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Everything posted by Psychotik

  1. I respect you to shinobi, infact there isn't a single person I don't repect, no one has given me a reason to disrespect them so :p Reverence-out>>
  2. Psychotik


    I had a feeling you did. Reverence-out>>
  3. Psychotik


    shift, u never cease to amaze me, did u use photoshop for all of that?? Reverence-out>>
  4. My quick reply isn't there and just like son-goten the no matter where I click on the gizmo it takes me to the same page. Reverence-out>>
  5. ??? ummm Shift if you are using it then there must be something extra special about your comp because theres no quick reply on mine. Reverence-out>>
  6. well you can use image ready (comes with adobe phpotoshop) or you can use Animation shop (comes with paint shop pro) you can just edit the individual images to get the effect you want. Reverence-out>>
  7. Very nice its extremely carming Reverence-out>>
  8. Those are really good, some of the effects are very nice. Reverence-out>>
  9. Its okay very basic but ok Reverence-out>>
  10. great banner, the people at ffr are mad Reverence_out>>
  11. It's really good for a first try, but you have still got a very long way to go. Reverence-out>>
  12. Nice, I myself am another person who didn't know about shineget until now, but it looks like its going to be good. Reverence-out>>
  13. Its good, but the lightning strike just doesn't go with it. Reverence-out>>
  14. Flash mx huh I was going to get that, but I stopped half way in the middle to get 3Ds Max, Damn that program is so complicated, its got to many functions my brain can't handle it ahhhhhhhhhh. Reverence-out>>
  15. Well as everyone else said, err that ones the best?? Reverence-out>>
  16. Thanks, The reason I tried to make a banner in ms paint is for the challenge, it's do easy to make a good banner in photoshop its alot harder in ms paint. Reverence-out>>
  17. well I don't know what happened there, but anyway I've re-saved it as a jpg Edit>> Hmm its not appearing again oh well I've uploaded it and [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/mstryout.jpg]here it is[/url] Reverence-out>>
  18. Well I've never made a banner in ms paint before so I thought I might as well give it a go, I know the quality of the pic I chose is terrible (this is simply due to having to resize it) and well anyway here it is!! (Also I thought I should add as I made it in paint its a bitmap) Reverence-out>>
  19. Very nice aries (I'm not too sure about this but I think I detect enlight.boom in the bkground) well done Reverence-out>>
  20. The images just don't suit the background, and for some reason the vegeta reminds me of a sprite. Reverence-out>>
  21. Not really because its a image request not a banner request Reverence-out>>
  22. Well right now i'm at my sisters house and away from my image archive, so I was wondering if any of you had a pic to fit [url=http://revergenic.250free.com/twirlywhyyy.jpg]this pic[/url] (to fill the empty space in the middle of the wallpaper. )Thanks :babble: (just for the point of it)----------> :drunk: Reverence-out>>
  23. I usually have a slight idea of how people made a certain effect on their banners, but I have to say i'm officially baffled, Good job! :) Reverence-out>>
  24. anyway I just thought I should add that there is a software available which allows you to run windows on a mac, its a separate program and this will basically allow you to get the best of both worlds. Its called win2000 but I have no idea where to get it from or how much it costs, i'll have to ask my friend and when I get the answer i'll post it. Reverence-out>>
  25. very nice, it has a kind of urban feel to it and umm aries what this laurence fishburne stuff and voices in your head?? Either you have a very active imagination or you need a check up :) Reverence-out>>
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