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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [quote][i]Originally posted by Gavin:[/i] [size=1] The system itself is fine, though I think there should be an added rating somewhere between PG and M, a midpoint for RPGs that might have content above the PG rating but below the requirement for an M rating.[/quote] [font=Arial][size=2]I think you hit a very important point. At present, we have three ratings: [b]E, PG, M[/b]. E is for Everyone, which would suggest the RPG was quite tame in terms of violence etc. M is the high ground; it's heavy on violence, language and sex. Therefore PG is the middle ground. What detracts a lot of people from using it, I think, is that it's one short step up from E. Does this make sense? For instance, [b]E[/b] would be something like Charles' [b][url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47459&highlight=Charles"]In Memoriam: Ducky[/url][/b] thread. It's [dare I say it?] squeaky clean. For me the tricky issue is of themes; for example, what if a poem has a very strong suicide theme, but no actual death? Personally, I would rate it [b]PG[/b], because it obviously is not squeaky clean or for everyone. Which leaves [b]M[/b], containing explicit material/language. Do you see what I mean? There can be quite a large gap between PG and M, and so it's understandable that people aren't sure the PG rating [which can contain mild violence, some suggestive themes and some adult language] will cover it. I propose the use of the [/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=SeaGreen][b]PG-13[/b][/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=2] rating as a higher rating than PG, but less than M. It isn't so much the actual meaning behind the rating [I.e. mild violence, suggestive themes, some adult language] which needs to change, but the interpretation of it. It fills this seemingly large gap between PG and M, creating a little bit of distinction for people who worry about their RPG going over the ratings. PG covers a lot of ground. From a theme to anything-below-explicit. Perhaps breaking it up a little more will help in the ratings. Also, perhaps we [erm, the mods] can recommend in the Arena threads that unless you are very sure your thread will reach the M rating, to put a PG/PG-13 in place and just ask those who break that limit to rate the top of their post. As Sara said, this worked very effectively in the 55 Fiction thread, and making this recommendation could help.[/size][/font] [/size]
  2. [font=Verdana][size=1]Welcome to OB Anthology. Unfortunately, it is necessary to read the [b][url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313"]OB Anthology Basics[/url][/b] before posting [as well as the thread on Constructive Criticism] as it contains some very important information that is [i]essential[/i] to posting in OB Anthology. One of these is the rating rule, which states that every thread in OB Anthology [b][i]must[/i][/b] be rated for maturity. Any thread that is not rated will be closed. You may re-create this thread with the appropriate rating. ^_^ Thread Closed.[/size][/font]
  3. [size=2]All threads within OB Anthology -- and, indeed, the Arena -- [i]must[/i] be rated for maturity. Any thread that is not rated will be closed. To learn more about thread ratings, please see the [url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313"]OB Anthology Basics[/url]. You may feel free to recreate this thread with the appropriate rating. Thread Closed.[/size]
  4. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]I think Alan's opinion very much reflects my own. While I enjoy coding, I often find it frustrating and ridiculous, haha. For me, it's just a means to an end -- I'll use anything that works to get it to look the way I've designed it. I'm not going to compromise the integrity of the structure in order for the code to be considered perfect. Validation is important, definately, but since I design and then figure out how to code, often it's quite difficult to get it the way I want -- and that's when I enlist Alan. And since I actually use Firefox myself -- and have absolutely no problems with it -- then I'm happy. Coding is good in the sense that it's something for me to puzzle out. Unlike Alan, I don't know that DIV tags don't stretch, etc, and so it's a challenge. Mostly I just enjoy design and leave the 'heavy' work up to him, but I designed and coded my hosting site and now I'm coding my new layout, so while it can be difficult, it can also be rewarding, hee. And it's good practical knowledge to have. As for PHP, I'm barely a beginner myself. I've done some messing about, but I often find it just a little tedious and with school I get to busy to get seriously into it. Perhaps next year I'll be more into it. ^_^ [Also, double posts are not allowed, so why don't you save a mod some trouble and just merge the two yourself (Edit> Copy Post B > Paste into post A, and then delete post B.). ^_^"] [/size][/font]
  5. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]There's a couple, for me. [b]Johnny Depp[/b] -- I'm just a total fan of his work. He's got that slight eccentricity in the roles he chooses that make him stand out from other actors. I loved Finding Neverland and PotC, and I can't wait to see him as Willy Wonka. [b]Baz Luhrman [/b]-- just because I love the cinematography so much. It's this lovely, jerky style that keeps the pace even if slow moments. And he's also so extravagent in his use of colour -- it's a really lush sort of feel. I'm sure there's more, but those are my main two at the moment, hehe.[/size][/font]
  6. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]I have to say that I'm reluctant to let this thread continue, for several reasons. There are two things this thread could be interpreted as: a creative thread or advertising. Either way, this thread would be closed. All creative threads within OB Anthology -- and, indeed, The Arena -- [i]must[/i] be rated for maturity. To learn more about that, please see the [b][url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313"]OB Anthology Basics[/url].[/b] As for advertising, it is stated on the rules that it is strictly prohibited. While it may be acceptable to link to your fanfiction if they are long, chaptered stories -- and thus too tedious to post individually -- your stories don't seem to be that long. [And if you had, it would have been required to include a rating, and to have provided a title, summary and pairing [if applicable] for each story, so that people know what they are getting into.] So in future, my suggestion is to create an 'Anthology' type thread in which to post your fanfictions. Please don't forget to rate your post, and [i]do not [/i]double post in it. ^-^ Please feel free to PM me if you have any problems. Thread Closed.[/size][/font]
  7. [size=1]A story I had to write for English in the first semester. I had to write a story to a theme in a poem, and, uh, this is it. I've included the poem and my explanation as well. [quote][size=1][b]POEM[/b]: The Return of Persephone By A.D. Hope Gliding through the still air, he made no sound; Wing-shod and deft, dropped almost at her feet, And search ghostly regiments and found The living eyes, the tremor of breath, the beat Of blood in all that bodiless underground. She left her majesty; she loosed the zone Of darkness and put back the rod of dread. Standing, she turned her back upon the throne Where, well she knew, the Ruler of the Dead, Lord of her body and being, sat like stone; Started with his ravenous eyes to see her shake The midnight drifting from her loosened hair, The girl once more in all her actions wake, The blush of colour in her cheeks appear Lost with her flowers that day beside the lake. The summer flowers scattering, the shout, The black manes plunging down to the black pit ? Memory or dream? She stood awhile in doubt, Then touched the Traveller God?s brown arm and met His cool, bright glance and heard his words ring out: ?Queen of the Dead and Mistress of the Year!? ?His voice was the ripe ripple of the corn; The touch of dew, the rush of morning air ? ?Remember now the world where you were born: The month of your return at last is here.? And still she did not speak, but turned again Looking for answer, for anger, for command: The eyes of Dis were shut upon their pain; Calm as his marble brow, the marble hand Slept on his knee. Insuperable disdain Foreknowing all bounds of passion, of power, of art, Mastered but could not mask his deep despair. Even as she turned with Hermes to depart, Looking her last on her grim ravisher For the first time she loved him from her heart.[/size][/quote] [center][b]BRIEF ANALYSIS OF THEME AND MY INTERPRETATION[/b][/center] The poem The Return of Persephone by A.D. Hope takes the legend of Persephone and Hades/Dis and personifies them, rather than making the two emotionless Gods as in the Greek and Roman myths. The poem concentrates on the feeling of Dis when he loses his lover and is forced to live away from her for six months of the year. When reading this poem, I was struck by the resemblance of Dis? situation to a modern day context of a split family, especially one in which a parent has not seen their child for a long time. While Demeter?s situation ? in which she loses a child for six months each year ? is similar, the difference for Dis is that he was never sure of Persephone?s love. My story follows much the same path as the poem The Return of Persephone and the Greek myth, however, my Persephone ? Olivia ? is not Dis? lover but his daughter, just as she is Demeter?s daughter. While my story does not focus directly on Persephone realising she loves Dis ? as I believed it would be unrealistic for her to do so ? it does focus on both the theme of the poem ? losing someone you love ? and also on the story behind the poem; the continual back-and-forth that a child of separated parents feels. [b][center]THE RETURN OF PERSEPHONE[/center][/b] The weak winter sun beat down on the two-storey, red-brick house, the climbing roses framing the windowsills perfectly. Peter Amaretto stood for a moment on the footpath, admiring the quaint perfection of the house. But then, his Julie had always wanted perfection. With a slight grimace, he opened the white picket gate which perfectly matched the white-picket fence and, no doubt, the white-picket life his once-family almost certainly now inhabited. Peter took a deep breath and opened the gate. It had been a long time since he?d seen his ex-wife and his daughter. When their life together had first dissolved, it had been easier for all of them if he?d just disappeared for a while. He?d thrown himself into his work, pushing aside all thoughts of his beautiful three-year old girl and instead concentrating on other things: expansion into a global market, the opportunities involved in e-commerce and e-business, a revision of internal controls and the training of new employees so that in every branch of his business, customers could be assured of quality. He became very good at concentrating on his work. His work was distracting -- so full of promise and hope where his home-life was only full of decay and death ? and it had been easier to focus on that than worry about what he couldn?t change. It had come as a shock to realise, in April this year, that he?d been concentrating on work for three years, and that his precious three-year-old daughter would now be six?and he?d missed out on those years. He was about to correct that. He may have lost three years, but he wouldn?t lose anymore. He knocked on the door. Julie opened it, her face guarded and wary. He could understand that. If he were in her position, allowing him back into her life after three years, he?d be wary too. ?Julie.? She gave him a tiny, awkward smile. ?Hi, Peter.? Her face was as lovely as ever; skin like porcelain and baby-blue eyes that always seemed to smile with the joy of life, even now, when she was suspicious. ?Come in. Olivia?s not ready yet.? She led him into the kitchen/dining area. ?Would you like a cup of coffee?? Peter suppressed a smile. That was his Julie; always unfailingly polite. ?Thanks. I take it-? ?White with none.? She finished for him, flashing a brief smile. ?I remember.? She prepared the coffee easily and quickly. The coffee cup was a man?s cup; large and chunky and not at all the sort of thing Julie would buy for no reason. It occurred to Peter that she?d probably become involved in three years, that she might even be married. A glance at her left hand confirmed his thoughts. His Julie was not [i]his[/i] anymore. But that was okay. There had been a reason their marriage hadn?t worked, after all. If he was going to keep seeing his daughter, he wanted the air clear between the two of them, however. Peter took a deep breath. ?Julie, I just wanted to say?? She bared her teeth in an imitation of a smile. ?Sorry? Peter, that time?s passed. You could have said sorry four years ago when I needed you to.? Her hands were wrapped around her own coffee mug, as if trying to warm herself. ?I don?t know what this sudden interest in Olivia is, but I warn you, Peter, don?t you dare get her hopes up and break them down, ever.? She gave a small laugh. ?Sorry? I don?t need a sorry; I?m happy where I am. All I want from you now is a promise that you will not hurt my daughter the way you hurt me.? Unable to say anything, he nodded. ?I promise, Julie. I won?t hurt Livvie. I love her, too.? Julie stared at him for a moment, then placed her coffee mug on the counter and started walking out of the room. ?You don?t even know her.? When she was out in the hallway, she called out. ??Livia! Peter?s here.? He could hear the thumps of someone running across the room, heard her clatter down the stairs. Anxiety rose up within him. What if she didn?t remember him? What if she hated him for abandoning them both? His thoughts were eradicated as he watch a little snippet of a girl come into view. She was wearing pale pink, a colour he hated most of the time but loved on her. Her pale blonde hair was perfectly brushed and her eyes were just like her mother?s. He?d forgotten that. He grinned and held out his arms. ?Hey Livvie. It?s me, Daddy. Do you remember me?? She stared at him like he?d grown horns, then looked at her mother. Julie spoke up. ?Don?t forget your jumper, ?Livia.? While Olivia ran to get it, Julie hissed at him. ?You are not ?Daddy? to her. [i]Ian[/i] is her ?dad?, and he is the only one she remembers. You are Peter.? Peter felt himself go pale, but nodded anyway. Olivia ran back into view, this time sporting a pink jumper over her pink dress and stockings. Julie gave him a strained smile. ?Ian will pick Olivia up from the park at twelve.? Which meant he had a half hour with his own flesh and blood. She turned to her daughter. ?Have fun, Olivia!? The park wasn?t far away, and Peter figured they could walk. He closed the white-picket gate behind them, glad to leave the stifling need to be perfect that Julie created in him. As they walked, he tried to find some way to start a conversation. It shouldn?t be that difficult. She was six, for goodness sakes! ?So, did you start school this year?? She looked up at him and smiled but said nothing. He tried again. ?Perhaps if there?s an ice cream van we can get some ice cream. Would you like that?? She nodded but still said nothing. They reached the park. When he had been younger and lived in this area, he?d loved this park. In some parks there was an air of desolation, and unbroken silence that forced sobriety on everyone who entered. Here, the shrieks of the children on the playground and the laughter as parents chatted to each other made sobriety, or any sort of seriousness, impossible. Peter watched as Olivia looked longingly towards the playground, but he was determined to at least get her to talk to him before she played on it. ?So, you like your Dad?? No reply. Finally, he asked bluntly, ?Livvie, why won?t you talk to me?? She looked at him in surprise, then replied as if it was obvious. ?I?m not allowed to talk to strangers.? [i]You don?t even know her[/i]. Julie?s words came back with a vengeance. Crouching to her level, he smiled at her. ?Livvie, your mummy knows me very well, and she trusts me with you. I promise you, nothing will happen to you if you talk to me.? He was making a lot of promises today, he noticed. Peter waited for her reply. She was silent, her chin stuck out in an obstinate gesture as recognisable to him as his mother; he had exactly the same expression. He sighed. Would he ever be forgiven for the mistakes of the past? As he looked into her eyes, he could see the silent rejection in them, reminding him strongly of Olivia?s mother?s. Not knowing what else to do, he once again suggested ice cream. It was the only thing she?d responded to affirmatively, after all. The defiant expression slowly became a smile of pleasure. ?Daddy takes me here for ice cream, too.? Peter bit his tongue to stop from snapping that he was her Daddy. He realised, then, that she was staring at him with intelligent eyes, waiting for his reaction. Changing his reply, he asked, ?What?s your favourite type of ice cream?? ?Vanilla!? Came the immediate reply. ?Me too!? he replied with a smile, even though he hated vanilla ice cream, especially the soft serve kind that ice cream vans sold. Anything for a point of conversation, he thought desperately. Olivia opened her mouth to reply, but was cut short by a call. ?Olivia!? She turned around a let out a squeal of pleasure. ?Daddy!? With no hesitation she launched herself into his arms. Peter watched with a pang. He realised, in that instant, that no matter how hard he?d fought, he had to let go. He was an intruder in this family, and just as his Julie wasn?t his Julie anymore, his daughter was not his daughter. Feeling like his world was shattering, he watched father and daughter playing together, wondering what would have happened if he?d been there in those three years. Wishing he had been there in those three years. He stared at them as they turned to go, walking hand in hand as if they?d always been father and daughter. He was Hades, having had but a brief moment with the one he loved before watching her get snapped away again. Even if she returned, she?d leave again and again and every time would hurt like this one. His jaw clenched. He watched them talk, unable to look away from the torturous site. Olivia had stopped, and Ian was talking to her softly. She nodded a couple of times, and then looked back at Peter. Ian gave her a nudge, and she broke into a run, stopping just before she collided into Peter. She took a deep breath, and he watched her gather her courage, though what for he wasn?t sure. Her words came out in a rush. ?Daddy says that you were my Daddy before he came along and that you took care of me too and that you loved me as much as he loves me and that we should thank you because without you he?d never have had me. He also said that I should get to know you because you took care of me, so do you want to come to dinner some time?? Peter felt his head spin, and he looked up over Olivia to the man ambling up behind her. Ian, his face grave but compassionate, nodded to him. He returned the gesture, a silent thanks written on his face and tears in his eyes. Crouching, he took Olivia?s hands and stared into the baby-blue eyes. ?Yeah, Livvie, I think I?d like that.? A slow smile spread over his face. He wasn?t Hades, losing a love; he was Demeter, gaining a daughter.[/size]
  8. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Whee! I love these types of threads. ^_^ Caramel crumble with whipped cream cheeks Off white nude and lonely girl Strawberry kisses straight from the heart And eyes that will tear you through. She wants him so badly she doesn't ache She longs for someone to take her away She needs someone to listen to her hearts' silence And realise what no one does. She's sleepy sleepless sleeping. She's mystery and openness. Her secrets are hidden in truth. She is the lie that everyone is looking for. But she hides it so well -- No one realises. [/size][/font]
  9. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]You know, because of Otaku Idol, I never actually became a member? I went straight from Junior Member to [i]The [/i]Otaku Idol to Moderator. [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img] But, yeah. While it was fun, the participation level wasn't very high -- people had time commitments and things like that. I think the new event will be better because anyone can participate, pretty much. ^_^[/size][/font]
  10. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Since this thread seems to be less about discussion of fanfics and more about promoting your own stuff, I'm going to close it. However, you may feel free to create a thread with your fanfiction in it -- with the appropriate rating, of course. To learn more about ratings, and OB's policy on advertising, please see the [b][url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313"]OB Anthology Basics[/url][/b] and the [b][url="http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?"]Rules[/url][/b]. I'd also suggest that you use appropriate punctuation in both your stories and your posts; capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and for the names of people, characters, and titles, for example. Thread Closed. [/size][/font]
  11. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]In future, please confine this sort of chat to PM. I don't really think it's necessary to post -- it isn't constructive and is, really, a private conversation. [/size][/font]
  12. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Just to answer a question a couple of you have posed; not everyone on OB is into anime. For example, I came to OB because my friends were here, but neither I nor they were into anime. Another chief example is the dear Charles, who was admin [Until the lovely Dagger took over] -- he hated anime, to put it bluntly. So, yes. I've had no real interest in it until now -- which is why I ask now.[img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img] So what people seem to be saying is that the complexity and the flexibility of the genre is the attractive part. Keeping that in mind, and on the fact that I've never really seen anime, what shows would you recommend, and why? Are there any essential things that a person, like myself, should know before they step into the anime realm, or can it just be picked up as you go? [/size][/font]
  13. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]I think it can be divided up, really. On the one hand, I've been getting a lot more posters with a low level of quality recently -- but then, that's what I'm here to fix, right? On the other, however, the threads are going up in quality -- I'm finding it easier and easier to post everywhere, because almost all forums have something that interest me in it. For a while OL didn't seem to have anything interesting at all, but now it's gone the opposite way. So while we do seem to get more lower quality posters than I remember, that's only to be expected for a community that is growing like Otakuboards. As more new members come in, it has to be expected that not all of them are stellar posters. And, well, either they adjust or...they don't adjust, lol. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with OB at the moment. The occasional member makes my eyes pop, but I think on the whole OB is just going up. [/size][/font]
  14. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Most people who know me in real life know that I don't really watch television at all, led alone cartoons or anime. However, I've seen a couple of anime shows, but most of them seem beyond me -- so much so that I find it difficult to envision the devotion to anime most fans have. It could just be that I don't understand the backstory, and thus I feel lost in these worlds that don't really seem like reality. [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] So I was wondering about you, the anime fans, point of view. What is it, specifically, that attracts you to anime rather than -- oh, you know, [i]Neighbours [/i]or [i][Insert Country] Idol[/i]? [Let me make it clear that I don't watch either of those, haha]. Is it the style or the characters or...what, specifically? I'm not posting this because I'm judgemental, or anything, heh. I'm just interested to know what you guys think is the reason you like it so much. ^-^" [/size][/font]
  15. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Actually, it [i]does[/i] have an R rating, but when a video game is rated R, it's not allowed to be sold. [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img] See, the Office of Classifications has to take into account the lowest common denominator. Even if it isn't [i]just [/i]kids who play the game, kids [i]do play[/i], and having a modification that does that puts it in danger. The reason it's banned, in my opinion, would be because it was already M15+. It's just been jacked up to a higher rating, which, unfortunately, puts it over the limit. The board is just doing its job -- Ratings are for parents to be aware of what their [i]children[/i] are playing. So, while, personally I don't agree with the banning, I can totally understand it, lol. [/size][/font]
  16. [font=Arial Narrow][size=2]Okay. MySQL is a database. A database saves data, and PHP [in this case] is used to retrieve it. Got it? But PHP doesn't have to be used just to retrieve MySQL. The two are complementary, but one isn't always essential for the other. Generally, you'll have a MySQL dump code -- its the code that creates the tables so that the database can store the data. Then, you'll have PHP code and forms [just like HTML forms] which can be used to input data. [color=DarkOrange][b][url="http://www.daydreamgraphics.com/"]Daydream Graphics[/url][/b] [/color][DDG] has quite a few tutorials on it, including MySQL and PHP Basics. As for PHP: It's another way to tell the webpage what to do. At its most basic level, people use it to include their layouts rather than having to paste the layout [I.e head /head tags, etc] onto the page. In the same way that External CSS sheets mean that you can have all of the pages linking to that -- so when you change it, the changes are reflected on everypage --, PHP includes mean that you can include your entire layout in just two tags -- and have the content in between. For example: [PHP] Content Here [/PHP] What you do, is create a text file called "header" with all the stuff about the content in it, and one called footer, with all the stuff below the content in it. Every page you have needs to have the include tags in it. Save those pages as .php, rather than .html, and then upload them along with the header and footer pages. It'll pull out the information and load your layout on that page. So, when you come to change your layout, you can do it just by editing the header and footer pages. A lot of sites use PHP for just this reason. [url="http://never-established.net/"][color=YellowGreen]My site[/color][/url] has PHP includes, as does [url="http://dead-seraphim.net/"][color=Gray]Alan's[/color][/url], [url="http://strawberry-princess.net/"][color=Red]Raina's[/color][/url], [url="http://wrappedinplastic.net/"][color=Blue]Tony's[/color][/url]...the list is endless, lol. A couple of things, though: You'll want to make the layout in HTML before you PHP-ify it, as very few computers have the ability to view PHP without uploading it to the internet. This stuff is very, very basic, though. Sean, I have the feeling you may have a problem with doing this site if you've never worked with PHP before. Matt, I'm not quite sure what help you need, but let me know and I'll see what I can do. [b]EDIT -- [/b]Also, keep in mind that if it's in the include, it'll be in every page. So anything unique i.e. page content, goes between the include tags, because that is where your page would normally do. The way the PHP works is that when you view the page, it will actually put the code in there, so you don't have to. Which means anything in between should be normal HTML -- you still need to include things like paragraph tags, etc. [/size][/font]
  17. [size=2][font=arial narrow]I had an imaginary friend called Lisa, and I was utterly convinced she was real. I used to cry and get really upset because Mum wouldn't let me go and see Lisa -- who lived at the top of the hill. When I look back, it was actually kind of odd, haha. :rolleyes:[/font][/size]
  18. [size=2][font=arial narrow]Having seen this thread, especially the first poem, I must say this: Codswallop. You think you're a bad writer? You're insane! This is fantastic work. The first poem is just brilliant. The imagery is gorgeous, the rhythm is amazing -- even with no tune I can tell where the words will be because it all fits a beat. "If home is where your firendships lie/then only dreams are home", has a gorgeous rhythm to it. You have things we only talk about in English: alliteration, rhythm, repetition. Frankly, I think you're underestimating yourself. This is fantastic work, and you need to have more confidence. ^-^[/font][/size]
  19. [font=arial narrow][size=2]As of about a week ago, consider sign ups closed. Those accepted are (in alphabetical order): Aelys Alan Arcadia Delirium Goddess Hevn Shin Thank you [b]so[/b] much to everyone for signing up. I know this has taken a while, but hopefully it will be started soon. I'll post here or PM you when it does begin. ^_^[/size][/font]
  20. [size=2][font=arial narrow]What I'm interested about for the next book is [spoiler]the excerpt from HPB that JKR posted on her site; you know, the description of the man who 'looked like an old lion'? I'm inclined to think that it might be the new DADA teacher, which could be interesting; has anyone noticed how the DADA teachers [i]always[/i] play a big part in the books? I mean, you have Quirrel in PS, Lockhart in CoS [he's sort of the exception], Lupin in PoA, Moody[spoiler]/Crouch[/spoiler] in GoF, and Umbridge in OotP. In each of the books they play quite a significant part, in plot terms if not actual screen time. [/spoiler] Am very excited now. ^_^[/font][/size]
  21. [size=2][font=arial narrow]Three years ago on the 17th of June I joined. Looking back at the date, I'm pretty sure I did it for a [url=http://otakuboards.com/member.php?u=2771][b]friend of mine[/b][/url], whose birthday is on the 17th. I'd been lurking for several months beforehand, and my connection to OB was because I'd recently become friends with Liam's herd: The Harlequin, Ravenstorture, Alley Catt, Avaris, Cloricus, Jesus Chicken, Lilac Oranges, and The Unholy Newt. They were talking about some RPGs they were in one lunch time, and I (not wanting to feel left out) checked it out. So while everyone else has moved on to better things, I'm still here. *le sigh* I miss the oldbies. GinnyLyn was just so wonderful -- she was one of those people who would encourage you no matter what. And I haven't really spoken to any of Liam's flock or those from the NFP for years. :( Now I'm all melancholy.[/font][/size]
  22. [size=2][font=arial narrow]I think a lot of people have some sort of problem with OotP. The characterisation of Harry is just so different and so much angrierthat it seems to throw people off. I myself [i]loved[/i] Umbridge so much. She was just so needed, it was fantastic for her to be there. Like Dagger, I really want Draco to have some sort of evolution, as he is the only character in the books that hasn't really been any self discovery. But he's getting to the age where a person starts to come into themselves more, so fingers crossed we'll be seeing another time. (And [i]un[/i]like Dagger, I [i]do[/i] speak from a fangirl perspective.) In the 5th wish, at least, you might get your way. I've heard some talk from JKR that it's going to be more a two parter (or got that impression, at least). CAPITAL-LETTERS!Harry is both annoying and funny, in my opinion. I've seen some excellent fanfic mocking it, but I really think it's needed. A person who has been through that amount of trauma in their life has the right to be angry, even if the reader finds it annoying. I think, too, Harry's anger will strengthen the resolve against Voldemort and bring something more tangible against him. While his parents were definately a strong point for his resistance to it, now Harry has a real and present reason to hate Voldie. So yeah, I'm anxious to see how JKR writes him now. [b]Just as a side note before the 6th book comes out -- please remember, once it does, to include spoilers in your posts. As a person who won't be getting the book until the 23rd, I will personally be [i]very ticked off[/i] if someone spoils this book for me by not spoilering their posts. Remember; any discussion involving a big event that would not be guessed (for example, Harry being in 7th year doesn't need to be under spoiler tags) should be under spoiler tags. To learn more about spoiler tags, please have a look at the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]SpoilerTag[/url] thread in The Anime Lounge. [/b][/font][/size]
  23. [size=2][font=arial narrow]Vampirepunk, unless the thread specifically states that you may post your own poems-- or you and the creator of the thread have decided to make a joint venture -- please do not post your own poems in someone else's thread. In addition, I recommend you read the Rules and the Constructive Criticism thread as I've directed you to do in your own poetry thread. They include information on Double Posting -- which is not allowed -- and on Constructive Criticism. Also, I suggest you improve your post quality to include correct spelling ([i]eg. "wrong" not "wronge", "vigorous" not "vigerous"[/i]). If you have any questions, please PM me.[/font][/size]
  24. [size=2][font=arial narrow]Welcome to Otakuboards. Before posting, I highly suggest you read the [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?][b]Rules[/b][/url] and the [url=http://otakuboards.com/faq.php?][b]FAQ[/b][/url], as well as the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313][b]OB Anthology Basics[/b][/url] and the thread on [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48241][b]Constructive Criticism[/b][/url]. The OB Anthology Basics contain some very important information, including the fact that all threads in OB Anthology must be rated for maturity. Any thread that is not rated will be closed. In future, please rate your thread. Feel free to recreate this thread with the appropriate rating. Thread Closed.[/font][/size]
  25. [quote name='Lore][font=trebucht ms'] I know the grammar rules and all the (annoying) adjective endings. [/font][/quote] [size=2][font=arial narrow]Oh, I know! Tell me, Sara, is the sentence Akkusative, Nominative or Dative? Is there motion in the sentence? I've been learning German for several years now, myself, but my problem is not [i]really[/i] vocab at the moment. We've just covered the environment, which is such a specialised area it's really easy to pick up vocab about [i]Verschmutzung[/i] (Pollution) and Conservation. My problem is grammar. I spent the entire time until now learning German with a teacher who didn't teach us any grammar. It wasn't until February this year that I learned what [i]Modal Verbs[/i] are! I'm still struggling with adjectival endings. :rolleyes: German is really structured and it's very rare that the sentences will deviate from the norm, which is fantastic. The hard thing about German [i]is[/i] the cognates. For the nouns, it's fine. It's when I get to the verbs that it worries me. Reduzieren (sp?) is a word. I picked that up and now have a tendency to add "-ieren" to every verb I want to turn into German. :p [/font][/size]
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