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Everything posted by SuruBlu
I see a similarity to Charlie's Angels here, and about Chappu, its obvious that the three main characters are female, so i don't think he is in the gun-toting Yuna pic. This games looks like it could either be really good, or ruin the FF franchise, and that makes me very nervous. and in refrence to ginny's earlier part about all the cid arships, FF8 actually was sorta different, the Best airship you got was Ragnarok, which IMO was very nifty, and in order to be able to get to Ultemecia's castle you had to first fly up to the giant black monolith that was going to destroy things. Also I thought FF8 was a very good game, It was fun, relatively original, and had a decent story. I HATED FF9, it sucked, there was nothing there at all, i stopped playing it when i got to the warped-dimension thingie, which is really close to the final boss, because i was so sick of the game.
Warren: Wow, this place is alot bigger than i thought... Fenix: You too huh? Warren: Do What? Fenix: I don't remember the hangar being this big... ???: Yeah, we've done a little upgrading since you were here last Fenix Fenix: Liza? [I]Fenix turns to face the familiar voice...[/I] Liza: Thats Colonel McCeleb... [I]then snaps to attention[/I] Fenix: oh uh, sorry ma'am Liza: I'm just kidding, you don't have to worry about formalities with me, oh, you must be the UAP pilot Warren. Warren: huh, oh yes I am, former UAP. [I]Colonel Liza McCeleb a young woman standing at approx. 5'4", in her mid twenties, she was young, daring, tough, and mighty good looking, or at least thats what every male thus far who had met her thought. She now took Warren's hand in a firm yet comfortting shake.[/I] Liza: In that case Warren, welcome aboard. I hope you don't mind if we service your Gundam? Warren: Not at all, its not like I have something to hide, which reminds me, I've got alot to tell you about. Liza: Later, right now I bet you all are tired, and hungry, we've got a nice meal set up for you. Wolf you're awfully quiet. Wolf: Just thinking about Mephistopholes, I'll go for some dinner though. Warren and Fenix: Me too [I]Outside the base hidden in the distance a peculiar Gundam sits peacfully[/I] Kaze(to himself): these guys could prove interesting yet, I still can't believe I missed that shot. Oh well, maybe it was for the better...
if you've never seen snow then make a short trip to lubbock or amarillo in the next month, from houston its what, a ten hour drive, ooh maybe you'd better fly, anyway it snows like crazy up here, when it does, and we're still in texas. I love snow and i really feel sorry for you, and i love dreary days too, they make me happy
Fenix: Oh man this is gonna take hours to fix... [I]Fenix sits in a small cave, made by the piles of rubble overhead. He is looking at what he can see of his Gundam's severed arm. From outside we hear a noise.[/I] Warren: Hey, are you alright in there? Fenix: Yeah, let me get back in the Gundam and then we can get all this debris off of me. [I]From the outside Fang and Strike Gundams begin to lift off piles of rock from the inanimate Blaze. A boulder having crushed one of its ocular cameras, Fenix tries to make due with the small amount of feed he's getting from his sensors, and gets Blaze back on its feet although slowly and very akwardly. Together the three Gundams board the rickety transport to take off. Their destination, the small hidden Omni outpost located in Ireland.[/I] Fenix: Maybe there I can get some repairs, and maybe even some upgrades for all of us. With that Mephistopholes and Knightmare, I think we'll need them. [I]The pilots sit in the cockpit of the transport, taking in each other's company in their first face to face conversation[/I]
Fenix: Blinder? uh ok i guess i ca.... [I]Blaze Gundam took a hit from the brilliant scythe taking off its right arm, Blaze began to fall backwards[/I] Fenix: Crap! Well desperate times... [I]Fenix initiated Blazes boosters sending the gundam rocketing straight into a building which then fell on Blaze covering the gundam in an ironically protective layer of rubble[/I] Fenix: Well, how 'bout that. Now if I can just figure a way out of here. I wonder when that blinder is gonna go off anyways.
at my school homecoming is different than spirit week, spirit week is the week of the football game against our age old rivals, we do similar stuff although i dont have much school spirit
Good luck, and FEAR Sephiroth, *shudders*
I'm so happy, I beat it today and got the secret ending... [B]SPOILER! SPOILER! AND I REPEAT, SPOILER![/B] *[COLOR=white]There is going to be a sequel, its confirmed when you beat the game, it takes place in the future and stars Riku who has, not one but two keyblades! I suspect "king mickey" will be one of your cohorts although it takes place in the world of the heartless and looks uber creepy, more FF than disney, I can't wait![/COLOR]*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eternal¤Knight [/i] [B]SPOILERS BELOW Has anybody managed to beat Sephiroth? This guy is one tough cookie..Even with Aeroga and Curaga he killed me in two slashes of his sword. [/B][/QUOTE] no kidding, i hate that fire thing, ug :nervous: Sephiroth -->:flaming: I havent made it past 5 sec in the ring with him, and im at level 64, i think im gonna try and get to 75 before i try again
the jet engines began to whrrr, Fenix: Wait a minute, we're supposed to escape in this?! ???: Not likely....HAHAHAHAHA Suddenly the wings of the transport were ripped off before it erupted into flames Fenix: ARGGG Blaze Gundam hits the ground hard followed shortly by Strike Gundam Fenix: Damn, get in the other transport, i'll try and hold him off Blaze stood and readied his rifle, searching for... Fenix: Hey i don't even know what's attacking us! ???: ME!!!!!!!! Blaze turned and just barely made it out of the path of a vibrant red beam scythe ???: Ha, I thought you'd be tougher than this, you won't help me much at all The demonic gundam started to slash repeatedly at Blaze, Fenix was on his toes and just barely dodging the insane attacks, Fenix: A LITTLE HELP HERE!
Ok, I've noticed that many of you mentioned that cussing at a teacher gives them the right to fail you, that would be WRONG! Teachers can give you a poor grade in conduct, however they CANNOT fail you for anything other than bad work, if they do it's a little thing i like to call ILLEGAL. They can however, remove that person from class. In your case it would appear that you were already fumed, so a formal apology explaining the situation should clear things up, however, the teacher WAS wrong in telling you to shut up because you didn't understand (and yes teachers do cuss, in fact if you ever have any coaches, primarily football, for a class in high school, you'll wonder if they ever stop cussing). Her telling you to do so indicates that she herself is not doing her job. And another comment about rights at school = 0, This IS true, only because the teachers (some not all, in fact not many) think that they can walk all over you. At my school, some of us are thinking about making a formal complaint, maybe even take the school to court, because of some bogus rules they are trying to inforce, which they can't because...well its a long story, just know that it involves the cafateria, and all the school needs to do is build a bigger one which they would be able to do if they didn't spend so much money on the football program that doesn't ever do anything important or win for that matter and ahhhhhhhhhh im ranting...end commentary
i just wanted to say that optional bosses suck, end of story [B]SPOILER[/B] Wowzers, could Pongo and Perdita give a better gift, all the gummi parts yay! now i can make millions of ships!
[I]Suddenly...Warning lights[/I] Fenix: HUH!? [I]Blaze turns quickly looking to the dense growth of vegitation surrounding the base.[/I] Wolf: What is it? Fenix: Uh, thats odd, Blaze picked up movement, but I cant see anything, thermal scopes are too glitched because of the heat from the rubble, i can't see anything. Maybe it was a falling rock. [I]Warren thinking to himself: Something's up, Those are Gundams alright so I'd think their pilots would have spotted me, so why did he snap to the opposite direction... We now see Strike Gundam crouching behind a battered hangar, and indeed Blaze and Fang Gundams are looking what would appear to be the opposite direction[/I] Wolf: Fenix, I don't like this one bit... Fenix: Getting one of your feelings again? Wolf: Unfortunately... Warren, again to himself: Maybe I should rethink this, what if they get the wrong message, [I] With that, Strike Gundam starts to stealthily sneak away back towards the jungle, when... SMACK...a large metal clang resounds as Strike Gundam recoils from an impact[/I] Warren: WHAT THE?!? [I] Blaze and Fang turn to face the noise, and are shocked to see a Gundam, but more shocked to see a mobile suit appear out of thin air[/I] Warren: CHAMELIONS! But they weren't anywhere near production stage, or so I was told... [I]Blaze, Fang, and Strike are suddenly surrounded by over 50 Chamelion X-9 class mobile suits[/I] Fenix: Oh great...
um, does anyone know how to get the -aga line of spells? im afraid i'm gonna end the game before i find them, if thats possible. [B]Spolier[/B] perhaps.... ok, i finished off Malificent, and got the navi G peice, my question is, is it worth going back to all the worlds, I mean is there anything important there? If this is how you get the -aga line then please let me know
Night, infinite in darkness, the moonlight reveals a street, broken torn and tattered, weathered by what seems like centuries. Suddenly, a loud crash as a giant Gundanium foot slams into the pavement. Blaze gundam is walking, slowly but steadily on its northwest heading, the only visible thing is its pair of glowing red eyes. Fenix: Ok, lets see...[I]he is examining a hud screen displaying a large map[/I]...if i keep this up then I should reach the UAP naval base in Boston in no time. That will also bring me past the slave camp in D.C. I'll have to help out those people, but besides that I shouldn't find any suprises.... [I]suddenly a repetitive persistant beep, Fenix jumps, then realizing what it is, presses a button[/I] Fenix: Don't scare me like that, I thought I wasn't supposed to get anymore instructions until after I take out Boston. Female Voice: Sorry, change of plans. We're sending you a transport, well its kind of a transport, an old one, it's all we could muster right now. It'll take longer to get there, but we need you to check out an incident... Fenix: Incident?! Female Voice: A UAP base in old Europe vanished a couple of hours ago, our spy sats noticed it wasn't there, we just want you to check it out. Be careful, we don't know anything about it, good luck. [I]the com link cuts, the drone of engines can be heard. Blaze turns around to reveal...a peice of crap?[/I] Fenix: What! this thing has got to be seventy years old! Oh man, this is gonna take FOREVER... [I]Blaze boards the very old looking transport, which seems to have apparent trouble taking off[/I] Fenix: (blandly) Oh yay...
hey what exactly are all the summons, i have 3, SPOILER i guess i have Simba Bambi Genie and i know about Dumbo, so who else? and i think the summons are ok, they're no where near FF power but thats not really the point, and *gasp* could Bahamut be in the game? Prolly not, oh well i'll keep my fingers crossed
A familiar mechanical whrr as a giant foot steps into view. The hulk of the Drake MS fully eclipsing the bleak light of the sun, penetrating throught the clouds. Drake Commander: Nothing unusual, man these patrols are getting so boring, its not like we're ever gonna find anything... he begins to laugh, the rest of the squad consisting of some 20 mobile suits joins in. Then...a clang as a relatively small cylindrical object bounces of the one of the many delapidated skyscrapers surrounding the UAP base located in what used to be Houston, Texas. Drake pilot: What th- The com is cut short as the object explodes into a brilliant fireball... Drake pilots: AHHHHHHH...... Five of the Drakes go down in the explosion. Commander: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! ALL UNITS OPEN FIRE, I DONT CARE WHERE! The Drakes begin firing their assault rifles randomly. Fenix: Pandemonium, gotta love it. (to all) Now, you cowards, meet the full force of a new era, I'll make you pay! Now behold my mighty BLAZE GUNDAM! HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Blaze's black form erupts through a building, taking aim at the Commader's drake with its Fusion Rifle. And fires, the incandescent red beam melting throught the very core of the mobile suit, and the three unfortunates who happened to be standing behind. Fenix: If I must kill, then SO BE IT! Blaze holsters its Rifle on its back, producing a glowing orange beam saber from its sheild. Blaze proceeds to hack and slash the remainder of the suits. The last thing the pilots see...the burning red fury of Blaze's eyes.
sorry i didnt get it up sooner, but the RPG is up now under the title Gundam NEE. Lets try and make it a good one! On another note, since we dont have many people we're gonna have to make up the MS's that we fight so post all data on new MS and Gundams here. Thnx In order to avoid triple posting... Drake mobile suit think a silver version of a serpent, except with a semi-automatic rifle instead of one of the serpent weapons and less armor, does have missle launchers on shoulders This suit is very basic, standard UAP model
[B]The Story[/B] It was the beginning of a new age, a miracle substance, know as N-Kyst had been found in the outer reaches of the solar system. N-Kyst was an energy source far more powerful than man had ever seen, even more so than nuclear energy and without the dangerous side effects. This discovery brought the dawn of a new era NEE (Neo Energy Era). With the Kyst life in the space colonies was maximized to its potential, research was coming close to finding cures for various diseases, all was well...or so we thought, but as is human nature, there is always someone who would wield this power for a far darker purpose. And thus through a slow development a shadowy agency began to form, using the power of the Kyst they created massive weapons of war known as Mobile Suits. In one quick and daring assault the faction known as the Unified Advancement for Power (UAP) took the world by force. However, as also is human nature, there were those who resisted. Of these factions, four became a strong retaliation against UAP. Omni, Terra, Ring, and DOT began building their own armies of mobile suits, but it was too little too late as became apparent. Lack of skill and numbers led to loss after loss and after 15 years of bitter war UAP has more than half of the earth enslaved under its torturous control. Realizing the benifits of working together the four factions began building a weapon so powerful it could singlehandedly defeat the UAP and return order and justice. The project was to be named Gundam. After 13 months of hard work and production the first Gundam was complete, equaled by no other. When the tests began however, the factions realized that something about the Gundam was amiss. The Gundam seemed to have a mind of its own often resisting control and even, at times, reacting without interface. Deeming the project as a reject the Gudam was named Mephistopholes, for record, and packed on a cargo freighter which was to be destroyed in deep space. Before the freighter reached its target however, all traces of it vanished. The Gundam Mephistopholes was never found. It is now NEE 2165, twelve years after the Mephis incident, and the factions have again begun secretly producing Gundams, this time on their own. It is here our story begins, with the epic struggle between slavery and freedom, and the curse of a forgotten Gundam... The darkness, vast, incomprehensible. From the void we can make out a shape, some features, a nose, cheekbones, a person. He waits quietly in the dark. Suddenly, a informative beep, and the face is lit with a vibrant green light. The eyes open to reveal a hazel tone. He begins to read. [B]Fenix[/B]: Authorization of Gundam confirmed, mission area...earth continent delta...hmm...the Old U.S., well Blaze looks like we have to fly solo on this one. Outside, a cargo freighter that, to anyone's guess, would be civilian. Now its doors opening to reveal a peculiar black cylindrical military drop pod with the words Omni inscribed in silver. [B]Fenix[/B]: Launching Blaze Gundam! The pod is released and begins its decent into the atmosphere...
no he means they spelled it wrong, Univeral instead of Universal
GBA2 is still psone but its alot of fun, it has 30 mobile suits in it from G Gundam, Gundam wing, and the AC timeline
um, id rather you use your own gundam designs, but if thats what you really want I don't see a problem with it. And one thing i forgot to mention about UAP is that, well i forgot to mention they even have gundams, but they did steal the prototype plans for the original gundam, so yes UAP does have gundams, but only 2. They rely more on numbers than power. And good job final flash, i think you'll do quite well, esp. the crucifix thing now we just need more people