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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia
[size=1][b]1) If you could have any super power, what would it be?[/b] I figured this out the other day. It would be the ability to stop time. [b]2) What would you do with your powers?[/b] Honestly? I would stop time so that I could read my books without wasting time. [b]3) Would you use it to do good, or evil?[/b] ...It isn't exactly evil to want to use time effectively, but nor is it doing any good.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=royalblue] I remember when I used to have trouble saying pneumonic. That was before I found out the "p" was silent, lol. But the most trouble I've had with a word is "Mnelmoth." --;[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Which is fair enough, considering it's spelt "Mnemolth". From what I can gather, it's pronounced something like "Knee-moth". Heh. I spell 'grey' and 'colour'. I've been to some writing sites where they've mentioned that -- and asked those who do spell 'grey' but everything else American. It turns out that a lot of people just think 'grey' is prettier than 'gray'. Go figure.[/size]
Id like to ask you guys if youd like to affiliate with my site
Lady Asphyxia replied to a topic in Help & Feedback
[size=1]Personally, I do like the original better, because it is clear, accurate, and it says what it's meant to. People usually [i]won't[/i] get banned for advertising their site in a thread [i]once[/i]. It's the repetition of doing so that will encourage it. And I think you said this -- or mentioned that you double posted here, but didn't know how to correct it [or maybe I'm insane ^^"] -- but you just press edit and type what you want to say into the post.[/size] -
[img]http://00fun.com/wimg/what.jpg[/img] [size=1][b]In a surprizing result from a DNA experiment, scientists found out that Rex had some [i]very[/i] interesting recessive genes.[/size][/b]
[size=1]Friendship is the knowledge that there's someone there. When it's the middle of the night, and you're crying your eyes out, it's not so much the calling and talking -- it's the knowledge that you can call, and they won't mind. It's knowing that they'll accept your opinions, and won't tell you you're wrong for believing them. It's also just knowing that they're your friend. But there are other friendships too. The compeditive friendship -- the façade that you're friends, but the knowledge that you're always trying to beat the other. And the school friendship -- you see each other at school, and smile and wave, and talk occasionally, but you'd never accept each other on a social level. I think, really, the type of friendships depend on the people. Some people have no trouble with the first friendship, because they're open about themselves. Others prefer the second because they have a compeditive streak. It just goes that way. There are other friendships, of course. There are just too amny types to define. ^_^ I like that.[/size]
[size=1]One of these days, I'll die of all these fortunate coincidences. I'm actually doing a Peotry Analyses on Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken". I agree with Mei; "Fire and Ice" is my favorite poem -- it's short and simple, and really quite effective. In Year Nine I could recite it by heart. I really liked "Mending Wall", mainly because of his reference to Lord Byron's "She Walks In Beauty". I thought it witty and funny. I tried to explain it to my other friends, but they don't have my sense of humor. I think "The Road Not Taken" is the most well known poem of Frost's, and while "Fire and Ice" is the first poem I'd heard of his, "The Road Not Taken" is one I've actually had a vauge inkling of for a long time.[/size]
What element are you based on personality?
Lady Asphyxia replied to klinanime1's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]I'm an even mix of Air and Earth. [i] Carefree, sweet, ditzy, and a fun loving person.[/i]I am. I don't worry about much, and if I do, it's usually for someone else. [i]Quiet, intelligent, and observant.[/i]Another side of me, thankfully. I don't think I could stand being hyperactive all the time. [i]You are a passive follower, who enjoys serving.[/i] I actually do enjoy serving, in a way. I love doing the whole "Waitress" thing, and while I'm often passive, I can lead if I want to. My Quote: "I will serve you, until such time as I tire and grow weary of it. Then I will leave you, unhindered by all you hold dear. I may sing your song, but it's my melody." Heh. That was rather fun, actually.[/size] -
Is it just me or are these rules out of date?
Lady Asphyxia replied to Neo NnM's topic in Help & Feedback
[size=1]Oh, the rules apply, but yes, they are out of date. James has some thingsa up his sleeve for the new rules, apparently, so we'll wait patiently for it to happen. ^_^[/size] -
[size=1]I saw mOBSCENE on the television the other day, and I was really impressed with what I saw. I'd never heard any of Marilyn Manson's work before. I really like the music video clip, as well as the sound. The clip in itself is well done and put together. It's creative, different, and it fits. I was absoulutely brilliant. The sound isn't what I'm used to, but once you get used to it, it's quite addictive. I've had it in my head for days. I like the music. I'm just now considering whether or not I want to bother buying the album. [/size]
[size=1]My mother is this great lady. She gets on well with most people, is caring and compassionate, and is one hell of a cook. She has some trouble with accepting certain types of people, and is horribly stubborn, but she's great. I talk to her about most things. Most of all though, she is my Mum, to me at least. It isn't as if I can change that perception. She has 4 kids, and is the unofficial parent to 4 more. She might make mistakes on occasions, but so do we.[/size]
[size=1][b]This cat fight was started when Snowy mistook Daffodil's tail for a mouse...he still hasn't learnt.[/size][/b]
[size=1]I promised myself I wouldn't post in here again. I guess, in jumping on the bandwagon, I'm also falling off. >.< [b]Name:[/b] Kathryn May Sarah Randall [b]Age:[/b] [strike]14[/strike] [b]DOB:[/b] June 20th, 1988 [b]Location:[/b] Toowoomba, Australia [b]One Word:[/b] [strike]Lazy[/strike] Bwarble. [b]No, Seriously. One word:[/b] Cold. [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Color:[/b] Grey [b]Food:[/b] [strike]Spaghetti Carbonara[/strike] Chicken Tenderloins. [b]Beverage:[/b] [strike]Apple Juice[/strike] Coke. [b]Dream Job:[/b] Writer, Editor, Beach Bum. [b]Self-Proclaimed:[/b] [strike]*****[/strike] Daughter of Ken, Daughter of Tony. ^_^ [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Scottish, German, Australian. [b]Extracurricular:[/b] [strike]Swimming[/strike] Yoga. [b]Hobby:[/b] Writing, reading, [strike]swimming[/strike], sleeping. [b]Dessert:[/b] Chocolate Ice cream, Chocolate Cheesecake. [b]Musician:[/b] [strike]Too many[/strike]. None. I like most. [b]Group:[/b] [strike]Too many[/strike]. None. I like most. [b]Mac or PC?[/b] There's a difference? [b]Nics:[/b] [strike]Blondie, Icy, Goldielocks...[/strike] Pikelet, Rae, Rae-rae, Rae-baby, Katy, Kate, Katie, Katiey, Kaety [my friends like experimenting with spelling. ^^"] Kat, Lady Asphy, La, L A, Lady A, Asphy. o.O Too many. [b]Blog:[/b] [url=terlamia.blogspot.com]Yes[/url] [b]Home Page:[/b] No [b]Book:[/b] Sky Legs. [b]Collections:[/b] [strike]Stamps...I suppose, and books. I like books.[/strike] Nothing. [b]Sport:[/b] [strike]Swimming.[/strike] [b]Won't Eat:[/b] Tomato Sauce [b]Words to live by:[/b] "Speak only when you are going to make a fool of yourself, never let them see the real you." [b]Addicted to:[/b] Otaku Boards, writing, Chocolate, the smell of the Apple highlighter... [b]Movie:[/b] Amy. I love that movie. Heh. I didn't change all that much. I don't think. o.O[/size]
[size=1]That was honestly Totally Brilliant [capitals intended. That's how good it was.] And it wasn't just because it was touching, but more because this reader could relate to everything that was said. The fact that the friend was one of the Invisible was simply brilliant -- after all, what child hadn't had an invisible friend when they were younger? I did; Lisa. The feelings; the fear, the sentimentality, the happiness and the worry. The acknowledgement of your friend at the end. It all combined at the end to be something more than just a letter. It was almost like this little piece of soul, set down for the world to see. I loved it.[/size]
[size=1][color=purple]Heh. Mitch, you've told me several times that I need to work on the 'contrived' feeling - but you never tell me [i]why[/i] it feels contrived, or [i]what[/i] I can do to work on it. Just telling me something's wrong isn't going to help very much; like telling me that somewhere in the story, there's a spelling mistake, but not telling me where. :p I was hesitant to make the characters show the emotion that much, and it would have been quite hard to do so, anyway. Lorraine - the writer in this piece - is the emotional one, and I couldn't figure out how to make her emotional, without losing the fact that she's the writer. If I made John the writer, there'd be less rambling - Lorraine goes off on tangents quite a bit - but it would also break the pattern throught the entire book; One chapter Lorraine, one chapter John. I really didn't like writing this piece - I had fun with it, sure, but as an assignment, I thought the book ending was great. It was definate, and it left you wanting more of the book. Heh. I suppose I should explain the pig. Quote: [/color][[color=white]I pushed the curtains open, and there was Norton holding a large white pig, which he had brought down suddenly on a table edge, knocking its head off. He looked inside then threw it against the wall where it blasted to pieces. Several other pigs were laying all over the floor, and the only thing I could think of at that moment was the proud and happy look on Mr Pignati's face when he had shown us the pigs that first day.[/color]] [color=purple][That, by the way, was from John's view.] The book is actually really good, if you want to read it. I liked it. It's about 124 pages, so its quite easy to read in a couple of hours. [/color][/size] [size=1]Ach. Sorry for double posting, but if I just edited the last post, it wouldn't show up as a new post. Anyway, I now have a new part of the assignment; Lit. Crit. It's really bad, in my opinion. Any sugggestions on how I can make it better? [At this point in time, I'm quite desperate. I've submitted this as a rough copy, but I don't think it answer the question very well, if at all. I've never done a Lit. Crit piece, though, and I don't know how to.][/size] [center][b][size=3]RESPONSE TO LITERATURE[/B][/size][/center] [size=1]Select [b]one[/b] of the following questions and write a clearly worded essay of literary criticism in response to it, using [u]The Pigman[/u] and [u]Sky Legs[/u] to support your answer. [b]Chosen Topic:[/b] 3. "Paul Zindel's and Irini Savvides' particular skill is the creation and portrayal of interesting, exciting and yet realistic characters." Refer to at least two characters from [u]The Pigman[/u] and [u]Sky Legs[/u]. How effectively and realistically do Zindel and Savvides present these characters? [b]Length:[/b]400-500 words. [center]____[/center] Zindel and Savvides? literary magic lie in the reality of their characters, and the way readers can relate to them. Eleni Cano-Katsas struggles with a new school, grief, and her ethnicity. She and her father had moved from Newtown to the Blue Mountains, because Eleni ?couldn?t stand living there anymore? (183). There she meets Pete, a boy ostracized for his differences. Together they embark on a journey of discovery. Eleni appeals to teenage readers because of how realistic she appears. She clashes wills with her English teacher, Mrs. Finick is bullied and tormented by her peers, ?copping all the flak and turning the tables on them.? (91) Strong-willed, but emotionally scarred from her mothers? death, Eleni struggles to find a friend, while the rest of the school are calling her names, such as: ?What a Mo. Lezzo.? (82) ?Mini Mo. She?s Mini Mo.? (82) ?Maxi Mo. Mangy Mo. Maggot Mo. Maggot Maxi Mo.? (82) Drifting through time, unable to ?see for looking, and her eyes are looking only at yesterday,? (144) the character of Eleni represents both the best and worst of humanity, particularly in teenagers. STAGE 1 --- FEELINGS ASSOCIATED WITH ADOLESCENCE. Not being able to let go Change feels too rapid Hormones on the roll Rebellious and anti-authoritarian feelings Feeling unsupported Jealousy Feeling out of place Wanting different identity Embarrassed by some or all of near relatives Feeling out of control Wanting to run away and hide (189) Paul Zindel?s character, John Conlon; sophomore, desk-writer, and ?organizer of the supercolossal fruit roll? (8), writes his ?memorial epic? (9) with friend Lorraine. Through their chapters, the character of John is gradually revealed. Always ?[twisting] things subliminally? (11), John ?[has] to do something unusual all the time? (11) only ?[getting] away? with them because he is ?extremely handsome?(11). He ?drinks and smokes more than any boy [Lorraine] ever heard of? (11), often retreating to the ?Moravian Cemetery?(14) to do so. Lorraine is convinced it?s because ?his father made it seem as though drinking alcoholic beverages is a sign of maturity? (14). John ?[remembers] the actions? (17) of people, acknowledging it?s naturally because he ?[is] going to be a great actor? (18). Misunderstood by his parents because ?neither of them has the imagination he has? (24) John alienates himself from them. The effect Mr. Pignati had on John ? which partly stems from this alienation ? was much like a relationship between a single parent and their child; more like a friendship than a blood relation. ?I can?t remember Bore, or my mother either for that matter, ever looking happy to see me? (53). All characters in Sky Legs and The Pigman compliment each other in such a way that they add to the overall effect of the novels. The characters are realistic, everyday characters, often in not-so-everyday situations. [/size]
[size=1]Hee. ^_^ Glad you like it. I'd have coloured in the bunny, only then you couldn't see his tail, and that wouldn't do. [And thank you Charles for suggesting the bunny. ^_^] I like the card, Shy. Ish very pretty. Hehe... [b]Tony: The Number 1 Mum![/b][/size]
Bad Grades and Grossly Extensive Punishments
Lady Asphyxia replied to Corey's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]It doesn't really matter to my Mum whether or not I get good grades; the hardest eprson to deal with is myself [as some of you have found out]. I hate getting bad grades - anything below an A is a disappointment. My entire family does really well in school; we've never had a problem with grades. Teachers really do count. One of my teachers was really good - and I did really well. Another teacher just wasn't suited to me, and I did badly in her class. So it can matter.[/size] -
[size=1]I made a card for Tony. ^_^ Happy Mother's Day. [Even if it is only Saturday here.] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=392770[/img] [/size]
[size=1]Drip after drip Acid tears roll down Burning their path Through her body Through her mind Through the looking glass Just like Alice she stares Eyes wide, lips parted And sees what she's become A shadow of a smile The ghost of hope And all she can see Is her big blue eyes Downing in pools Begging for her reality Begging to be let out To return To the other side Of the looking glass.[/size]
[size=1]Heh. I like it. It's...dare I use the word "zingy"? It flows well, and it described perfectly the face of people. The scent idea is brilliant. There's a couple of mistakes there "Withdrawals a Zippo lighter", for instance, but they aren't huge. Personally, I think it's great. As good as, if not better than, The Ninth round. Well done.[/size]
[size=1]Short piece, written as per a challenge given by Death Knight. No idea what to call it. Criticism much appreciated. Back then, I?d wanted to be a racecar driver. I?d dreamt of zooming around the track, defying the laws of speed. I?d dreamt the dreams of little boys, ignoring the fact that the sport was male orientated. It was, after all, my dream, and dreams aren?t just for males. I?ve given that dream up now, of course. Why give myself such grief? It?s too hard. Besides, definite plans aren?t advisable in my life, not right now. I needed some time alone, so I came here. I haven?t been here in almost ten years, refusing to face my memories, and I?d expected it to feel different. To hurt more, instead of just a dull ache inside my chest. Not much has changed. The park is still empty, still dilapidated. The only difference is the trees, right in front of me. They?re taller now. Larger. And the door we used to use a platform isn?t there any longer. I?m almost glad, in a melancholy way. It shows me that time hasn?t just stood stagnant, that all the years have passed, that, despite everything, this park is still my park. Just this peacefulness was all I needed to see, but leaving means facing reprimands, and, in a while Joe will think to look here anyway. Joe cares about people, you see. He could know anything about a person without ever having met them. That?s just the way he is. Times have certainly changed. Yes, I still miss Matt with every fiber of my being, but I?m no longer the lost 8-year-old I was then. I can accept his death. I can accept every misfortune that befalls me. I?ll begrudge it, certainly, but I will accept. I?ve learnt to be adaptable. I can cook, I can clean. I can organize and write. I know how to take care of myself. The only thing I can?t do is play the piano with my toes, and I doubt there?s going to be a situation where I need to. They don?t see that, though. All they see is Julie; weak, little, pathetic Julie. The girl who couldn?t accept her best friend?s death. The girl who blamed herself. Rightly. I was young, yes, but it was my fault. We?d been playing in that tree. The door was there, still stable, after many years. Matt was yelling at me, screaming that it was my turn to go fetch the ball from the bottom. It took me two steps to reach him. He hit me. He?d never have hurt me, I know that now. But back then, I did the only thing I could at that point ? an instinctive, gut reaction; I punched him. Hard. I can still feel my horror as I watched him stumble, his nose bloody. He started to fall out of the tree. I grabbed his arm, screaming for help. It didn?t come. We both plummeted towards the ground. I woke up in hospital. Matt didn?t. ?Julie!? Joe. I twist to look at him, smiling. He ran up, panting. ?You shouldn?t run off. You could get hurt.? ?Yes Joe.? ?Come on. I?ll go get the car started.? He left quickly, and I sighed and wheeled after him. There was no rest for the wicked, or the disabled. [/size]
[size=1]Echoing sighs She weeps for her loss Eyes downcast and sad But she's learnt a good lesson Her innocence calls Beckoning mutely For protection For prevention Safety first Impulsiveness final She grows with sorrow And learns to smile.[/size]
[size=1]Bright -- like the sun Her face shines with hope Tomorrow is another day And all it promises is... The wind whispers And holds itself true Locked in the powerful Thrust of tradition. She stares at the tree And mouths the words Eye pleading with no one For the hope she recieves.[/size]
[size=1]Sometimes, parents really mean it when they say "Be careful, or you'll have egg on your face"...[/size]
[size=1]Heh. I had to do it. I did. I burst out laughing so hard that I went into a coughing fit. [b]Heaven's Cloud[/b] won, and Tigervx made runner up. ...No, this isn't an evil plot to see how long Heaven's Cloud can go before running out of pictures. :shifty: [/size]
[size=1]Heh. Why doesn't anyone ever ask "Where are the Americans?" I am an Australian. I am one of many. We're even considered a 'group' on here. [Go us!] All in all, living in one area, there are 14 -- or is it 15? -- of us. There are also tons of people in Australia. Rain and Mo, for instance. ^_^ Heh. You'll find someone, I'm sure.[/size]