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Everything posted by Masterdramon

  1. Okay, well... Name all the cards Rebecca used against Yugi.
  2. Well... 1. Dark Sage 2. Dark Flare Knight 3. Dark Magician's Knight 4. Dark Paladin That's all I can think of. I'll wait for confirmation. Also, isn't that Hades' arm on Soul Demolition?
  3. 10. Monster Reborn Any deck without this will die a miserable death. It's a solid staple that you absolutely, POSITIVELY need. Special summoning any monster from either graveyard is totally awesome.
  4. The Fortess Whale bellowed and shook the DS off. The slab fell down and landed on what looked like a green rock. Suddenly, it shook! It was a Crab Turtle! DS attacked, but the Crab Turtle pummeled him. CT then punched him into LF's cave and crept into his burrow. AB shook his head and saw DS land on him. The ground underneath them gave way, and they fell into a vacuum of water! They rushed along, and were deposited on a desert island.
  5. Domon: I did it how we used to do it. About 2 pages or so ago, people started waiting for confirmation, and in my mind, that is very slow. Also, Obelisk was affected by Slifer's power down effect (though only for one turn). By the way, I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. Shadowfire: You missed 2.
  6. He is immune to Obelisk's effect, and if you pay 1000 life points, he can destroy one monster. Name all monsters used in the Dungeon Dice game between Yugi and Duke that were used in previous duels.
  7. The Humanoid Worm Drakes slashed the eels. They let loose a shock, but the bolts bounced off the gelatinous bodies. The Drakes then grabbed the eels and threw them far away. They then swam towards LF and AB. AB sped to them and let loose a myriad of blows, but they had no effect. The Drakes rammed him and he hit the floor. LF grabbed his spear, when suddenly, deadly shockwaves struck them and obliterated them! Then, the shockwaves went to them! LF looked for something to block it... and saw only the mysterious slab. He used it as a mirror, pushing the waves to the surface. When He got up there, he saw the DS. As he wondered why his sword was in the water... he was knocked backward and knocked out! A Fortress Whale had come, and had taken the slab into a reef!
  8. Circeus means the main deck. It violates the rules to have more than one in the side deck and main deck together.
  9. LF looked up. "Visitors, eh?" he said. "Eels, do your thing." A trio of electric eels (for all attempts and purposes, any water-creature, whether salt or fresh, can live in the Suijin Sea) stretched across the entrance. The Worm Drakes ran into it and were bounced back. They swam back, and a few minutes later, two Humanoid Worm Drakes were in its place!
  10. "I don't need any land-hugger money. I make my own nets. However, this slab is pretty. I think I'll use it as a decoration for my cave." replied LF. "I'm not giving you a choice." said the DS menacingly. "Are you threatening me?" asked LF angrily. "I do believe I am." replied DS. "Well, in my domain in my kingdom in my ocean, the only one who makes threats is me (in-joke alert!)!" Lf said in his face. "Well then, die!" yelled DS. He jumped up, but LF was ready. He raised his arms, and a huge torrent of water flew up, hitting DS! DS was thrown upwards, where LF hit him with a well-aimed spear. He fell, and started to swim away. "Go get him, AB." suggested LF. "With pleasure." replied AB. He swam forward with incredible speed and rammed the DS. It became a fists-and-feet battle, with AB winning by a mile. AB then struck the DS with his claw, knocking him out! AB threw him on shore, and together with LF, returned to the cave.
  11. Anime (Covering from the first appearance of the Rare Hunters to Kaiba's duel with Jinzo.) Best Character: Joey Best Yami: Yami Bakura Best Millenium Item: Rod Best Rare Hunter: Odion Best Big Five Member: Crump Sexiest Character (Male): I'm too young Sexiest Character (Female): Same here Best Monster: Kuriboh Best Duel: Joey vs. Yugi Best Dressed: Ishizu Best Scene: Joey trying to save Mai Best Duel Move: Yugi's "infinite loop" on Strings English Card Game Best Card Set: (from LON to DCR) LOD Best Holo-foil Card: Metalzoa Best Monster: Zoa Best Magic/Spell Card: Monster Reborn Best Trap Card: Mirror Force Best Fusion Monster: Thousand-Eyes Restrict Best Card Picture: Desrook Archfiend Sexiest Monster (Male): I'm too young Sexiest Monster (Female): Same Best Deck Type: Fiend/Spellcaster/Zombie Burner Beatdown Best Monster Type: Dark - Fiend Funniest Card: Des Koala
  12. Legendary Fisherman laid out his fishing net. He was tired and didn't feel like hunting. He swam down to his cave and sat down with Amphibian Beast. They started talking about how annoying getting stuck in kelp is, when they heard a loud -SNAP!- "What was that?" asked AB. "Someone, or something, must have broken my net!" answered LF. He sped up to the surface and saw a raft with a Demon Soldier cruising away. The net had completely snapped in two, but something was stuck in it. It was a tablet with a golden, muscular, chained up right arm in it. "What in Neptune's kingdom is this?" inquired LF as he was joined by an equally perplexed AB.
  13. I hope noone criticizes me for this: 45. Big Eye This guy is a fiend, and has a great effect: to look at the top 5 cards in your deck and rearrange them as you wish.
  14. I'll take two related ones: Name: Legendary Fisherman Kingdom: None - he lives in the ocean off Konami Skills: Rides a deadly shark, has power over small bits of ocean, has power over almost every sea creature, is an excellent spear-wielder Personality: A bit wild, loving of the sea, grumpy to "land-huggers", very happy-go-lucky, tries to hide his past Anything else: He's more powerful in the water, can hold his breath for two days, prefers it underwater, hunts for seafood to eat, sleeps in an underwater cave, he calls his shark Thrasher ---------------- Name: Amphibian Beast Kingdom: Same Skills: Super-fast, super-strong, has both lungs and gills, very sharp claws Personality: Beastly to everyone except LF, loves the ocean, loyal to LF Anything else: Is LF's best friend, does everything with him, is only one who knows LF's past
  15. I don't feel comfortable adding to the deck, but might I suggest Sangan, WotBF, Mystic Tomato, and/or (unrelated) Big Eye?
  16. Well... 1. This sort of thing goes in the Rate My Deck thread. and 2. We can't rate your deck if you don't post it.
  17. I'm sure about the heads' attack powers - the Celtic Guardian has 1400 atk points and Yugi did 500 damage, so... Well, here's my question: Name all deckmasters used so far.
  18. The Living Arrow was what allowed him to do the fusion with Kaiba's monster. At the time of the chopping, the heads were 900 each.
  19. That is HARD, but here it goes: Dark Magician Dark Magician Girl Curse of Dragon Kuribo Gaia the Dragon Champion (?) Black Luster Soldier Summoned Skull Red Eyes Black Dragon Black Skull Dragon Gazelle - The King of Mythical Beasts (?) Baffomet (?) Chimaera - The Flying King of Mythical Beasts (?) Dark Sage Magician of Black Chaos Alpha the Magnet Warrrior (?) Beta the Magnet Warrrior (?) Gamma the Magnet Warrrior (?) Valkirion the Magna Warrrior (?) Master Dragon Knight (?) Catapult Turtle (?) Blackland Fire Dragon Beast of Gilfar Horned Imp Feral Imp Cyber Commander (?) Koumouri Dragon (?) Would the Exodia pieces count? Would Dark Necrofear count? There are probably more, but I can't think of them.
  20. If he's level 12 and has a star on him, he's the entirely fake "Chinese Exodia". Don't be fooled - he's totally fan-created. In fact, any full bodied Exodia except Exodia Necros would be fake. I'm pretty sure the name is nonsense as well.
  21. Well, effect damage is damage from an effect (Cannon Soldier, etc.). This means all battle damage done by GV is treated as effect damage, meaning Waboku, etc. doesn't affect him.
  22. Actually, this is Sword Hunter's effect (it's in front of me): A monster destroyed by this card becomes an Equip Magic Card. Equip "Sword Hunter" with the card to increase the ATK of this monster by 200 points. The equipped card remains on the feld until this card is destroyed. Therefore, theoretically, the equipped monster wouldn't be affected - it would go in a magic/spell and trap space. This is so unless a ruling says something is considered destroyed if it returns to a hand. Oh, by the way...........I'M FINALLY A JUNIOR MEMBER!!!
  23. Mine is pitiful - 0/1/0. Noone, and I mean NOONE around here duels. My one duel was against a younger kid, and this is how it went (I'm P 1 and he's P 2): P 2 plays 7-Colored Fish and 2 face down cards. P 1 plays Jrai Gumo. P 2 plays Raigeki and Lily, who he attacks with and activates the effect of. P 1 plays Coffin Seller. P 2 activates Seven Tools. P 1 plays face down defense. From now on, P 2 simply pulverizes P 1 with Lily. This was in Toys R Us. Soon after, an employee sees us and says that they don't have Yu-gi-oh matches anymore. I then am forced to spend 2 hours or so in the store.
  24. Reverse Polarity Quick-play magic card Effect: On your next draw phase, you must place one card from your hand on top of your deck. Your deck is then shuffled. Russian Roulette Normal Trap card Effect: Take the top 6 cards in your deck without looking. Your opponent picks 1 and places it in his/her hand. The remaining cards go in your hand.
  25. You mean trap cards, right? A favorite of mine is Ekibyo Drakmord. If your opponent is out of removal cards, it really devastates. It paralyzes any monster, puts a time bomb on them, and keeps coming back.
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