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Everything posted by SuruBlu
I just want to see if i would have enough ppl truly intersted in a Gundam RPG, If i get enough replys of interest then i'll post the story/sign up info, etc. This'll be my first real RPG if its a go so bare with me ;) Ok, i just realized waiting would be completely pointless so here goes: [B]The Story[/B] It was the beginning of a new age, a miracle substance, know as N-Kyst had been found in the outer reaches of the solar system. N-Kyst was an energy source far more powerful than man had ever seen, even more so than nuclear energy and without the dangerous side effects. This discovery brought the dawn of a new era NEE (Neo Energy Era). With the Kyst life in the space colonies was maximized to its potential, research was coming close to finding cures for various diseases, all was well...or so we thought, but as is human nature, there is always someone who would wield this power for a far darker purpose. And thus through a slow development a shadowy agency began to form, using the power of the Kyst they created massive weapons of war known as Mobile Suits. In one quick and daring assault the faction known as the Unified Advancement for Power (UAP) took the world by force. However, as also is human nature, there were those who resisted. Of these factions, four became a strong retaliation against UAP. Omni, Terra, Ring, and DOT began building their own armies of mobile suits, but it was too little too late as became apparent. Lack of skill and numbers led to loss after loss and after 15 years of bitter war UAP has more than half of the earth enslaved under its torturous control. Realizing the benifits of working together the four factions began building a weapon so powerful it could singlehandedly defeat the UAP and return order and justice. The project was to be named Gundam. After 13 months of hard work and production the first Gundam was complete, equaled by no other. When the tests began however, the factions realized that something about the Gundam was amiss. The Gundam seemed to have a mind of its own often resisting control and even, at times, reacting without interface. Deeming the project as a reject the Gudam was named Mephistopholes, for record, and packed on a cargo freighter which was to be destroyed in deep space. Before the freighter reached its target however, all traces of it vanished. The Gundam Mephistopholes was never found. It is now NEE 2165, twelve years after the Mephis incident, and the factions have again begun secretly producing Gundams, this time on their own. It is here our story begins, with the epic struggle between slavery and freedom, and the curse of a forgotten Gundam... [B]Sign Up[/B] OK, the first few people i'll decide when we have enough, can pilot Gundams. The person who gets the Mephistoploles(Mephis for short) must be able to act REALLLY evil, im talking make ppl wet their pants in fear evil. First person to ask for it gets it. Although the Gundams start off as powerful they are NOT at full power yet, so start relatively small right now, not weak mind you, but choose your weapons wisely. We also need normal mobile suit pilots and civilian/crew class characters as well as major side characters. If you want to play a normal character you may play more than one but no more than three. [B]Gundam Pilot Roster:[/B] Name: Age: Appearance: Short Bio: Faction: Gundam Name: Gundam Description: Gundam Abilities: [B]MS Pilot Roster:[/B] Name: Age: Appearance: Short Bio: Faction: MS: (note, i have not included a basis for normal MS's, but if you are to be an MS pilot there will need to be consistancy, so try and pick a MS someone else has already posted if possible) MS Appearance/Abilities: [B]Other Characters Roster:[/B] Name: Age: Appearance: Faction: Short Bio/Significance to story: Ok, i think thats all so here's me Name:CJ codename:Fenix Age:16 Appearance: Short black hair, hazel eyes that are mostly green, lightly tanned skin, about 5'8", Baggy Blue Jeans, black T-shirt, pilot gloves(silver), and silver metal band around forehead Short Bio: His past is foggy even to him. His parents were killed by UAP officers, in the process he took a bump on the head that wiped out most of his memory and it can never be recovered. In revenge he volunteered to be a pilot for Omni. Most important to him is what he has now, his friends. Faction: Omni Gundam Name: Blaze Gundam Gundam Appearance: Similar to Blitz Gundam in structure, Black is primary color with red and gold as secondary. Has flame decals around wrists and shins. Small shield, like Tallgeese 3 but without whip on left hand. Specialized Rifle, resembles Armored Core Karwasawa Gundam Abilities: Heavy Fusion Laser Cannon (Rifle) x1 Incendiary Grenade, stored on left hip x 10 G-Sheild, on left arm x1 Heavy Beam Saber, stored in G-Sheild x1 Vulcan cannon, on temples x2 Standard FighterPilot style cockpit Standard Booster (on a scale of 1-20) Power 15 (note this is very high for starting out) Defense 10 (avg. for starts) Speed 11 Flying NO Special NONE (things like stealth, defensor sheilds, and abilities involving pilot interfaces go here)
hey if you guys like those so much go to fluffyduck.com thats where they're from, well as far as i know anyways. A friend introduced me to this site and it has some mighty funny stuff, although not all of it is G rated. P.S. check out the section about "stuff you didn't know" my favorite is the part about all porcupines float in water
thanks for the info zero, and about the guns in that level, if you take them out in a short time then you get a bonus mission, which is where i get stuck because i cant last 5 mins against a neverending assault. Its really hard to fight off bombers and mts at the same time, my main problem is incoming missles and the interceptors just don't work well. Journey to Jaburo was too short for my tastes, but i do like battle assault 1 and 2 although that is kinda off topic ;). There is no armored core 3 for the regular PSone you must be thinking about project phantasma, and masters of the arena, which are not really sequels just expansions.
Linear cannon? how do you get that, I'm working on the mission to get the Karwasawa(sp?) right now, i get all the way to the end where they launch the missles, and then i die :( Can you give me some advice? Oh and I too believe AC3 is the best one so far, and that link thing somebody was talking about, allows you to hook up 4 PS2s together to get 4 ppl to play. AC3 also has alot of small graphical enhancements esp. on the weapons, oh one thing you forgot zero, some of the weapons(mostly ones that take up your arms) have changable firing modes, cool indeed!
Well, this actually came from a lovely discussion in the digimon section, I think we need a debate forum, where people can go and debate various things, from anime to whatever. I then had a thought, would such topics be allowed in the Lounge or respective forums? Please reply, thanks
Anybody know where i can get some good Gundam SEED pics? thnx
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]The world isn't more dangerouse, we just have a media that informs us of everything. I'm against war but I hope we get rid of Sodame Insane. I'll put my thoughts short and sweet... When someone murders someone else as in America, they are put to jail correct? The loose their rights and are confined. Would you put on of these physcotic killers at the head of a nation, that you rely on for natural recourses, and expect them to follow your ideals? I don't think so. He's a murder, and he has more weapons at his hand than we can even guess. Why let him roam free? [/B][/QUOTE] If this were a perfect world your assumptions would be correct but unfortunately our justice system is not that efficent. Many innocent people die for crimes they did not commit and as many guilty ones walk free. As far as the world being more dangerous, yes it is. One hundred years ago there were not constant wars, wars yes, but not one everytime you turn around. Unfortunately, it has become aparent that no matter how sincere humans are, we can never achieve peace. :(
i can't remember exactly where this comes from but my friends say it alot: "Nobody is a virgin, life screws us all"
1. I'd have to say this one depends on location, not to offend anyone but, at least in the U.S., people down in the south are MUCH nicer and have better manners than those in the north. When I went to DC I almost had a fit because everyone was so rude. 2. I hate to restate things but it is the parents responsibilty to teach manners to their kids and they...uh...dont 3. Oh, Oh, I know, the one about not sticking your knife in the ketchup bottle. I mean what is up with that? All I want is some stinkin ketchup! (small tangent here: how come ketchup is supposed to be spelled catsup? I don't get that)
personally, i like the new SEED cockpits the best, but the G-Gundam cockpits are cool. The only thing i dont like about them is the little transmittor thingies, they just look funny. And I agree that the G-Gundam cockpits seem the most capable of controling the gundams except for vulcans, how would you use those?
Actually a manji is the symbol for the sun in a middle eastern script, i cant remember as of thus which one
ok, im only gonna say this once, there are questions in evangelion that DO NOT HAVE ANSWERS. 2 of the most frequently asked questions are who killed kaji, and whose soul is inside eva unit 00? these questions do not have solid answers and are left to the speculation of fans. so its really anybody's guess and misato was never locked up, so i dont know what you guys are talking about
birds are probably the most easily infected animals, lots of dead birds = lots of West Nile
sorry bout that, i looked. Must have missed it
Anybody know what Gundam SEED is? Supposedly its a new series thats 49 episodes long, if I'm wrong could someone let me know. Any info is appreciated
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B] What are the renames for the God and Devil Gundams? [/B][/QUOTE] God Gundam = Burning/Shining Gundam Devil Gundam = Dark Gundam
I'd personally have to say that if your mother treats you that way she's not a very good christian. Also, I hate to be repetitive, but experiment and find out what religion is best for you and dont shut out christianity just because of the bad experience you've had with your mother, there are MANY divisions of christianity including lesser knowns like the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons. But be it in Christendom or not give it time and you'll find whats best for you.
*sigh* "Too bad im not out there" K.D. thought to himself. "Oh well, more money for me" he said as he sat back in his chair to watch the upcoming match. He took a long sip of his whitechocolate mocha, "hmm... i wonder where everyone is."
ok, where is he? i was all excited and stuff and he's 10 minutes late! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
sorry for the double post, but are there any rules on killing a person, like exactly how it happens or is it just get hit with so much and die?
hey ssj4 i wasnt quite sure but does all the money spent so far go to sirven and i, cuz if it does we have like a bajillion credits
okay, well itd probably be easier if we split up so we can each take 5 items if i can count right ill let you pick what you want sirven and take the rest my shop is called: The Lightwind Armory
sorry it took me a long time to post, didnt see yours but yeah whats up here SSJ4
sounds good to me, xcept should we split the items up or what Name: K.D. Airsong Age: 16 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 200 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair:Jet Black Personality:Incredibly calm at virtually all times, a happy demenor makes him very freindly Shop:Bits Zoid Parts Shop Partner: Bit Cloud VIII
whew im not too late but i got really confused trying to read all that stuff, is there enough room for another team? If not ill sell parts but im not gonna post my info until i find out