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Everything posted by Masterdramon
No. It's Apocalymon. In his first appearance, he said that the tubes connecting him to his claws were filled with hot and cold running water.
Still not correct. Shall I give the answer?
Nope. He appeared in season one.
Round 12: Flamedramon vs. Rhidon "Hello folks! Today we have two powerful guys, Flamedramon and Rhidon! 3,2,1, go! Flamedramon is using Knuckle Fire, but Rhidon's armor is too thick! Rhidon is countering, charging into Flamedramon! Flamedramon has evaded! He's getting behind Rhidon and is doing a Fire Rocket! He has destroyed Rhidon's armor! Now he's using a Flaming Fist to end the battle! Bye bye, Rhidon!
Pajiramon stopped to think. Suddenly, she got an idea. She ran up to a Meramon an kicked him in the head. Enraged, he shot a Magma Blast, just as Pajiramon planned. She held out an arrow and let it catch fire. Quickly, she shot it up with her cross-bow. She waited for help. Suddenly, a Bluemeramon was blown into peices. Indramon lept beside her.
Neither of those is correct. Shall I give the answer?
That's not correct. Clue: He's an evil Digimon.
Pajiramon was running, trying as hard as she could to get to Vajramon's post at Flare Village. She had a message from Ebonwumon, and if she didn't deliver it, the whole digital world was doomed. Suddenly, she was stopped by a Boltmon and an army of Meramon, Skullmeramon, Bluemeramon, and Volcanoemon. "Stop in the name of the Mihirashi Military!" shouted the Boltmon.
GotenksSSJ343, is it Saberdramon? Can anyone try to guess my latest one?
Is it Rapidmon, G/S/B Master?
Magnaangemon is correct. Angewomon is white and pink. Here's another one: I'm filled with opposites, running to and fro though me.
Vegeta did NOT beat the tar out of Goku. Vegeta just hit him in the back of the head hard enough to knock him out.
Neither are correct. Remember, this Digimon flies. As for the last clue, think weapon.
Henry was ingulfed in a thick fog. Suddenly, he tripped over something that felt vaguely like a mushroom. "Hey! Watch it! Fungus Crusher!" the Mushroomon yelled. "No! Please stop him, Okuwamon!" screamed a tiny creature. "Double Scissor Claw!" the Okuwamon shouted. The Mushroomon retreated. The creature then jumped over to Henry. Something looked familiar about the creature's three horns. "Terriermon?" he asked. "Momentai! I'm Terriermon's In-Training. Could you, by any chance, name me?" Terriermon asked. "Of course! You look kind of like a gummy, so how about Gummimon?" Henry replied. "It's great!" Gummimon exclaimed.
Clowmet: 2) Hiandromon? Here's another one: The one I love is white and pink; I soar up and then I think: I have something in common with King Arthur.
The Infermon led them to a cave. "They're in there." he whispered. Without warning, he shoved them in. A hungry looking Armagemon crept out. "Thank you, Infermon. I haven't had fresh data for a long time." ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Goblimon retreated, leaving Rika with the fox. "Renamon!" she shouted. "Rika! I've been hoping for this moment for so long." Renamon replied. ------------------------------------------------------------- Turuimon walked up to Mahiramon. "I have two questions." Turuimon said casually " One, how did you come back to life, and two, why did you come here?
Is it Guardromon?
It IS Zeedmilleniummon. Good job, Clowmet!
A huge pack of Infermon were glaring at Yaamon. "Cable Crusher!" they yelled. Yaamon fell over and started to scream in agony. "Ai! Mako!" Mako stopped when he heard him "Yaamon! I'll make you digivolve!" He raised the digivice. Then he waited. Nothing happened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mahiramon ran toward Cocomon "Samurai Tiger Tail!" he yelled. Cocomon fell backwards, just an inch away from the line. Suddenly, Susie's digivice started glowing. "Cocomon digivolve to... Lopmon!" Mahiramon stopped "Lopmon! That's the rookie form of Antylamon! You ARE a deva!"
Sure Dark_Apocalyps. Do you want to write it or should I? Here's another one: Round 7: Beelzemon Blast Mode vs. Dragonite "Welcome, folks! Today we have Beelzemon Blast Mode vs. Dragonite! 3,2,1, go! They're both taking to the air and are getting ready. Dragonite is firing Dragon Rage whilst Beelzemon BM fires a Korona Blaster! Dragonite's attack has overwhelmed Beelzemon BM's! Wait! Beelzemon BM is back up an has used Double Impact! Dragonite's trying to recover but Beelzemon BM is using Korona Destroyer! Bye bye, Dragonite!
Final_Flash, this doesn't seem to belong in the sparring forum. Are you sure it is supposed here? Well, here's another one: Round 6: Omnimon vs. Mewtwo "Wow! It's time for an extremely exciting match with Omnimon vs. Mewtwo! 3,2,1, go! Mewtwo starts off with a punch that Omnimon blocks with the shield on his left shoulder. Omnimon strikes back with the spikes on his right shoulder, slashing Mewtwo. Wait! Mewtwo got up and is now firing a Psychic Beam whilst Omnimon fires a Supreme Cannon! Mewtwo is now using a suprise attack- confusion! Omnimon's aim is thrown off and he is hit! He is down but wait! He has gotten up and is locked in a sword fight with Mewtwo's tail! Mewtwo has just used agility and landed a series of hits. Now he's laughing! Big mistake! Omnimon has used his Transcendent Sword to end the fight! Bye bye, Mewtwo!"
I don't think it's Myotismon because he doesn't have that much red on him and isn't in that form because of someone else. Megidramon fits ALL of the requirements. No offense. Here's another one: I'm a swirl of red and blue, circled by a code without a two. It's fatal to call me a loon, I'm farther up then the crystal of the moon.
Darkmoon, I think the answer to your first question is Megidramon. He has toxic breath, he destroys things, he's blood red, and he's there because of Takato's anger.
Here's another one: Round 4: Leomon vs. Alakazam "Wow folks! Today's sure to be exciting with Leomon vs. Alakazam! 3,2,1, go! Alakazam seems to be throwing Leomon against the wall with his psychic powers but wait! Leomon is striking back with his sword! Alakazam fires a Psychic Beam that Leomon jumps over! Now Leomon is getting behind Alakazam and firing a Fist of the Beast King! Bye Bye Alakazam!"
Ai and Mako stopped. "Can we have some more information about Behemoth?" Mako asked. "Sure." replied Ai. "Behemoth is a very powerful motorcycle that-hey! Controls any digimon below mega! We've got to digivolve Yaamon to Beelzemon!" "But how?" asked Ai.