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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [size=1]You probably could, although, chances are it's take you a while to put things together. And of course, there are some events that run on from each of the books. It really depends on whether you were worried on having some spoilers from the first books after reading the latter ones.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Billy sadly reflected that his first photo set a trend for life -- his driver's license wasn't much better.[/size]
  3. [size=1]I love the white text thing too. To me it seems less chunky than the Spoiler tags. [To do the white lettering, use the tag like this: [ color = white ] , without the spaces. Then close it with [/ color]] ...[color=white]With the horses, I thought it was well done too. Although, I was a little stumped for a while as to why Harry couldn't [i]already[/i] have seen the horses after the incident when he was 1. I'm not sure what conclusion I came up with.[/color] ...[color=white]I agree with your estimation of Umbridge's character making the best parts in the book -- I burst out laughing when the twins left, and Professor McGonagall's interaction with Umbridge was just classic. I have to agree with you. I was terrified when McGonagall got struck down...but my friends had already told me who died.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1]...[[color=white]I thought Professor Umbridge was really well done. The 'hem,hem' brought out really violent reactions from my friends, and once again, it was, quite simply, wonderful writing. There needed to be a bad teacher in there, after Harry was feeling sorry for Snape -- and guess who filled the criteria? I thought the hand thing was a brilliant idea! I know it's blood thirsty and everything, but who in their right mind would have expected that? I know quite simply that a lot of people [i]loath[/i] 'that Umbrige woman', and that was the required feeling in this book.[/color]][/size]
  5. [size=1]Poking at her dagger twice, Kathy sent a glance at Leona. "I hate to be the bearer of more bad news," she grinned apologetically, "but these things are almost purely ornamental. They could barely cut chicken." Technically, that's what they were supposed to do, anyway. Daggers were one of the only forms of cutlery at this point in time. She pricked her finger on the end. "With tips like these, you can stab nicely. Of course, daggers' main purpose was for thrusting, anyway." She turned it over. "It's metal. Always a plus." Kathy wrinkled her nose. "Of course, the fact the edges aren't extremely sharp is a downside." Leona voiced her opinion. "We could probably sharpen them..." "Actually, that's a great idea. Do you have a whet stone? If you don't we could probably find one." Leona called over her brother, and asked him for a whet stone. When he started to protest, she proceeded to list all the reasons why women could not be left with 'shoddy weapons' in the middle of a battle, including the need to cut fabric for wounds, stave of attacked, and keep their nails clean. In the end, it seemed easier for Jonathon just to give in then listen to her for another half hour. When he was gone, Leona sighed. "Good. I was beginning to think he'd never give in. I was running out of excuses." Kathy's lip twitched into a smile, and she looked down at their apparel. "It's nice clothing. Soft, comfortable. These people had taste, although, in our day and age, I doubt they'd appreciate it." Leona was dressed in a pale blue cotton-style dress. It was, of course, completely incapable of combat, but that wasn't their current role, was it? Kathy's dress was much the same, but with a slight alteration of colour. While Leona's had to have been dyed, hers was still its original colour -- Ivory. "Cheer up. It could be worse. It could be the 1800's. What with the poofy hair and the frocks."[/size]
  6. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sage [/i] [[color=white]And was I really the only one that got irritated by Harry's angsty mood?! Sure, teenage is a good phase to let it all come out, but it was a [i]little[/i] exaggerated.[/color]][/quote] Personally, I don't agree with you there.[[color=white]I see it being perfectly realistic, exaggeration and all. At that point in his life, Harry's emotional, stressed, and feeling completely locked out -- not something a fifteen year old reacts well to. Besides which, Voldemort has returned, which brings impending doom onto everyone he knows; worse, everyone he loves. The book [i]had[/i] to be angsty after the events from last year, or the entire thing would be pointless. And yes, the anger got on my nerves after a while...but you could feel the frustration, and [i]feeling[/i] the emotions of the character is what makes a good writer.[/color]] [quote][[color=white]And then to Loony Lovegood: I was a bit confused why Rowling wrote her in to the story at first. She seemed to have no relevant purpose that any of the existing characters couldn't have. Then it hit me: she has to be Harry's future crush! When she gets a little older and less weirdball, then... :love: Though I'm not sure if she will be "the one" for Harry - there's always Hermy and Ginny. But mark my words when I say that the next book says something like: "Harry saw Luna descending from the Hogwarts Express, and first he didn't recognize her. She had really changed over summer..." And blah blah blah. ;)[/color]][/quote] Once again, I have to disagree.[[color=white]It's my belief that Luna Lovegood was introduced into the story to bring a degree of realism to the character Ginny. Ginny, as you know, was featured quite heavily in the Chamber of Secrets. However, after that time, she wasn't seen in the third or fourth books. She might as well have dropped off the face of the earth. By now, Ginny [i]needs[/i] friends, or the character -- to most people -- will seem unrealistic.[/color]] So I have to say that I don't agree with most of your theories. [/size]
  7. [size=1]"Kathlyn. Kathy." She shook Leona's hand, a little wary of the...perkiness radiating off her in waves. Her strawberry blonde went down to her shoulders, and she stood about a foot taller than Kathy herself. This girl eyes remarkably resembled the captain's. Kathy slid a glance from the captain to Leona, brain piecing together the relation. "His sister?" She asked, in a slightly -- but unintentionally -- abrupt manner. Leona nodded, her face showing slight signs of frustration, pride, and acceptance. Kathlyn's mind was already moving onto different matters, and it didn't even occur to her that Leona hadn't had a chance to speak in that period. "Are you a techie, or a defender?" "Defender." "Same." There was another lapse in conversation, and Kathlyn looked around for everyone she'd seen in the room. They were all there -- the Tall Man included. She'd seen him in the cafeteria just minutes ago. [i]She'd[/i] had a rush to get suited up -- what would it have been like for him? Bored, Kathy started clicking her fingers, trying to replay the room scene in her mind. It seemed, after the needles, that she'd completely forgotten what they were going into the Load for. "What are we here for, again?" She asked Leona, feeling foolish.[/size]
  8. [size=1]The thought of needles made her feel vaguely like fainting, but the thought of [i]eating[/i] before a needle made her physically ill. It seemed that getting it over and done with was her best bet. When one man came out with various patches over his arm, Kathlyn turned faintly green and looked away, her fear of needles once again rising to the surface. She ran her hand through her hair and blinekd slowly, trying not to wince as yet another person in the line moved into the room, having to duck underneath the door frame. The room was white, unfortunately. Kathy's first impression was one of complete sterilization. She felt the dab of the sponge, to wash the area, and then the sting of the needle as it punctured the skin. Her shudder was barely repressed. One of the nurses looked at her health report for a second, then back up at Kathy. "You haven't had your Tetnis in ten years, have you?" With wide eyes, Kathlyn shook her head. "Well, we can fix that today." Her nose twitched, and she bit her lip, preparing for another injection. It was altogether possible that the others had had the same needle. [i]There should be some sort of law against this. Surely all these needles would create some sort of ultra virus that could destroy the world![/i] Kathlyn's free hand once again smoothed her hair down in a nervous gesture, trying to quell her rising panic. She left the room massaging her arm, nose crinkled in an expression of distaste. The only hint of relief was in her easy smile. Damn, but she hated needles.[/size]
  9. [size=1]Do you have a picture of the mOBSCENE cover? I haven't seen it as yet, and I'm eager to. To me, the metal teeth seem like a grate to stop him from talking. I'm sort of indifferent to those pictures, but the pictures with the face paint [which is most of them, granted], mainly on the "Doll-dagga buzz-buzz ziggety-zag" page are particularly effective in their contrast. I like the back cover photo, too. One of my friends is currently looking for the name of the person 2nd from the right [I have no idea.] because she's decided he's hot. I'm glad I bought it too.[/size]
  10. [size=1]I'm currently married to...four...people, I think. On OB, for me at least, it's a friendship thing. For some people [and some of my friends] it's more than that. We also have a relation thing going on. For instance, Ken [Deathknight] is my father, and Syk3 my brother-in-law. [Although I missed the wedding. -.-] It's more friendship things. Just find some good friends, or if you don't want to, PM me and you can be a great-uncle or something. ^_^[/size]
  11. [size=1] My mother...is more [i]cool[/i] than anything else. She doesn't throw potatoes [Like Liam's parents], or shoes [Like Mark's parents], but she tends to pay me out with my friends, and come and attack me with a football in the middle of the night. But, the best thing is -- she [i]cooks[/i]. It's marvellous, simply wonderful cooking. Weird? Heck no.[/size]
  12. [size=1]I'm afraid of living to be old. I've seen people in retirement homes, and to be honest, I'd rather kill myself than live to that age. It's just horrible.[/size]
  13. [size=1] I love dolls! I love the picture. [The only slightly disturbing thing is that I have a friend called Yana Marie.] The broken head is just brilliant, although I still like the first Photoshop picture better. ^_^ I like Jean's shirt. And the flick of hair.[/size]
  14. [size=1]I'll second my father's request, Anti. Seeing as I can't even remember my old character, I'll take a new one. [b]Name:[/b] Kathlyn [Kathy] Falcon [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands about 5 foot 6, with a healthy build -- not underweight or overweight. She has dark red hair that reaches to her waist, usually held up in some manner so as not to interfere in her work. Blue eyes, sometimes changing to green, depending on what she's feeling, and what colour she's wearing. Surprisingly cheerful and depressing at once. Has an odd sense of humour. [b]Bio:[/b] Kathlyn's quick temper is, while not legendary, quite predictible -- many people make jokes about her hair colour and 'fiery' temper. She doesn't mind breaking the rules, but she'll worry when she does. Eager to please, quick to assume, and violent when upset, Kathy's just your everyday human being, with an everyday past -- mother, father, 1 dog, and a white picket fence. Just because she hated it doesn't mean a thing.[/size]
  15. [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=426060[/img][/center] [i][size=1]Family photo: [From left to right] Mei, Sara, Sere, Desbreko, and mother, Semjaza. What can you expect with a godfather like Charles?[/i][/size]
  16. [size=1]I bought the CD, finally. [b]The Packaging:[/b] You can buy two copies of this album. One is a single CD, with the album on it. The second is a 2CD pack, with 'a Limited Edition DVD Video Inside"; [u]Doppelherz[/u], A Film By Marily Manson. Literally translated, it means "Double Heart". The difference in price isn't much -- a couple of dollars. The CD art is fine, if not as good as some I've seen [for instance, the Jack Off Jill cover art.], and the black, white, red scheme is effective. [b]Inside:[/b] My first impression was a good one. Thaeter is just music, as is Obsequey (The Death of Art). While Semjaza's taste in music is almost uncannily like mine [almost scarily so], personally, I like This Is The New ****, and mOBSCENE. While This Is The New **** [i]is[/i] repeditive, to me, that's part of the attraction. Most of the lyrics are repeated over and over again -- leanding an irony to the words "This Is the new ****", and truth to the words "Everything has been said before". Of course, my impression shows this is what they were aiming for. It seems that this song was also in the Matrix Reloaded, which I hadn't realised. [i]mOBSCENE[/i] is the current single, the one most people know. Like I said before, I love the film clip to it, and the relation the the late 1930's German brothel [at least, that's what I think it is, unless I should be corrected.]. I like the girls in the background -- as the lyrics say "In the spirit of Oscar Wilde". The sound is great, with a nice ending, and, in my opinion, while it may sound like something from Holy Wood, it seems like a good single to release first -- a transition piece, if you wish. [Seeing as I have to go to bed soon, I'll skip the other songs for now, and move onto those that made the greatest impression on me.] I honestly [i]loved[/i] Golden Age of the Grotesque. To me, it's just brilliant. The sound is wonderful. There are high notes which should clash, but which actually just accent the song. The beat is simple, like a Waltz. It's really hard to say more about it, because mainly because it made such a big impression it. I just cannot [i]wait[/i] until the clip is released -- I think it is going to be. I hope it will. The last song that made the greatest impression on me was Slutgarden. I'm not sure why, bu it reminds of something done by Jack Off Jill, although, it also seems completely different, at the same time. I suppose this is why it appeals to me so much. The lyrics are quite good too. [i]I memorise the words to the Porno movies, this is a new religion to me[/i] just made me laugh. And the line [i]I never believe the devil was real, But god couldn't make someone filthy as you[/i] were effective too. I have to agree with Semjaza about Better of Two Evils, though. I disliked that song a lot. I don't like the rhythym, or the sound. It's harsh on the ears, and I just...dislike it in general. All in all, the album is worth buying. There aren't many bad songs, and it's a solid album in general. I'm very glad that a bought it, and I reccomend it. [color=white]Although, it has nothing on Jack Off Jill. [Remaining loyal][/color][/size]
  17. [size=1]Hitting my head on a swing 6 years ago. The bump apparently welded itself to my skull, and so it's still there. Lucky me. [/sarcasm][/size]
  18. [size=1]I used to swim a lot -- at least 3 times a week -- but I hated competitive swimming. It just wasn't in my nature. At the moment, I'm still int he school swim team, although I haven't tried out since Year 8 -- I just got put back in there. I don't think I even swam this season. A couple of years ago, I became really defenseless to chest infections, and it completely ruined my swimming routine, so I got behind, and in the end, I just quit. One of my friends, however, is really good, although he quit swimming too, now, which is a pity. He was a great swimmer.[/size]
  19. [size=1]Well, it's short and sweet, which can be good, and can be bad. For instance, it makes it easier to read, but you lack some detail that could be added with a longer poem. But onward. I particularly like the line [i]so I hide in my sheets from my fears[/i]; it brings about a degree of realism -- most, if not all, have hidden in our sheets at some point. My other favorite point is the phrasing in [i]But the angel of dark destroys my wings[/i]. You can have used [i]But the dark angel destroys my wings[/i], however, it would have sounded less lyrical. On the whole -- it, like every other piece of writing ever written, can be improved, but it was very well done. ^_^[/size]
  20. [size=1]You listened when I whispered The source of all my dreams. And wrapped your arms around me And told me of your swing. "It was red" You told me "With a wooden seat." "And it took me higher That I ever wanted to be." I listened to your tales With wonder and with awe. Each retelling told That I needed you much more. But now you've left lonely. And I see the mess I've made. I'm drowning in mistakes I'm drowning in Jade.[/size]
  21. [size=1]What about having the Username as a link to the profile, instead of on the bar down the bottom? I'd think it would create more room for the Pm, Email, WWW, Search, and Buddy buttons. Just a thought.[/size]
  22. [size=1]To quote: [i]"I AINT NO SUCKA!! I'M THE KING OF THE WORRRRRRLD!! The "We Aint No Suckaz" Crew Jinzouningen 17, AJeh, Havoc, Deus Ex Machina, Shinobi, Tasis, Mztik_Gohan10, FF7 Vincent, Psyco, Schratn9, Steiner, vicky, Lan21013, bra, Emme888, Hataki Vash, more to come. To join the "We Aint No Suckaz" Crew, just PM me. ^_^"[/i] From what I can see, it's another of Otakuboard's many clubs. If you want to join, just PM him. ^_^[/size]
  23. [size=1]What do I think of jealousy? Personally I think that, while a destructive emotion, jealousy is something we all feel. We all get that pang of envy deep in our stomachs -- when you see someone who got a better grade, or who has better friends, or better posessions. Thing is, though, that's just plain humanity. We all [i]want[/i] to have expensive cars, and nice houses, and food in our stomachs. Material things -- in my opinion -- are signals of how far we've come in life. We attach memories to things. For instance, you smell something, and you think -- I know that smell. I'd completely forgotten it until then. Material things jog our memories. To do that you need money, and to get money, you need ambition. Jealousy -- to [i]me[/i] -- is another form of ambition, driving you on to greater heights, materialistically, at least. In relationships, I think that jealousy is unwarranted. You see someone flirting with your significant other -- as long as it doesn't go anywhere, what's wrong with that? Although, in saying that, Jealousy [i]is[/i] a gut reaction, so often you can't help it. I don't know. Maybe someone green-eyed can tell me.[/size]
  24. [size=1]The apocalypse is coming! The death knell sounds the air. The apocalypse is come! Oh someone, have a care. But he?s a crazy man And no one sees his truth Perhaps in one time they?d hear But why listen to a ?Bruce?? His apocalypse is simple Nothing fiery, no glory Man will destroy itself ? And that?s the whole story. But no, they won?t listen To crazy men on the street. Because an apocalypse is livable ? They?ve seen it on TV. First comes the warnings, And second is the panic [Though they won?t do hysteria] And something quite volcanic. But, you see, it?s not that easy The world will not explode. Crazy Bruce was right this time In time, we?ll just erode. [/size]
  25. [size=1]I'd like the option of choosing your colour, size, and type of font in the user Profile. It would make life so much easier, as long as you can override them on the post page, to do something like change colour and so on. And to be able to upload banners like Avatars. ^_^ It's hard finding a place that will let you link your banner to them. That's my say.[/size]
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