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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia
[color=darkred][size=1][i]Great[/i] imagery. Bloody brilliant. There are a few things; in the beginning, the "pinkish, purplish, reddish" part detracts [in my opinion] because they aren't colours, and it seems too long. The last stanza could probably be broken up so it isn't so long -- each idea could be a stanza: [i]I fall back and rest my head On the porch, a welcome relief Looking up at the first star to appear As the moon creeps up in the distance I make a wish I make a wish But I can?t tell you The rims on my dad?s truck Glow like a complex metal alloy On some government spacecraft The sidewalk, is alive with dandelions On one side Sending small torches To light the path Of the cracked Eighteen year old concrete Walkway The air is crisp And leaves rustle As they dance in my yard Having their own little party In a miniature tornado Spinning, and stirring Like the thoughts in my head[/i] And so on. But, really, the imagery is fantastic, and the mood is tranquil. I really like this piece. ^_^ So very, very well done.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkred]Heh. You'd be surprized how many people don't realise for a long time. Don't worry about it.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Heh. Well, Mei hasn't replied, but it is the right answer. So go ahead.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]I had the same problem when I first started. I actually thought I'd done something to the thread, and I was so worried! Actually, the black buttons mean you've posted in the thread, no matter if the envelop is blue or open.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B]Apparition's retribution fell gone Came so far tears so long Serpent's glare gone wrong Apparition's retribution fell gone [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I really loved this stanza. The flow is great, the rhythym is perfect, and I love the imagery. Really, you can see how you've worked on this piece. It comes up a lot better than some other stuff you've done. Very good, Mitch.[/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Heh. Tell us the full story; I know it's trite, but sometimes it actually [i]does[/i] help to talk about it. Like seeping the wound to get all the puss out. I cope with loss by crying my eyes out usually, or being near someone who was close the the person who died. Even making myself a box -- pictures of them, that scarf they used to wear, even a rock or a birthday present from them -- they all go into a box and whenever I'm feeling bad I pull it out and look at it. Like Charles said; even though it does get better with time, the pain will always be there, but dormant. There'll be a little nagging feeling of loneliness, and this anger of what was taken from you. Chances are, the pain right now is horrible, this huge ache that seems to grow with every minute until the little lump at the back of your throat is choking you, and you need to break down and cry with someone who understands, but you don't feel that there is anyone. It's hard to be happy when every pore is screaming for that person, and you feel like only that person can make it better. And that, because you can't see them again, this ache will never go away. But after a while, you'll smile at that little bit of hair that always curled despite the person's best efforts, or the way their laughter was horrible, and you'll realise that, despite the pain, you have memories. You met this person. Laughed with them. Loved them. You changed there life, no matter how minute, because you were there. And they helped to make you the person you are. Just because a person is dead, doesn't mean they're gone. As long as you remember, everything will get better. Just give it time. [/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] I'd really like to be able to set font colour, style and size in the User Control Panel. It [i]does[/i] getting annoying typing it all out every post. [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Otaku History, probably. I just don't see the need -- or have the desire -- for anything else. [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? [/b] I've never been to theOtaku.com, from what I can remember, so I honestly don't mind. [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] No. Not particularly. I like Otakuboards the way it is. However, if the board is well run, and it's members are -- you know -- [i]coherant[/i], and it brings in more contribution to Otakuboards, then I'm fine with it. [b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b] No. I've seen chats before, and while I haven't expirienced the chat directly, I don't like what I've seen. [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] Yes and no. On occasion, there are more spam levels than usual; sometimes just because it's holidays. Usually the moderators are pretty quick to stomp on the spam, so I find it pretty efficiant. [b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b] Probably not, because of the cost. But without all the other factors -- just Otakuboards, with a phone, anywhere in the world? -- then yes. [b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b] Higher quality. Quality over quantity everytime. I mean, with 5 skins or over, there should be [i]something[/i] to a person's taste -- as long as the skins are varied. [b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? [/b] Original works, for the simple fact that I'm not into anime. While I like the pictures, I'd love to see what this community can come up with when left with a blank canvas. [b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] Yes. At least, I usually do, over AIM, not PMs. But I'm usually sure of what to do anyway. It isn't often a huge factor for me. [b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? [/b] Oh sure, this might be for 15 and over mainly, but it's less than 3 months to my birthday, so I'll answer. Yes, I am. While sometimes it's hard to understand the context the word is in, it's usually easy enough to translate around the blocked word anyway, so you understand the basic gist of what is being said -- half the time the swearing is unnecessary.[/color][/size]
[img]http://www.pitchingwoo.net/mostlyrandom/eCards/odds/cat_loaf.jpg[/img] [color=darkred][size=1][b]Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man; bake me a cat as fast as you can...[/b][/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]The dance tripped me up to, until I got used to it. I find it really hard to succeed unless I concentrate on the instructor[Does she have a name?]. I keep thinking I'm moving the wrong way. It also helps to turn the music up fully, so you can hear the steps. Other than that, I can't help much.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred]I'm not sure what you're asking now, but they people crying at the Twin Tower's Attack was understandable, and most would cry. That is [i]thousands[/i] of deaths. But to have someone mourn for you like that? Sure, why not? One death might not be on the same scale as that many deaths, but if affected personally, I guess people would mourn like that. But it's also arrogant for me to believe people would mourn that much. A disaster such as that is recognised because of how many lives it took. You say you want recognition, but I have to ask; Do you recognise those around you? Your family, for instance. And your friends. Some people have no one, but most do. At least one person, or accquaintances. And they will mourn. It's in human nature to mourn. [/color]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]Now all I need is that four leafed clover...[/b][/color][/size]
Research: the times that try mens' souls...
Lady Asphyxia replied to Char!'s topic in General Discussion
[color=darkred]Heh. You could probably manage to pull a comparison between the wars and it's effect. For instance, in WWI, there was need for food rationing and everything went into Recession [I think. o.O] I heard on the news somewhere that they'd spent something like a billion doolars on the war, already. [In America.] Otherwise, I'm pretty ignorant on this subject.[/color] -
[color=darkred][size=1]It isn't just a matter of crying, but if you want to measure it like that, probably just my family and a few close friends. If you die, some people mightn't cry, but they'd grieve, nonethe less. Just because you're considered overly talkative and annoying doesn't mean that people won't grieve, just that they find it overwhelming to be near you. For instance, I didn't cry at my father's funeral. Do you think it means that I didn't grieve? The strangest people are scarred by death, and affected in the wierdest ways. A person who doesn't really know you, but is in your class might grieve a lot. I guess what I'm trying to say is that people care, whether or not they're your true friends. To use a semi-off topic quote,[i] "Believe me, everyman has his secret sorrows, which the world knows now; and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad."[/i]Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [/color][/size]
Life and boys... why are they so complicated?
Lady Asphyxia replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkred]Heh. Well, it really depends more on if you still want him. If you do, you're going to muck up your current relationship, considering you're looking at another guy. But you'd need to be careful that you're not going to do something that will make it look like you're crawling back. Wait for a while. Let him beg, I suppose. Just something that will reassure you that he doesn't think you're a dog, and that if he whistles, you'll come back. Honestly, you're a pretty strong person, from what I know about you, so chances are you already know what you're going to do. Let us know how it turns out.[/color] -
[color=darkred]Actually, I thought about this a while ago. For some reason, most girls [Going from an impersonal view here.] do seem to gravitate towards the 'bad' guys. There will always be the good one there, waiting, as friends or whatever. And they aren't...you know...something 'mysterious'. Heh. Every girls seems to want to 'tame' the 'bay boys', subconciously or not. The nice ones are there, and ready to offer support when something goes wrong.Having a nice guy is great, having a nice guy you reformed is better. At least, that's what I came up with. I guess it's just a matter of taste or something. A lot of girls love the nice guys, but people can't see it, or something. Heh.[/color]
[color=darkred]Well, it's Winter here, and I'm already on my break, however, as of now, I plan to be the laziest person I can be. Besides, I was all active yesterday, so today is my lazy day. I do have to do an assignment though...wait, two. But they're easy enough, so I shouldn't run into difficulty.[/color]
[color=darkred]Argh, that sucks. I thought it was bad having an 11 week term. I'm on holidays now [Squee!] but I go back on the 29th or so [I forget the actual date]. Until then, I'm planning on enjoying my freedom. Don't worry about going to school and doing nothing. I had to work right until the end bell on the last day, so really, doing nothing is easy.[/color]
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=382777[/IMG] [size=1][color=darkred]Do you suppose, if I make these puppy dog eyes enough, they'll let me take credit for the light bulb?[/color][/size]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=darkred][i]Rae moved away from the girls, making her excuses as she went. [/i]"Have to go do something. If I'm not back in a year, I'm dead. If I'm not back in an hour, I'll call you." "Don't call us, we'll call you?" [i]Jaudiar muttered, but nodded none the less. She turned back to her task; sorting out socks. She left the building and shut the door behind her, turning toward Jachol Street - one of the less desirable streets in town. It held most of the abandoned houses and squatters, one in particular. She slipped through a hole in the wire fencing and into the warehouse. It was dark, and dingy, but if you looked closely beneath the grime, and under the boxes of crap, there were signs of habitation. A footprint here, a strewn piece of bedsheet there, a soda can on the crate. Underneath the crates, Rae knew, was sophisticated computer equipment. Probably stolen, although, she'd never bothered to enquire. A man shuffled out, deep set eyes darting about suspiciously as he came to check the disturbance. No sirens had gone off, but this place was had a better wired alarm system than the agency's. He stooped over and picked up a T-shirt, then smiled at Rae, looking his 20 years of age. [/i] "Hey, Josh, do you think you could do me a favor? I need you to find a guy called Liam.[/color] -
[img]http://falkor.anu.edu.au/~ely/haiku/haiku1.jpg[/img] [color=darkred][size=1]Contrasting colours Warn us all that this little One is off limits.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]Dark Order Knight[/b] [list] [*]Some minor problems with possessive apostrophe and grammar, easily fixed, really. [*][i]I hammer the lines of time so that they are smooth and reletively unflawed.[/i] I love that metaphorish similie. I can't quite figure out which it is, but I still like it. [*]I didn't like the way you portrayed Acantha. It just really got to me, because it was pretty obvious what she was doing, when I see her as a discreet character. [*]Nice explanations to things. [/list] [b]Mitch:[/b] [list] [*]You used a lot of '?' and I got a bit confused in places. [*]I liked the part where Burman blurted out the danger. It seemed like he had a reason for blurting; panic. [*]The half explanation of Ryan leaves it to be embellished later on, which is great. [*]You left the ending for us to continue, which is both easy and hard, and actually quite a good idea. [/list] [b]Sara:[/b] [list] [*]I like how you expanded Xii's character; she doesn't like lots of excitement, doesn't live of the bad things like some people. [I know you said this, but it struck me too.] [*]You made Alex become a more 3-dimensional character by creating concern for the group. [*]Xii's human. I like that. People try to immoratalise themselves sometimes, and Xii's nice, 'I'm human' thing is refreshing. [*]You switched points of view so that it wasn't just Xii's perspective. Building a character for us, even if it's our character. [*]I know you said you're the Queen of Anti-Climatic, but I like the ending. It leaves it for expanding, and continuation. [/list] [b]Lady Asphyxia:[/b] [list] [*]New character. Majorie. Total whim, but it turned out all right, I think. [*]Tylenia brings Xii upstairs. Yup, I partly nicked it from you, but mainly because I'm most comfortable with your character, because I can write her. Probably something to do with styles, again. o.O [*]The repetition in the end is strange. I wanted to convey panic in there; the kind where you know you're panicking but don't want to admit it, but I don't think I did. [*]A couple of spelling and grammar mistakes, which I've just picked up, so I'll hopefully get those in a little while. [*]Actually, I really like this entry. I don't know why, I just do. [/list] [b]The Harlequin:[/b] [list] [*]I [i]love[/i] the ending. [Going backwards] [*]Oh. Scapegoat killer. I like that. [*]The conflict with Ryan is genius, and leaves pathways open for further stories. [*]I liked the story, in general. [/list] My votes go to [b]Sara[/b] and [b]Lady Asphyxia[/b]. I was tossing up between myself and the Harlequin for a long time, too. [/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=380832[/img] Neptune: The newest combatant against flees. Just add water. Eh. I have no idea.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1][b]I'd have gotten this in yesterday, but I got home, practically passed out and slept 15 hours straight. Go me.[/b] ?While I truly believe that such an accounting will help you,? Acantha stated, in a voice so slightly tinged with sarcasm almost no one picked it up, ?I?m afraid that I cannot account such a history to you. Mayor?? she asked, looking over at Mayor Burman, silently asking a question. Apparently, he agreed, for he nodded, and Acantha moved calmly over and sat down, scribbling something in a ledger. It was the first work Tylenia had seen her do. Burman took over from Acantha, stating calmly that Aiken hadn?t seen many noteworthy occurrences in this town. He went on, ?There was of course some fights when we first built Aiken ? land disturbances and such ? but it all settled down quite quickly. Aiken became a meeting point, and, up until all these?matters?we used to hold markets each month. If you need information about that, you can see Majorie ? she lives just inside the walls. Her husband is the gate-keeper you saw when you first arrived. She used to organize all the ladies. When the animals first went missing, the were a few arguments and some finger pointing ? there still are ? but now it?s mainly fear. No one trusts each other.? Tylenia nodded, listening but not hearing. All she could see was Calonice?s remains. It was disgusting, vile, putrid, and it [i]wouldn?t leave[/i]. Her brain felt like it needed to be scrubbed with a laundry worker?s brush, to rinse out the stains. She?d do it though, just to prove she was tougher than she looked. The redhead looked around the room at it?s occupants, determinedly ignoring the semi-transparent image of Calonice?s body and focusing on the room beyond. All the group members were there; all the living ones, at least. Tylenia walked over to Xii, who seemed to be about to collapse. She was shaking, and kept glancing over at the tavern door. Maybe Dharin had the same thought as Tylenia, because he was the one who called out to Burman. ?Perhaps we should continue this later. It?s been a hard day ? and traveling wearies the soul.? Tylenia only had a few seconds to marvel at Dharin?s unaccountable niceness, and his remarkable impersonation of Acantha, before she hurried Xii up the stairs, feeling like someone?s mother. [center]~~~[/center] ?Rise and shine.? Tylenia groaned and rolled over, pulling the blankets with her. That would teach whoever it was to try to pinch them. They yanked harder and stole her pillow. She glared and emerged from under the layer of hair covering her face, grimacing. She needed it cut, and soon. But first, she intended to reap revenge on the person who disturbed her slumber. It was Relee. Tylenia glared at her. ?You?re lucky you?re a girl. If you?d been anyone else, I?d have hurt you.? Relee kept her calm, smiling serenely. ?Aren?t you a bear in the mornings?? It was a rhetorical question, but Tylenia opened her mouth to object anyway. Relee preempted the statement. ?I can handle myself, if worst comes to worst. Come on, we?re going to go question the people. The others have left already. You, Jice, and I are going to go question Majorie ? the Market Ladie. Acantha wrote it down for us, so we wouldn?t be mistaken. L-A-D-I-E. Isn?t that odd?? Relee seemed to be babbling a little, probably because Tylenia wasn?t speaking. Tylenia grimaced. ?I wouldn?t know.? She smiled sheepishly. ?I can?t read. It sounds odd though,? she reassured as she pulled a worn-out tunic over her torso. The girls met Jice downstairs. He grinned at them, showing nice, even teeth. Tylenia hadn?t had time to study him yet, but she?d realized quickly that he had the hands of a scholar. They were thin, elegant, and wouldn?t look odd covered with ink. She smiled shyly and fisted her own callous covered palms. It seemed to be clear to Jice and Relee where they were going, and Tylenia started to feel put out until Relee explained. ?We can see the sign from here.? She pointed toward a sign with a cluster of lines. Jice glanced at them, then drew the correct conclusion and slowed down. She Relee silently; she?d thought they were keeping something from her. Majorie met them at the door. Inside, Tylenia could hear at least three kids squealing and playing. As she led them through the rooms ? there were only a few, but they were well lit. The house wasn?t clean, but it held many materials and cloths. There was even a tapestry half finished. ? I hear you?re those strangers, although, I had the impression that there were more of you.? Jice replied, explaining the situation, as Tylenia stared. Majorie didn?t speak in the local dialect. She had a crisp voice, with the kind of command of language only someone schooled ? or someone who?d spent time among the religious ? knew. ?Oh yes,? Majorie was saying, pleased that they asked about the markets. ?It?s quite popular. The tapestry was commissioned. Really, the markets are almost essential to our well being. Aiken is only a small town, and many miles from the closest markets. Holding the markets means that we get the produce we need, without traveling for hours. This way, we can also intermarry. Why, little Isadora ? not so little now, of course - married very well just last solstice.? Just they were about to leave, Majorie pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to them. ?Acantha and Mayor Burman invite you to Mayor Burman?s house tonight.? The fondness in her voice was troubling. Tylenia left frowning. She knew Majorie was nice. She also seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, and was doing a lot of good for the town. But now that it wasn?t just the townspeople around ? it was others, too ? there were a lot more people that could be trying to destroy Aiken. There was the also the odd fact that Tylenia just didn?t trust Majorie. The refinement in her manner was unsettling. Jice read the paper, whistled, and read it out loud. ??Mayor Burman cordially invites you to his house.?That?s all. Nothing more.? Relee shrugged. ?So where is it? ?At the end of the walls.? Dharin?s rough voice came from behind them. Tylenia nearly screeched her surprise, whirling around to yell at him. ?Don?t do that!? Relee and Jice grinned. ?Jumpy today, aren?t we?? [center]~~~[/center] Tylenia swore and looked around again. ?This is his house?? The damned thing was huge. It was a mansion, rather than merely a house. The entire thing was imposing. Part of it looked like a patchwork quilt of styles; some marble, other parts stone. Some was even made out of hardened dirt and clay. The Mayor was standing on the top step, ready to welcome his guests. As the three walked along, he hurried down, his pudge quivering slightly with pride. ?Welcome to my house! Built by my great-great-great grandfather, and added to by each generation! As you can see, I haven?t added to it yet, but there are plans!? He continued on, seeming to know more about his house than he did the town of Aiken. After a while, Tylenia butted in. ?Could we go inside?? ?Ah. Yes. Certainly. Everyone else is already inside, so we can start dinner.? He was right. Everyone else was inside, and sitting at a huge table. Acantha took her seat on the right hand side of Mayor Burman, who sat at the head of the table. Burman stood up and held up his crystal glass. ?Let?s make a toast. To the health of this town!? Everyone held up their glasses and took a sip. Tylenia registered the distinct taste of brandy, before she set the glass down again. She disliked brandy. They started eating, Tylenia feeling slightly out of place in the midst of all the finery. Lacroix was the one who broke the silence that hung over the group. ?Who is that?? He asked the question that everyone wanted to, but which politeness had kept them from. ?Ryan Schezar.? He introduced himself, eye gleaming. Tylenia raised a discreet eyebrow. Orange eyes? Well, she supposed, Xii had green hair. ?What is he?? Burman answered her rude question. ?He?s a streamer. He?s going to help us. Make things go easier.? ?Speaking of which,? Percy interrupted. ?Can we expect any opposition to what we do?? Burman was visibly shaken, not expecting that question. The look on his face said ?yes, quite easily?. Percy sat back, a pleased expression on his face. Obviously he?d come across something that had led him to this conclusion. ?Yes. Some people don?t want the tragedies to cease. I don?t know how to stop them and they?ll all be working against you -.? He said all this in one long sentence, finally silenced by Acantha?s steady look of angry calm. It was strange, like she?d suddenly snapped out and slapped him to keep him from speaking. All she?d done was stare at him. Tylenia wondered once again what their real relationship was, away from the public. The conversation continued, but Tylenia?s mind didn?t seem to want to register anything said. She could hear it ? and if asked, probably recite it word perfectly, but the words didn?t make any sense. It was as if her mind was operating on shut down. She felt like sleeping ? like lying down and falling asleep. She didn?t want to. It seemed like the worst feeling in the world. She knew she shouldn?t be tired; she?d had a full night?s sleep. But still she could shake off the feeling. Her mind was fuzzy and numb, cloudy, like there were dandelions inside her mind. It was getting harder to breath, and there was a sharp pain in her stomach. She paused, waiting with an anxious expression for the feeling to stop. Even breathing made her feel sick, so she waited for her breathing to stop. Lacroix was sitting to her right, and she turned to him expression showing desperation It had to be the brandy. She wasn?t accustomed to it. That was all. She mustn?t panic. She?d make herself sick. She shouldn?t have drunk the brandy, that was all. She?d be fine. She?d be fine. Tylenia slumped over in her chair, giving up the battle for air. If it made the pain stop, she?s cease breathing. If she?d had the strength to cry, she would have. She?d be fine. It was just the brandy. She?d be fine. [i]She?d be fine.[/i] Lacroix?s voice echoed around the room. ?She?s been poisoned.? [i]She?d be fine.[/i] It was just the brandy. It had to be. It had to be. [/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]I like it. Okay, I'm in a really lazy [tired] mood, so I just skipped to the dialogue, but what I did read, I liked. And I'll edit this later to put in a proper criticism. Heh. [/color][/size]
Writing How'd you get those names??
Lady Asphyxia replied to Wormmon's Tamer's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkred][size=1]I get my titles from nothing, really. They just appear in my head. My names tend to be because I write the character, then I choose a name that fits with it. Usually I have a distinct letter in my head, so if it doesn't start with that letter, it won't fit.[/color][/size]