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[color=royalblue][i]Sonic stared at the wall blankly for a moment after Shadow's door closed abruptly behind him. What should he do, he wondered, as he felt somebody taking his hand. He lowered his gaze to his arm and followed the red hand in his own blue one with it, reaching a garnet forearm attached to a similarly colored shoulder, eventually reaching the more pale face of Lien-Da.[/i] [b]Lien-Da:[/b] Come on, Sonic. I'll show you the house and you can make your mind up then. It's too late for you to be out without company in this city, anyway, and too dangerous for you to drive with your arm in a sling. Besides, my shift's over. Shadow's assisstant can handle anything else that comes up. [i]Sonic considered and briefly nodded, earning himself a lightning-fast trip to the bottom of the building. How girls managed to drag guys at light speed without their knowing it was beyond him. Sonic shook his head when he found himself in the passenger seat of Amy's Overland yet again. He sighed, glaring at the building, knowing full well that Shadow had made Sonic's mind up for him by dragging Bernadette into the conversation. Sonic sighed and finally began to notice where they were going, and what Lien-Da's free hand was doing to his upper thigh. Though it did feel nice, Sonic was just a little awkward about it.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Um...Lien-Da, please...I just got ditched by Sal-whoa....what was THAT? [i]Lien-Da smirked and released Sonic's personals as she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful house with an expansive yard and beach territory. Sonic's breath caught for two reasons. First, the house itself was simply to die for. Second, the nearest neighbor was about a mile away down Grounder Ave., so Sonic was free to play his guitar as loudly as he wished. That Lien-Da's top had found its way to the floor as she kissed him passionately had nothing to do with it.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Erk...I never done anythin' like this, Lien-Da. And watch the arm... [i]Lien-Da only smiled, closed the door, and took Sonic to get to know the living room furnitutre and the upper bedroom very well. Sonic was going to stay, indeed.[/i][/color]
Jon snorted in disgust and walked over to Emily, not bothering to replace his shirt. He bowed to her and lifted his hand to take hers while Leon and Imric dueled. [b]Jon:[/b] [u]It seems, m'lady, that these two brutes assume to take ownership of you with their victory over one another. How would you like to stop by a nice coffeehouse before we turn in? I stopped at one just down the road before I came to the school.[/u] While Emily thought that over , Jon began packing in his CD case, his speakers, and his player, while he watched Imric and Leon. He had to shake his head in shame. They could fight, he'd give them that much, but their bodies lacked fluidity and natural reflexiveness, the way his own body had both in exchange for strength. Jon turned back and looked up at Emily just once, and smiled brightly at her nod. [b]Jon:[/b] [u]Well, then, m'lady, let's just stop at the dorms so I can change, drop off my gear, and get you a helmet for my bike before we leave, ne?[/u]
[color=royalblue][i]Sonic walked into the living room of Amy's home some time later, stretching his good arm and sorting out the mail the pink hedgehog seemed to have accumulated. A sardonic grin on his face, his shifted through the letters under the gaze of her cousin, Rob o' the Hedge, a curious fellow who followed some old code of honor and an even older code of speech.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Bill....bill....chain letter....bill....jury duty....postcard from Ash and Mina...ad catalog....letter for me from HedgeTech......postcard from Tika-..... [i]Sonic twitched briefly as he dropped the armful of mail to the floor.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Letter....for me....from Shadow's company? [i]Sonic opened the letter, nearly dropping it in surprise as he read the lines written in bold ink on the sheet within the envelope. [center][b][u]It has been brought to our attention that your living conditions have been slashed by government standards. It is therefore our duty and our pleasure to extend to the brother of our esteemed chairman (Shadow T. Hedgehog), one Sonic T. Hedgehog, a helping hand. As per the chairman's prerequisites, you shall find a lovely house in the Emerald Coast district of Station Square, number 512 on Grounder Avenue. Normally, the houses in this district are reserved for HedgeTech Incorporated's employees, but a special allocation has been alotted to you due to your relation to our chairman. We hope you enjoy your stay in your new home, Mr. Hedgehog. Sincerely, Lien-Da, Secretary P.S. I hear you're single now, Sonic. Perhaps you wouldn't mind a date sometime?[/center][/b][/u] Sonic stared at the print before clenching his eyes shut and balling his fist around the letter. Without a second thought, he stormed upstairs, grabbing a coat and running out to the car. He nodded at Rob as he gunned the engine, pulling out of the driveway and heading, as fast as he could, for the dark, ominous shape of the HedgeTech Inc. building in the business district... [b][/i][center]30 Minutes Later[/b][i][/center] It was an angry blue hedgehog who stormed into the lobby of the HedgeTech building, stalking purposefully, yet gracefully, across the expansive floor, ignoring the state of his clothes and bandages as he headed across the lobby, only to be stopped by the desk clerk and security guard, Mighty.[/i] [b]Mighty:[/b] Sorry, Sonic, you're not expecte-whoa! [i]Sonic barrelled past the armadillo, pushing him aside with his one good arm as he hit the elevator's call button. As he stepped inside, he answered Mighty with a single, cryptic sentence.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Trust me, I'm expected... [i]The elevator opened to the top floor and Sonic strode out, only to be stopped by one red echidna in his path.[/i] [b]Lien-Da:[/b] Whoa there, Sonic. Chill, take a deep breath an-HOLY DOWNUNDA!! What the hell happened to your arm?!?! They weren't exaggerating on the news, were they? Damn...you really got shot and...Sonic? Where'd ya go....DAMNIT!! I'll get him for sure when he comes back out.... [i]Meanwhile, an irate hedgehog was striding across the floor, seemingly calm, to his brother's desk. Shadow, smiling meaningfully, stood up and stepped around the desk, heading for Sonic with open arms. And then went flying backwards again, a red bruise forming on his cheek already from the impact of Sonic's fist .[/i][/color]
Jon shrugeed and got up from the table, ignoring everything else around him, as he danced off to his room. Turning up the volume to "Somewhere I Belong", he made sure his stuff was situated firmly, realizing he likely wouldn't have a roomate. Shrugging, he exited the room, passing Emily and Leon, sparing Emily alone a smoky, desire-filled glance he didn't know he gave. Shortly afterwards, he consulted his school map for the location of the physical facilities, heading off to take a mat before the jocks decided they wanted to practice early... He found the gym deserted. Shrugging his shoulders again, he unhooked his headphones from his CD player and plugged in, instead, his high-power mini-speakers, setting the CD on his favorite Linkin Park song, "Breaking the Habit" and removing his shirt. He pressed play and began a quick Kung Fu kata to the beat and lyrics, singing along. Even the kata, however, looked as though it were a dance, though the emotions written on Jon's face were confusing to say the least. Halfway through, he finished the kata and began a dance made up of varied moves, simply for the sake of moving. The song ended, his burned CD melding into the next song, AFI's "Days of Phoenix". Jon smirked, throwing himself headlong into a rapid, uptempo dance filled with kicks and jabs, sweat visibly beading off of his body as he leapt into the air again. As the song began to slow near the middle, he slowed his dance, as well, before throwing himself into a high-speed dance once more, the song speeding up as well. The song slowed, and Jon found himself sweating and panting in the middle of the mat. He turned to the sound of clapping and found himself with a small audience. Apparently, he'd turned up the volume just loud enough to attract a few people from the "G" dorms...
[i]Jon pointedly ignored everything around him in favor of the Linkin Park playing in his hidden headphones. Emily, however, caught his eye, and he became fascinated. Fascinated enough so that he didn't realize he had food in front of him for a full ten seconds. Sheking his head, he fell to his food with an elegant grace, yet an undeniable voracity. It's a shame he tasted none of it. He could move the Great Wall from China more easily than he could move his attention from Emily Kay. Jon shook his head, finishing his meal in time to lean back and wait for the welcome speech. Of course, he waited with his gaze intent upon the girl sitting across from him. Why the hell did this have to happen now? he wondered, closing his eyes sleepily as he listened to the ill-timed song "Love of a Woman" by Travis Tritt in his headphones. All in all, jon was haivng an okay day. He just hoped, for some odd reason, that Emily wasn't the sort to like a guy for his motorcycle....[/i]
[b]Cue Dramatic Theme Song[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Zidane Tribal [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Personality:[/b] Zidane is carefree most of the time, and very, vaery laid back. However, he becomes deadly derious when the need arises. He has a rather short fuse when it comes to insults about his origins or family, as the only family he can remember having is the Tantalus Theatre Group, a band of thieves under the guise of the most famous theatre group in Alexandria and Lindblum. Zidane is loyal to his friends and tries his hardest to keep the ones he has. [b]Class:[/b] Warrior/Thief
[color=teal]Could somebody make me a banner using the provided image and the text "And now you have to run...." in the lower right-hand corner?[/color]
Yet again, more heads turned as a more audible, impressive revving filled the air of the campus grounds. Halfhearted turns in the direction of the noise, as the last two reactions had been disappointments, resulted in many pointed fingers and tugged jackets. An impressive, black Harley Davidson with a silver flame decor pulled in, a handsome young man with long, spiky silver hair stepped off, doffing his leather jacket and wrapping it around his waist. Evident from the way he moved in his blue jeans and green longsleeve shirt was his relaxed lifestyle, and even more apparent was his grace as a dancer. Indeed, by the time they finished noticing this, Jonathan Talbain had begun spinning and bobbing to the music his barely-visible Sony was playing. Jon looked up, noticing girls looking at him hungrily, and he let out a small sigh before grinning and nodding briefly. A certain young woman caught his eye, but she was gone as quickly as he'd seen her. Jon shrugged and stopped dancing, removing his headset and walking slowly towards the reception hall to learn which area he'd be boarding in. Upon gaining what he needed, he headed for his living quarters. Passing by a man in a half-undone shirt, Jon replaced his headset and hoped this place gave him a female roommate. Or, at the very least, not a gay one. Jon shuddered at the repressed memory as he began to unpack, stringing the keys to his bike onto his Celtic pendant's silver necklace. Deciding he wanted to solve that dilemma later and to eat now, Jon went back to the reception hall, wondering if there would be some snacks. Spying a plate at a sitting with his name near it, Jon too took the setting and took the time to look around. Spying more settings like his own, Jon realized it was to be a welcome banquet in honor of the new students. Kit smiled in anticipation. banquet food was always good. A bref frown marred his face as he realized there likely wouldn't be any cajun food, but there was always a hope for potato soup in formal dinners. Jon paused to look at the place setting before him and read the name "Emily Kay". he briefly wondered what Miss Kay would look like before he pulled out a Pop-Tart from his jacket, which was still around his waist, pocket and munched down, wiaitng for the banquet to begin.
[color=royalblue][i]Sonic grimaced as he awakened yet again, this time to the sight of his mother in front of him, walking down the corridor. Sonic, confused, looked around and found himself in a wheelchair, his arm in a sling. Sonic blanched as he remembered the fox's attack, then sighed. He looked up just as Tails revved the Hummingbird and realized he was outside. He looked up into the eyes of Amy Rose, the person pushing the wheelchair.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] A...Amy?! What's goin' on?! [i]Amy smiled as she and Bernadette lifted Sonic up and pushed the wheelchair into the back of Amy's Overland and helped the blue hedgehog into the back seat. Sonic, indignant, buckled his own seatbelt, thank you very much.[/i] [b]Amy:[/b] Your mom signed the hospital release form. You've been out just long enough for the doctor's to remove the bullet. You're going to be fine now. [i]Sonic grunted an affirmative as he settled back, praying to whatever gods he hadn't managed to anger for Tails not to fuck up the Hummingbird as Amy backed out of the parking lot and headed for her house, where Sonic and Bernadette would be living until Sonic found a new place.[/i][/color]
[color=slategray][b]Name:[/b] Jonathan "Jon" Talbain [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Personality:[/b] Jon is laid back, calm, and collected. However, he has a couple severe weaknesses. Food and dancing. Jon will go out of his way for a good meal, and he's one of the best dancers anyone knows of. His skill on the dance floor ranges from waltz to rave to street, and Jon is excellent at all of them. As for food, Jon is a connosieur who will eat ANYTHING, though his favorites are anything cajun, anything Japanese, and potato soup especially. Aside from that, Jon is a chick magnet and doesn't like it. He'd prefer to have one girl he loves very much rather than a hundred infatuated with him. [b]Bio:[/b] Jon was a quiet, shy boy in his home of Metairie, Louisiana. His parents, a couple of well-made, though by no means rich people, managed to provide a decent education for the poor boy, though it was more of a curse than a blessing. School was hell, and Jon was hard pressed to hide the bruises on his body every day when he returned home. When he reached fifth grade, however, his nose was broken and he was introduced to a kung fu sensei. Realizing the boy had a natural grace that needed to be cultivated, the sensei began providing dancing lessons to boy. Jon became an excellent dancer in many forms. His love of food comes from his mother. Jon is attending the boarding school to gain a sense of what it's like to live on his own, as well as to make new, permanent friends. And hopefully to get away from the girls that hope to get him as their boyfriend. [b]Lessons Taken:[/b] English Literature, Advanced Calculus, Physical Education, and Psychology. [b]Extra:[/b] Baseball Team, Woodshop.[/color]
[color=crimson][i]A bizarre incident occurred in a mansion on the outskirts of an American suburb called "Raccoon City". It was later revealed that the terrible disaster was caused by the T-virus; a mutagenic-toxin created by the international enterprise "Umbrella, Inc." for use in bio-weapon experiments. The Raccoon City police department's special S.T.A.R.S. Unit immediately began investigation in the affair. The case was apparently closed thanks to the efforts of the S.T.A.R.S. members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. But the Umbrella corporation's experiments were far from finished. Barely two years after Claire Redfield's attack on an Umbrella facility in Europe while searching for her brother, the infamous corporation set its sights higher. Hiring one Dr. Frank Golian, the experiments to improve upon the creatures termed "Hunters" began in the American suburb Redwood Valley. The already reptilian creatures gained an extra layer of organic armor, increased regenerative capabilities, and a harsher disposition. Congratulations seemed in order, until Golian was struck by one of his own creations. For safety reasons, the doctor was sealed in a containment unit designed specifically for the newly named "G-Hunters". However, Umbrella's triumph would once again be short-lived. The doctor, due to time constraints, had never tested the GH Strain on a human being. The result was less than pleasant. Maintaining his memories, yet harboring an intense hatred for the corporation responsible for the death of his formerly human self, the doctor lay siege to the inner compound of the facility. Finally realizing their folly, Umbrella began funding a new research experiment in Europe, one to counteract the strain of GH-T Virus set loose by the rampage. The new mutagen, however, was "tested" on prisoners of the Umbrella corporation. Among these prisoners were Chris Redfield and Carlos Olivera, both of whom had been captured during a recent raid on the corporation's Europe-based facilities. In these test subjects, increased amounts of strength, agility, and regenerative capabilities were observed. Umbrella was satisfied. They began injecting this new strain, labelled "The DR Strain", into trained soldiers within the corporations private army, the unit being sent out to the already-chaotic Redwood Valley. None of the team made it back. However, just after the project was ended and observation ceased, mutations occured in forty percent of the test subjects, Chris and Carlos not included. The exceptions took on a slit pupil, a ravenous hunger for warm flesh was abosrbed, and an intense need for warmth overtook the subjects. Chris and Carlos were lucky. Umbrella named the renegade strain of the virus the "DR-T Strain". Fearing the worst, Umbrella officials contacted the Redwood S.T.A.R.S. headquarters and received no response. Accepting the loss, Umbrella began yet more bio-weapon research....[/i] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]The Plot[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [i]You are either a member of the Redwood Valley S.T.A.R.S., the R.V.P.D., or a civilian living in the city. Your job is to survive the horror and meet up with the rest of the survivors and investigate the cause of the outbreak. I will allow one person with EXCEPTIONAL skills to RP Jill Valentine, and one to RP as Chris Redfield. Anyone can RP Rebecca Chambers of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team. PM me BEFOREHAND with your sign-up if you wish to RP as either of these two characters. And please, be varied. We cannot have eight S.T.A.R.S. members and no civilians.[/i] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Requirements[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Of course. [b]Age:[/b] 18+ [b]Occupation:[/b] You can be a member of either the Redwood Valley Police Department, the Redwood Valley Special Tactics and Rescue Squadron (S.T.A.R.S.), or you can be a civilian. If a civilian, state your job. [b]Starting Weapon:[/b] Your first weapon in the RPG. No explosives to begin with, but assault rifles and SMGs are alllowed while knives and even swords are encouraged. [b]Appearance:[/b] Your character's appearance. [b]Biography:[/b] Simply state how your character got where they are right now. You can elaborate a bit, but nothing too fancy. [b]Mutagen:[/b] State whether or not you are infected with the DR Strain. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]My Stuff[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Leon S. Kennedy. [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Occupation:[/b] Redwood Valley S.T.A.R.S. officer. [b]Starting Weapon:[/b] A M1100 full size semi-automatic shotgun. [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Biography:[/b] Leon was sent to Redwood Valley, the nearest city to his last assignment, Raccoon City, after the incident involving the Umbrella corporation. During his assignment in Redwood Valley, he displayed the same extreme courage and resourcefulness time he showed during the Raccoon City incident and impressed the department's higher-ups, resulting in an appointment to the Redwood Valley Special Tactics and Rescue Squadron. Leon's luck was not about to last, however. During an investigation of a missing scientist from the R.V.P.D. labs, Leon encountered something that made his blood freeze. A lumbering, bloody thing that vaguely resembled the missing scientist attacked Leon, and it refused to fall until Leon emptied his second clip directly into the crawling thing's skull. Leon, disheartened, realized the nightmare wasn't over yet. In fact, the nightmares within it had grown even stronger since last they met. It is two weeks later, and Leon is stuck away from the R.V.P.D. headquarters with only a box of shotgun shells, his trusty M1100 and some handy first-aid spray. Numerous bites and scratches mar his body, mainly from a scuffle with several infected soldiers from Umbrella barely a week after the disease began to spread. [b]Mutagen:[/b] Leon is infected with the DR Strain, though he does not yet know it.[/color]
[color=royalblue][i]Sonic woke up again, this time to the sound of someone's heavy breathing. Opening his eyes, slowly so as to avoid being dazzled by the light, he was dazzled instead by the glistening barrel of a magnum pointed right between his eyes.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b] Sorry, friend. I guess it's not much consolation to you ... but this is necessary. To save us all. [i]Sonic's almost fearful gaze turned to something more incredulous as he regarder the fox before him. Imposing to any convalescent, Sonic saw the slight shiver in the fox's grip. Sonic nodded minutely, knowing what was running through Jack's mind.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] I don't know what I did or who I pissed off, but you ain't gonna pull that trigger. [i]Jack's gaze flickered briefly, before his arm became ramrod straight, the gun aimed right for Sonic's brain. Sonic gulped. Perhaps he'd said the wrong thing.[/i] [b]Jack:[/b] You don't know what you're saying, Sonic. I have to kill you, otherwise... [i]Here he shrugged before retraining the gun on Sonic's chest, using a pillow to muffle the sound. Sonic's gaze tracked up to the fox's face and found only cold determination. It all happened in slow motion. Just as Jack pulled the trigger, Sonic jerked violently to the side and brought up his knee to hit the gun. At the same time, a feminine hand batted Jack's head to the side violently, causing his bullet's trajectory to point at, instead of Sonic's heart, his right shoulder. Sonic's cry was muffled by the partner to the hand that knocked the fox out. Sonic looked up to see the cold eyes of his brother's secretary, and wondered if he should be thanking his stars, though the pain in his shoulder was really irking him. Then he saw the gun in the hand that knocked Jack out.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] [i]*What god did I piss off? Seriously, somebody up there must really fuckin' hate me....*[/i][/color]
[color=darkslategray][i]Kit slumped into his room, heaving his overlarge suitcase onto the bed in his room, cursing to holy hell the baggage claim at the airport. His scowl turned to a grin as he stripped to his undershirt and boxers, opening his suitcase and grabbing a large, black metal chest piece. Briefly, an even broader grin lit Kit's face as he removed his glasses and began the long, arduous task of setting up and ratcheting on his Deathscythe Hell costume....[/i] [b][u][center]One Hour Later[/center][/b][/u] [i]A bulky, black and white armored figure wielding a long double-bladed scythe and a similarly coloured helmet descended the stairs to the lobby, his dark brown eyes glinting excitedly as he took up his helmet and placed it firmly on his head, the special green lenses in the eye sockets acting as glasses for the teen. His now-emerald gaze fell upon an obviously-female figure dressed as Mousse from the Ranma 1/2 anime. Kit grinned under his helmet, shifting so that his wings didn't feel quite so heavy on his body and walked on over to Melissa, collapsing his scythe and strapping it to his waist.[/i] [b]Kit:[/b] Hey, Melissa, right? [i]The young woman looked up towards the approaching tinny voice and gasped upon seeing a near-perfect replica of the Gundam Deathscythe Hell.[/i] [b]Melissa:[/b] Kit?! Oh, my god....your costume is great! [b]Kit:[/b] Yours ain't so bad, either. [b]Melissa:[/b] Why, thank you. [i]Melissa blushed even as Kit removed his helmet and shook his hair out.[/i] [b]Kit:[/b] Gods, it's hot in this thing. Hey, you wanna hang out together at the con? Maybe go out sometime after this thing's over? [i]Melissa blushed again and merely nodded as Kit carefully replaced his helmet. Yes, indeed, he was enjoying himself. Though it WAS hot as hell.[/i][/color]
[color=darkslategray][b]Name:[/b] Kitsune "Kit" Archer Talbain. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Kit is a rather introverted guy. though when it comes to anime, he's outgoing as all Hell. Though most often, he can't hold back on the "awesomeness" of fighting. Indeed, Kit often loses himself in the fight and becomes happier than most have ever seen him. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Fighting, video games, anime, and Gundam Wing models. [b]Favourite Anime:[/b] Mobile Suit Gundam Wing [b]Cosplay Character:[/b] Kit spent much time and money, both of which he normally has in very short supply, on his own costum. His costume is....THE Deathscythe Hell. Not Duo, the GUNDAM. Oh yeah. [b][i][u]--Cosplay Character sign up--[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Deathsythe Hell. [b]Gender:[/b] ....I'd have to say if Deathscythe Hell is male... [b]Age: [/b] Unknown. [b]Quirks:[/b] Let's see, he's a robotic mobile suit, with a detachable buster shield on his left arm. He has a pair of bulletproof wings that can fold over his chest like a cloak, and he carries a portable double-scythe. That quirky enough? [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Anime:[/b] Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.[/color]
[color=royalblue][b]Sonic:[/b] Yer bitch, eh? Take this, motherfucker! [i]Sonic brought his knees up into Knuckles' stomach, then kicked the echidna off his chest, back flipping into a kneeling position, ignoring the pain in his chest and the pain in his head. Sonic stood, shakily, preparing himself for an all-out assault on the echidna.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Yer dead, Knux. Take THIIIIIIII-urk..... [i]Sonic, mid-dash, fell to his knees, coughing blood. The combination of alcohol and his busted ribs knocked him out before he even hit the floor, blood dripping from his mouth as his head hit the tile.....[/i] [center][b]Undeterminate Amount of Time Later[/center][/b] [i]Sonic blinked his eyes open, the white ceiling above him blearing into focus a little at a time. Bit by bit, he became aware of a strange feeling of something lodged in his mouth. A study of his immediate surroundings garnered him the sight of an oxygen tank with a tube leading to his mouth. Next was the bandages, tight enough to stay on, but loose enough not to aggravate his condition, hanging on his chest. Finally, he noticed his mother, his MOTHER, asleep in the chair next to his bed. Sonic groaned, unable to do more. His mother stirred and awakened.[/i] [b]Bernie:[/b] So, you're awake, Sonic. [i]Sonic hung his head at the tone in his mother's voice. He knew what was coming next.[/i] [b]Bernie:[/b] Now, Sonic, I know you're an adult and that you should make your own choices on how you make money, but FIGHTING?! And with three cracked ribs, PLUS a broken one, to boot?! Sonic, if you were getting hurt, I would GLADLY have gone to the home and let you live by yourself, though now that's impossible, seeing as how we've been evicted! Honestly, Sonic Theodore Hedgehog, you've really gotten yourself in it this time. You're lucky that nice echidna paid your bill when he brought you! And what did I tell you about that Sally girl? I just knew she'd be bad news....now, that Amy girl, she's got a nice head on her shoulders, why don't you date her? I'm sure she'd enjoy it. And I always thought that job at the Pizza Palaca would come to naught, what with that despisable D'Coolette boy working there...honestly, Sonic, why don't you ever listen to your poor dear mother? [i]Sonic sighed in exasperation. No way in the name of Mobius would he be able to get out of this one. That is, until he heard the snickering behind the door. Looking out, he caught a glimpse of Tails and Amy holding in their laughter. Oh, yes...Sonic would get his revenge....just as soon as he got checked out. Sonic sighed. Why the hell did he have the worst luck in the world? Seriously, he must have really fucked up in a past life or something....[/color][/i]
[color=royalblue][i]Sonic held his head in hands in the seat next to his mother's bed, thanking the gods above for her imminent recovery. He looked at the sleeping form of Bernadette Hedgehog and nodded curtly. She wouldn't need him there for a while, and he needed to talk to Uncle Chuck about the extra rings in his check. Sonic nodded at Tails and Amy, walking out to his bike in the parking lot. Sonic grinned. He dearly loved the Pheonix Hummingbird Tails and Amy had gotten him for his birthday five years ago. It was evident in the care he showed it as he revved it and rolled out of the Station Square Medical Center's parking lot, screaming off for the Pizza Palace.[/i] [b][center][u]Three Hours Later[/u][/b][/center] [i]Sonic was drowning his sorrows in a nice-sized vodka. He wondered how he instinctively sensed that his life couldn't continue on the good vein it had for the length of the day. Seriously, Sonic thought as he sipped his drink sourly, he must have been some kinda of serious fuck up in a past life if his karma was this bad. Sonic wished briefly, achingly for his once-beloved Sally's embrace, but that had been shot to Hell barely an hour before. Briefly Sonic wondered how she'd met Elias, but shook off that train of thought.[/i] [b][center]Flashback[/b][/center] [b]Sally:[/b] I'm sorry, Sonic, but I've found someone else. Someone DEPENDABLE. [i]Sonic stared at his now-ex-girlfriend incredulously, his frame trembling from the sobs he was holding back and the tears he refused to let free.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Well, then, Sally Acorn, we'll see how happy you are when he fucks you and leaves with your money. We'll see how happy you are when you can't get love from people like him. Goodbye, rich girl. I'm sorry I couldn't show you that you don't get everything handed to you. [i]With that, Sonic spun on his heel and exited the home of his once-beloved chipmunk, grabbing his bike and heading for the Sentinel III bar, just off the Radical Highway backroads. There, he proceeded to drown his sorrows in bottle of vodka.[/i] [center][b]End Flashback[/center][/b] [i]The vodka bottle's hold on the blue hedgehog's attention was broken as a familiar figure entered the bar, his sharp knuckles grazing the wood of the bar as he ordered another round for Sonic and one for himself.[/i] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Damn, man, you look like death warmed over. Ya mind tellin' me what's been happenin'? [i]Sonic stared incredulously at his acquaintance before draining his bottle and nodding.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Yeah, it wouldn't hurt. Let's see....I got my paycheck today. [i]Knuckles cocked an eyebrow. Surely he wasn't pissed at that. And he KNEW the results from Sonic's last fight, so that wasn't it, either.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] It had a little extra in it, too. About a hundred rings too much. [i]Again, the eyebrow.[/i] [b]Knuckles:[/b] Aannnnd...? [i]Sonic ordered another, plopping some rings down right onto the bar.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] It was severance pay, Knux. [i]Knuckles nodded, getting the picture. But from the look on Sonic's face, he wasn't quite done.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] The place where we were livin', the apartment.....too rundown. Not fit for habitation. The damned government evicted us all. Just got the letter when I went to check the mail after I got fired. Muttsky's with Mom and the gang at the hospital. [i]Knuckles nodded, waiting for the hedgehog to continue. It seemed he had one more thing to address.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] ....Sally left me. Said I wasn't dependable enough, that she'd found a new guy. I swear, I wanted to smack the smirk off Elias' face the whole time I stood there. [i]Knuckles nodded sagely and clouted Sonic on the shoulder.[/i] [b]Knuckles:[/b] I know just the thing, bro. You need a good spar to keep your mind off shit. [i]Sonic had not the time nor inclination to reject Knuckles' "request".[/color][/i]
[color=royalblue][i]Sonic the Hedgehog was not in the best of moods. No, he decided as a rather intense shot of pain filtered through his body from the still-unhealed cracked ribs he was currently favoring. Leave it to Knuckles to crack his ribs in a fight, Sonic thought sardonically. He'd had to be extra careful in the fight, though the injury did lever the odds of the betting against him. Sonic grinned at that, he'd bet all the rings he'd had on that fight, and it had payed off well. Sonic was five thousand rings richer, which meant Bernadette finally got the treatment she needed. Sonic sighed as he geared his bike into the parking lot of the apartments he and his mother lived in. One more fight like that, and Sonic would be able to get himself and his mother that house he'd been looking into. Sonic smiled, his mood heavily improved even as he pulled out his paycheck envelope. And dropped it in shock. Today was just his day. An extra hundred rings was contained in his check. He'd have to talk to his boss, a man affectionately called Uncle Chuck by his patrons and employees, about it in the morning. Briefly, Sonic wondered what his coworkers Antoine D'Coolette and Bunnie Rabbot were up to together, but shook that thought out of his head. If his day today was being great, his day tomorrow would be Hell. He needed to get Bernie to the Medical Center fast. Sonic sighed. Why couldn't he just get some time to work on his bike or his guitar without worrying about anything? Just as Sonic turned the corner to his apartment, the key jangling down in his hand, a pink-and-red blur impacted his bruised chest.[/i] [b]Amy:[/b] SONIC!!!! WherewereyouIwassoworriedaboutyouwhenIdidn'tseeyouatworkafterhoursand- [i]Sonic shoved the talkative blur back a moment, cutting it off and catching the breath knocked out of him by his would-be girlfriend. Sonic frowned and shook his head.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b]Amy, watch it! You know my ribs can't hold up like that! [i]The pink hedgehog sniffled briefly before she saw the extra rings in Sonic's pocket. Spying the questioning look in Sonic's eyes, she nodded and ran off, suddenly chipper again. Sonic sighed in exasperation and opened his apartment door to the sight of a completely bare living room. Sonic sighed and pushed his way back to his mother's room, pushing his dog Muttsky out of the way when he reached her door. He knocked the door and opened it, finding his mother awake and watching her small T.V.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] Hey, Mom, I got some extra cash working overtime today. [i]Bernadette smiled. She dearly loved her son, and she was happy to know he wouldn't have to spend all of his paycheck on her yet again. She merely nodded.[/i] [b]Sonic:[/b] We gotta get you to the treatment center, Mom. Come on, it's just one more ride, then we can get back on our feet. [i]Bernadette's smile faded somewhat. If Sonic had enough for the treatment and hospital stay, then that meant "overtime" was another fight.[/i] [b]Bernie:[/b] Sonic Theodore Hedgehog, I would be very put out if one day you bite more than you can chew in one of your fights these days! [i]Sonic merely hung his head as he helped his mother out of bed and down the hall, to where Amy was waiting. Sonic and Amy, together, settled Sonic's mother in the passenger seat of Ami's Overland two-seater. Sonic returned to the apartment, put some kibbles out for Muttsky, and locked up before heading for his bike. Sonic briefly wondered why today was so good to him. He shrugged and revved the enging, following Ami to the Station Square Medical Center. His mother would finally get better.[/i][/color]
[color=teal]Ramen ramen ramen Keep that fire flamin', It's beef and pork we're namin'. Noodles! Through pots and pans and packets, Hell bent to snack it, Wishin' my spoon was in my hand... Checkin' that my bowl's good, Eyein' that pot boilin' Makin' sure my ramen ain't too bland... Boil 'em up, pour 'em in. Pour 'em in, boil 'em up. Boil 'em up, pour 'em in. Noodles! Scoop 'em up, slurp 'em in. Slurp 'em in, scoop 'em up. Scoop 'em up. Slurp 'em in, noodles! Keep stirrin' stirrin' stirrin', Though my friends ain't concurrin' Keep that ramen stirrin'. Noodles! Don't try to uncoil 'em, Just open, spill, and boil 'em. Soon I'll eat ramen all the night! My mouth's anticipatin' That ramen will be waitin' Waitin' to be tasted and spiced right! Boil 'em up, pour 'em in. Pour 'em in, boil 'em up. Boil 'em up, pour 'em in. Noodles! Scoop 'em up, slurp 'em in. Slurp 'em in, scoop 'em up. Scoop 'em up. Slurp 'em in, noodles! [b]NOODLES!!![/b][/color] Please.....just...don't ask. Ate too much ramen while watching Rawhide reruns.... Credit to the Blues Brothers for the song "Rawhide", which the lyrical method is based off of, and credit to wonderful land of Japan, the origin of ramen.....
[color=royalblue][b][12/1/2001][/b][i] Hello, Daddy. Mommy says when I want to talk to you, I should talk to this stone and you'll hear me. I just want to tell you I love you, Daddy, and that I'm being a good girl. Mommy also told me today is your birthday, so I wanna tell you Happy Birthday, Daddy. I miss you, come home soon.[/i] [b][9/11/02][/b][i] It's been a while, Daddy, and I miss you. Mommy says I should be proud of you for saving those people at the buildings, and I am, Daddy, I'm happy you helped all those people. Mommy says you're happy in a place called Heaven, but wherever you are, I hope you know I love you. I started first grade last month, and Mommy says that you'd be proud of me and how I'm doing. There's a bully in my class and he says that I'll never see you again, but I know he's wrong. When are you coming home?[/i] [b][12/1/2002][/b][i] We had cake, today, Daddy. It didn't feel right, and I got a tummy-ache even though I only had one piece. I saved you a piece, Daddy, just for you, see? Here it is, Daddy. I love you, Daddy, and I'm trying real hard in first grade. Mommy says I might get to be the angel in the play this year, but I don't think so. I miss you, Daddy, please come home.[/i] [b][9/11/03][/b][i] Daddy, I miss you so much. Everyone says I should be happy to get to be the angel in the play this year, but I'm not. I miss you, you should see me! I don't want to be an angel without seeing you smile like you're proud of me. I learned how to swim without you holding me up, Daddy, but it still hurts. I want you to hold me up and smile and call me a good girl again. I love you Daddy. Please come home soon.[/i] [b][12/1/2003][/b][i] Happy Birthday, Daddy. I learned how to tie my shoelaces by myself, so no more sticky-tie shoes. Mommy says you'd be happy for me, and that makes me happy, but I still miss you, Daddy. I want you to read me a story tonight, Daddy. I leave the nightlight over my bed on, so you can kiss me goodnight every night. When are you coming home, Daddy?[/i] [b][9/11/2004][/b][i] I'm sorry, Daddy. I know you told me never to cry, that I shouldn't be sad, but it hurts so much, Daddy. I miss you, I wanna come visit you in Heaven, but Mommy says I can't. Oh, Daddy, I hope God's taking care of you. The people you saved visit us now, very often. They lay roses here where I talk to you, at the stone with your name on it. All of them cry, and it makes me cry. I cry harder when I see you in my dreams, telling me to be a good girl for Mommy. I miss you, Daddy. Please, please, Daddy....please be happy with God and his angels. I love you, Daddy.[/i][/color] [color=teal][center]In Loving Memory of Those Who Gave Their Lives on 9/11. [b][u]May We Never Forget[/b][/u][/color][/center]
[color=royalblue][b]Name:[/b] Sonic the Hedgehog. [b]Race:[/b] Hedgehog [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Description:[/b] See attachment, though in the RPG, Sonic's hair will hang looser than his Sonic Adventure spines. [b]Biography:[/b] The younger of two brothers, Sonic had a lot to live up to. However, no matter how much he did, how hard he tried, his father, Jules the Hedgehog, never seemed to acknowledge Sonic. The poor child, being only a quick and agile boy, was never quite as smart as his older brother. But he was GOOD. His brother, unbeknownst to Jules, was not quite so "good" as their father liked to think. It quite often fell to Sonic to dissuade his older brother from getting them into trouble. As the months passed, a distraught Sonic sought out his mother, Bernadette, whom his father had left a year after Sonic's birth, claiming he would mother the boy into uselessness. To Jules, the damage had already been done. To Bernadette and Sonic, the damage lay with Shadow and Jules. Years passed, and a rivalry grew between the two hedgehogs Shadow and Sonic. School was Shadow's ruling ground, but the streets were Sonic's. Since Sonic had gone to live with his mother, their budget had been strained, and Sonic had had to find a job to help out. He became a pit fighter, and out of necessity, a proficient one. However, as time passed, Shadow and Sonic ceased the rivalry, Sonic's responsibility lying with his mother and Shadow's with his newly formed HedgeTech Inc. Sonic currently lives with his ailing mother in a ramshackle apartment, caring for Bernie's every need, while daily he gets more and more bruised, more injured. And more depressed. Only his mother and his friends, Miles Prower and Amy Rose, keep him going with his pit fighting and his daily deliveries for Pizza Palace. Sonic's most prized possession is a sleek blue motorcycle, a gift from Miles and Ami upon his passing his driver's test at age eighteen. [b]Personality:[/b] Sonic's brash, arrogant, and crass despite, or rather because of, his...rather pointed lack of a decent education spanning beyond high school. And despite his poor living conditions, his family situation, his father constantly shooting the ever-hopeful (though he'll never admit it) hedgehog down, his brother rubbing Sonic's nose in it every time they meet, and the cracked ribs he currently labors under, Sonic maintains a somewhat positive front, though it's well hidden behind his rough facade. [b]Special Ability:[/b] Sonic is exceptionally fast, especially for a hedgehog. He is a decent runner, though that isn't special. No, his ability lies in his fighting skills, his learning curve, and his driving abilities. Sonic is extremely agile, making him a hard target in a fight, and he picks new techniques up within an hour of being shown how they are done. His most exceptional feat, however, is his ability to avoid accidents even at his bike's maximum speed, which is a godsend to Sonic's status as the Pizza Palace delivery boy. Though with Station Square's traffic laws, the bike's maximum speed is rarely a need or an occurence. Sonic can ill-afford a ticket with Bernie in the way she is.[/color] `````````````````` PM me if you need any changes made.
[color=crimson][i]Ranma Saotome overlooked the restored springs once again, taking in the scent of the mosture-ridden land before him. He smiled briefly...until an errant bucket thrown by an unnamed source *cough*Genma*coughcough* transformed the pigtailed one into a well-stacked kawaii redhead. And you know what they say about redheads' tempers....[/i] [b]Ranma:[/b]OYAAAAAAAJIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ranma Saotome of the Saotome Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu. Or Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. Or Saotome School of Indiscriminate Grappling. Whichever you prefer. [b]Gender:[/b] Erm....normally male, but occasionally female. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description:[/b] See attachment for both forms. [b]Personality:[/b] Crass, rude, boorish, and arrogant is how Ranma comes off att first glance, but on the inside, he is really a caring, loyal, and generous individual. While he is most definitely a fixer-upper, Ranma is a very honorable individual who takes a challenge seriously and doesn't back down. There is a Neriman saying about the pigtailed martial artist: "When it counts, Saotome Ranma never loses." [b]Bio:[/b] *ahem* When Ranma was a child of six years old, his father got him to fingerpaint on a pledge that stated that whoever signed the document would sommit seppuku unless Ranma returned to his mother a man among men, enabling his father, Genma, to take the child on a ten-year-training trip that landed Ranma in many, many hostile situations, namely involving storekeepers and restaurant owners who were pissed off at Genma for skipping bills. Several incidents stand out in Ranma's memory. All of them were training methods of his fathers. Running from rabid wolves while carrying his father. Running while tied to a train for speed. Carrying his father and all their belongings against the current of a raging river. Even swimming to China from Japan. But the worst by far was the Neko-ken training, in which Ranma was wrapped in fish products and thrown into a pit of starving cats. Repeatedly. Upon reaching sixteen, Genma began to run out of things to teach his son. I.E. Ranma was beginning to wise up to Genma's harebrained schemes. So Genma took him to Jusenkyo, not understanding a word of Chinese, and sparred his son right above the springs. Genma fell into the Spring of Drowned Panda, and upon jumping out, knocked his surprised son into the Spring of Drowned Girl. Later, they found an Amazon Village, where Ranma aquired the first of many admirers, though at the time, Shampoo was attempting to kill the poor boy-turned-girl. Upon reaching Nerima, Ranma found he had a fiance, a tomboy with an insane temper and mallet-happy tendencies. Later, Ranma also aquired a genuinely insane admirer named Kodachi Kuno and another fiance from long ago, his old friend Ukyou Kuonji, whom Ranma previously thought was a boy. Along the way, Ranma fought old rivals and insane kendoists. He battled gods and fought giant animals. He exorcised ghosts and put up with perverts. Now, Ranma's back at the springs because the challenge had run out in Nerima ever since the battle at Jusendo. He also hopes to get a vacation from the fiance situation. Seriously, Ranma's not in love with any of the girls back home in Nerima...so... It is here that Ranma hopes to find a battle on level with his one-time nemesis Saffron. [b]Curse:[/b] Nyannichuan, The Spring of Drowned Girl.[/color]
[color=crimson][i]Kit grimaced as he watched Kenneth's Toon get lambasted. The damned rookie was too hotheaded. Kit sighed and drew a bead with his gun, freezing a Dragon in one shot. Kit looked up as he leapt from star to star, his gun blasting away. Kit's platoon was ready seconds later, each of the five leaping from star to star, waiting for Kit's signal to begin the Pheonix Flare. Kit's gaze tightened onto Jamie, who nodded and swept her sword down in a tight arc. It was time.[/i] [b]Kit:[/b] Wild Ride, Schock, Watkins, Bulls-Eye, PHEONIX FLARE PHASE ONE!!! [i]Kit took up a point position and pushed off of a star, his platoon following in a flying "V" formation, two on each side, slating back. Guns blaring, yet never was a shot missed. Kit only hoped Nesbitch hurried up and finished the damned maneuver. Kit hated getting frozen for no reason.[/color][/i]
[color=crimson][i]Kit glared at her back as he pulled his flash suit onto his naked body. He'd long been ignorant of anything resembling modesty, so he really didn't care if Jamie entered while he was changing. She didn't, but still, something about that girl rubbed him the wrong way. Kit sighed and wrapped his braid around his neck. The damn thing, though he loved it more dearly than his own skin, was a liability in free fall and Zero-Gee conditions, which was especially bad as Destiny would most definitely use every advantage possible in the upcoming match. Kit grinned. Oh, how he wanted SO BADLY to hand that cocky little upstart his [b]ketsu[/b] on a silver platter. Kit finished donning his flash suit, checked his equipment, and headed out to gather his platoon. They were, as always, rested up and leaning against the wall. Kit briefly wondered what the conditions inside the arena would be like this time around, but thought little of it once his mind assumed the battle role. Dragon would fall, Kitsune Talbain swore to himself. He assumed his "game face', and his platoon snapped to attention. He was in leader mode, and he thoroughly enjoyed it. Though he'd never admit it.[/color][/i]
[size=3][color=crimson][i][center][font=century gothic]Across the sepulcher a frozen wind blows. An eddy of agony my heart intimately knows. Standing alone, crimson rose clutched in my hand, Garnet tears decorate this cold, barren land. Naught but a whisper, no less than a breath, Her beckoning call, as silent as death. Sobs on the stone, echoing cries in the night. Ruby drops frozen by harsh Winter's bite. Her spectre calls with tempting allure, Offering to me my madness' cure. Longing for love, aching for her embrace, I thread the last weave with Death's chilly lace. Rose falling slowly, I alight to the ground, Death's pale white horse making nary a sound. Clutched in his arms, my tears red as the rose. Across the sepulcher a frozen wind blows.[/i][/center][/font][/color][/size]
[color=crimson][b]Name:[/b] Kitsune "Kit" Talbain [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Description:[/b] See attachment. Eyes are black. [b]Preferred Army:[/b] Pheonix Army, unofficial commander. [b]Nationality:[/b] Japan. [b]Bio:[/b] Born a second child, Kit showed exceptional battle skill. Often picked on at school because he was a second child in the even stricter nation of Japan, where only firsts were looked on as joys to have, Kit grew to be violent and moody. Even his older sister, Sonata, could not break him of his moodiness before she married into the Saotome family. His Japanese father, who had long hated Kitsune for "murdering his mother by being born", used the violence as an excuse to beat Kit. Azaka mistreated the child horribly, and Kitsune grew even more mistrustful of those around him with his father's betrayals. He learned to fight. Professionally training in the martial arts, Kit is a dan-ranked master of Kempo, Jeet Kune Do, and Shaolin Dragon style. Kit's skill in battle grew quickly as he aged. Upon reaching the age of eleven, he showed near-precognition when it came to fights. The merest muscle twitch, and he knew where the punch would go. Kit was taken from his school and his father to the Battleschool. Kitsune looks to his training merely as a necessity. He speaks to no one, he acts with no one. Only when he is in the arena does he show the slightest amount of socialization, and that is when he is giving commands to his team. Kit is an exceptional leader, though he repeatedly says he is not a leader, that he wants to be left alone. The school is trying to get him to open up and reveal to them what he has hidden in his past and in his heart.[/color] ------------- PM me if ya need me to change anything, Yunsung!