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Everything posted by Psychotik

  1. It's quite good, but maybe you could add some reflections to every metallic part.
  2. yeah, I can see what you mean, it wasn't meant to come out like that, it just kinda did, I would change it but i'm bored of updating this piece, I'll keep it in mind on my next piece though.
  3. Wow, that came out quite good, it would be better if you reduce the amount of large stars as its a small piece that amount makes it look less realistic.
  4. its nice, I like the smooth feel to it, but the content to layout ratio is to small, the bars at either side take up too much space. The info on the bar on the right isn't rally neccessary, it would be better if you gave it, its own page with added detail. Also add some more graphics to it as it looks kinda bland. But apart from that good job!
  5. Thanks for your comments everybody, i've looked into them and I have created this improved version: [URL=http://infinite7.neoartists.net/images/hexv7.jpg]Hex version 7 (ultered)[/URL]
  6. Well this is the 7th addition to my hex range ( I could post up the previous versions if you guys want to see them,)just tell me what you think. [URL=http://www.infinite7.neoartists.net/images/hexv7.jpg]Hex version 7[/URL]
  7. Wow, I really like the 2D it looks very technical complex ( I wish I was that good at 2D,) great job!
  8. I believe it takes a mixture of both talent and practise, for graphical art you do usually need a good program to create high quality work. But that isn't all you need, you still need the ability to be able to use the program efficiently, and harder programs are usually harder to use because of the extra features. You need imagination and the skill required to translate it into art, and even with large amounts of talent you will still need to practise.
  9. Very good piece's from the both of you, good job! @Kinetic Nice piece, I ecspecially like the background, not to sure about the small text though, even though its to small to read you still tell its just been randomly typed, it would probably look better if you used actual text you've written instead of just random words. Small text also usually looks better if its bunched to gether rather than spaced apart ( I mean such as it seems you have 1.5 line spacing on or something.) @Kaisuke I like the goldenny thingy in the top left corner, its a well thought out piece a little plain for me though. (I'll vote later after other people have)
  10. Yeah I use 3d progs in most of my works nowadays, and sure you can use my walls.
  11. Thanx for all your comments, I just released the Hexv6 link wasn't woking. any way I've editted it now so it shoulb be working. @ Kinetic I think I may have posted at devilforums can't remember though, I'll check my pm's as soon as the site comes back up again. @ SPx Virus v2 is alot like the first version, I used many elements of the first version to help make the second so that it woul lok more like a sequel than just anoher wall with blood in it.
  12. Theres loads of programs out there, the most commonly used are photoshop paint shop pro and fireworks, although these are quiet costly ecspeciallyif all you want to make with them is the old banner once in a while. Try the graphics section of downloads.com theres usually loads of free progs you can get there. Admittedly most of them aren't that good, but you never know you may find one you like.
  13. Its nice, simple yet effective, maybe a little to simple though
  14. After being absent from these forums for who knows how long, I've decided to make a comeback. Below are some walls I've made recently: [URL=http://www.infinite7.neoartists.net/images/hexv4.jpg]Hexv4[/URL] [URL=http://www.infinite7.neoartists.net/images/hexv5.jpg]Hexv5[/URL] [URL=http://www.infinite7.neoartists.net/images/virus2.jpg]Virus v2[/URL] [URL=http://www.infinite7.neoartists.net/images/Hexv6.jpg]Hexv6[/URL] Tell me what you think
  15. Well this is my new wall, just tell me what you think. ( please keep in mind this is my first real attampt at air brushing so its not that good) [url=http://www.infinite7.neoartists.net/images/hexv3.jpg]Hex version 3[/url] Reverence-out>>
  16. I might as well join this. [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/carrera2.jpg]Link 1[/url] [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/metatropilous.jpg]Link 2[/url] [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/virus.jpg]Link 3[/url] Reverence-out>>
  17. As usual its a new wall, just tell me what you think. [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/virus.jpg]Virus[/url] Reverence-out>>
  18. Psychotik


    I like it, but yeah, the border is kinda big, the bottom is alright but should cut the top and the sides and stroke it. Reverence-out>>
  19. Psychotik


    Its really good, its graceful. Reverence-out>>
  20. Well this is the newest addition to my collection, I know its very bright but I wanted it that way, but anyays you know what to do. [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/metatropilous.jpg]Metatropilous[/url] Reverence-out>>
  21. Its good, but that dark grey box thingy in he top left is bugging me. Reverence-out>>
  22. Good job, this image is really good, are you thinking of properly taking on photography, or was this just a one-off? Reverence-out>>
  23. Thes really good,and as shinobi said I like the way everything is out of proportion. Reverence-out>>
  24. I decided to make an update of my carrera wall, so anyway [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/carrera2.jpg]here[/url] it is. Reverence-out>>
  25. Its quite good, I kinda like the one you made for shinobi more than the first one mainly because of the little man. Reverence-out>>
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