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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Better late than never, eh? [/SIZE][/FONT] [center][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][IMG]http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/1076/sunidays050eq3.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT] [/center] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] This is probably my most up to date photo. It was taken on Wednesday night -- one of my friends finished her last ever assessment for uni, so we had a party. Don't ask my [I]why[/I] I'm in a policemans' hat with handcuffs -- I just am. [What can I say? College is like being a kid again -- you sleep late, take naps, get food provided for you, watch TV and play dress ups.] [/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [center][IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/3610/comingwn1.png[/IMG][/center] [center] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Ladies and Gentlemen, members of all ages. I invite you to come on a fantastical trip with me through the next big hits coming to The Theater. Together we will gasp at the revelations, shriek at the terrors and laugh at the comedy as you follow me on this grand adventure.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/center] [center][IMG]http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/8897/filmnk6.png[/IMG][/center] [center][IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/Blayze54/barton.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][B][U]Barton[/U][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/center] [center][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]When your idyllic existence is snatched from you without warning or reason, and your freedom is destroyed, what is there left to do, other than exact your brutal revenge on those who wronged you? This is the tale of Alexander Barton and the blood-soaked path he cut through the shady underworld of 19th Century London. Will you survive?[/FONT][/SIZE][/center] [center][URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58457"][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Backstage Thread[/SIZE][/FONT] [/URL]| [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58458"][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Auditions[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][/center] [center][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][IMG]http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/8897/filmnk6.png[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/center] [center][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Previously Featured Attractions: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58392"]The Syndicate[/URL], [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58427"]Gifts and Curses 2[/URL][/SIZE][/FONT][/center] [center] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Next Update: 26 January 2008[/SIZE][/FONT][/center] [center][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]To Have Your RPG In Lights: Simply PM either a graphic and a paragraph, [I]or[/I] two paragraphs to Lady Asphyxia and she will update the next week.[/SIZE][/FONT][/center]
  3. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Ooo...Monochrome and swishy. Heart. I less than three you, Jamesy![/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Hey CrazyandLady, welcome to OB. ^_^ We actually have a Manga forum, where you can get all the advice you need on reading manga and on starting your own. I'm going to redirect this thread there for you. -- Thread Moved. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Um...here it is: [/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][URL="http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/576/graphicwormcopyee3.jpg"][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Green][B]Pieces[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][FONT=Arial][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Nothing that special, really, although the jigsaw pieces were fun to make. ^_^[/SIZE][/FONT] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
  6. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]I'm quite artistically retarded, but I've been thinking about having a shot at this for a while now, so does anyone mind if I claim the next spot?[/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]...At first I was just going to close this thread and let you know that advertising is not allowed on OB. But then I realised that your homepage is actually MyOtaku, and so re-reading this, I think you actually just want to have your stuff read and to get people to help with it, am I correct? If so, why not just post a chapter or two in here, and then we can all post our comments on the writing and see if we can help you with it. ^_^ [/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]So, I randomly found this and remembered that I'd made it, and this is my chocolate bar...only picture it more artistically rendered, and not made by me, with my sadly lacking skills, haha.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]I haven't created my own manga/comic, but I'm going to redirect this thread to the Manga Workshop, which [I]does[/I] have plenty of experience with the matter. ^.^[/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]Okay. You're not a bad writer, but from your writing you seem a little inexperienced, and so rather than nitpick on stuff, I just want to give you general advice that applies to the whole story, and then give you some illustrations of what I mean. 1) Firstly, you need to work on your grasp of grammar, specifically tenses. One of the things that continually throws me when I read this story is that you swap between them within the space of a sentence. If you speak to your English teacher [I'm assuming you're in High school] or even an English tutor [if you're at a uni level], then they'll be able to help you, because you need to get the hang of a consistant tense when writing; it's something that will be needed not just for creative writing but for numerous other styles as well. We all mix them up, and it's only through revision that a writer will realise their mistake and correct it. 2) You need to cut down on the adverbs and adjectives. While it seems like they help you describe what's happening, they actually just bog the story down. They tend not to fit into the description very well, and it's actually easier to read if, when you're revising, every time you see something like 'really hard' or 'very loudly' you ask, do you really need it? The answer is generally no, and in fact you are probably better without it. 3) Finally, but most importantly, at some points you over-describe. For instance, [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR=Black][I][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]She ransacked for her light green kimono with butterflies and wore it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/COLOR][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][COLOR=Black] is a little over descriptive. You're telling us too much. Instead, just say, "[I]She had to look everywhere to find her light green[/I] [what type of light green? Lime? Moss? Mint? Instead of saying 'light green' say, 'mint green', because it brings a more exact picture] [I]kimono, the one with the butterfly pattern. [/I]You [I]don't[/I] need to tell us that she wore it; that's inferred. One of the basics of writing is this rule that you'll hear over and over again; show, don't tell. I'll give you an example: [I]showing[/I] would be saying, "[I]She walked outside to talk to someone". Telling[/I] would be saying, "[I]She walked to the brown door, turned the handle, opened it, stepped outside and closed it again, then turned to speak to the person outside." [/I]Everything in the second sentence in inferred in the first. You don't need the extra words.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black] As for some illustrations of what I mean: [quote]Mizuki sat jolted up, sweating all over and panted really hard. [/quote] [/COLOR][COLOR=Black]You need to look at the construction for this sentence, because you've got your tenses confused. It would be better as [I]Mizuki jolted upright, sweating all over and panting for breath. [/I]or something like that. I'd get rid of 'panted really hard' because it just sounds a little juevenile -- it's that extra words thing again. [/COLOR][COLOR=Black] [quote]The alarm clock was ringing very loudly.[/quote] Would actually sound better without the 'very loudly', an example of adverbs and adjectives. [I]The alarm clock was ringing. Just a nightmare, she thought. [/I]would flow better.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black] [quote]After[/COLOR][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]taking [/COLOR]her bath and [/COLOR][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]brushed[/COLOR] her teeth, she went towards the chest of drawers.[/quote] Check your tense here. It needs to agree. 'Taking her bath and brushing her teeth' or 'She took her bath and brushed her teeth'. [/COLOR][COLOR=Black] [quote]The time now was currently half-past ten, which was the time Mizuki promised to meet her friends[strike] underneath the bridge[/strike].[/quote] You don't actually need to say 'underneath the bridge' here, because we get that in the next few sentences when your character uses her ninja skills to jump off the bridge and meet her friends. [quote]Tohru Honda is 17 years old, his appearance closely resembles to Fye from Tsubasa Chronicles. [/quote] My last real point: don't [I]ever[/I] say a character looks like someone from a world that isn't a part of your own. [I]Describe[/I] the character yourself, particularly since a reader like me doesn't actually know what Fye looks like. Say something like, "Tohru had a strong build with a pleasant face and striking dark eyes,", because I honestly don't know what you're getting at by telling me he looks like Fye. So those are my basic points. For the most part, you've got a good story here, but you need to tighten it up and edit it. ^_^ Keep going! [/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [quote name='The Blue Jihad']Oh, PT is still around. He's just become blue and volatile.[/quote] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] That's because every time I try to ban you, you keep coming back to haunt me. Don't worry, I know it's because you love it when we fight, darling. ;) Personally, my vote goes to [B]Mist. [/B]I first met Mist in my first ever post for my first-ever sign up to an RPG, and my first-ever rejection to the same RPG. I was a newbie, confused by the system, not a very good writer and I'd never applied for one before, and had gotten quite bitter by being rejected. And Mist definately whipped me into shape. So when I think about OB and the people in it, Mist comes to mind for several reasons. When I first arrived, she was an established member -- one of the people you'd look up to -- however she was a very open person and very easy to talk to. There was no sense of awe around her, more, a knowledge that she truely loved OB and what it meant to her. Furthermore, she was a regular inhabitant of The Adventure Arena [or its previous incarnations], particularly the Sparring Arena. She was one of the truely gifted sparrers, and she, along with [B]Juuthena[/B] were the creators of one of the only spars -- one of the great pieces of writing -- that has stayed with me all this time. Considering the sheer [I]volume[/I] of writing I have read in my time here, this alone should qualify her. The spar itself was based in a candy shop, and not only did they create fantastic fight moves, they also had great ways of utilising their surrounds [for instance, the creative use of Gumballs]. And while she may not be around anymore, Mist's spirit and her example, and the way she truely enjoyed OB so much was definately what made me want to a) be a good member and b) is part of what has made me stay for so long, because it reflects something inside me. And while this vote isn't short and snappy or witty, which I normally try to make my votes [because I dislike being overly sentimental], I am being honest, and I think she deserves a place in the hall of fame. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Oh god, that's great. I've been checking out this thread since you posted it, but due to moving again I didn't get time to actually read it, but now that I have I'm glad I did. :) I love that Sandy lost patience with all of you and I love that this all stemmed from a dream. It's great that while this is an OB fanfiction it isn't intended to be -- it's not there for your friends to get a kick out of being in a story you wrote, it's there to share something that you thought of and enjoyed, which is awesome. I am enjoying just reading it, and I would love to see if the three remaining manage to get one-up on Sandy somehow, and to check out the conclusion. XD [/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]As the title says. If you were a chocolate bar, what type would you be [and why, obviously.] Don't just limit yourself to chocolate bars already in existance, [I]be creative[/I]. What would your wrapper look like, and what would you be called? If you want to go so far as to art yourself as a chocolate bar, that would be cool, too. Personally, I think I would be a dark chocolate bar with milk chocolate ripples and pieces of harder chewy oreo-like biscuit pieces. My wrapper would be shiny emerald green with dark brown writing and I would be called something like, "Dark Obsession" or "Down To The [B]Crunch[/B]" or something fun but yummy. [P.S. Thinking of names is hard, but try to persevere. If I think of any better names for my chocolate-me, I'll let you know.:p] [/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]How I wish I had your talent! My personal favourites are [I]Newest, Favourite and Other[/I], for various reasons. [I] Newest[/I] is a calm, muted colour scheme which I'm an absolute sucker for, and the incorporation of "Alterna" is something I really love. I like how it's clean but not distracting, and how it almost fades into the background. What I don't really like is that thick black line on the top and bottom. Perhaps if you made a little smaller, it'd look better. Favourite and Other are in there primarily because of the colour schemes. While different colours; one pink and one closer to a maroon or dark red, what I adore about them is the depth of colour that's there. While your other banners have colours, they aren't consistant through the whole thing, while Favourite and Other just keep drawing my eye, which is awesome. ^_^ [/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [SIZE=1]Connection: Road Haworth in England. ^_^[/SIZE]
  16. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Well, at least I get some clarification. There's an article out [see it [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19959323/"]here[/URL]], which tells us some of the things I, at least, wanted to know. [spoiler]Harry and Ron end up working at the Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic, and after so many years, Harry is the head of department. Meanwhile, Hermione is in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and is "pretty high up". Luna is a "wizarding naturalist" who is discovering lots of things, and there may be some sort of "thing" between Neville and Luna. Harry apparently "pops up" to Hogwarts every now and then to give a talk to the DADA classes. [/spoiler] Also, she's planning on writing an Encyclopedia of the Harry Potter world, just for people like me![/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Man, I work in banquets to I just deal with crappy people who want everything they can get -- because someone else is paying. The case that springs most to mind is also the most recent: In banquets, we have what's called an 'alternate menu serve' which means that there's two entrees, two mains and two desserts, and we serve A B A B, etc. The guest gets no choice, and we can't give the guest a choice. There's this one table that has three people. I'm serving dish A. We serve ABA and leave it at that. As I go back past the table, person number 1 says to me, "Excuse me, I didn't get a meal." I turn to him, look and go, "Umm...okay." I can see that he's swapped the meal with the woman next to him, because she has an A meal. I check the table -- no plate, but the used cutlery is on the place setting next him, and the garnish is on his sideplate. Completely pissed of, I go get him another meal. His FINISHES that one, and has the GALL to ask for another! I go to back of house and got him a vegetarian risotto which we [I]laugh[/I] when we serve because it looks disgusting and I would never eat it. I thought, "This'll fix him"...-- he finishes that and gives his compliments to the chef. I couldn't believe it. THEN he somehow organises to get two desserts as well. The ****er had 5 meals in a two course dinner! Another customer I had asked for cream in her coffee for morning tea. I have to run around looking for cream, get it for her so she's got it. Then I'm serving her for lunch and she tells me that she's on a diet and won't eat anything fatty. I walked out back to tell the chef and promptly cacked myself. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [B][COLOR=Red]SPOILERS, DUH! [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black][spoiler] [SIZE=1] I LOVED IT! I thought everything was put together so well. This is now one of my favourite books in the series and J.K. did an awesome job. Most of it went off the way I wanted it to, which is awesome. There were only a few things that sort of stuck in a bad way for me; the death of Remus and Tonks cut bad...they had a little baby and I didn't like it. It felt almost like a senseless death -- why them? Why [I]both[/I] of them? I would have dearly loved for at least [I]one[/I] Marauder to survive, and that he didn't really upset me. The other thing I didn't like was the end. I was completely with it up until the end of the second last chapter. I turned to the 19 years later chapter, read it, and went 'I feel short-changed!" There are things I wanted to know, things that [I]needed[/I] to be in that book, but they weren't there! What happened to George? How did he survive, how did he cope with the loss of his [I]twin[/I], the boy he'd seen every day since he was born? And what about Luna? What happened to her? Did something happen with Dean and Luna? Did they get together? And who became the new Headmaster at Hogwarts? What about Lavender? Is she okay? Did she survive that fall and the war? How did they rebuild the wizarding world after the factioning between muggleborns and wizards? Okay, we know Kingsley got acting Minister, but what about after that? What are the issues they faced? What I needed as a reader was a close to the world that was in turmoil. While I appreciated the 19 years later, it wasn't what I needed. I wanted to know about people slowly moving on, not about 19 years later when everything was okay and we learnt nothing about who these people where now. I'm glad they had kids, but I mean; What did they [Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Ron] end up doing? Who was it that Draco married? What did George end up doing, did he continue the business without Fred? What about the dead? Was there a war memorial made in the Ministry of Magic? Who survived? What did they do? It just made me really sad that this amazing story that's been with me for, what, 8 years, ended so spectatularly, but then these characters that I love where just abandoned and I never found out what happened to them. It bummed me out, to put it simply. But, on the other hand, I love the rest of the book. The cute little add-ons about Ron and Hermione, and everything else were great. I just wish there was an extra chapter in there...but there isn't and I guess I'll have to accept that, unless J.K. makes a statement about what happened to everyone afterwards [which would be AWESOME!]. So, yes, the conclusion was well worth it. [/SIZE] ^_^[/spoiler] [/COLOR][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][B]Connection: [/B]Green/Grass[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE=Sandy] the (excuse me) ditziness of blondes. [/QUOTE] [font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen] ...You do realise that your Team Leader is a blonde, right? [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img] Frankly, guys, you do nothing to help my inferiority complexes, lol. Yes, it is a widely accepted fact that brunettes are more attractive to people, and that's cool. But blondes are always portrayed as sluts or idiots. They always seem to be the villians of the piece. This attitude makes Jesus cry, people. DO YOU WANT JESUS TO CRY? So, in conclusion, I am a blonde. I am more attracted to guys with dark hair, but since blonde is a recessive gene [and it's expected that there will be no natural blondes by the yea 2200], I will no doubt do my part for the 'ayran race' and marry a blonde in order to have blonde children and prolong the eventual downfall.[img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [/color][/size][/font][quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Why are there so many blonde jokes? So the brunettes have something to talk about. ;)[/quote][font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen] I love you Aaryanna's Mum. [/color][/size][/font]
  21. [font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen][url="http://w3schools.com/"]w3schools[/url] ^ The website to learn off, simply because it has everything. It's just pages and pages and pages of information, with easy to reference stuff. Also, I suggest you find a friend who knows it who you can latch onto and scream with frustration whenever something doesn't work. Mine were Mnemolth and Dead Seraphim. If you do need help, though, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do. I'm not ridiculously advanced, though. [/color][/size][/font]
  22. [quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]Except for what I think was a very brief stint with red a couple years ago, OB has always been blue/lavender/grey. Oh, I guess there was also a dark purple banner once.[/size'][/color][/quote] [font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen]There was that one layout, just before it swapped over to v7 [Around 2003/2004] when it was blue, red and yellow. I liked it because it was colourful and fun and had cogs and gears and things... ^_^"[/color][/size][/font]
  23. [font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen]The Simpsons, what can I say? The first seasons were the originals and classics, and I think that's because of Matt Groening's influence. When he left, it became a little lackluster. But you know what? I don't care. Despite that fact that it isn't as good as the old ones [and is anything ever, really?] for me the Simpsons manage to maintain a level of social commentary and humour that means that I can enjoy it. Furthermore, the appeal also comes from the fact that I can watch one episode in the season without needing to see the others. It's a stand-alone, half hour show, which means that for people who are time-poor or attention-challenged, it's perfect. I'm also looking foward to the Simpsons [b]movie[/b]which is coming out soon. It is written by Matt G., which is awesome and will hopefully signal a return to some of the awesome jokes and humour more prevalent in the first seasons. ^_^ [/color][/size][/font]
  24. [center][font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen][url="http://img237.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dolores800600sh3.png"][img]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9950/dolores800600sh3.th.png[/img][/url][/color][/size][/font] [/center] [font=Arial][size=2][color=DarkGreen] I haven't played this game before, but this is my current wallpaper. I made it because I heart Dolores Umbridge and not enough people do. [P.S. She's from Harry Potter. Yes, I am a geek. >.>] [/color][/size][/font]
  25. [size=1]I have another plan! Two words, boys: Blue balls. All we need to do is find a woman with sexual prowess who will then leave the nads, er, hanging, if you will. [/size]
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