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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [size=1]I suppose I'm a feminist. I don't really care about protesting or anything [there's no real point -- it's almost equal anyway], but I do feel a burst of outrage whenever I read the history books, in particular the ones where they describe women as 'chattel'. It's my belief that men and women are equal. Men do one thing, women do another that's just as hard. Although, I did read a magazine that said women feel pain more acutely, but are more stioc about it, and are given more...dainty?...painkillers. But then again, I think it was "New Idea", so I wouldn't trust that completely.[Heh. Fun fact that distracted myself.][/size]
  2. [size=1]Well, it's several months later, and I'm probably breaking a rule to bring this back up, but nonetheless, I am going to, to share the news. I've recently found out that this piece won me a fourth prize in the Royal Commonwealth Society Essay Competition, and I am beyond pleased. So cheers, and she the good will.[/size]
  3. [size=1]Finally, something I can answer! [b][u]Oracle of Ages:[/u][/b] [b]Dimitri:[/b] Buy the Flute inside the Lynna City Shop [b]Ricky:[/b] Win the Flute in the Target Aim Mini-Game in Lynna Village [b]Moosh:[/b] Don't do either of the first 2, you'll get Moosh. [b][u]Oracle of Seasons:[/u][/b] [b]Dimitri:[/b] If you get "Strange Flute" from the Sunbrosia Dancing game [b]Ricky:[/b]If you don't have an Strange Flute by the time you head up into the section of North Horon that is always Spring, when you meet Ricky he'll give you Ricky's Flute. [b]Moosh:[/b] Buy it from the Horon Village Shop. [I'm assuming you're jsut talking about the basic games, not the linked ones, because I don't know those.][/size]
  4. [size=1]Well, the first problem is that these are boards, not a website [unless you mean theOkatu.com...unless they've changed thier name.] so really we don't [i]make[/i] webpages here. As for discussing the series, all you need to do is find a thread about it, and post in that, or [and this is only if you can't find a thread in the anime lounge] you can create a thread.[/size]
  5. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B]Thanks for clearing that up for me. My understanding of the Mary Sue has now increased. Bleh, that gets real annoying after a while. I have an original character as the focal point of my fan fiction, but I also try to keep the focus on the other characters as well. Don't know how good a job I've done so far, but I'm trying, at least. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that's really all anyone can expect. Using new characters means you're branching out as a writer [a good thing, because if you want to be an authot you can't write fanfiction all your life] but you don't want to take the big step into the original world. And lets face it. We're just beginning to write, we don't yet need to be brilliant.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Reach up to the sky Sunlight blinds your eyes. Hope blinds your inner eyes Dizzy Turn and catch the butterfly Wait And set her free Spin And laugh Cheer And cry Don't worry Don't care Spin Laugh Dizzy I'll catch you As you Stare At the sky.[/size]
  7. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B] I mean, just look at the shows that people are basing their fan fictions on; there are several ultra-powerful characters that fit the description that Devidramon showed us, yet nobody accuses them of being Mary Sues.[/B][/QUOTE] The reason for that is because people [b]like[/b] those types of characters in original writing. A Mary Sue is reviled because she eclipses the main characters in the fandom -- which is not a good thing to do. I suppose, to draw a comparison, it's like when everyone is in a group and joking around, then someone -- who isn't in the group -- comes in and pushes the joke too far. If that makes sense.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Now, don't get me wrong. I hate Mary Sues as much as any other fanfiction writer. [i]However[/i], in my fandom, we define Mary Sues as two things; the image that Devidramon showed us, and secondly, the self-insertion of the writer. Meaning, of course, the said Author lives out her fantasies, and assumes that everyone else in the fanfiction world is interested in reading it. As such -- there is no good Mary Sue. But I've lately found that the entire fanfiction world have become paranoid about Mary Sues, and quite a few of them don't know what it is. As such, many good [i]well placed[/i] Original Characters are ignored, because many of the fandom assume that "Original" means "Mary Sue." And this is where my argument stems from. I jsut wish that, once in a while, people could accept good Original Characters, without accusing them of Mary Sues. [/size]
  9. [size=1][b]I was told to.[/b] They'd left their conversation on the public speaker -- everyone heard them. The group grinned slightly and Kathy waltzed over to the Commander, Jonathan and Nina. She had a degree in diplomacy and she was used to playing games. At the moment, Nina's pride needed to be saved, or the men would look down on her as a hussy -- even after Jonathan's pretty speech. "Nina!" Kathy's sharp tone cut into their humour. "You know better than to consort with [i]him[/i]." She patted Nina on the shoulder and winked, then turned away before Nina reacted. "I once again must apologise for milady's people. M'lord is known to...well..." she paused and leaned in to confide in him. "Enjoy the ladies. They're incredibly susceptible to his charm." She knew perfectly well how the men would take this news -- in a man, it was a good thing. In a woman, it was terrible. "They simply cannot help themselves. And the company he keeps does not do much to this situation except worsen it. For instance, take his companions now. Aren't they a fine breed." The women took their cues at this and proceeded to sigh with gusto. A smile flickered around Kathy's face. "But nonetheless, I must try to stop these...knaves...from stealing our virtues. Don't you agree commander?" Kathy stepped back once again, after whispering to Jonathan to behave, then sat down. She had the feeling the group were beginning to get sick of her pretty little speeches.[/size]
  10. [size=1]Rhysenn writes Draco/Harry. Irony is so annoying some times, isn't it? Are there fandoms that you just wouldn't touch, for any reason?[/size]
  11. [size=1]Well, he e-hugged you. Tell him that you don't like it, and leave it at that. If he persists in doing things you don't like, block him. It's that simple. That's the beauty about the internet -- nothing has to be face to face.[/size]
  12. [size=1]I do the same thing. However, if the piece isn't formatted [For instance, if there's no bold, nothing to distinguish the author's note from the story or something] then I won't read it. It's hard to find things that suit that requirement, but the story always seems sloppy in my mind if it isn't formatted. [Hrm. Have you read anything by Rhysenn, by the way?] While NC-17 fics were banned, fiction writers just class it under 'R', because on the creation page, 'R' is actually 'R -- not suitable for under seventeen' or something to that effect. It sort of makes the getting rid of NC-17 redundant, now, doesn't it? It's easy to skip over those parts, though.[/size]
  13. [size=1]Let me tell you my views on Fiction Press and Fan Fiction. As many of you have said, it's incredibly hard sorting the acceptable from the piles of dung that can appear sometimes. Fan fiction to me is appealing because the characters are already somewhat defined. To me, it's much easier to get involved in the story because the character background is already there -- there's no boring mess that many ametuer writers make [that is, a background mess]. You can also find characters you want quite easily. And, better still, the fanbase is often quite large -- and most people love reviews and criticism [[url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27665"]*cough*[/url]] so it's convenient. Besides which, most fanfiction writers mold the characters to become totally new. It gives experience for writers jsut starting out. However, original fiction can be just as appealing. You have freedom to decide you're character's history, you cannot be accused of being 'Out Of Character', and your inspiration isn't based on something completely tangible. The only downside is the lack of fanbase -- although I haven't been to Fiction Press for a while, so I'm not sure what the review situation is like.[/size]
  14. [size=1]An idea I had, and wrote tonight. So far unedited, and I haven't re-read it, but nonetheless, I decided to post it up here. [And Mnemolth, it's almost a thousand words. I hope it isn't too short for you.] [b]Smoke and Oranges[/b] The lady took a puff of her cigarette, then let it out in a constant stream that seemed to never end. To me, the aura of smoke just added to my impression of her...she was a floozy, to use an old-fashioned word. "You're in a lot of trouble." Her hair was up in a cluster of gelled curls, a headband holding it all in place. She was wearing a trench coat -- underneath that, I'd no idea. Her lips were full and pouty -- a look only enhanced by the scarlet lipstick kissing her mouth. All in all, she looked like a cheap imitation of one of the 1940's mystery movies. One who'd gotten their hairstyles mixed up -- it was from the 1920's. "But...sir..." She whispered in her obviously fake southern belle accent. "I've only killed one man my entire life -- and he deserved it. Why, in this day and age, I'm practically a saint!" All of this was said in a breathy whisper. She smelled of oranges, but I knew more than anything the treachery of oranges. Their sweet taste that lured you in, then -- just as you were taking a bite -- squirted citric juice in your eye. And this woman was [i]just[/i] as treacherous. The snake. And she knew it. Her eyes were staring at me, waiting for me to respond. Respond to her comment that she was 'practically a saint'? Highly unlikely, unless I was to comment on the fact that most [i]normal[/i] people didn't kill their ex-husbands with a pistol, upon finding out he'd won the house. "Look, madam. It says here that, among other things, you were born in Australia. I highly doubt that you were on the Mississippi at any point of your life. So I beg of you, cut the ********." It seemed that her temper had cracked at that remark. Her hands hit the table, and it shuddered under her force. Just like citric acid... "Look, buster," she said in a voice as fierce as any New Yorker. "I did not just spend $6,000 learning to speak the way I want to be told that it [i]isn't correct[/i], so I'll speak however I'd damned care to." All of a sudden, my eye started to sting. I'd never liked oranges. Foul, disgusting things. There was actually a story about a man who thought he was blind, but actually had an orange over his eye. Of course, the story was Irish. I'd always liked the Irish. I leaned back in my chair and looked over at the two-way mirror, surreptitiously viewing myself. Despite getting on in years, I had one of those 'timeless' bodies -- the kind that couldn't show age. Except, of course...I tilted my head and searched for a bald spot. None. I was still the handsome spunk the women had admired twenty years ago. Sure, I was getting on in years, but it wasn't a potbelly -- it was proof that I looked after myself. I eat red meat for dinner [sometimes salad] and I get all the exercise I need at work. Besides, I don't smoke. And everyone knows that drinking in proportion is good for you. Like pregnant ladies drinking port...without the pain of childbirth. "So, once again..." I trailed off, having lost my train of thought as I watched her slim fingers flick the ash off her cigarette. The woman sneered and uttered the worst detective cliché in the book -- "Where were you on the night of the fourth?" It seemed to me that the Orange had dropped her enticing facade and started squirting her citric juice. I sent her a derisive glance. "In case you cannot count, Miss, it's the 27th of July." "In case you did not register, Sir, I was being sarcastic." She fiddled with the tie on her trench coat. "But, to answer the question you didn't ask, I was busy murdering my ex-husband with the gun I'd had planted there last week. Are we done yet?" The woman was crazy. As crazy as they come. A total fruitcake. Of course, I'd never liked fruit. Too much like oranges. She was, however, extremely feminine, even without her Southern Belle accent. I adjusted myself, hitching the belt buckle so it wasn't digging into my stomach. Maybe the femininity had something to do with the craziness. God knows, I'd lived with my wife for 22 years, and I still couldn't figure out why she got upset when I went out with the boys. But to admit to murder? Any woman in these times should know that they could get off on a self-defence claim, an insanity claim, or even heat of the moment. But no, this Orange had straight out admitted that she'd cold-bloodedly murdered her husband. [i]Ex-[/i]husband. "Is there any reason?" "Yeah." She titled her head and pursed her scarlet lips. The hussy. "I wanted his money. And he annoyed me He chewed loudly." "He chewed." "Loudly." She corrected. "I see." "No, you don't." She said it in a sing-songy voice that made me want to strangle her. She sounded so smug. Like an...orange. Or grapefruits. Grapefruits were almost as bad as oranges. Taunting me... She leaned forward; smiling with her hussy lips and once again took a puff of the cigarette. Seemed to me she was using it for effect. "Do you know what it's like to hate the person you were married to? To wish, everyday, that you hadn't spent 5 years of your ******* life on him? Well, I do. There's my motive," she smilingly told the recording device. "Miss," I declared, glaring at her scarlet kissed lips. "I do believe you're insane." [/size]
  15. [size=1]Hrm. Is anyone here related with Fanfiction.net's sister site, Fictionpress.net? If not, is there a reason for you not posting original works? If so, why do you? What are your favorite genres of fanfiction writing? And have you ever come across a story that makes you stop, and say "Well...[i]that[/i] was a waste of time," or "That was almost better than canon [The actual series/books]"?[/size]
  16. [size=1]Actually, yes, that same thing happens to me. I get my wonderful beta reader to upload it for me -- she has a HTML editor.[/size]
  17. [size=1]For some reason, to me it looks like it was drawn on a butt cheek. Or maybe that's [i]just[/i] me. None the less, oddness. ...I'm related to Ginny? And James? ...... ...Or is this another family I don't know anything about? [Oh, and well done. Heh.][/size]
  18. [size=1][b]Well, what the heck? This is a response to a challenge I encountered at Fiction Alley Park some time ago. I've had this sitting in my computer since then, doing nothing, so I decided to post it here.[/size][/b] [center][size=2][b]THE CHALLENGE[/b][/size][/center] [size=1]The challenge was to write a 'cookie' [A short piece, often also known as a drabble] starting with the line [i]Looking back on it, *NAME* should've known something was wrong right from the beginning...[/i] It could be any length, and pairing, and in any era. I came up with Ginny/Voldemort. Needless to say, it isn't all innocence and light. [center]____________[/center] [i]Looking back on it, I should have known something was wrong from the beginning. Why, after all, would he talk to [/i]me[I], a mousy little First Year Gryffindor, when he could have anyone he wanted? He was beautiful enough; he?d shown me pictures of himself through the diary. I tried so desperately to believe he was in love with me, but at the same time, I remember there was always a niggling doubt at the back of my mind. It was only when I realized what was happening that I stopped trusting him. But even knowing he was evil, I missed him. This was it.[/i] Voldemort, wearing the scratchy, pure evil mask he had adopted, clasped his hands around Ginny?s waist. They made a striking couple. Ginny smiled at him, sweetness and light next to his wickedness. She appeared innocent, he did not. That was the only difference between them. Otherwise, Ginny knew, they were one; whole. The screaming was horrible. It kept coming and swirling around her head. Ginny buried her head in Tom?s neck, closing her eyes and trying to keep the screaming away. Tom chuckled, then whispered in her ear. ?You never could stomach violence, could you?? He stroked her hair with his dry, scratchy hands, and kissed her softly. There was no life in his lips, of course, but the intent to comfort was there, and that was all that mattered. ?You will have to watch, lovely, but it will be quick and painful.? She drew her face away from his shoulder, glancing up into his beautiful red eyes. ?I know.? The was a sharp, short scream, and seconds later, a little three year old girl came running around the corner, her red hair flying behind her, chaste nightgown held above her knees by her little fist. Voldemort grinned, and Ginny smiled at him, seeing in him the beauty of Tom. Ginny reached out and caught the redhead in her arms, their hair blending and seeming to become one. ?Little one,? She whispered. ?You are safe.? Voldemort drew his wand out, the name ?Tom Riddle? carved into the side. His long, deft fingers twirled the wand. Ginny stood up, holding the toddler in front of her. The toddler, seeing Voldemort, screamed again. ?Crucio.? Virginia let go and stood next to Tom, watching the little girl writhe. Tom glanced at Ginny once, and released the girl from the curse. The little girl twitched once, and stared at Ginny with tears in her eyes, then whispered, ?Mama,? once before Voldemort killed her. [i]Looking back on it, I should have known something was wrong from the beginning. But even knowing he was evil, I could never resist him.[/i][/size]
  19. [size=1]A whisper of the wind A sigh of the heart My childhood dreams Will fall apart. [i]Mary, mary quite contrary How does your garden grow?[/i] Without hopes and dream -- no feelings Knowledge is all I know. [i]Said Simple Simon to the pieman Let me taste your ware.[/i] Said the pieman "No free deals I've no pies to spare. [i]Rock a bye baby In the tree tops[/i] When your death comes You'll pull out the stops. All of a sudden Our nurserry rhymes leave Crushed by our minds With nought a reprieve.[/size]
  20. [size=1]I'm voting for Sara's [b]R.E.S.C.U.E.[/b] sig, mainly because I ended up getting into that club. ^_^ I'm so impressed with myself.[/size]
  21. [size=1][b]Seeing as Nina hasn't yet been defined with a proper appearance, I'm making one now. Any complaints, PM me, and I'll change it.[/b] There was a short pause, then Kathy slipped forward to the woman the men had rescued. "I apologise, mistress." She stated quietly, knowing the title of 'Mistress' would immediately wipe out any offence Jonathan's bumbling introduction had made -- accident or not. "The men -- they are trained for the art of war, not the politeness and manners that we all know are essential when one is visiting a foreign country." Kathy had made her voice soft and polite -- exactly the way most men believed a woman should speak. The fact that she was basically insulting them had seemed to slip their minds. "This is Her Highness, Princess Leona of the Tuatha De Danann. I am Lady Kathlyn, and these are the Ladies Trance and Nina. We have been chosen from among many to be esteemed handmaidens to our fair princess, and our relation to the throne is often not forgotten." Her words were careful and precise. Slightly intimidating to some, but still friendly. The woman would later pass on how fair and equal they had been to those below their station, which was exactly what they wanted. "These are our guards." Her tone indicated that -- while important -- the women were the reason for this journey. She chose that moment to drift to the background, preferring not to try to explain the Druids. She was almost lost for words as it was. Speaking as such often became habit after a mission, and she preferred to kick the habit at its cause. Leona spoke again, this time adjusting her tone to be that of a 'Lady'. Everyone knew that Ladies were polite, demure, dignified, and didn't use the coarse sounds and words of the 'lower class'. "We'd be honoured if you would accompany us with your guard, so that we would feel fully safe in this strange new land." Her voice had just the right quiver in it to make the men jump to obey her every whim. The men could, of course, tell that the rest of the women were just as Lady-like. Nina, with her hair that couldn't decide whether is was brown, red, and sometimes even blonde, and her pixie face and dancing eyes seemed to be something out of a storybook. Although, Tinkerbell hadn't been invented yet, had she? Trance was a dark-eyed beauty with red-brown hair and a body so well kept that most men probably hadn't seen the like of it. Of course, the rules of decorum wouldn't show those curves, now would they? Kathy smirked and left them to it. People were by far too easy to manipulate, especially those not hardened and cynical. And that was what this game was about -- manipulation. [/size]
  22. [size=1]Are they anonymous? Because if they are, you can delete them yourself. And I know that most flamers are too cowardly to come foward and face the flak if they own up to being a flamer. I actually don't have writers block -- while it takes a while to churn out the chapters, I do get it done. However, I find it really helps when I [i]do[/i] have block to actually read other people's stories, even just to say, "Hey, if they can write, why can't I?" I like fanfiction.net over the others around because of the writer's profiles, and because you can pair characters to find the pairing you want. If you're especially squiked by slash and so on, you won't want to go in and see it accidentally, for instance. So how did you guys find your way onto FanFiction.net?[/size]
  23. [size=1]Schnoogle, my good fellow, is actually a Harry Potter fanfiction site for novel length fanfictions. It falls under "Fiction Alley" -- which also has The Astronomy Tower, The Dark Arts, and Riddikulus. It's all Harry Potter fanfiction, and Schnoogle has many wonderful, brilliant pieces that are usually [i]extremely[/i] long. How do I know this? Why, I'm a Harry Potter fanfiction writer. I'm actually at fanfiction.net -- although I prefer not to disclose who I am there, because some people may take exception to some things I've written. I am, however, at Fiction Alley Park, as Arnica. I've got no works posted there, though. Isn't the ff.net downtime annoying? I still can't reach it. [/size]
  24. [b][size=1]Sara:[/b] [i]The Untrodden Enlightened.[/i] or, if you prefer, [i]Cynic.[/i][/size]
  25. [size=1]"Bwarble" [Because, in Charlie's words -- 'That word is so good'] "Family Man" [Despite being a girl...I basically united most of the Otaku family.] "Daddy's girl" [Because I love "It"] "All in the family" [Eh. Once again -- I love my family] ^_^ And possible "Press Relations Manager", because for some reason I talk to a lot of people, at the same time listening to their problems. Heh. ^^[/size]
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