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Everything posted by BearsBaby635
OOC. WAH....spoil all my fun. j/k. And Juu, um....no one is in school due to a shooting. --------------------------------------- [color=blue]Jaimie quietly ate her food thinking about how stupid she was for pulling that on him.After all, they didn't know too much about each other. But still, she wanted to be more romantic then just a teenage date. She sighed. Ryan: So,how's your soup? Jaimie: *stares at it* It's fine. Ryan: Hey, what do you want to do after the dance? Jaimie: Huh? Ryan: I mean do yo think you could go to a late night movie or something? Jaimie: Sure. The two go into a few stores and come out with a new outfit for both of them. Jaimie had bought a new top that was black velvet and had big bell sleves. She also got some new pants to match the shirt. [/color]
[color=blue] Jaimie emediatly took Ryan up on his offer. She grabbed her special little bag,just in case. She almost ran to his house where he greeted her with open arms. His mother had gone to work already and they had the house to theirselves. Jaimie stowed away the little bag in her pocket.They went up to his room to listen to some music. Personally she didn't exactly want to listen to the music but hey,it's what Ryan wanted to do so she "listened" too. When she was in his arms she let her hand drift down so it was over something. Ryan: WHOA! What are you doing?! Jaimie: Oh...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...well I kinda did. You see...my mind gets bored easily if I do the samethings over and over. I'm sorry...I will go now if you wish me to. She got up and headed for the door.[/color]
[color=blue] Jaimie was shaking, she had never been in a school or anywhere near a gun fireing. She began to cry in Ryan's arms. Ryan: shhh...it's alright. It's over now. Jaimie: But...but...that was a horrible thing to happen. I hope everyone is alright. Ryan kissed here cheek and assured her that everything would be ok. Tears still fell from her eyes. [i] Why would anyone want to kill another person?[/i] They spent the rest of the day in eachother's arms kissing and being semi-romantic. (I'll get better into that stuff when his cast comes off :D)[/color]
[color=blue] Jaimie's heart fluttered right out of chest as they held onto each other. It felt as if they were in their own world. She looked down,thinking about her past. How could she tell him about Pheonix and her ex? Ryan grabbed her chin and made her look up into his eyes. Ryan: Look, I don't care about your past...as long as I have you to hold. Jaimie: Well, I have to confess....I'm not exactly over my ex. Ryan: Then I shall help you to forget about him. Jaimie smiled as they kissed one last time before the bell rang. She helped Ryan up and get his books. I'll see you at lunch. Corey had snuck up behind her. Corey: oooo...you two are so cute together. Jaimie: :blush: Corey: Come on...we have to go to class or we will be late. Jaimie: *stares after Ryan* uh-huh....[/color]
[color=blue]The band teacher was out sick that day and the sub let them do what they want as long as it was quiet. Jaimie and Ryan moved further back in the class and sat on the floor. She layed down in his lap and grabbed his hand. They just looked into eachother's eye for wha seemed to be an eternity to them. None of the class made any atempt to break them apart. It was their moment...they kissed. [/color] ----------------------- OOC. Sorry if I'm going overboard...you just kinda got me in the 'lovey' mood.
[color=blue] A few minutes later Jaimie came back wearing the dress. It fit her perfectly. Jaimie: Oh my gosh, this is SO beautiful. Thank you. Leigh smiled as memories of her sister flodded back into her mind. Jaimie: I probably don't look half as good as your sister did. I'm sorry if I caused you any pain in remembering her. [/color]
[color=blue]Jaimie: Yes, it does matter because no matter what you still have blood ties and one day....you will find your brothers and sister again. It is possible...anything is possible. Your parents are not good parents...I'm sure they do care though. Everyone cares about their children. Leigh sighed. Leigh: I guess you're right. I just want my family back and happy again. Jaimie: My family split up and we are better for it [/color]
[color=blue]As the two girls talked and go to know eachother more, Jaimie noticed something under Leigh's computer desk.It was black and white. [b]Jaimie:[/b] Hey,Leigh,what's that? *points to object* [b]Leigh:[/b] oh,that's my stuffed whale,I've had him since I was real young.He's been my only friend. [b]Jaimie:[/b] Like I believe I said before,that's going to change this year and hopefully many more. As for the whale, I think he's really cute. I have Locke and E.J. Locke was a birthday present and E.J. just reminds me a lot of....well...I thought he didn't exist but a guy I had in my dream. Jaimie looked as if she were in a trance or something. She only snapped out of it by Leigh's words....[/color]
[color=blue]As Jaimie sifted through the pictures, she found thta Leigh was VERY talented. Jaimie: This is SO cool. I could never do anything this detailed. Leigh: Yeah, it's mostly what I always do, draw. I mean...I don't have much else to do. Jaimie: Well..this year is going to be different. I can tell you that much. They both smiled at each other. Barb came in the room and told them thay had to go to bed soon. Jaimie went in the bathrooma nd slipped on her blue pajamas that had little penguins on them. She also unpacked her teddy bears,Locke and E.J. [/color]
[color=blue]Jaimie packed her things to stay over night,kissed Percy's head and told her mom to let him sleep in her bed even if she wasn't there with him. After a short jurney,she reached Leigh's house. It was the only one on the block that still had lights. Jaimie knocked on the door quietly. The police officer opened it.Leigh pushed her aside and welcomed Jaimie in. [/color]
[color=blue]Ryan and Jaimie talked for a long time about differnet things. They decided they would have to go out and do more when his leg healed. She didn't dare tell him about her dream. She moved closer to Ryan,takeing in his sent. She burried her head in his shoulder. He seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable but then he just wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. They fell asleep like that,only to wake up to a phone ringing. It was her mother who wanted her to come home. Ryan: Bye Jaimie: Bye.....*sigh* I love you. Ryan:..... Later that night,she got her phone call. Jaimie: *sigh* I told him I loved him and he didn't say anything. Corey: Did you mean it? JAimie: Yes....I wouldn't say it if I didn't. Corey: hmm....well....I don't know. Jaimie: *begins to cry* why can't I find a guy who will love me for me and not only want to screw me? Corey:shh....it's alright sis. You'll find him. Trust me. [/color] OOC...this is that pic on her wall.
[color=blue]hmm...my list would definatley have to be 1) Inu-Yasha! :love2: 2) Domon Kashu(sp?) ~ G Gundam 3) Gene Starwind ~ Outlaw Star 4) Spike ~ Cowboy Bebop. *rereads list*...yep Inu-Yasha is number one! :D[/color]
[color=blue] Jaimie walked to her locker at the end of the hall. She put in the combination and opened it. Inside was a small blue rose. She looked at it puzzled and thought [i] Who could have known I love oses and my favorite color is blue?[/i] It was obvious Corey didn't send it because he would have sent a note with it. She grabbed it up along with her music books and headed off to her gym class. The day creeped on by. She wonderend what Pheonix had ment by "If you ever want to come back here,all you have to do is dream about me." and how the rose was blue. She walked around from class to class in a dazed state until it was time to go to lunch and even then she didn't do anything but think about Pheonix. [/color]
[color=blue]Jaimie was soon asleep and dreaming before she knew it. [i] In the dream,she was walking on a path deep in the woods. The birds chirped loudly as if telling everyone she was there. She looked down and say she was wearing a light blue dress much like a midevil dress. The trees looked as if they were bowing before her and dancing for joy that she was there.The path turned andleaded her to a cottage. In the doorway was a man. He was a well built man with long silver hair and matching eyes. She did not know him but somehow the word "Pheonix" was on the tip of her tounge.She said it, he only smiled and nodded. Man: Welcome,Angel.I've been waiting for you for sometime now. JAimie: What is this place?Who are you? Man: This is the place in your dreams.The place where deep in your heart you wish to live. I am Pheonix,the person you wish to be with in your dreams. Jaimie: Why can't I remember ever having these dreams about you and this place? Pheonix: Because you don't wish to remember them. The ones you want to remember are the ones of that boy Ryan and that other guy who has hurt you. Jaimie: I remember a little bit now. You are the one who I've seen when I look behind me sometimes or when I see a bit of silver,I am seeing your hair. I always feel your eyes fixed on me and sometimes locked in my own.I love this place....I really do,but I cannot stay here. My mom and friends will miss me and I just cannot leave them. Pheonix just sighed and said "If you ever want to come back here,all you have to do is dream about me." [/i] Jaimie's eyes opened and she sat up. She noticed a strange picture of a bird hanging on her wall. It's eyes were silver unlike many birds. She heard a knock on the door but didn't answer...she was too into the picture. Corey let himself in and found her. Corey: Hey...you better get ready before you're late for school. Jaimie got up and went to the bathroom. Corey: Hey, neat pic! Jaimie:*from the bathroom* Yeah...i's odd how it got there too...I'll tell you about it later though. When she was finished getting ready,they headed off to school.[/color]
[color=blue] Jaimie slipped on her blue sweater and rushed out the door. She forgot to make sure the gate was closed and Percy (her/my pug) escaped and ran after her. She hardly noticed until he ran up beside her. SOme how he had gotten his leash too. O.o JAimie just took the leash and tied it onto his collar. When she got toLeigh's house she found Ryan and J.C standing infront of the house. Jaimie: Have you been able to get in yet? Ryan: No, but the police are going to break in the door. When he said that, they heard a crash. The police broke down the door and rushed inside.They were fallowed by Jaimie and Ryan who were VERY concerned by their friend.[/color]
[color=blue] Jaimie: Well...I don't exactly like coffee but I'll have a hot chocolate instead. I'll pay for it. What do you want? Ryan thought a bit and decided he wanted a moca sippy expresso with a double shot. Jaimie got up and ordered. Se watched the look on Ryan's face as she waited for the coffe.[/color]
[color=blue]Ryan was very suprised. Jaimie stood back and laughed a bit, schocked that she actually kissed him. Ryan:....er...um...uh....*:D* Jaimie stood back and blushed a bit. Corey had just come up behind her (seeing the entire thing) and said something but neither Jaimie nor Ryan heard it.[/color] __________________ You leave it!
[color=blue]When the bell rang, Jaimie helped Ryan to his next class. She made sure he got to his desk and everything was in order before she headed off to her science class. She was not thrilled to go because they were disecting an eye today. She cringed as she saw the pans out on the desks. When it was time to get the specemin she quickly ran out the class and to the restroom. She stayed ther until the class was over and she could go to lunch. She was not at all hungry but she stayed by her friends anyway. [/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC I'm sorry if I messed the schedual up, in my school there is only 4 classes.
[color=blue]Jaimie was so happy walking home, she could hardly tell where she was. She only was thinking about Ryan. The rain dripped down her shoulders and made her shiver. She walked into her house and went to sit down in her chair. Her mom was not pleased that she came home so late and that she was dripping wet. Mom: Jay, go put on some dry clothes and come back here. I want to talk to you. Jaimie did as she was told. Mom: Look, I don't mind you being out late but just call me and tell me where you are. ok? Jaimie: I'm sorry mom. I was at [i]Ryan's[/i]. Her mom just smiled and walked out of the room. Corey called and she talked to him for a while until it was time for Jaimie to get ready for bed.[/color]
[color=blue]Jaimie walked out of the class room and too her locker. The day had gone pretty fast. She slammed it shut,wishing she could be in someone's arms again. She ran into her friends down the hall a bit. They were all talking about what happened to Ryan. Corey noticed her being upset and hugged her. He was there when that guy left her. (that's the truth and she/I will never forget it!) She notcied Leigh walking away with a sad look on her face. She hurried up to catch her. Jaimie: Leigh, I'm sorry about your parents. You can stay at my house anytime you wish. Leigh just nodded and kept walking. JAimie decided she would go and make sure Ryan was doing ok since he didn't come to school that day. She say his car in the driveway and though [i]he won't be driving for a little while I guess[/i]. She knocked on the door but no one answered.So she let herself in. She managed to find his room and him in his bed watching tv. Jaimie: Knock,knock. How's my buddy doin'? Ryan: eh, could be better. Come have a seat. Jaimie sat down on the bed next to him, feeling a bit akward(sp?). Jaimie: You need anything? Ryan: no,thanks....so what brings you here? Jaimie: oh I was just in the neighborhood. Ryan: But this is about four blocks out of your way home. Jaimie: :bluesweat: Oh yeah.....heh...wull I wanted to make sure you were ok. *:)* Ryan: Jaimie? Why do you always try to be right beside me? Jaimie: um...:blush: er....because...I like you...A lot. [/color] ------------------------------ Sorry Domon...
First of all I would stay and make sure you'd be ok so :p on you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue] Jaimie walked home alone. It was night and the stars were bright. She remembered her middle school love and how he left her for another. She began to cry thinking about her promise to him. Jaimie:[i]to no one[/i] I promised you love and everything I could give you and you leave me for someone who isn't qualified to be anything besides a puppet? She kicked the trash can and walked into her house. Her pugs greeted her and she fed them. The phone rang and it was Corey(as always). It seemed to cheer her up and so they talked about everything and anything until Jaimie fell asleep. Corey just laughed and hung up,knowing the dial tone would wake her up to hang up the phone soon.[/color]
OOC.....First of all Ryan is in the hospital because he broke his leg.and I don't think it's winter in the beginig of school. ---------------------------------------------- [color=blue]After school that day, Jaimie went to the hospital to see the Ryan. The nurse was very nice and showed her the way to his room. Jaimie opened the door slightly,not wanting to disturb him. He was asleep so she sat in the chair by his bed. Jaimie: *thinking to self* Why did I have to fall for him? I mean...he could never have the same feelings for me. Jaimie decided to wait until he was awake so she started her homework.[/color]
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
BearsBaby635 replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[color=blue] Let's see. I'd love to meet...erm...Domon, Mist, Mystic's KNight and Blanko.I know most of my other friends on here. [/color] -
*sigh* John, I'm sorry my friend. It's great...I just wish I could say more.
My name is spelled Jaimie! ------------------------------------- [color=blue] Jaimie sighed. She was in her final class and it was boreing. Math is always no fun. Corey passed her a note. He knew what she was thinking. it said [i] hey, still thinking about getting a guy? Well, I'ma try to set it up. ok?[/i] Jaimie just eyed him and crumpled the paper up. The bell finally rang. It seemed like an eyernity. She walked to her locker seeing Leigh on the way. She asked if Leigh wanted to come over and hang out. Leigh: Sure, I've got nothing better to do. Corey: May I come or is it just a girl thing? JAimie: It's up to Leigh. Leigh: I don't mind. They walked over to Jaimie's house. Jaimie's room was mostly blue.(well not exactly just a room...try the entire half of th house :p) Corey made himself at home while Leigh just sat in the corner. [/color]