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Everything posted by Talon

  1. [color=teal]I won't bother quoting your posts, SaueHead, as the esteemed members of this forum seem to have done so to death. What you suffer from, my friend, is a superiority complex. Chivalry is NOT dead, by no means is it dead! Whenever I've taken a woman, older OR younger, even my own SISTER, I've insisted on paying. Why? It's the nice thing to do. It isn't because its "manly", or done in the hopes of getting a score, I do it because it's THE NICE THING TO DO. Even on the "first date". Not a girl I know who I've paid for hasn't tried to pick up the tab herself. I have a great number of friends JUST LIKE THAT. I only know three people who ditch the chick with the check, and ONE woman who won't even try to take the check herself. The guys I know? They're selfish as hell and don't even have jobs. The one woman? I'd rather not talk about my mom right now. There are a huge number of men out there that I know and am acquainted with that would gladly give up their jacket for a young woman wearing only a thin blouse. Oh, and a quick history lesson. First off, in the 1800's, there WERE no movies, and if a man wanted a woman, he PAID for her. Classic case: "Sir, I would like your daughter's hand in marriage for this amount of land!" After that? The woman would HAVE to do as her husband would say. Why? Women had barely any rights. First date? There were never "first dates", just "only dates". Our attitude, bar some countries, is very much improved. Nowadays, we don't view women as property or as weak dolls that need to be protected at all costs. We view them as lifemates, people, and more importantly, the FAIRER and STRONGER sex. Stronger? You think I'm nuts? You try bleeding once five days every month and then carrying a baby for nine months, at least three of which invilve you being nearly incapable of movement. Yes, I think I have to say it. Hats off to women everywhere. I apologize for my whole gender's general mistreatment of you in the past. Eikou, my checklist is as follows: 1) Jamie and Friends 2) Family 3) Other people in general 4) Myself Oh, and Nameless...more power to you, my friend. [b]Edit:[/b] And I RESENT YOU HAVING A GO AT MY GIRLFRIEND!!![/color]
  2. [color=teal][i][center][u][b]By the Goddess of Mana, Blessed are we Created through love, Touched with gifts three A Mana Tree to guide, Should prayers be lost to time A Holy Light to guard, Should greed overturn our rhyme Yet eight God-Beasts there are, To destroy what these two claim So one more gift bestowed, To defend the Goddess' name. A blade of Mana carved the world, May its wielder never fall Though all is bleak a fairy-led hero rise, Heeding the Mana Sword's call[/i][/u][/b][/center] Pay attention, young scholar. It would do you well to learn this! Now, you know what Mana is, correct? It is the very lifeforce of the Mana Goddess, it gives us our magic, our strength, and our courage. It is through Mana that we achieve the impossible, though there are those who would misuse those powers. Look at what happened so long ago, with Dark Lord! And again with the Dragon Emperor! No, young Tal, Mana's power is never to be misused. Eh? I'm getting off track? Oh, yes, that's right, you're here for the history of our cities. Alright, student, I shall indulge you. Our Navarre Fortress is one of many villages and cities, all of them ancient and all of them prosper through the power of Mana. [b]Grassland Country Forcena[/b], ruled by King Richard, the man who defeated the evil Dragon Emperor ten years ago. His country's knights are led by the fierce mercenary, Duran. The Mana Stone of Earth lies in a nearby chasm called Gemstone Valley. [b]Magical Kingdom Altena[/b], a frozen land ruled by the Queen of Reason and protected by powerful mages, they guard the Mana Stone of Water. Princess Angela, however, seems to be a rather poor magician... [b]Wind Kingdom Rolante[/b], the Kingdom that Never Fell. They require no magic, they are strong and indomitable Amazons led by their strong and willful heair to the throne, Princess Lise. With their spears, they protect the Mana Stone of the Wind. [b]Sand Fortress Navarre[/b], located in the Desert of Scorching Heat, is a fine example of goodwill. Though we be a pack of thieves, guarded by ninjas and led by Lord Flamekhan, we steal only from the rich and give to the poor. Our thieves are captained by the capricious thief, Hawk. These ninjas also protect the Mana Stone of Fire. [b]Beast Kingdom[/b], a land where the mighty werebeasts rule under the neverending night and seek to end their oppression at human hands. Their beastmen, able to alter their shape at will, are ruled by their impulsive Beast King, and they revere the Mana Stone of Moon, which causes their unending nightfall. The heir to the throne, Kevin, seems to be a bit of a pacifist, though it may be his human mother's nature in him... [b]Holy City Wendel[/b], the center of all this world's peace. Protected by the powers of the High Priest, no other land is safar and closer to the Holyland than Wendel. The High Priest's granddaughter, the half-elf Carlie, seems to be quite the precocious little girl. Nearby this city lies the Mana Stone of Light. There are other cities, of course, and each of them has its own tales to tell. Merchant City Byzel, Free City Maia, Dwarf Village, Fishing Harbor Palo, the Village of Dark Priests, Lakeshore Village Astoria, Oasis City Deen, Sand City Sultan, Moonlight City Mintos, Castle City Jad, Flowergarden Land Diorre, Ancient City Pedan, and even the Corobokkle Forest, though Corobokkles hate humans. Each have their own tales and trials. Never forget that each and every one of them is guarded by the powers of Mana, and each will be a fine haven to live in, should these sandy walls tire you.[/color] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [color=teal]A terrible shadow has fallen across the world once again, even after the trials of our brethren against the Dragon Emperor. It seems he was not alone, and now we face this threat once more. However, the seeds of discord and greed have been sown in six kingdoms, and it seems all is lost. Sand Fortress Navarre's own lord has been injured, and his new wife has assumed the throne. All of this after she tricked Flamekhan into changing the Thieves Guild of Navarre into the Kingdom of Navarre. Hawk, suspicious, confronted her with his best friend Eagle. Hawk was framed for Eagle's death and now awaits his own death in Navarre's prison. Hawk, 17, dares not tell the truth of Eagle's death because of the curse placed on Eagle's sister, Jessica. Wind Kingdom Rolante has been invaded by the army of Navarre's new "queen" Isabella, through the young prince, Elliot's naive nature and the trickery of two brainwahed ninjas. The king of Rolante, murdered, Elliot, sold into slavery, and the beautiful Princess Lise, 16, has run away to Wendel to find her brother. Magical Kingdom Altena, once ruled peacefully by the Aueen of Reason, now terrorizes other countries, seeking the power of the Mana Stones. Their army is led by the Crimson Wizard, Koren, who seems to have convinced the Queen of Reason to take over the world. Princess Angela, 19 and unable to perform magic properly, was called to be executed, but escaped to Wendel. Grassland Country Forcena's night patrol was decimated by the Crimson Wizard, Koren. The only survivor was Duran, the strongest swordsman of Forcena, though he was shamed by his defeat at the hands of Koren. Duran, 17, has left, swearing he would return to his sister and aunt only after he defeated the Crimson Wizard. Beast Kingdom's new advisor, Deathjester, has tainted the Beast King's ear. Through the promise of dark magic, the King has been changed into a greedy, war-mongering lunatic. Kevin, the 15-year-old prince of the kingdom, has lost his best friend, a wolf named Karl. Deathjester tricked Karl, through black magic, to attack Kevin. Kevin, in his rage at the betrayal of his friend, transformed into a Wolf Devil, unable to suppress his blood's call any longer, and murdered his best friend. Overhearing Deathjester and the Beast King talking of this after it had happened, Kevin attacked the king and was defeated. He ran for the Holy City Wendel to warn them of the impending invasion and to see if the priest could resurrect his lost friend. Holy City Wendel, the target of an impending siege by the Beast Kingdom, would normally be protected by the powers of the High Priest and the apprentice Priest of Light, Heath. However, Heath was kidnapped by Deathjester, cutting the defensive effectiveness by half. What's more, the fifteen-year-old half-elf, Carlie, still only a young child, has run away in an effort to find the missing Heath. This shadow looms ever closer, and it seems the Mana Goddess' protecting light has been extinguished. Now, all anyone can do is watch....and wait....[/color] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Required Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Of course. [b]Age:[/b] Anywhere from fifteen to nineteen. If you're one of the six mentioned, read above for their age. Note that Carlie is a half-elf, and fifteen years old for her is about nine years old for us. [b]Class:[/b] This is starting class. There are two class-changes available in the RPG. Those who use the six mentioned will get a PM fom me detailing their character's different classes. [b]Tech:[/b] Your starting class' emergency technique. (I.E. Amazoness =Whirlwind Lance, Thief = Back Slash, Fighter = Cross Slash, etc.) Use below link if you're one of the six or want a similar class. [b]Weapon:[/b] What kind of weapon, ONLY ONE, your character uses. [b]Homeland:[/b] All the cities are named, pick one. [b]Appearance:[/b] What does your character look like? Use below link for some good suggestions. [b]Personality:[/b] What's your chracter like? If you're one of the Six, click here for brief personality descriptions you can expand on. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] What your life's been like up to now?[/color] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Hawk [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Class:[/b] Thief [b]Tech:[/b] Back Slash [b]Weapon:[/b] Twin daggers/Swallows [b]Homeland:[/b] Sand Fortress Navarre [b]Appearance:[/b] Hawk, thief extraordinaire. [b]Personality:[/b] Carefree and laid back, Hawk's just a guy who acts like he doesn't take much seriously, but in fact, he is intensely loyal and would fight to defend his friends no matter the cost. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] An orphaned child taken in by the proud thief, Flamekhan, Hawk quickly befriended Flamekhan's children, his son, Eagle, and his daughter, Jessica. Growing up alongside them in the Thieves Guild, Hawk was proud to be a thief taking from the rich and giving to the poor, as was Flamekhan's example. However, in recent times, Flamekhan brought home a woman he found in the desert, a woman named Isabella. Suddenly, Flamekhan was declaring Navarre a kingdom and hoarding the gold they worked so hard to steal for himself. Eagle, suspicious, took Hawk and went to confront Flamekhan, where they found the lord stricken with a grievous injury by a poisonous dagger wielded by Isabella herself! Confronting Isabella, Eagle was quickly ubdued and brainwashed into attacking his friend. Hawk, attempting to defend himself peacefully, was forced to bring his dagger forward and Eagle was killed. Hawk was thrown in the dungeons, where, if he told the truth of Eagle's death, Isabella would kill Jessica with a cursed necklace that strangles the wearer under certain conditions, the conditions now being if Isabella dies, or if Hawk tells the truth. Now, Hawk despondently awaits his death in the dungeon of Navarre prison.[/color] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Have fun!!!! PM me if you have any questions.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [center] [/center]
  3. [color=teal]Could somebody please create a banner of Jon Talbain from Darkstalkers, in both forms, with the phrase "When one is the most powerful... Who does one turn to for help?"? Please? I'll leave effects and such to the creator's discretion.[/color]
  4. [color=royalblue][i]Aria sidled over to the CDs and flipped through them, searching for something she could sing, and she smiled as she reached her favorite. She held up Bryan Adams' "So Far So Good" album and put the dial to ten, fixing Kim with a smoldering, love-filled gaze as the piano-intro began.[/i] [u]Look into my eyes, You will see.... What you mean to me. Search your heart, Search your soul. And when you find me there, You will search no more.[/u] [i]Aria slowly danced , clutching the mic with both hands as she sang.[/i] [u]Don't tell me It's not worth tryin' for. You can't tell me It's not worth dyin' for! You know it's true... Everything I do... I do it for you.[/u] [i]Aria fixed a smaller mic to her blouse and unplugged the big one, leaving her hands free as she began to dance freely to the song she sang.[/i] [u]Look into your heart. You will find There's nothin' there to hide. Take me as I am Take my life I would give it up, I would sacrifice![/u] [i]Aria pitched her voice perfectly, keeping Kim in her gaze as the song picked up its pace.[/i] [u]Don't tell me It's not worth fightin' for! I can't help it! There's nothin' I want more! You know it's true, Everything I do... I do it for you.[/u] [i]Aria walked over to Kim and fell to her knees, putting her soul into her voice.[/i] [u]There's no love Llike your love! And no other Could give more love! There's nowhere Unless you're there All the time, All the way![/u] [i]Aria stood again, edging away from Kim, tears shining in her eyes as she danced again.[/i] [u]Don't tell me It's not worth tryin' for! I can't help it! There's nothin' I want more! I would fight for you! I'd lie for you! Walk the wire for you! Yeah, I'd die for you.....[/u] [i]Aria lowered her voice, keeping all of her soul in it, as she sang th last verse.[/i] [u]You know it's true... Everything I do.... Oooohhh.... I do it for you....[/u] [i]Aria dropped her head to her chest and took off the mic, awaiting the verdict from the crowd and, more importantly to her, from Kim.[/i][/color]
  5. [color=crimson][i]Alucard stumbled into the front entrance of Hellsing Institute, right into Walter's arms. The butler, startled, helped steady Alucard and aided the vampire into the office of Sir Integra. Alucard collapsed into a chair, blood now evident on every inch of his skin. A large gash was apparent through the front of his suit, and a large tear was in the side of his neck. Apparently a bite from another vampire.[/i] [b]Integra:[/b] Dear God in Heaven, Alucard, what happened?!?! [i]Alucard merely gurgled a single word, a letter, and held up seven fingers.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b] E..e......X..... [i]With that, his body froze. Integra snapped her fingers at Walter, who nodded and went to fetch two of their special medics and a great many of Alucard's blood packets. It was a good thing many of the soldiers had decided to donate blood for the Institute's "noble cause" barely a week ago. Within an hour, Alucard was in his coffin, his wounds bandaged and a drip solution of blood running directly into his veins. And slowly, but surely, his hurts were healing. Alucard opened his eyes.[/i] [b]Alucard:[/b] Beth.....Beth.....come....come to....me......[/color]
  6. [color=royalblue][i]Aria smiled as Kim sped off to look for her music box, naked as the day she was born, and turned to help look for it. Aria made a sweep search of the house, checking every single room, before she realized it most likely wasn't in there. She sighed and walked outside, past Kim, who was worrying over Corey, and into the garden. She smiled when she heard several male faces either whip into her direction or press themselves against the glass. She shook her head in amusement, turned, and jumped once, knowing she had singlehandedly created about an ounce of free blood in the household. Aria laughed and then turned serious, searching the garden for Kim's little music box. She didn't know why, but she really wanted to be the one who found it and presented it back to Kim. Aria was quickly lost to daydream land.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=crimson][i]Alucard rematerialized on Beth's balcony, smiling his evil grin and looking down at the hunters below him. He shook his head briefly before turning to Beth's bed, leaving a quick note and his left glove, which he'd picked up off the balcony. He melted into the wall, reappearing on top of a building some miles away. He revelled in his new freedom. With one glove, he was automatically unlimited up to level seven. He smirked, preparing to use his new freedoms on the rooftops, but a shadow melted from the roof behind him. Alucard stopped and turned, staring at the shape before him. He glared, hatefully, and lifted his specialized revolver, aiming at the creature and muttering a single letter.[/i] "X...."[/color]
  8. [color=royalblue][i]Aria exited the choacolate shop as a truck skid to a halt just outside the village. A group of people picked Corey up, heading for the private place they were staying at. Aria shook her head and waited for Kim to walk out. She turned, her eyes becoming cold once more as Kim settled down in front of her.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] You said we needed to talk. [i]Kim nodded and began fiddling with a napkin she'd picked up in the chocolate shop. She looked up at Aria and cleared her throat.[/i] [b]Kim:[/b] Umm....Aria, about earlier....I...I didn't really mean everything I said, it's just...I always thought I was straight, and I didn't know how to react to the situation you were presenting to me... [i]Aria sighed and sat down heavily in a chair outside the shop. She looked towards the setting sun and shook her head.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Ano....my fault. I didn't know you were straight. I just...I guess I let my feelings get the better of me. [i]Kim had kept her head down, deep in thought, and missed the last part of Aria's little speech. But she looked up, a bemused smile on her face.[/i] [b]Kim:[/b] It isn't your fault, Aria. You couldn't have known. [b]Aria:[/b] No, but I should have assumed you'd be straight before starting to fall in love. [i]Kim dropped her napkin and her jaw, staring at Aria with wide-eyed wonder. Aria, curious about Kim's reaction, rethought about what she'd said and realized she'd said "love". Aria hung her head. It just wasn't her day, and it was coming to a close.[/i][/color]
  9. [color=crimson][i]Alucard briefly considered waking his protege, but decided against it. Three insignificant bouny seekers wouldn't even merit his own full attention. He might as well take care of them so he could get back to planning Integra's next dream, one involving himself, a Jacuzzi of hot chocolate, and strawberries. Alucard smirked and melted into the pavement outside of the Institute, travelling at the speed of darkness to the first target he could feel, a young woman whose aura indentified her as "Elizabeth" to Alucard. He smirked and climbed the wall in his shadowed path before he melted out of the cloor of Beth's balcony. He waved his hand and opened the door as he whispered softly into the night air, [/i]"Limiter level two, release." [i]A stirring shape in the corner failed to take Alucard by surprise as Beth leapt forward, a blade drawn in her hand. Alucard seized her by the neck and pinned her to the wall, pinning her weapon hand securely to the wall with his own free one. She beat at him with her other hand, but he paid as much attention as a giant pays to a gnat. Until she nailed his amber shades. With a snarl as his sunglasses fell to the floor, he tightened his grip on her throat and lunged forward, pressing his face to hers. He prepared to tear out her throat with his teeth, but a look of defiance in her eyes made him stop. He smirked. [/i]"Such fire, my dear,"[i] he whispered into her ear, already falling under a spell that could topple emperors and even gods. As he continued to stare into her eyes, he bit lightly into her skin with his fangs, leaving an unbleeding mark in her throat that would never disappear unless he wished it. [/i]"I am no monster to you. You've garnered my attention, Elizabeth. Keep it well."[i] Another smirk crossed Alucard's face as he realized the struggle had knocked loose his left glove. He released Beth's throat, leaving the glove on the floor, and glided backwards towards the balcony door, unaware that Beth had regained her breath before he was even halfway there...[/i][/color]
  10. [color=crimson][b]Name:[/b] Alucard. Last name is not given, as anyone who knows it weilds a certain level of power over him. [b]Age:[/b] 567 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Bloodlust [b]Alignment:[/b] Hellsing/ Monster - Vampire [b]Weapons:[/b] A handgun that blows a twelve-inch diameter hole in just about anything. Werewolf hide, vampire skin, and even brick. it fires silver bullets, and other forms of bullets ranging from explosive rounds to holy water capsules. He also carries a silver bowie knife ever since an encounter with an X-Vampire left him low on ammo and even lower on patience, reducing him to beating the thing into oblivion and then tearing its head off manually. [b]Personality:[/b] Sarcastic, playful, vindictive, cold, cruel, evil, and sexy can describe Alucard in various moods. During battle, he is cold, vindictive, and manipulative, rarely setting foot himself into the fray. When needs must, he enters the battle and carefully dispatches his enemies with cold efficiency. In his rare shows of anger, he enters a berserk rage and deftly dispatches of any in the vicinity. He's still sore about Paladin Alexander's near-immortality, though... At Hellsing,, however, Alucard is often vindictive in a different way. his favorite hobbies include practical jokes, normally involving a nude Integra or Sera and the men's barracks. Sometimes, however, he finds a new way to take out his frustrations. He's recently taken to toying with Integra and Seras' dreams, normally involving the girls with himself in a very explicit manner. Neither has looked him in the eye for a very, very long time without blushing.... [b]Bio:[/b] A master vampire, a lord of darkness, a force to be reckoned with, serving the Hellsing Institute?! You're lying! Nope. Alucard is bonded to the Wingates Hellsing family by a pair of gloves. Gloves? What do you mean? I mean Alucard was slapped with a pair of gloves that limit his powers and bond him to Hellsing. However, Alucard does hold a certain amount of respect for the institute and for Sir Integra. Not that he'll tell anyone. Besides, who better to hunt the Damned than the Damned themselves?[/color]
  11. [color=royalblue][i]Aria reeled as though she'd been slapped, hard, and a cold cast entered her eyes. Kim instantly regretted her words when Aria let go of her hand, tightened the straps of the pack on her shoulders, spun on her heel, and marched off faster than they'd been going all day. Everyone, struggling to keep up now, noticed.[/i] [b]Charles:[/b] Hey, what gives?! You that desperate to win? [i]Aria, in a rare show of discipline, turned to face Charles slowly and calmly. Everyone in the party saw her trembling with an inner battle, as if she were holding back her anger or sadness.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] No, Charles, I'm desperate for this day to end. I would really like to get home, and I would really like to take a shower and climb into bed. I'm sorry I'm setting such a harsh pace, I'm just a little frustrated right now. [i]With that, Aria slowed down considerably, pulling her jumper from around her wait, throwing it on, and pulling the hood down over her eyes as the rest of the group slowed behind her. She hoped the hood hid her tears, because she damn well couldn't without her pillow. She barely noticed as they entered the village limits, so deep was her self-loathing and frustration. She vaguely hoped that Beth and her group weren't there yet.[/color][/i]
  12. [color=royalblue][i]Aria hid a growl in a giggle as Kim walked back up to her side. She glared darkly at Charles before smiling brightly at Kim, hefting the pack and looking around. She tested the ground with her foot, looked at the sun, and nodded. She dropped her stuff and began setting up the lunch stuff, sitting next to Kim as the group fell to eating, her hand precariously placed almost on top of Kim's own.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Well, the way I figure it, we ought to have a good half hour's lead, maybe a bit more, maybe less. [i]Aria remained unphased by the glares directed at her, as if the group were saying "we'd better be an hour ahead with the pace you've been setting!". In fact, she grinned and pulled out a chicken salad, eating heartily and enjoying Kim's presence. She could feel Charles almost yearning for Cassie and grinned. She scooted a little closer to Kim, and she took the girl's hand in a shy manner, surprisingly. Aria smiled softly as Kim blushed lightly and ate her lunch. Aria looked towards the sky and waited until the sun had moved just a bit before she called the now-rested and fed group to attention, hefting the much-lighter packs and singing an old military jodie as she set them all jogging, no stragglers, towards the village. She wanted to win, and she wanted it badly! Nobody noticed that Kim's blush remained as she jogged next to Aria, nor did they notice the healthy pink in Aria's cheeks. Holding Kim's hand felt [b]good.[/b][/i][/color]
  13. [color=royalblue][i]Aria sighed and shook her head as she hefted her teams two packs onto her shoulders herself, ignoring, rather pointedly, the1 "appreciative" looks at her white tanktop. She turned her back, mouthing a small "thank you for last night" to Kim and glaring at the rest of the group.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Are you gonna let a buncha whipped guys and preps beat us? I ain't! C'mon, if we win, I'll walk around the house naked for an hour every morning for a week! [i]Smirking slightly at Kim's faint, but noticeable, blush, Aria began to walk out, breaking into a jog, eventually ending up alongside Beth. She smirked, challenging the girl in one long gaze before turning her eyes back to her party, all of whom were following her. Aria spared one more look of challenge at beth before breaking away and heading off in a different direction. She wanted to win, and she would stop at nothing. Besides, she had nothing to hide. She was ready and raring to go. She was just hoping and praying that Kim would join her as she went along her path in life.[/color][/i] [b]OOC: Sorry i've been gone, I had a lot to do recently. Take 'er away, Jamie.[/b]
  14. [i][color=teal]Matt saluted back and sighed, grabbing both the unconscious form of terra, the dead form of Yoda, and hopped onto the back of Kane's vehicle mode, motioning for his "squad" to do the same. When everyone was on, Matt tapped the back of Kane's cab, giving him the signal to roll out. Halfway back to the Inn, Matt had replaced his helmet and tapped his head, waiting for his original squad's only survivor to report. His face, hidden by his MJOLNIR helm, grew grimmer by the moment as Kenneth reported the heavy losses. Of course, a stray comment from Methuselah about Kane's paint job appearing somewhat plaer than usual made him laugh, and Deedlit wondering about her own strength boosts whenever Matt went nuclear. Kane just revved his engine exasperatedly and stepped on the gas. Matt was rather irritated at nearly losing his precarious seat on top of the cab.[/i] [b]Matt:[/b] KANE! Watch it, man, or do you want ME to drive?! [i]Everybody paled very, very much, looking ghostly, and Kenneth began to snicker.[/i] [b]Kenneth:[/b] Bwahahah...Remember.....Warthog......everyone.....BOOM! [i]Everybody stared at Kenneth incredulously as the pulled into the Inn, until he explained Matt's first ride in a HALO Warthog. Soon, even Kane was laughing, making it hard for Matt to rewire, repaint, and replate him. Still, it lightened the somber mood around the inn when Kenneth and Methuselah broke into the song "Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die! Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die! Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die, and he ain't gonna drive no more!" Matt swore as he got shocked on Kane's shoulder. [b]Matt:[/b] Damn cars! And he STILL had his own armor to repair.[/i][/color]
  15. [color=royalblue][i]Aria sighed as Kim bolted out of the door, naked, and walked dejectedly over to her bed. She grabbed her headphones, barely noting that "Twin Turbo Terror" was playing, and lost herself in the music. She began to remember every moment of her life in which she was disappointed. [u][b]FLASH![/b] Her father, yelling at her for being an idiotic girl when she received a "B" on her report card. [b]FLASH![/b] Her mother telling her she was to wed a boring accountant three times her age. He died of a heart attack mere minutes later. [b]FLASH![/b] Her parents sending her to some Japanese academy, where she was mistreated as the "baka gaijin". [b]FLASH![/b] Coming home at the age of fifteen to find she was supposed to be some poster girl for servility. She broke down and went rebellious, changing herself into the best "boy" she could.[/u] Aria never noticed she was crying her eyes out, her headphones laying on the bed, unused, nor did she notice the feminine shape in the doorway, looking at the distraught girl.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=teal][i]Aria was busy jamming to her music when Kim walked in, looking slightly dejected. Aria, deciding she'd certinly had enough Drowning Pool to last her a while, removed her headphones and moved closer to Kim with the subtlety of a plane crash at rush hour in New York. In other words, she stood up, walked over to Kim's bed, and plopped down, straddling Kim's outstretched legs.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Somethin' buggin' ya, hon? [i]Kim looked up, her eyes clouded with pain, and they locked onto the only escape they had: Aria's own sapphire orbs. And she began to speak, not noticing Aria tracing up and down her ankles with her index finger. The night wore on, bit by bit, with Aria and Kim trading stories. Aria was just wrapping up her story of a brutal one-sided fight against three guys, which, of course, ended with a massacred group of boys and a broken baseball bat, when she got this funny light in her eyes. Kim noticed, at last, that Aria was slowly rubbing circles on her thigh and smiling secretly when Aria lowered her head, her lips mere centimeters from Kim's.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] I ain't gonna let it be a secret any more, Kim. I like ya too much for my own good.... [i]Aria closed her eyes and started lowering her head slowly for her first kiss, a kiss with Kim.....[/i][/color]
  17. [i][color=royalblue]Aria grinned ferally as Beth stepped into the shower and stripped from her bathing suit, revealing that she was indeed naturally blue-haired. As Beth stepped into the shower, Aria began applying Shampoo to her copious locks and smirked, letting her gaze linger, very openly, on the nude form beside her. Beth felt Aria's eyes on her and covered herself as best she could, but it was too late. Aria whistled softly, then chuckled.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] You're a very good-looking babe, and I do say so myself, Beth. [i]Beth flushed just a bit and scrubbed herself, staying under the hot spray.[/i] [b]Beth:[/b] Thank you, Talbain. You're good-looking yourself. [i]Aria laughed loudly and uninhibitedly, very like a boy, and regarded herself, hefting her ample bosom and twisting herself to look at her rear.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Call me Aria, and I suppose I am, though I have NOTHING on that Kim girl. Oooh, damn, she was some kinda hot! I think I'm in loooove! [i]Here Aria ran her hand down her body and shivered slightly, obviously imagining herself and Kim having a romantic encounter. She shook her head and smirked, stepping out of the shower and dressing in panties, jeans, and a tank top. She never wore a bra, feeling she had nothing to hide. She walked out of the bathroom, down the hall, and to her room, where the door read "Aria and Kim". Aria smirked.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Well, love, it seems I may have a chance to get to know you yet...[/color]
  18. [color=teal][i]It made sense, of course. In some sick way, it made sense to Matt. He found terra, mere moments after Kane had managed to join his merry little group. What made sense was that terra was laying unconscious in a gully, a group of n00bs partying over their "victory". It made Matt sick. He pulled off his helmet, letting his long black hair fall down to his shoulder blades. He smiled. And Deedlit saw it.[/i] [b]Deedlit:[/b] HIT THE DIRT!!! HE'S SMILIN'!!!! [i]She leapt to the ground, grabbing Kane and rolling him on the ground away from the grinning Captain Legacy. Kane looked up and yelled.[/i] [b]Kane:[/b] What the hell's him smiling got anything to do with anything!? [b]Deedlit:[/b]When Matt smiles, things get destroyed. BADLY....it's worse than grabbing Kitty's T-Square! [i]Kane paled and watched Matt morbidly, witnessing the SPARTAN toss his helmet aside. Matt drew out every piece of hard artillery he was carrying, and he had a lot of ordinance. He pulled out assault rifles, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, magnum pistols, semi-automatic rifles, submachineguns, shotguns, grenades, dynamite, and lots of Webster's All-Purpose Dictionary Bombs. How he held them all is a moot point, for once he made sure that the n00bs were in front and Otaku's behind, the grinn widened. He cut loose, running forward to cover terra's body, firing every shot he had to spend, conveniently forgetting about some of the unlimited ammo hacks he'd been trying out.[/color][/i]
  19. [color=royalblue][i]Aria grinned and set her bags down behind the tree. She snuck around, the other two girls before her not noticing she was there The one who's put the book down, who was now into\roducing herself, was the least surprised when Aria piped up, giving a very appreciative look over the two young women, her eyes lingering on the nude Kim.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] Hello, Kim and Beth. You can call me Talbain for the time-being, everybody does. [i]Aria privately smiled as Beth's gaze lingered an instant too long on what would be very atheltically toned muscles on a male. Of course Aria, with her chest bound and her chestnut hair tucked under her baseball cap, was wearing a rather male baseball uniform, giving the impression of a very bishonen person. At least, she smirked until Kim spoke up.[/i] [b]Kim:[/b] It's nice to meet you, Miss Talbain. I hope we all have a good time here. [i]Aria's eye twitched as Beth's did, Aria rasing her hand to remove her cap, allowing her lustrous locks to flow down her back. She instantly hitched up an appreciative look again and sidled over, allowing her hand to softly caress the small of Kim's back for a mere moment before she dropped it and picked her bags up.[/i] [b]Aria:[/b] I'm sure I will, if you two are a part of it. I wouldn't mind getting to know you better, if you know what I mean. [i]With that, Aria winked at Kim and Beth, who was blushing somewhat, and walked off, her walk decidedly masculine and a mischievous grin plastered onto her face. Oh, yes, it was going to be "fun".[/color][/i]
  20. [color=royalblue][b]Name:[/b] Aria Talbain [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Aria, in feminine attire, reminiscing about old times [b]Personality:[/b] Aria is not shy at all, no, she is quite confident and outgoing about making friends...when she can. She was supposed to be sheltered as the only daughter of marriageable age to a rich New England family, but she rebelled, sneaking out at night. She is very outgoing and does exactly what she feels like. She practices many "boy" sports as a way of rebelling and is actually quite good at them. She does her best not to follow her parents "perfect girl" image, reaching a point at which she openly declared her love and attraction for the female sex, and as such has a hard time making long-standing friends. She is very strong, very skilled, and very confident, and often dresses like a boy. Aria, for all her energetic hobbies, can often be found reading under a tree or in her room, listening to music and staring at her many posters of various anime girls. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Martial arts, swimming, hockey, reading, and anime/manga [b]Best subject:[/b] Civics/Debate [b]Personality trait:[/b] Confident rebellion and homosexuality[/color]
  21. [color=teal][i]Matt searched the front lines for the missing moderator, terra, taking out some Zerglings with a canister rifle he'd gotten off of a Terran Ghost's corpse. He cursed as he felt a wave of Hydralisk spines penetrate his MJOLNIR armor, and he spun around to find his covering fire, Deedlit. He swore again, finding her locked in combat with two of the damned things, one of which was alternating between slashing at her and launching spikes at Matt. Matt drew a bead and put a few rounds into its head, Deedlit slashing the other's claws off. A moment later, and Matt was picking spines out of his armor while the two searcehd for terra. Of course, he didn't count on finding a Ultralisk and Infected Terran patrol. In mere moemnts, he found himself using his body to cover Deedlit, firing his assault rifle and magnum as fast as he could. Flaming smilies embedded themselves in the gorund around him, blocking the fire from the Infected Terrans. Matt breathed a sigh of relief, beliveing he and Deedlit were safe. Until a crybaby smilie began to flood the trench they were temporarily laying in. Matt swore.[/i][/color]
  22. [color=teal]The flaming smilie prepared to crush Muse and Methuselah, only to recieve a huge bullet the the forehead, dissipating the pyrotechnic attack effectively. Muse and Methuselah both looked around the Arena, looking for their savior. Their eyes met a tall, green-armored figure standing next to a brown-haired elf. In Matt's hands was a smoking Colt .45 Magnum, and strapped to his back was a pair of high-caliber extended clip assault rifles.[/i] [b]Matt:[/b] Back-up's here, guys. Deedlit, cover Muse and get the fallen to the Inn. Methuselah, you follow me to- [i]Matt stopped talking and whipped his head to the side, putting his hand where his ear would be in his helmet.[/i] [center][b][/color][color=crimson][Captain One, this is Hanzo Two, Captain One this is Hanzo Two.][/color] [color=teal][Roger, Hanzo Two, this is Captain One. What's the problem, HQ?][/color] [color=crimson][Captain One, there's an outbreak in a Starcraft RPG. n00bs are attempting to overrun us from there. We need you and whoever you can get trying to stem the flow.][/color] [color=teal][Anything else, Hanzo Two?][/color] [color=crimson][...Yes. They've got the Zerg NPCs on their side.][/b][/center][/color] [i][color=teal]Matt swore out loud.[/i] [b]Matt:[/b] DAMNIT! Muse, Methuselah, Deedlit, cancel that order! We're heading for the Arena, they're trying to get us from a Starcraft RPG. And they've got the Zerg on their side! [i]Matt stopped by the inn, stuffing more weapons into his subspace pocket and hoping it would be enough. He stopped a moment and opened an unlimited ammunition hack for one of his assault rifles. With that, he allowed the others to stock up and grabbed some rations, grabbing an open comm unit.[/i] [b]Matt:[/b] This is Captain One on open frequency. Any unoccupied units, report to the [b]Adventure Arena[/b] immediately. Repeat, Captain One calling all free units to the [b]Adventure Arena![/b] [i]It was going to be rough. Matt cocked his shotgun and pulled out his Magnum[/i][/color]
  23. [b]Methuselah, Kittychanann, Reise, Muse, Rhian, Deedlit, DeathKnight, Tash, eternity,[/b]and [b]Kane,[/b] you have made it into the RPG. Sign-ups are closed to all whom I have not spoken to. You know who you are. Now, let the Siege begin... [center][b][color=crimson]OtakuSiege: Win Back the Boards[/b][/center][/color] [color=teal][i]Captain Matthew Legacy Talbain, best known as either Master Kit or Legacy, was in a rut. Literally. Entrenched in the front lines in [b]The Arena[/b], he was running low on ammunition. And his armor's integrity was nearly compromised. Matt swore into his comm.[/i] [b]Matt:[/b] We need some backup! We got four Otakus down on the front lines, and our Rule-Regs ain't doin' squat anymore! And is there a report on the whereabouts of Lord James?! We need him, NOW! [i]Even as he spoke, Matt's Rule-Reg semi-automatic Regulations-launcher locked up and spent its last shell. He was in trouble. He shook his head and looked around, a grin coming to his face as he saw the enemy slowly giving ground. He drew his katana and charged it up, rushing down the front. He may have been out of ammo, but he wasn't going down while the Otakus were winning! It would later be said that his blade, along with the weapons of many others, banished many n00b shock troops. Still the losses were terrible...but that was not on his mind. What was on his mind was getting his squad back to HQ for some rearming. Of course, he'd been assuming he still had a squad.[/i] [b]Matt:[/b] Aw, CRAP!!!! [i]It was a lone armored figure who walked back into the [b]Adventure Inn[/b], wondering where he'd be assigned next.[/i][/color]
  24. [color=teal] Alright, then, I'll be starting the RPG tomorrow as soon as I get home. The in-list, as of now, is as follows: [b]Methuselah Kittychanann Reise Muse Rhian Deedlit DeathKnight eternity[/b] Sign-ups will be closed upon the start of the RPG. [b]NO[/b] exceptions, except maybe Master James, if he feels like joining.[/color]
  25. [color=crimson][i][center]It hit us so fast, we never knew we were being overrun until the last minute. It started with the [b]Lounge[/b], grammatical errors flying everywhere. We thought it was just accidental. Then it hit the [b]Play It[/b] forums, spam creeping in from under the doors. Still, we ignored the signs and continued on with our everyday posts. That was when the first moderator fell. His ill-fated attempt to stem the flow of 1337 in the [b]Hardwired[/b] forums met with disaster. The rest of Team Yokoi, dragging the fallen Shinmaru with them, barely made it out, their Mod-Rods having little to no effect on the advancing onslaught. Now, it's too late. There are precious few of us left, sequestered into [b]The Arena[/b], and our efforts are spread thin. We aren't going down without a fight, though. No, the rest of the Mod teams are helping us as best they can, Team Miyazaki, Team Hanzo, and the others. I only hope that Master James got out alright... This is it, our last shot....our last chance at liberating the boards from these horrors. These.....n00bs....[/i][/color][/center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=midnightblue][b]???:[/b] How goes the mission, kuja? [b]kuja:[/b] I'm sorry, my liege. spike123 failed with his enchilada spam-the-rules thread, and was banned. We have, however, managed to take over [b]Hardwired[/b] and [b]Tokyo 3[/b]. [b]???:[/b] Very good. I wasn't expecting that fool to succeed, he was merely bait. Thimoc! [b]Thimoc:[/b] what does j00 need, Sonic Blaster? [b]Sonic Blaster:[/b] Prepare a strike...at [b]The Arena[/b]. [b]Thimoc:[/b] w00t! Gonna attack teh mods, jeh!!! [b]Sonic Blaster:[/b] At last, James....now you shall see the power of the n00bs!!!!! [i]A cold, cruel laugh, emotionless and yet full of evil, is heard, echoing through the now-empty [b]Anime Archives[/b] menacingly....[/color][/i] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Prerequisites/What You Need[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [color=teal][b]Character Name:[/b] Can be a real name or your user name, this is what your Otaku[b]Boards[/b] character will be referred to as. [b]Status:[/b] Moderator, Otaku, Administrator, that kind of thing. [b]Boards Location:[/b] Most of us will be in [b]The Arena[/b], though you can be in another one, even behind enemy lines in [b]Hardwired[/b] or [b]Tokyo 3[/b]. [b]The Prefecture[/b] is no-mans-land...for now. [b]Team:[/b] Which of the Moderator Teams you follow most, or respect most. [b]Appearance:[/b] What your board-self looks like. Does NOT have to be an actual pic of you. [b]Weapons:[/b] What you will be using against the Hoard. Anything you can think up.[/color] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]My Stats/Legacy's Stuff[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [color=teal][b]Character Name:[/b] Capt. Matthew Legacy Talbain [b]Status:[/b] Otaku [b]Boards Location:[/b] The [b]Adventure Arena[/b]. [b]Team:[/b] Follows [b]Team Hanzo[/b]. [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Weapons:[/b] Various guns, a couple of katana, and whatever I have inside my armor's subspace pocket.[/color] One minor note: Post quality [b]COUNTS!!![/b] And this whole RPG is IC, with OB being an expansive country or compound.
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