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OOC:As shall I. I gotta focus on MY RPG right now, anyway.
OOC:Is this turning into Harlequin's, Jesus Chicken's, and my RPG? Could somebody else reply? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Hunter:[/B]As I live and breathe, I am going to need a LOT of ale. Perhaps at the next tavern I could buy you some, Elysan? [B]Elysan:[/B]Sure, but how do you mean you'll need some? [B]Hunter:[/B]First, I get beaten by orcs, then I get bitten by a WEREwolf, now, I pull an insane stunt with Lacroix, though I have the feeling it won't be the last time I stand beside him as such. [B]Elysan:[/B]What problems did you have in the past? [B]Hunter:[/B]I had an experience with the Underdark, and I do not wish to divulge it at the present time. I shall tell all when my heart is bolstered by a lover. I mean no disrespect. [B]Elysan:[/B].....
[B]Hunter:[/B]I can only hope madness is the only punishment. Raistlin, kindly stand back. I shall communicate with his lost half. Insanity is not as bad as...never mind. I wish not to speak of the Underdark. [I]Hunter held his hands up, level with Lacroix's ears. The rest of the party stopped to see this spectacle. Elysan showed genuine worry, and Raistlin stepped back, wondering at Hunter's last words. He then saw Hunter's face contort into throes of pain as his small amount of psionic energies were exerted into communicating with Lacroix's mind. Then, he was inside...[/I]
[B]Hunter:[/B]I pray for you, friend elf. If thine past is locked away, then perhaps someday one of mine healing spells could help. Until then, we both live with our pasts locked, for I do not wish to face mine. Too much pain and exile...
Hunter:I must check on my kingdom's well-being as soon as this quest is done. I pray that the drow, of whose name I can remember only his last, Ferlana, is truly a tutor. My father was murdered at the hands of a Black mage five years ago. The mage's name was Nilothakir. His name seems to ring around this country much these days.
[B]Hunter:[/B]My father was the king of Ashrenia, the only elf to rule a human city. The drow was reminiscent of you, but it is unlikely that you have heard the name of Muirin Ashenmyst.
[I]Hunter abruptly stops his conversation with Elysan upon hearing what Lacroix was saying.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B]You mean you, as well, sensed their temporal disruption? [B]Lacroix:[/B]Yes. I believe that is why you are able to control it so well, not only for your willpower. [B]Raistlin:[/B]Yeah, but where the hell do they come from? And how do you know, Hunter? [B]Hunter:[/B]My childhood tutor, my father, also had me trained by a Drow. [B]Raistlin:[/B]Okay, but where the hell do they come from?!? [I]Both Lacroix and Hunter stopped speaking, focusing their attention on the path (both), Elysan (Hunter), or some far off, unseen point (Lacroix).[/I]
[B]Name:[/B]Fox Hunter (Serenol Ashenmyst) [B]Age:[/B]217 [B]Race:[/B]High-Elf [B]Class:[/B]Holy Knight when I hold Alaris, Ranger otherwise. [B]Height:[/B]6' [B]Weight:[/B]185 lbs. [B]Eye Color:[/B]Silver [B]Hair Color:[/B]Silver [B]Bio:[/B]A High-Elf that died in his first encounter with Nilothakir. He came back to life when he fought to save Heaven, and he earned the holiest blade, Alaris, which Chronos forged from Heaven-Silver. He recieved the order of Holy Knight, but only when he holds the sacred blade. He also recieved emerald wings. [B]Spells:[/B]Holy Explosion, Musical Healing, Focused Beam, and Wing Slash. [B]Abilities:[/B]Flight, Transmutation (Midnight Wolf), enhanced speed, hearing, and strength, and Vorpal Slash, a move that can only be performed by he who holds Alaris. [B]Weakness:[/B]Unholy magic and silver (when in his man-beast form) [B]Strong against:[/B]Lycanthropes and Ice magic. [B]Equipment:[/B]Steel Longsword, Mythril-chain vest covered by white laquered armor, thigh-length leather boots, shadow-black cloth pants, a white cape, a sapphire cloak when not in battle, a crossbow, and a magic harp. [B]Future Mystical Weapon:[/B]Alaris, a holy longsword made of Heaven-Silver [B]Nilothakir's intervention:[/B]A Necromancer walked into Muirin Ashenmyst's Training Hall, where Muirin was training his son, Serenol, and a new pupil, Ilythiirtar. The Necromancer, Nilothakir, murdered Muirin, and Ilythiirtar hid, knowing his training was not sufficient. Serenol challenged the Black Mage and lost his life. Serenol took on the name Fox Hunter when he came back, and swore revenge in his father's name. He set out to find Ilythiirtar and complete Ilyth's training. [B]Weapon loss:[/B]Fox lost Alaris when he tried to destroy the mage himself. Ilythiirtar and Eve also lost their mystical weapons, forcing the warriors to seek help and their weapons. _____________________________________________________ [I]As Hunter stood outside Blackheart Tower, the home of Nilothakir, which stood just south of Ashrenia, the kingdom that Hunter was prince of, he felt a surge of fear. He drew out Alaris, calling out the Black Mage. Nilothakir appeared in a flash of darkness, whipping out Shara'st, his black broadsword of darkness. Hunter charged forward, aiming Alaris at the Necromancer's black heart.[/I] [B]Hunter:[/B]I shalt get mine vengeance. Thou shalt pay for thine crimes upon my family! [B]Nilothakir:[/B]You need more than thine sword. [B]Hunter:[/B]Alaris, WING SLASH! [I]Hunter fired his second-most powerful attack, but Nilothakir shook it off easily, then he began to chant.[/I] [B]Nilothakir:[/B]Eight are needed for mine death, but now I put thine sword to rest. So your friends shall feel the sting, Into five temples, weapons I dost fling! [I]Hunter's sword vanished, flying toward the Palace of Eternal Night. He trudged back to Ashrenia, disheartened at the loss of his sword, to finish Ilythiirtar's final lesson, which was the art of drinking ale. He came upon an angel, an angel that spoke.[/I] [B]Angel:[/B] no longer hold thine vorpal blade. Until you do find Alaris, thou shalt be a Ranger, no longer a Holy Knight. [I]Hunter, even further disheartened, began his slow march home to his awaiting public and his awaiting pupil. He stopped at a swordsmith and bought a longsword. He needed a weapon on his long journey, and he would hate to explain to Ilythiirtar that their weapons had been lost. Hunter wondered if Eve had lost her Shinkoru as well...[/I]
OOC:Tasslehoff Burrfoot? Geez! About what? 1 foot tall? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]As Raistlin dropped back again, this time to speak to the figure that as yet remained silent about himself, Hunter moved forward to speak to Elysan. Hunter:Are you okay? Did I hurt you last night? Elysan:I am fine. Did you say you came from Lanas? That is a place where the High-Elves rule over nature, and learn the arts of sensing danger, pleasure, and even traps. How I've dreamed of living in such a place. Hunter:Perhaps one day we could go together. My mother, Raye Serenol, would love to meet a fellow High-Elf. She has fallen into disfavor since I was born, proving her ties to the aquan Dee-Elves. Elysan:I find it interesting. Do you have any aquan abilities? Hunter: I know not. I have always thought of my abilities as my own focuses. I, too, lived a troubled existence, and I am only two-hundred and fifteen. Elysan:I am sorry, fellow Ranger. But your highest-paying job was getting a cat from a tree? Hunter:Yes. It was a rare cat, and I recieved seven thousand gold pieces. I used the money to purchase my armor, cloak, and cape. The sword was a gift from when I died and came back.
OOC: Good point, Harlequin. How tall would Kitiara be? 3'6"? [I]Hunter began to speak with Lacroix again, wondering at his new gift.[/I] Hunter:I have complete control of it, now. But what good will it do? Lacroix:It may help you blend in with monsters, gathering secrets that will help in our quest. Just don't bite me. I don't think I could control it. Hunter:Thou couldst. But again, I meant that thou art a full-breed. I mean you the utmost respect. We all are mercenaries. I, myself, live the uncouth existence of a Ranger. So far, my highest paying job was getting a cat from a tree.
Hunter:First of all, I jumped in surprise at a figure holding a sword above me! And you, above all, realized that I have this new power under control! And, I do not look down on Drow! Quite the contrary, I look up to all pure elves! Raistlin:You're nothing but a wolf-elf. And Lacroix, stop sleeping like that! It's freakish!" Lacroix:Shut up and let me sleep how I want. Someone has to keep a watch, or else Wolfy will end up tearing bandits apart and not letting us have any fun.
[I]Hunter realized that by focusing his elven magic (and sacrificing his detect trap ability), he could control his appearance. The only problem was he did not recieve as much powerful strength as a wild werewolf. He was also afraid he'd lose control sometime.[/I] Hunter: Next time, I'm sleeping next to Raistlin! Is Elysan okay? Please, dear Gods, let her be okay. Elysan:I'm fine. Just tell me that you're a werewolf next time you sleep near me. Hunter:I think it's from this afternoon, and next time, don't give me half the jug of ale! I'd still be pure if it weren't for tonight's ale. What vintage is it, Raist? Raistlin:Same kind I used in Mereklar. I don't know the name. Hunter:So you're the cat-detective? I have a few questions for you. [I]As Hunter and Raistlin launch into a discussion about Raistlin's past, Elysan drifts into an uneasy sleep, and Lacroix keeps his sword unsheathed as he sleeps...with one eye open.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: So somebody else reads Dragonlance. I should have been Tanis. Or Sturm. Oh well.
Hunter(growling):I knew Elysan shouldn't have shared my bedroll. I gotta go. Get away from m-RRRRRRR!) [I]Hunter's now-mutating form tore into the firelight, releasing a piercing shriek that awoke Elysan, fortunately sleeping NEXT to Hunter's sleeping bag, not IN it. Hunter was trying to regain his consciousness, trying to take control. If he could, he would be a valuable ally. If he couldn't, he'd be a destructive foe. He managed to gain control, but Lacroix didn't see that as he crept behind the werewolf with his weapon drawn...[/I]
Hunter:I'm laughing because there's a gold cap in my arm. What kind of wolf has gold teeth? This is a mysterious wolf, my friend. I must check on Elysan. I believe I still have some herbs in my pack. [I]Hunter rummaged through his pouch, leaving the others to squabble. He bent to make sure Elysan was alright. He did not notice that the wound in his arm began to heal and foam.[/I]
[I]Hunter cries out in pain. He thrusts Alaris into the wolf that bit him. The wolf had pinned Elysan to the ground, ready to bite her. The wolf died, leaving no more foes for the party.[/I] Hunter:Are you okay? Damn wolves! Elysan:Yes, thanks to you. You have a true aim. I'm glad no one was hurt. Raistlin:Who says? Hunter's arm seems to say otherwise. Hunter:I'll be fine. I've been bitten by orcs that did more damage. I also have a well-focused mind. No mere wolf can make me flinch!
Hunter:Your tone disturbs Alatis. It is pronounced 'elves' not 'elve's'. And you seem too silent and large for a human. Figure:And you seem rather tall for an elf. Hunter:As I said before, I am part Deep-Elf. They can grow taller than average elves.
[I]Hunter, as well, drew his sword. He began to chant a spell, but it was merely a meditation. He prayed to the Ranger god to make it a swift encounter.[/I]
[I]Hunter again drops behind, startling Elysan. He picks up a conversation with Lacroix, wondering what the presence might be.[/I] Hunter:What do you suppose it is? Alaris is glowing. Lacroix: Is that a magic sword? And how am I supposed to know? Hunter:Yes, it is. You seem like you've been around. Lacroix:So do you, from the look of that scar. [I]Hunter hastily covered the exposed bite-marks on his upper right arm. He hastily changed the subject.[/I] Hunter:If it is something dangerous, what do you suppose we do? Lacroix:I'll simply kill it. More money for dead monsters. Hunter:Really. I'd shoot the damn thing with my longbow, making sure it doesn't focus it's attention on Elysan. Lacroix:You really like her, don't you? Hunter:Aye, and I don't care much for my bet with that mage. I just hope that Elysan finds it in her heart to be with someone who'll live as long as she will. I won't mind much if she chooses you, as you're an elf, but a human mage? Senseless. That presence is very disturbing, is it not?
[I]Hunter drops back to both of them. He picks up on their conversation, pointing to his ears.[/I] Hunter:You both are wrong. She's sleeping in my bedroll. Raistlin:I think not. Hunter:Why not "wager", good mage? Raistlin:How much? Hunter:Ten. Raistlin:You're on. [I]With that, Elysan dropped back a little, just as Hunter began to apologize to Lacroix.[/I] Hunter:Sorry I reacted like that. I dislike when people stand over my unconscious body, especially when they have a weapon. I would have reacted the same way to Elysan. And I, too, sense a distracting prescence. It interfers with Alaris, mine longsword. Lacroix:Fine. Just don't draw a sword on me. Or you may lose your sword-arm. Elysan:Serenol, you said you are a High-Elf? Or part High-Elf?
[I]Overjoyed at the sight of a female High-Elf, the very race that blessed his blood, Fox Hunter jumped from his hiding place in the trees. He'd said he'd meet everyone at the castle, but that was a ploy. He'd wanted an excuse to watch that Drow. He forgot that all in his joy at seeing a High-Elf.[/I] "Hello, good Elf. Mine name is Serenol Ashenmyst, by the glade of Lanas Tirin. As a ranger, I am called Fox Hunter. Call me what thee will, but I imagine that thou wouldst rather call me by mine Elven name." [I]As he said this, he bent low to the ground on one knee, picked up the High-Elf's hand, and pressed it to his lips in a gesture of respect.[/I] "I am honored to have thee in mine prescence. 'Tis the greatest honor to meet one of pure Elven blood, for I am a Half-Elf, not because I am Half-Human, but because I am also part Deep-Elf."
Annoying backseat kids voice:Can I have one? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Fox stares down at the goods, he picks up a spear and twirls it in his hands. He straps it to his back, allowing for an easy grab should the need arise. He straps a couple of gauntlets that he found amongst the broken armor. He also lightly tests the weight of his money pouch and picks up ten gold pieces. "You all can have the rest. I'm after that bounty. Maybe I'll see you at the castle." Fox walks off toward the castle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newt, please PM me when you get 'em to the castle. I'll check in every now and then, too. I'll join for good at the castle.