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About Zero-Altron

  • Birthday 07/06/1989

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  • Biography
    Well, my Father was Zero and he had a strange obscesion with the Gundam Altron, you get the idea
  • Occupation
    Mobile Suit Pilot

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  1. My parents have no clue what type of anime I watch, and frankly they don't care. I am 12, they know whatever I am watching I can handle it. Hell, they picked me out a movie called Bio-Hunters, when it said Briefe Nudity right on the case. I remember like 3 or 4 years back I was watching "Tree of might" and my mom was not happy when Turles said hell. Basically, they don't care but they don't want to hear it/ see it themselves, do you understand, what I am trying to say?
  2. I have only seen Medabots a few times, so bear with me here. My character: Name: Dart Age: 13 Description and Personality: Dart is a loner. Definatly not one of the "cool" kids at school. Does he care? No. The only time he has any contact with others are in Robattles. He doesn't give a d*** about anyone or anything. He wears a long black treanchcoat, and matching black boots. Everything underneath that is black as well. His hair is sort-of long, his bangs are usually covering his eyes, oh yeah, and his hair is black too. My Medabot: Name: Grey Hunter Type of Medabot: Why would Dart wanna tell you? Weapons: At the top of his right wrist he has a sabre he can extend and return at will, that is usually the only weapon he use's but if he needs it he'll use the dart gun planted inside of his left hand. In-case you didn't get that he shoots high powered darts out of his left palm. Name of metal: Hunter Metal Description and personality: Grey Hunter, is grey in every part of his body. He has heavy armor covering the front and backside of him. His personality is just like Dart's.
  3. I just now finished it, and I must say it was one of the best movies I have ever seen. Ranks somewhere in my top 5. The animation was awesome and the action kicked a**. *Spoiler* But to tell you the truth instead of letting them go off to space, and be happy together. I would have impaled the guys head upon a stick, then told the chic it was a dream, or something along thise lines. *Spoiler end* Overall, I highly recomend you watch it, over and over and over. :D
  4. Unfortunatly, I live in San Antonio, no beaches here. I have to drive at least a good 4 hour drive to get to Chorpus Christie. The crappy part about that, is that I have always loved the water. But sadly, the closest thing I have to a pool is my local pool. Witch no-one goes too. :bawl:
  5. Listen to them. Trust me, I have had first hand experience. I find all this bull-s*** on-line about how your supposed to be able to bring, Aeris back. I spent hours and hours, trying the crap people put on-line to no avail. All that time and effort because someone lied about reviving Aeris. Kinda sad I had nothing better to do though.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Actually, I'd keep Surf on Feraligatr, in Crystal, instead of adding Hydro Pump... It's more acurate than Hydro Pump, and I think it's as powerful. It may be a little less powerful, buy it'll be worth it when Hydro Pump is missing and not doing any damage that round.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I have to dis agree, now it may be true that surf is more acurate but Hydro Pump is way more powerful, take it from me, in my first Pokemon game (Blue Version!) I picked the Squirtle, and I taught it surf, later on, while I was fighting the elight four, all I had left in my Blastoise (My favorite pokemonI might add) were 2 surfs, and my 5 Hydro Pumps. I first used the surfs, they did minimal damage, and almost got me killed. So I decide to use Hydro Pump, boom Genger is dead. Hydro Pump is much more powerful, not a little less pwerful.
  7. I got bored and worked some GameShark magic, caught a level 20 Pinsir and named it after Nerdsy. I didn't keep it htough, I am not a gameshark type of person, I like raising my own pokemon. Witch reminds me I named my Pidgey Tekkaman. Heh, don't know why though.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dead Fork [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]*scratches head* Outlaw Star spin-off? I knew it existed but how did you get it. I must know! Sword of the Beserk isn't that good really, but the game was pretty cool.[/SIZE] :) [SIZE=1]-Daniel[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I believe he was talking about Angel Links. The spinoff (I believe) is about two charactors Valeria and Duuz. They appeared in Outlaw Star episode 19, I think. *run's off to check* yes I was right. Your wrong about Sword of the Beserk though, man that is one awesome anime. Gatsu (guts) is awesome. His sword is like as big as Cloud's from FF7. :)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]YES! Another Tekkaman Blade Fan! (Teknoman).[/B][/QUOTE] I am a fan of what I saw, 3 or 4 random episodes. So the plot was kind of hard to follow. But all in all, what I have seen was great, probably one of the best anime's I have seen in a while. I plan on purchasing the whole series in fan-subs pretty soon though, so then I'll know a little bit more about what I am talking about. :p
  10. Eh, the animation was crap. But enough about that, Tenchi in Tokyo was my (like everyone else) least favorite of the 3, but it was certainly not bad. Infact I enjoyed watching it! :D
  11. I could sit here and explain all of that to you, but I would rather just give you the link to the episode 26 summarie! :D [url]http://www.theotaku.com/outlawstar/episodes/26_episode.shtml[/url]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=green]In the "Grave of the dragon" episode, Gene and Suzuka have a long conversation about Gene's feelings towards Melfina. It seems obvious to me that she continues asking him questions about his relationship with Melfina because she loves Gene, and wants to know if he shares those feelings. In the second to last episode when Suzuka fought Ikarode (or whatever his name is) he asks her if she has any feelings for Gene. She never tells him, so it leaves me to wonder... In the opening of the show, when the lyrics "My Dreams" are spoken it shows Suzuka. Does Gene dream of Suzuka? In "Creeping Evil" Suzuka is prepared to fight to the death for an injured Gene, even though this is only a few episodes after she vowed to kill him. Suzuka grew up as an Assasin, and she can't display her emotions correctly. How much evidence do you people need!?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, I think that Sazuka has very strong feelings for Gene, but is afriad to admit. But Gene on the other hand is with Melfina now, and I think that would stop anything from happening between them. :p
  13. Well, I just restarted my Yellow, and I plan to give everything in the game an anime name. Me-Zero My Rival-Shinji Pikachu-Zechs Ratata-Zaku II Nidoran Girl-Faye I will have more to come soon so stay tuned.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B] Does that include me?:p :D But seriously don't pay attention to those people who say anime is freakish cartoons. They obviously never saw real anime and just brush it off as a cartoon. A club is a great idea to get more anime fans come out of hiding and others to get addicted.:babble: Its certianly worked on Hunter and my High School. Besides, anime is FAR better than any movie or TV show that I've seen so let them talk, they're just missing out on some great stuff.:smirk: And Hunter were there really some teachers who didn't like anime? I never noticed. (Guess was too busy watching the great anime we had and taking part of the video game tournaments!) Ah those were the days....:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I am just curious, how did you get an anime club started? Did you go talk to the princepal or something? Eh, it's not hard to find good anime fan's down here though. Plus, if for any reason I am feeling isolated, I can just come here, with all theses other anime fans to cheer me up. :P
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by osiris_215 [/i] [B]i would have to say leena from zoids is pretty good...her boobs aren't too big or small...yeah, she is hott...and one of the girls in zoids...i forget her name, but she works for the back draft group...she was the head fighter in one of the shark zoids in an ep. a couple days ago...both of them are fine [/B][/QUOTE] Leena? :rolleyes: Anyway, I think Faye from Cowboy Bebop, she's hot, she's knows hot to kick a**, and well she is just pure awesomeness. :D
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