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Everything posted by Talon

  1. There is one body lying unconscious among the others. It is that of a beaten elf. He wears the garb of a ranger, yet it is oddly colored. His eyes and hair are silver, his blade the same. He wakes up and begins screaming. The first thing he saw was the dark-elf. He holds his blade at the ready, prepared to strike. "Were you all called to the castle as well?" he asks as he calms down, still wary of the Drow. He walked to the elf, staring him down.
  2. thank you, but has Gene made peace with his past? And do he and Melfina get married?
  3. For that simple reason, I believe he eventually goes out with Ryoko. However, America just plain sucks as we don't have the complete series. So, there is no way of knowing...yet.
  4. I just want to know one thing. Who does Tenchi go with after Sakuya is absorbed? And I think Raven's right about Manatsu no Eve.
  5. THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!! *jumps and pins your head to the wall. gets dragged away by the guys in white coats* HE'S A CLOWN! HE'S A CLOWN! SAVE ME FROM THE CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU HERE TO SAVE ME?!?!?!
  6. I'd like to buy that movie, but am undecided. As Raven says, it has open hentai, and I HATE that. Sorry, but I'm a Holy Knight, and it is my opinion that ANY kind of hentai is disrespectful to women. Also, I'd like to buy it for the fac that I am totally lost in the dark as to why he'd pick Ryoko.
  7. NO. It makes it a soap-opera. Ayeka should take anger-management classes. THAT would be funny. Ryoko, however, is the most annoying character. She manages to get ALL of the Galactic Police on Tenchi, and she always destroys part of Tenchi's house. Ayeka is better than Ryoko.
  8. Adult Swim's schedule changed. OLS is still on, but they cancelled Tenchi. I don't know why, though. It was one of the best-rated shows on Toonami.
  9. Point. They took Tenchi off Adult Swim completely. Sorry. I advise you to buy the videos. It is definitely a good series, just that thay add a new character with every different version. In Universe it's Keonay, and in Tokyo, it's Sakuya.
  10. Ummm...Raven. Why do you say that? Sakuya is one of my fav characters. And you, Raven, often put her down TO MY FACE in the schoolyard. Death to all who hate Sakuya!
  11. My favorite episode was in the Universe series. I can't remember the name, but it is right before "No Need for a Conclusion". It involves the death of Kagato. I enjoyed it because Tenchi showed his true sword skills.
  12. Thank you, kindly. Hey! Aren't you the guy I pinned to a tree?!? *leaps into audience and starts to beat the crap out of you, stops, stares at the crowd, and recollects composure* Ahem. Small scuffle, people. No need to be alarmed.
  13. His blade was wrought of mighty steel, The sight of it made foe take to heel. His cry for battle was well-known. Many foes into hell he'd thrown. He rode upon a valiant steed, And yet he played on pipes of reed. The hero that could never fall, Was a bard with Heaven's call. The dark magician, ungiving and cruel, Wished to end the Hero's rule. He thought long and he thought hard. How, to Hell, could he send the bard? His face then glowed, as he struck a thought. Why not forge a sword, this one Hell-wrought? He worked hard, effortlessly long. He tossed Sharamdir into the throng. He called the Hero to a war, Asked what the Hero would fight for. Kane took up Senaris into his belt The pain of justice would be felt! The dark magician, his name was Bast, Told the Hero he would not last. His sword, Sharamdir, was Hell-wrought. Yet from dusk 'til dawn the Titans fought. Kane's love, sweet Ami, felt the void Of love hanging in Fate's arms annoyed. As she ran out to see her love fight death. The magician tried to spill Ami's last spoken breath. Kane gave a cry, he pinned the Mage, And ran to his love, losing his rage. She kissed his weeping, crying lips As he placed his hand under her hips. He carried her into their home, His foe's black blood began to foam. A demon arose to finish Kane, Ami summoned forth Pure Rain. The angel stood and guarded her As Kane wouldst now the demon deterr. The demon felt Seranis sting And a hell-born cry from it's throat did ring. Kane swore away living by the sword. Instead into his love his heart he poured. He took Ami into his arms, Never again did she come to harm.
  14. Ummm...let me point something out. Have ANY of you watched the final episode in the American series? If Gene had ANY feelings for Suzuka, then why the hell did he kiss Melfina? A direct quote: "All I really want... is you." Those words were spoken to MELFINA, NOT Suzuka. Although I can't get why he didn't also ask the Galactic Leiline for the money to pay Fred off.
  15. I like Nagi. She's the only character capable of hospitalizing Ryoko, and she is always calm in battle. She is a true warrior, through it all.
  16. I like Washu because she seems to be the only one beside Ayeka that can piss Ryoko off. ^_^=
  17. I believe the girls are there to annoy Tenchi and divert him from his Kendo training. Every time Ryoko sees him, she tackles him! Without the girls, I believe Tenchi would learn to master swordsmanship. Hoever, Sasami IS kinda cute...j/k. The girls gotta go.
  18. I believe someone was supposed to post back. You CANNOT double-post, even in an RPG!
  19. The game is the RPG god. I worship it. I have a golden shrine in which I keep the cartridge. J/k. If I could afford a golden shrine, and I had a cartridge oh Chrono Trigger, not an emulation, I'd put it there. One thing unnerves me. [B]*END SPOILER*[/B] Me:Why does Crono sit on Magus's throne in one of the 15 endings? Not to mention all those damn parades.*shudders* clowns. THE HORROR! SO MANY CLOWNS! REALLY fat nurse: Hey! I thought I strapped you to the bed! Me: Oops. Gotta go! Catch me if ya can, fatty! *runs through streets screaming CLOWNS! NO MORE CLOWNS!*
  20. Name: Fox Hunter (Serenol) Race: Half-Elf (High-Elf blood. Keep me away from Lacroix) Class:Ranger Alignment: Lawful Good Deity:Corellon Larethian Height: 6' Weight: 185 Eyes: Silver Hair: Silver, long and always in a braid or ponytail Abilities: Strength:15 Dexterity:17 Charisma:13 Wisdom:10 Intelligence:12 Constitution:16 Weapons:Silver longsword(masterwork) and a longbow. Armor: Leather armor (black) w/ silver designs, thigh-high leather boots, a bandana (green), and a white silk cloak. Feats: Detect trap (beartraps only), weapon proficiency (longsword) Spells: Pass Without a Trace, Resist Elements, Speak with Animals, Delay Poison. Thanks for the info, Newt!
  21. I never did understand it. What happens at the end of the Outlaw Star Galactic Leiline episode. Do Gene and Melfina eventually get married? Has Gene made peace with his past? What's the connection between Aisha and Jim? The answers to any or all of these questions would be welcome.
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