirtar was out cold, and Hunter was tiring of seeing the elf asleep. He stalked over, carrying an odd object cautiously and carefully. He whacked Ilythiirtar upside the head, waking him up. As Ilythiirtar held his head, waking up and realizing he was healed, Eve saw Hunter was holding a fire-lizard. He was holding a miniature dragonling.[/I] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]What the hell was that for?!? [b]Hunter:[/b]You have slept enough! We have a more pressing situation, or if you DON'T want to get Shin-bar back, then go back to sleep. [b]Eve:[/b]Hunter, where did you find that fire-lizard? [b]Hunter:[/b]Her name is Artea. He was being attacked by bugbears, so I intervened. The bugbears were in league with Nilothakir, and they were hired to kill me. There was mention of Dark Gnomes, as well. [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]Yeah. I know. I have the scars to prove it. [b]Hunter:[/b]I don't care how badly you WERE injured. You are in fine condition. I must attend to Artea, and I would like to see how my Power Slash drains my energy. [i]As Hunter fed and groomed the young wyrmling, she flew up and perched upon his shoulder. Eve thought of Ryuu, and began to rummage through her pack. She pulled out a set of reed pipes, and handed them to Hunter. He began to play a haunting melody named "Requiem of Lost Eternity"...[/I]
  18. [I]As Hunter focused his mind, he felt that a dark force had swallowed the throne. He sensed the attack before it happened. He backflipped over the Black Knight before the demon's spear pierced his back. Soon, there began a horrible battle, as each of the party had two dark knights to fight. The battle lasted two hours, and would have lasted longer had Raistlin not learned that the knights also hated each other. Soon, the six demon's were fighting amongst themselves. The last one fell to a powerful roundhouse kick from Hunter.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]Where did these beasts come from? [b]Raistlin:[/b]I assume wherever the king has gone. [b]Hunter:[/b]Hold, friends. I sense more coming. We shall have to scrounge the bodies and chat after we are done fighting.
  19. [I]In all the commotion, Hunter staggers in unnoticed by the duo. He had ventured off alone earlier, and he'd run into a "small" problem. He'd found his way into the lair of a tribe of bugbears, and they, too, worked for Nilothakir. Being alone, and his transmutation wearing him down, he was forced to fight as a normal being. His leg was bleeding profusely, his face was barely discernible under the crucible of crimson fluid that christened his firm features. His white cape was stained with the green bodily fluids of many bugbears, and he could not walk or speak. He collapsed onto the floor. As Ilythiirtar awakened and saw his mentor on the floor, the first thing he wondered was that Fox looked as though he had used his Vorpal Slash. Fox had. He did not know it yet, but that attack would soon become that same attack that drained him of life would become a powerful harbinger of Nilothakir's doom. It would become the Vengeance, but that will be told later.[/I] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]Serenol! Are you alright?!? [b]Fox:[/b]He...lp...me. I...c..can't speak. My ...le..gs hurt. I...can't ...f..eel...my.. [I]Hunter collapsed onto the floor, unable to remain conscious. His legs were beaten and bruised, and his right femur was horribly broken. It was a miracle that he'd made it to the hut.[/I]
  20. [I]Hunter was not ready for when Elysan grabbed his hand. He openly expressed his amazement at the scene, but he also squeezed her hand a tiny bit.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B]My word! 'Tis a beautiful sight! [B]Elysan:[/B]Indeed it is such a beautiful sight. [B]Hunter (under his breath):[/B]And a beautiful girl. 'Tis a shame I cannot be with her until my memory is restored, and my life is complete. I wish I could remember what happened before my father awakened me in his room, worried over my head. I was but an elven-child, though I look eighteen, I am two hundred and fifteen. [I]Unfortunately, Elysan picked up on the last words he spoke.[/I] [B]Hunter (under his breath):[/B] I love you, Elysan. [I]Hunter began to slowly walk toward the castle, rubbing a fresh werewolf wound. Elysan stood in shock for a moment, wondering whether or not to join him...[/I]
  21. [I]As the antics near the rafters ensue, a dagger hits Hunter near the shoulder. He pulls the blade and realizes a Dark-Elf is in trouble. It was the dark-elf that he'd seen before. It was Lacroix.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]Damn that Ilyth had so much beer! I must help Lacroix! [b]Lacroix:[/b]Then stop talking and help! The rafter's won't hold me up much longer! [I]Hunter drew Lanasen, jumping upon a table. He unfolded his wings, giving the crowd the idea that he was a Draconian. As cries of 'kill the winged one' and 'destroy the cross-breed' rang out, he and Lacroix fought to save themselves. Soon, however, the drunkards began to lose their resolve, and the fight turned into a show of fun.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]Come on, Ilythiirtar! You are missing all the fun! What did I teach you in the 'Always Join a Barfight' lesson? [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b]zzz...*snore* [b]Lacroix:[/b]A student of yours? Damn! The fun is almost done! They are dropping asleep! [b]Hunter:[/b]Ah, well, it can't last forever. I see why we have few opponents. Eve and Alriy are joining the fun as well. I see that everyone, even Otik, has joined the battle, except for Ilythiirtar. [I]The fight was over, all the drunkards passed out. As the party walked outside, Ilythiirtar jumped up, grabbed his sword, and yelled.[/I] [B]Ilythiirtar:[/B] (drunkenly) I am ready for the fun, Serenol! Show me the way to the drunks! [I]The whole party had a good laugh as they settled down to a large plate of Otik's spiced potatoes. But still Hunter's thoughts strayed from business to Mara...[/I]
  22. [I]Hunter stood, his eight-and-a-half foot tall wolfish frame scaring the remaining patrons into a corner of the bar. He stood and stared at the figure. Hunter sniffed the air.[/I] [b]Hunter:[/b]You smell of Dhampire. And who's scent do you mean? [B]Alriy:[/B] DIE SORCERER! [I]Hunter found himself pinned to a wall by a thick muscular arm. He grabbed Alriy's arm and threw him out of the bar. He donned his cloak, thankful that his wings remained unseen by the stranger. He drew Lanasen and walked out of the Crystal Forest Inn.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B]I am no sorcerer! My father was killed by the Black Mage who's name is not spoken by those of great fear, Nilothakir! [I]As the crowd heard the name spoken, they shrank back into their homes, afraid the mage would show up to destroy the insane ranger. They came back out when they heard the ranger reveal his name.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B]I am Serenol Ashenmyst, prince of all lands in Ashrenia. I am Fox Hunter, Holy wolf Knight of Heaven, and my heart belongs to she who holds the ellipsien, Mara! [B]Alriy:[/B]I am sorry, good prince, but anyone who bears HIS scent arouses my suspicion. [I]As Hunter stood in embarassment at his revealing his feelings for Mara, who happened to be watching the possible titanic battle in secret and fell when she heard Hunter say it, Alriy stood and clasped his hand around Hunter's arm.[/I] [B]Alriy:[/B]I truly am sorry. Now about a drink... [B]Hunter:[/B]Sorry, but I've had enough to drink. [B]Alriy:[/B]I did not mean ale, but I guess it must do. I dearly hate it's flavor. Do you have any bloodroot to season it? [B]Hunter:[/B]Yes, and here it is. You are welcome as long as no bodies with broken necks and punctured necks appear. [B]Alriy:[/B]Deal. Just don't bite me. The last thing I need is to become a DhampWolf. I hear wolves hate water. [I]At least he has a sense of humor, Hunter thought. He caught Mara out the side of his eye, and he damn near fainted as he saw her looking at him curiously. He and Alriy entered the pub, ready for some drinks, jokes, and questions about their former weapons.[/I]
  23. [I]Hunter, Eve, and Ilythiirtar headed to the nearest pub, the Crystal Forest Inn. Hunter quickly downed six flagons of Otik's best ale, and Eve had lost her talent. She became lightheaded after only three. Ilythiirtar downed four, then became giddy. He passed out after another two.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B] Damn, he's good. Too bad he passed *hic* out. Eve, are you *hic* still with me? [B]Eve:[/B]Yes. Where did you get those hiccups? [B]Hunter:[/B]From a bad dream and not enough food. Otik, I'd like some of your spiced potatoes. [B]Eve:[/B]Make that a double order! God, he so handsome. [B]Hunter:[/B]Ilythiirtar? Umm..don't tell him I told you this, but he likes you, too. He's just REALLY embarrassed around you. Now, to these potatoes. [I]Hunter and Eve sat down to eat, Eve not realizing that Hunter had cheated. He was in his werewolf form, with a higher constitution. He and Eve began talking of old times, and the scar on his lower right arm. Hunter flinched, as he'd recieved it from the day he died defending Ilythiirtar and Muirin. He hated that memory, and looked into his own, thinking of Mara...[/I]
  24. [I]Serenol awoke, imagining the sorcerer's face haunting him. He felt terrible. He realized that indeed he was powerless without Alaris. He rushed out into the square, accidentally knocking a female elf to the ground.[/I] Elf:Be careful! I must meet with Lord Byis! Serenol:I am sorry, but Byis is at my palace. He is holding something for a young woman. I believe it is a weapon. You must be Mara. I am Serenol Ashenmyst, prince of AshenHyre city, and of the land of Ashrenia. Mara:Sorry, lord prince, but I must get my ellipsien. [I]Serenol watched in amazement as the young, charming woman jumped into a coach and headed for the palace. He found himself wishing to be with her, and shook his head. He headed for the square, knowing Ilythiirtar wanted to get his ale training, and his Shasmir. As he wound his way through the square, he saw a dark figure. He looked a lot like an old friend that had been a partner on a quest to recover an old relic. It was Lacroix, but he was cut off before he could talk to him. He must hurry to Ilythiirtar, before he got hungry! Then he'd be pissed! Serenol rushed into the square, seeing Thar and Ilythiirtar. He dashed up, drawing his new longsword, Lanasen. As Ilythiirtar parried the false attack, he came slashing up. He missed as Serenol flipped backwards. Both transmuted, beginning to attack with bare claws. Finally Serenol (Hunter in his werewolf state) attacked fiercely, knocking Ilythiirtar (Lycantar in his morphed form) across the square. Both mutated back.[/I] Hunter:I hast won! Thou art buying! Ilythiirtar:Fine. I just wish to learn how to drink ale as fine as thou dost drink. Couldst thou also teach me how to be a amn for the ladies? One hast caught my eye. Her name is Eve. Hunter:Enough with thine sweet tongue! Speak freely. We are not in a palace. Geez, you're uptight. If only those dreams would stop haunting me...
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