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Everything posted by SuruBlu
technically luck is just when statistical probability for an event becomes high, good luck if the probability is high for something you like, bad luck if it's for something you don't.
depends on where you are, i live the texas panhandle, not much going on
yes, there are reports of body parts, also apparently when the shuttle broke up into pieces each part created its own sonic boom, which considering the large number of pieces that's alot of sonic booms
ooc: 'sokay, I wasn't sure how I was going to get back in to the action anyways, this'll work though. ---------------------- [i]Vincent was soon hailed by the other gundam[/i] Konru: You are Vincent of Pheonix Gundam correct? Vincent: Yes, and you? Konru: Konru, pilot of Oasis, I've got some disturbing news. While on patrol in Siberia, I stumbled across a plant, nothing special at first until I got inside. It was a factory mass producing Serpents, and from what I could tell, mobile doll versions at that. Before I could do anything though, I was attacked, Oasis's sensors couldn't find any hostile targets, so I left...fast. Quatre told me to come here and meet up with you. Vincent: ...Serpents? Konru: yeah that's what I said. Vincent: hmmm...
SnowAgumon: WILL THESE STAIRS EVER END?!?!?!?!? Fenix: *huff* I don't know...*puff*....we've been climbing...*huff*....for....*puff*....ages. SnowAgumon: [i][b]catching his breath [/i][/b] I can't see the bottom anymore... Fenix: [i][b]turning to look down [/i][/b] wow, you're right. SnowAgumon: can we take a break...PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSEEE? Fenix: oh gosh yes... [i][b]From inside the keep of the large castle tamer and digimon sit down for a rest, not knowing that from afar they are being stalked [/i][/b]
oooh, can i just suggest a few? Ability Card: Double-Post Virus - Double Atk or Def of one monster for one turn Ability Card: Missing Avatars - Destroy all monsters on the playing field Equip Card: SPAM! - until this card is removed from play, no more monsters may be summoned Equip Card: (if she'll allow it) Ginny's Mod-Rod - flip two coins, if: 2 heads boost atk and def by 500 of the monster equiped, 1 H 1 T: increase atk by 500 and decrease def by 300, 2 Tails: return a monster to its owner's hand
I think Mnemolth was trying to illustrate the stupidity and arrogance of the U.S. (or at least that one ship) [QUOTE]First of all, America has done some amazing things for the world...like invent the hamburger...o.o;[/QUOTE] actually the hamburger was invented in Hamburg, Germany...(sorry just had to throw that in there) I'd like to say that as an American, I have absolutely no faith in our government. Sad huh? But it's true. I won't restate the many things that have already been said. However, what makes you all think that you can trust the U.S. If the gov't wanted to they could probably take out most of the world before anyone knew what hit them. Of course the remainder would retaliate, but that's why there's a nuclear bomb shelter in the whitehouse that can sustain the whole staff for years, and airforce one is nuke-proof(so to speak). I personally think that the U.S. plays big brother way too much, and it's starting to tick everyone off. Eventually we're going to get kicked out of power, and I can almost look foward to that day. And there will ALWAYS be more world wars, humans are incapable of living in peace. As for Iraq and North Korea: Saddam's going to die pretty soon anyway, sooner or later things over there will get fixed. North Korea however, could be dangerous. While most of you think that North Korea is threatening the rest of the world, I think they MAY be saying "hey, give us some space and don't treat us like little children". If they begin to take aggressive action, then I think it would be justifible to take action and subdue their gov't. And one last note on the U.S., although I think someone said this before, we have too many problems here already, why go to war when thousands of people are jobless/homeless/dying of starvation and disease in our very own country.
[i]Fenix walked alone, Mena and Kamimon had long since moved on so absorbed in their emotions they barely even talked to each other. Feeling that they needed a little time on their own, Fenix and SnowAgumon had headed south, away from the others. SnowAgumon was now far up ahead scouting the area, looking for another crystal. Fenix takes out his d-arc. A holographic map appears, it is mostly blank, on it several locations are marked, the dark forest, the fountain, Apsaramon's temple, the snow fields, and a large structure labeled, "ruined castle"...[/i] Fenix: thats new, looks like where we're headed next... [i]Pressing a few buttons Fenix pulls up SnowAgumon's stat screen, his evolution bars are completely charged...[/i] Fenix: WHAT THE...how did that happen so fast, usually it takes sev... [i]Fenix produces the crystal from his pocket[/i] Fenix: oh, I get it... [i]Looking up Fenix can now see SnowAgumon waiting for him and pointing to a very large, dark and ancient keep. At its massive size and intimidating design, chills ran down Fenix's spine...[/i] Fenix: That does NOT look friendly.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [size=1]Eh, if I had a nickel for every time me and Adolf Hitler were put in the same paragraph...[/size][/B][/QUOTE] I don't suppose I'll ever live that down will I? :( [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by REVENGE2[/i][B]It's like with the Apple Tree thing. God puts the tree containing all evil smack dab in the middle of Eden, points at it, and says "Don't touch". Did he REALLY think that simply saying 'don't touch' was going to keep them away? I think he put it in Eden and let humans possibly get to all evil instead of putting it in Heaven because he was worried about a Seraph taking a bite from the apple. I mean, look at all the hell caused simply by Lucifer, who was an Arch Angel. That's five ranks bellow a Seraphim! If God had NOT wanted all of humanity to be exposed to evil, then he would never have put the tree in Eden in the first place.[/B][/QUOTE] First of all it wasn't an apple tree, and it didn't contain all evil, it was the tree of knowledge. Lucifer had already become "evil" at this point, and when he lied to Eve telling her that the fruit would make her like God it challeged God's word. The tree was a test, plain and simple. Adam and Eve failed that test, but also by doing what he did Satan raised the question "can humans (and angels) live without God's guidance?" Also Seraphs don't need food so they wouldn't have eaten in the first place. I also take it that you're Catholic, since you refered to Lucifer as an Arch Angel, of which there is only one who is above all the others, Michael (unless your Catholic, then there are fifty). Arch means chief by the way, and Lucifer means daystar, and is also not an evil name especially since it no longer belongs to Satan. I also offer this example, as a child your parents tell you not to touch the stove, but you go ahead an touch the stove. Well guess what, its hot, and you burn your hand leaving a scar. You didn't listen to what your parents said and so you paid for it, but it turns out you would have been right to do what your parents said and "not touch". P.S. I'm a Jehovah's Witness
Fenix: Uh, ok, what just happened? Apsaramon: Yeah, where did your mark go? HiAndromon: What are you talking about? Crazy kids, I was just minding my own buisness... Akinamon: for some reason I don't believe you... HiAndromon: OK, OK, so maybe I was looking for someone, it sure wasn't you kids, now if you'll excuse me... [I] HiAndromon pushes through the group continuing on his journey [/I] RazeGallantmon: hmmm... [I]RazeGallantmon begins to scan the surrounding forest[/I] Rakshemon: What are you looking for? RazeGallantmon: Something made us see that mark, it wanted us to fight HiAndromon, which means... Fenix: It's still watching us...
Fenix: Listen guys there's something I haven't told you about SnowAgumon, his digivolutions are well, irregular... Aidan: What do you mean? Fenix: I mean there's no set way for me to jump him to the next level, his forms have to charge so to speak.. Mena: So how charged is he? Fenix: Only champion level right now, which under normal circumstances might be enough, he's taken down many an ultimate with his champion form, but we've never fought a mega, and nothing like HiAndromon. Aidan: Ok, so basically he's just support fire... Fenix: for now... Mena: It'll have to do. Fenix: OK, READY PAL SnowAgumon: READY.....SnowAgumon digivolve to...... [I]SnowAgumon's data began to reform, the new digimon stood about 11 ft. tall, humanoid in shape, an armor plate on its chest and armored legs similar to Omnimon's up to the knee. Armor gauntlets protect his arms, from each elbow a 5 ft. long sabre extends outward which can be moved into a foward attack mode. A dinosaur "skull" helmet protects his head also dinosaur in shape. The skin pure white, the armor black, and his eyes deep blue[/I] AKINAMON! Fenix: alright, your turn...
[I] Through the leaves everyone could now see a shadowy figure moving around, it had apparently not noticed the approaching group [/I] [I] Looking to Aidan, Fenix using handsignals, communicates the message "go through the trees to the left go around and come up behind it", Fenix as he begins to head to the right signals to Mena and Kamimon to keep walking foward [/I] [I] Hesitating momentarily Aidan begins to walk to the left, MetalArmadillomon close behind [/I] Mena: ([I]to herself [/I] great, how come we get to be the bait?) [I]Mena and Kamimon begin to walk foward getting closer to the shadow [/I] [I] Fenix and SnowAgumon had made their way around and were coming up from behind, crossing tree branches, getting closer, in their new position Fenix could see Aidan, not very far off, Aidan also noticing Fenix signaled to the ground where apparently MetalArmadillomon had had problems getting up the tree. The digimon sat looking up, quietly. Suddenly Aidan had an idea, signaling with a fist he hit the branch closest to him, though only hard enough for illustration. Fenix nodded in agreement. Aidan looking to MetalArmadillomon signaled the go. Understanding, MetalArmadillomon took his mark [/I] MetalArmadillomon: CHARGE! [I] The shadowy figure had been paying too much attention to the approaching Mena and by the time it heard the cry MetalArmadillomon had already smashed into the tree full force, loosing his balance the figure fell out of his perch and crashed right in front of Mena and Kamimon...[/I]
Fenix: yes it is... [I] with a sudden start RazeGallantmon, Apsaramon and Rakshemon turn towards the new figure [/I] RazeGallantmon: Who are you!? [I] taking an offensive stance [/I] Fenix: ...my name is Fenix and that's my partner, SnowAgumon [I] He points to a nearby bush as SnowAgumon comes through it [/I] SnowAgumon: oi, I lost it Rakshemon: the shadow? SnowAgumon: yes...[I] he rests momentarily catching his breath [/I] Fenix: Luckily you found what we needed anyway Apsaramon: The crystal! What do you want with it? Fenix: ... I don't know why I should tell you, how do I know that I can trust you? RazeGallantmon: I don't think you have much of a choice? [I] he is prepared to attack [/I] Rakshemon: What are you doing? RazeGallantmon: I don't like him... Fenix: at least he's honest, fine I suppose I can tell you a few things, but first we need to get out of here, this area is plagued by darkness, remember those dark marks? well they're all over the trees around here, they make some sort of perimeter, as long as we stay in here the dark digimon have a field advantage.
[I] Back at the temple [/I] SnowAgumon: (whispering) hey, look, I can see something... Fenix: (whispering) is it a crystal... [I]SnowAgumon quickly begins digging through some rubble in the chamber that once belonged to Astartemon [/I] SnowAgumon: (muffled) got it... Fenix: ok SnowAgumon: here it is! [I] SnowAgumon hands Fenix a crystal, its outside transparent, but its core glowed the color of molten copper [/I] Fenix: Astartemon said it herself, she was an embodiment of power. She also had the crystal of power, though I doubt she new that, probably thought it was just a pretty stone. SnowAgumon: this is a good thing, now we really have an edge. Fenix: right you are, Teth is too busy tracking down Daleth, Daleth is too busy playing chess with the others, and the others don't know what's going on much less that they're being played, and now we have the power crystal SnowAgumon: and no one knows about us yet either Fenix: right, now lets hurry, we have 6 more crystals to find...
Does her sword kinda look like Auron's or is that just me?
Konru: wow, thats quite a story Quatre: yes, apparently the others are doing ok now, but with them all in one spot our cover is pretty much blown [I] Konru sits inside Oasis talking to Quatre via a long ranged communications channel [/I] Konru: so what should I do now Quatre: Whatever you do stay put, we need to keep you a secret for awhile, if the enemy doesn't know about your gundam, then we have at least one trump card... Konru: so keep up with the hit and run? Quatre: no try switching to espionage, see if you can get us any information, especially something on that mobile suit the others fought Konru: got it, over and out [I] Oasis begins to move trudging through the siberian wasteland [/I] Konru: hmm, maybe I can find a communications center around here somewhere, with an uplink like that I could find out all sorts of info...
SnowAgumon: what just happened? Fenix: i..don't know SnowAgumon: that guy Teth didn't seem very happy, he scares me Fenix:.... SnowAgumon: ok he doesn't scare me but still Fenix: maybe we should have helped Magnamon after all SnowAgumon: you heard what they all said, dark tattoo means bad, oh! [I] as the words come to his mouth SnowAgumon realizes something... [/I] Fenix: exactly... SnowAgumon: hmmm...
Fenix: did you hear that? SnowAgumon: no but i sure felt it, i think something nearby just digivolved. Fenix: over there... [I] Fenix and SnowAgumon run over and peer through some nearby underbrush to see two kids and two digimon preparing to do battle with a large digimon [/I] Fenix: ok lets see here, [I] holding up his d-arc [/I] we've got a guilmon, a kikiyoumon, and that bigger one is Magnamon. [I] suddenly taking notice of the two kids [/I] Oh crap, how'd they get here so fast, this isn't good, so much for our head start. SnowAgumon: you think we should help 'em out? Fenix: which one? SnowAgumon: uh, good point, well, i get a strange feeling about that Magnamon, so lets help him, its 2 on one anyway. Fenix: uh, i hate to say it but i think you're thought process is a little flawed, we don't know who's on which side, i think we should sit tight and watch for awhile SnowAgumon: works for me...
[I] Standing in a field of snow Fenix gazes about himself. As far as the eye can see there is nothing but snow. There is movement.[/I] ???: I don't think its here... [I] Snapping out of his daze Fenix turns around back to the task at hand [/I] Fenix: Well my friend I suppose you're right about that. ???: Fenix my hands are cold from all this digging Fenix: WHAT!, your hands are cold, YOURE A SNOWAGUMON, how do you think MINE feel after all of that!? [I] Fenix produces his trembling, frost bitten hands for his friend to see[/I] SnowAgumon: Point, well what do you say we leave here and get some food, I'm hungry Fenix: Fine by me, I bet we have at least a days head start, I don't think anyone else has made it to the digital world yet... [I] SnowAgumon and Fenix begin to wander off quickly, leaving their failed excavation site [/I]
I'm joining, i know its kinda late, but if it's ok then here's my stuff Name: Fenix Nickname: Fenix Age: 16 Digivice&color: D-RAD (yes i made it up, the D-RAD can't card slash or biomerge, but can DNA and data collect i.e. digicode scan and can use any captured data to upgrade its digimon for a given period of time, if thats not ok then i'll have a D-ARC) Friends: none yet Personality: The voice of reason, believes in logic, brain before brawn kinda guy. Very pessimistic, can seem shy but really just reserved in speech. Side: for me to know and you to find out Bio: Fenix grew up in a small Texas town, mainly he had a very average life, average as in boring. Very smart and a straight A student. His life became much more interesting after he met his digimon. Digimon-Rookie: SnowAgumon (SnowAgumon is his only canon digimon form, all the rest are fics of mine, and i'll explain them when they appear in the story. Unless we have to he won't have a biomerge or biofusion)
[COLOR=royalblue][I] In the frozen wasteland of Siberia: [/I][/COLOR] [I] It is dark, a dreary cloud blankets the sky providing a constant yet peaceful snowfall. Out of the dreary dark a figure is seen, his regular breathing condensing into a cloud of white whispers. He holds a set of night vision binoculars and peers into the darkness. A smelting plant is seen off in the distance. Its firey smoke stacks the only light for miles. Konru places the goggles back on his belt and wraps his thermal scarf around his neck. He begins walking back to Oasis, which waits patiently kneeling in the snow. [/I] [COLOR=royalblue][I] Minutes later inside the factory... [/I][/COLOR] [I] The lights flicker before fading as the factory comes to a screetching halt...[/I] Officer: (in Russian) What's going on! What happened to the power? Soldier: (in Russian) I don't know, backup generators are not responding...I can't raise the patrol team on their battery radios, all communications are down! Officer: (in Russian) Then fix it! Konru: You might have a problem there... [I] With these words Oasis burts through a wall into the main hangar, slicing through several of the Scorpio units it heads for the power generator and severs a conduit cable, the generator begins to surge with life again if only for a brief moment before it begins to overload. Oasis quickly flees the scene. Mere seconds later the entire factory is destroyed in a flaming explosion.[/I] Konru: Oops. I must've accedentally gotten the fuel tanks too. That's a shame, I'll have to be more careful. [I] With a solem look on his face Konru and Oasis are walking into the distance towards their next target...[/I]
[I]In space: a large object is floating silently, steadily towards earth, as the sun relfects off of its metal surface it takes the shape of a Gundam. Inside the cockpit a lone figure sits talking to an interface.[/I] Quatre: (over the radio)you remember what to do right? Konru: As soon as I get to orbit, find the Maguanac shuttle which will take me to Siberia, once there I keep a low profile using hit and run techniques so that it looks like its nothing more than local resistance. After a few weeks move to a new area. Avoid direct contact for as long as possible, you know we went over this so many times... Quatre: I know, I know, just want to make sure. Remember try not to kill, and don't be afraid to use the self detination switch. Konru: Wish me luck. Quatre: I hope you won't need it. Good Luck. And don't forget, Oasis will look after you. Konru: Talk to you in a few months, then... Quatre: Take care... [I] The Radio is cut off as Oasis boosts quickly off towards its destiny, a large blue planet called The Earth[/I]
Name: Konru Bilkin Age: 16 Gender: Male From: Whatever colony Quatre was from, can't remember right now Mentor: Quatre Gundam name, or MS name: Oasis (since it is such a trend in this thread and quite easy to do, why don't we just use the retro designs of the original Gundams for ours? I'll have the retro Sandrock of course) Gundam or MS Weapons: go here and check out retro sandrock [url]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/index.htm[/url] Character Bio: The son of a wealthy family, Konru was always travelling when he was young. This left him with a sense of a nomad, although he had an estate to go back to in the colonies he never really felt at home. This attitude left him sad, and lonely quite often, to keep his mind occupied he took up Martial Arts and which he excelled and also Fencing. One of his favorite subjects was history, and he spent most of his time studing about Operation Metor and the war that followed. By chance Konru met Quatre at an assembly for the wealthy "elite" noticing their common dislike for the party they both ditched and took a long walk in which the two exchanged ideas on politics and the economy. Both saw that neither one actually cared about those subjects and instantly formed a friendship. Konru then tagged along with Quatre whenever he could, he finally had a real friend. Ouatre travelled to many places since he now owned his family's resource buisness. On one such trip Konru met Trowa Barton. On this same trip was when the idea of piloting a Gundam, introduced. Quatre then explained about a rising enemy, a storm, that was coming, and fast. Konru volunteered to help no matter the cost. Quatre then took Konru to a distant resource Satellite MO 12, where the Oasis Gundam was being secretly built. There Konru started traning to be a Gundam pilot until he was finally an ace, just like the pilots of the old Gundams. He and Quatre then resumed their normal lives until the stage was set for the Gundam's deployment. Landing Area: Siberia
[I]Warren, walking through the transport on his way to the pilots deck, suddenly comes across a mess of wiring and Fenix[/I] Warren: What are you doing? Fenix: Im installing this lovely thing here [I] producing a rather large silver box[/I], apparently the Mephistopholes was tracking us by satellite, or thats what the battle data from Blaze picked up, hopefully this little box will be able to block some of the signals. It should conceal us, partially anyways. OH, i was meaning to ask you, what kind of a resistance are we going to find in Japan? Warren: Lets see, there should be anywhere from 80-100 aquatic mobile suits, considering it is a sea-side base, at least 70 land mobile suits, a squadron of 150 strike fighters is stationed there, and then the automatic missle defense system, but all thats nothing we can't handle. Our biggest concern is the two Plasma Cannon Turrets stationed on two different towers in the harbor, a blast from one of those could probably take out at least half of one of our gundams, but besides all that, nothing really. Fenix: o.O
[I]Fenix was walking alone down a corridor, he was headed to the Gundam Assembly Bay where the three Gundams were being repaired. Wolf and Warren were now elsewhere in the base, having a debriefing session. Warren was probably passing down information which would soon be very useful to the newly formed strike force.[/I] Fenix: So, our next mission is going to the UAP base in Japan and checking out those Gundam parts. [I]As Fenix reached the doors hydrolics pushed them open, revealing the massive construction and docking area where the Gundams were being housed. Blaze's new arm was being attached. Breathing a sigh of either relief or exhaustion Fenix began walking toward Liza who was overlooking the reconstruction process.[/I] Liza: The repairs should be complete in no time. Fenix: Good, I'll feel much better once Blaze is up and running. Liza: So, what do you think about Warren? Fenix: He's cool, we shouldn't have any problems, no bugs or anything on his gundam, nobody followed us, and it was clear that somebody was after him, so I think his intentions are true. His background checks out, word for word. I wish you could've just trusted him, I hate doing background checks. Liza: Well, thats good to hear, and sorry I guess I'm just too careful these days. Fenix: Right, well I'm gonna hit the hay, big day tomorrow and all. Liza: Go grab Warren and show him to the pilots quarters. He's on deck B, in the debriefing room. I hope everything works out tomorrow. Good luck. Fenix: Yeah, too bad we'll need it.