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Everything posted by Psychotik

  1. It's ok, I was going to say forget the ripples and leave the background but that will get rid of any coneectoin between the banner and your little ripple statement, i'm going to stop typing now Reverence-out>>
  2. Well I suppose I buy, trainers and some other stuff, But mostly my parents by my clothes, any money that I get hoes straight on to buying electronics. Reverence-out>>
  3. It's lovely, it;s very mysterious, you really have to delve beneath the surface to understand its true meaning. This is what poems are all about. Reverence-out>>
  4. Thanks, I actually tried alot harder than usual on this poem as my skills have gone so rusty over time. Reverence-out>>
  5. This is my first attempt at a poem in a long time ( about a year) and the first time I have posted one on these boards. Please rate and tell me where I can and improve. It's kind of long, but anyway, enjoy! Who? The question which has plagued your mind, Ever since you scuttled along those infinite evergreen glades, The location in which you first perceived, my resonance. From that point in time you have constantly queried that, that I am The reason for why I have graced thee with my appearance. The Answer. What answer do you Require? The reason for why the birds soar, soar among the tree tops which create the canopies where life has forever flourished, from the purifying aurora of their song? Or, do you wish to know why when you delve into the deepest cave you are immediately swarmed by the groans the groans of those who wish to be set free into the light, away from this pitch black cloak which has smothered them for so long? This mass, this being of nothing, which starves them of their basic needs? Or, why the surface of this planet has been over-run by this liquid, although this substance can be formed and is dependant on your reactions, Then why is it possible for it to become a fortress an unstoppable rampage, yet it holds within it the Object, which is essential for life?s existence. Are these the answers which you have been craving for? The unrivalled torment, which has disrupted your path for so long, or have I barraged you with so many questions the answer you want is no longer relevant? Have I clouded your thoughts, why is there no answer? I have a single other question which I hath tangled in my web, I? Who am I? I am the one that brings unprecedented destruction, for those who disobey my requests I am the one that projects those disgruntled groans which thunder through the sky. If you whish to acquire my label, listen to the wind, for at its most quiet point, when the dust has settled, I will answer your question, as simply and as clearly as possible, I will reply, Psychotik Reverence-out>>
  6. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Wheres the NEED? My brains overloading, I can't take that much information at once Reverence-out>>
  7. Okay, Adel kind of annoyed me because I defeated her so easily, infact she never hit me once. What I used was the freindship item (Don't ask me where I got them from I was just searching through my items one day and it was there) basically a moomba comes and starts kicking and punching. Its a good item as it does 9999 damage and only to one person. If you dont have freindship cast shell and regen on Rinoa, and then cast meltdown on Adel (to lower her defence), then use either Irvine's or Quistis's limit bresks, make sure you pick the limit break that only does damage to one person, it says on status or something. I just wanted to ask WHERE THE HELL IS THE OMEGA WEAPON? I've been looking for him everywhere, he's the hardest boss on FF8 thats why I would like to face him as Ultimecia was such a dissapointment. Reverence-out>>
  8. I found this site called Stick Figure Death Theatre which you can visit [url=http://www.sfdt.com/]here[/url]:naughty: It's all about stck figures going around beating each other up :laugh: It's really funny if youv'e got that kind of mind. But some of the flash's (yes you need flash) are kind of dramatic so no kids allowed :flaming:, enjoy
  9. You are 14.7% pure I equalled justin's score, better go to my neighbours house so i can beet it
  10. Please stop talking about summer holidays, i've still got 8 WEEKS more to get through and a hell-load of coursework to do by then. Plus although most of you probably dissagree I kind of agree with Transtic about the last bit I kind of feel like those silly fools who go around the boards and do nothing but agree with Transtic, but oh well
  11. I've watched my fairshare (approx 30+) I would name themm all, but if there is one I can't quite remember i'll be bothering myself all day until i do. Also I don't think Akira and ninja scroll are that bad
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