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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [color=darkred]The...what now? I don't have the original. Well, that is the original. o.o I don't even have that on my school computer[where I did the banner], because the school deleted it that same afternoon [unless I just didn't see it or put it somewhere wierd].[/color]
  2. [color=darkred]o.O I get included too? ^.^ Wheee! *cough* anyway, there's no one in Oklahoma, I don't think, except for Sere... *cough* How do I know? [size=1]Because I'm stalking her of course (I plan to kidnap her and take her back to my country ^.^)...:shifty:[/size][/color]
  3. [color=darkred]I thought Mnemolth lived in New Zealand o.O Like, around the Dunedin area...or maybe I was just delusional or something.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]I give you something disturbing; if Mnemolth was actually Storey...[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]^.^ I was planning to, Mitch. I was really just mucking around on PSP7, cause so far I've used - what? - Adobe Photo something or rather 3.0, and I was happy 'cause I could put text in. Besides, I, being the big girl I am, would have to change all my font colours on my posts to suit that banner, and I'm just too lazy. ^.^ Jenny, I [i]like[/i] the girly font. I am a girl. The entire thing has pink and purple almost all over it (if you get rid of the light thingy). The writing is a light pink (but I don't think it's that noticable), and as much as I am less than attached to pink, I'm not an absolute hater of colour either. I didn't [i]mean[/i] to make it look grungy; like I said before, I was mucking around. Heh...text...balance? o.O I have no idea what that is >.< The brown part was something I pasted from the clipboard and couldn't get rid of, so I just incorparated(sp?) and stuff... The text is called Harrington. ^.^ And, ah, SQUEE! Someone likes something I did... (unless of course, you are lying...:shifty: ) [/color]
  6. Lady Asphyxia


    [color=darkred][size=1]The trip back was uneventful, at best. Being honest, Adaline decided that the trip bypassed boring and had entered the tedious zone. The man ? whose name she later found out was Lucas ? wasn?t the best of companions. So, sighing, Adaline closed her eyes and slept as Lucas steered the craft. She woke with a jerk as the craft hissed into the final stages of its descent, rubbing her forehead sleepily. She shouldn?t have slept. Everyone knew sleeping during space travel made you groggy. Still, perhaps she?d get away without someone mentioning it. She wasn?t that lucky. As she climbed off the craft, her equipment manager laughed at her dazed expression. ?Feel asleep?? She shot him a glare and walked away to the bathrooms, rubbing her eyes softly. Turning on the tap, she splashed her face with water, pulled a hair tie out of her pockets and pulled her hair back, glaring at the length of it. She should chop it all off, really. It would be so much easier. However, her parents were more attached to her hair than they were to her; they?d killed her if she did. There was a sudden cry of a siren. One short bleep and then silence. Adaline scrunched her nose. There?d been an unexpected rift in the Load somewhere. Some poor sod would be stuck there until a team arrived to sort it out. Adaline grinned. Was she ever glad that it wasn?t [I]her[/I] there. [/size][/color]
  7. [color=darkred]*Points* You live in...Cheapside. ^^ *is also muchly suspicious* If you met Mnemolth, why didn't Mnemolth meet me? :([/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Keep in mind that I also dislike just about every protest I see simply because I dislike loud mouths. (thats who I see at rallies) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]There are, of course, exceptions. For instance, the women's protest held against war in [I think] The Middle East somewhere. The entire time they were silent. I liked that idea. ^.^ I'm pretty sure it gained a lot more attention than the loud ones people hold. Anyway, homosexuality isn't something I actually [i]think[/i] about much. If someone is homosexual, then fine. I don't mind. They can be that. People are who they are. Full stop, end of paragraph.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]I don't go to a 'place' as such. It's more I just think of dialogue, and somehow manage to tune out to what people are saying. I've done that a fair bit, when people are explaining, and I didn't really expect them to [...does that make sense?] It's cause me a fair bit of trouble at times... If I did go to a place, it would be to this picture I saw once. I can't actually describe the picture, but that's where I'd be.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]You know more about what I did than [i]I[/i] do. o.O *has no idea what she did*[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]Rae thought about that. "I'd probably trust him when there's acid down his throat...cause...you know...Acid..." They stared at her. She scratched her head and grinned, then announced her need for the shower. The other's nodded, and Rae walked off, whistling. Their first mission was tonight, and, fortunately or unfortunately - whichever way you looked at it - it consisted of shmoozing people out of their money. Legally. It also involved eveningwear. And dresses. As much as Rae loved dresses, she had no taste of what looked good on her. Rae showered quickly, washing her hair then plaiting it. She dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and went exploring, familiarizing herself with the complex. [i]Apparently[/i], Rae thought, smirking,[i]she wasn't trusted here anymore. They wouldn't let her enter the computer rooms or anything that held their safety communications.[/i] Rae sighed and rubbed her forehead, wondering if she could find anyone that could help her wtih what to wear tonight.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]I'd say that the commonly accepted theory (into which read; my opinion) as to why there was no truth potion was because of Barty Crouch's (Sr.) over-zelousness.[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]You are wise, and beautiful to boot. How many other people would know that they aren't ready for a relationship? You are worth everything Lady M, and don't you forget it.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]Most of my friends are guys. Until highschool, all of them were. And yes, o.O, I am a girl.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]You mean, those little fairies that talk to me in the night [i]aren't[/i] telling me my future? I'd probably continue on as I am. Eating, sleeping, and going on Otakuboards.[/color]
  16. Lady Asphyxia


    [color=darkred]The man quickly finished off the rift, unchaining Adaline. Adaline stared at him, knowing that a normal person stuck in this timeframe wouldn?t finish off the rift so fast. He seemed to read her thoughts, and grinned. ?They?ve been trialing a new system in this Load, where everyone is set to a different rift. The weak points in the Load seem to be in the same parts of time, so it?s been working out well. This is my rift.? Adaline nodded, understanding the theory. However, she wondered what would happen when a new rift broke out, where there was no agent to combat it. It seemed almost lazy, and when she told him so, he laughed. ?The big guys will figure that part out sooner or later. Until then, I?m happy with Frank and I.? ?Frank?? ?The monster. Of course, it?s a different monster every time, but it?s still named Frank.? She stared at him, deciding that too much time on one rift made you go loopy. Then she shrugged and tapped her earpiece, relaying their status. The people on the other end accepted her report, and directed her to return.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]Well, here goes. This is the first banner I've made that I posted on here. I made some others, but it was at school, and I forgot to transfer them/e-mail them to myself and they all got deleted at the end of last year >.< So, this one I made today, just mucking around and stuff. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=353544[/img][/color]
  18. [color=darkred][size=1]Hmm...where exactly did you vote, Juu? Players aren't allowed to post in the poll ^.^ Anyway, I had a look at everyones, and I still can't decide properly, so I'm just going to list my thoughts then at the end decide. Or try to, at least. >.< [b]The Harlequin[/b] [list] [*][color=sandybrown]"Critics whiplash"[/color]. I [i]love[/i] that phrasing. [*][color=sandybrown]"As wan and tawdry as a shaggy preening peacock."[/color] Great imagery and alliteration. Heh... [*]It seemed that sometimes you forgot the style and slipped into the [color=sandybrown]Burman: Indeed as Goodman...etc[/color] [*][color=sandybrown]"For all that was worth."[/color] I thought that was very well done. It voiced Lacroix's contempt for the mayor better than the times you actually said something about contempt creeping into Lacroix's voice. [*][color=sandybrown]"Metallic chuckle."[/color] More imagery, and just as effective ^.^ [*]Jynesse. I don't know why, I just don't like the name. [*]I [i]loved[/i] the ending. I like the logical processing, the natural extension of thoughts, and the reluctance on Lacroix's part to get involved. [/list] *cough* And then I got lazy. [b]Sara[/b] [list] [*]Good introduction. It was a nice length and continued from the previous story, and set the time frame. [*]I like the characterisation of the mayor. He became more of a 3 dimensional character. [*]I like how you used Relee/Celestine. Oh, well, Relee now, but I keep calling her Celestine >.
  19. [color=darkred]Heh. Short, short, short. Not good. Bah. [size=1]The night breeze whispered and sighed, echoing the feelings of several of the group?s members. It was several hours later, and the mayor was still blustering about, never actually addressing the issue at hand. Shortly after the mayor?s appearance, his assistant, Acantha, had joined them. She was a beauty, and Tylenia had stared at her in awe for a few minutes before coming to her senses. It took her another half an hour to realize that it wasn?t just Acantha?s beauty which entranced, but also the surrounding aura of exquisiteness. Tylenia grinned as Percy ? who?d grown restless in the past hour ? finally asked, ?So what exactly [I]is[/I] the problem?? The mayor flushed and glanced at Percy, then around at the other group members. ?Well, you see, as I told you before,? he rubbed his eyes and looked helplessly toward Acantha, then back at the group. ?You wouldn?t be welcome inside the village. You see...strange things have been happening, and no one is really sure what. Or who. Or how to stop them.? The mayor waved his hands around in frustration. ?We?ve tried everything!? ?And still the fox continues to play,? Acantha stated in that quiet voice of hers. The mayor flinched at her words, knowing how apt they were. All eyes drew to look at her, then once again at the mayor. ?What do you mean by ?no one is really sure what??? Lacroix asked, his volume a match for Acantha?s. ?The disappearances are the worst part. Then there are the rumors. We think that people who disappear [I]may[/I] be dying horribly, but we?ve got nothing to prove, or even colour our opinions. Of course, the livestock are being mutilated, but the people just disappear.? ?So, if we accept,? Tylenia thought out loud, ?we?d first have to figure out what happened to the people.? Acantha blinked once, then interrupted. ?You?ve already accepted by arriving here. Unless you go to the Greater Beyond, you will continue to help us.? The collection looked somewhat uncomfortable with that, but no one had the chance to disagree because, with Acantha?s words, the mayor seemed to regain his composure and waved a blustering hand around. Xii had to jerk backwards quickly to avoid being hit by his hand. Calonice, who?d barely moved during the mayor?s time in the stage light, stood up and walked over to her horse, petting it softly. When she noticed the others staring at her, she raised an eyebrow and grinned. ?He was getting restless.? Their attention again on the killings, Tylenia relaxed and let her mind wander. She stared vacantly at the city walls, wondering if they were ever going to be allowed into the city. Her mind conjured up pictures of the town like those she used to live in, and then dismissed that idea. The town she used to live in consisted of hovels and huts, and had no walls. Their ?protection? consisted of taking cover when they were attacked. Tylenia was nodding off to sleep just as Acantha stood up, looking around intently. A second later there was a shout, and two villagers stumbled up to the door of the house. Both were men, one rather short and squat, the other somewhat taller with a beard and a balding head. They both seemed out of breath, which was expected; they were built for farming, not running. The taller spoke while the shorter gasped for breath. ?There?s been another attack. A few cows, in the paddocks. If it?d come an hour later it would have been little Naimah from the Hampton family.? The mayor?s face creased into anger. ?Why was she out there anyway? It?s after dark. No one is safe outside after dark!? Tylenia exchanged a worried glance with Xii. If no one was safe outside after dark, why where [I]they[/I] outside after dark? The balding man fumbled. ?Well, her parents had sent her out. There was summat wrong with the chooks, and someone needed to check up on them.? The mayor sighed and turned back to the group, worry etched into his face. It amazed Tylenia how old the deep grooves made him seem. He was actually quite young. His hair wasn?t turning grey, and although he looked like he could lose some weight, he was in relatively good shape. ?Do you see why I need your help? People are disappearing, and the villagers are paranoid, but still refuse to believe anything is actually happening. It?s like if they ignore the happenings, they?ll stop.? Celestine nodded and addressed the group. ?I think tomorrow we should split up into groups. Any ideas?? Tylenia stayed silent, watching the others toss ideas around liked a sack of barely. There were often silences as people thought, but no one rushed to fill them. They made Tylenia uncomfortable, but in groups, she preferred to stay silent and listen rather than speak. Finally, it was decided that instead of splitting up ? they couldn?t do anything until they knew what they were facing ? they?d talk to the townspeople. The mayor left silently, hurrying back into the village. Acantha left a minute later, leaving them with a soft, ?Be alert. Our fox is nocturnal.?[/size][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus Bing [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]This sounds like a really dumb idea, but it may work. It's the kind of thing I would/should try! Well, if you get into the Record Books, then that's really amazing, but surely there must be some thing easier. Who's with me on making [b]The World's Biggest Pizza[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]It's probably easier to make [b]The World's Biggest [i]Edible[/i] Pizza[/b]. Seeing as if it's too big part of it won't cook. And then there's the whole "fitting into the oven" part. Heh. Go for it. Someone has to be somewhat stupid and silly to get world records, and us Otakuians are the most stupid and silly of the lot. o.O [Did that make sense?][/color]
  21. Lady Asphyxia


    [color=darkred]The girls parted, and Adaline made her way back to her apartment, stopping for a short moment to admire some acrobatics of performers in the streets. She smiled, dropped a shard into their box, and kept walking. The acrobats clapped their thanks, and continued with their performance. Adaline walked the short way back to her apartment, opening the door with her voice and walking inside. She turned on her beeper, frowning as she saw that someone had made an emergency call to her. She was off duty; she shouldn?t be getting calls from the PDA. Groaning, she snatched up her coat and made her way to the taxi ranks about two blocks from her house. The taxi she was given was less than desirable, but it got her to the front door of the base, which was what mattered in the long run. Adaline paid the driver and walked through the front doors. There was a secretary and an equipment manager waiting for her. ?Finally,? said the manager irritably. ?We?ve got a rift in the load. We need you to pull of the right role.? She eyed them warily. ?Is it a Damsel In Distress?? Their faces confirmed her suspicion. She slumped down for a second, then ran a hand across her face and nodded. ?Okay. Who?s playing hero? Other person or member of our team?? ?Member of the team. We just need you to stand in as the Damsel.? Adaline rolled her eyes and followed the equipment manager to the ship. She grinned as she saw it. It was one of her favorites, and she could operate it easily. She started to get into it, and then stopped. ?Wait?what part of the middle ages?? ?It isn?t the Middle Ages,? the equipment manager called out. ?It?s Greek Mythology. Perseus and Andromeda.? She cursed, then directed the ship towards the Loaded planet. She was chained to a wall. That wasn?t even the worst part. There was a huge rift looming up all ready to eat her, and the brave ?knight? wasn?t even in the picture yet. Adaline sighed and waited, wondering where the witness was. The only reason that an agent would be chained to the wall was because there was a secret witness somewhere. Well, she decided as she looked down, at least she was wearing clothes. She supposed that she?d better look helpless. Grumbling, she took a deep breath and screamed. Finally, the Perseus arrived. ?Hello,? he said cheerfully, albeit quietly. ?Sorry about the delay. I had some unexpected trouble with my ?winged boots?. Where?s the witness?? She shrugged. ?I have no idea. I do, however, think that perhaps you should get down to business whilst I keep screaming.? The man grinned.[/color]
  22. Lady Asphyxia


    [color=darkred]Adaline wandered around the city, trying to figure out exactly [I]where [/I] this restaurant was. In the end, she chose to sit down at a nearby café and watch the people pass. Most of them dawdled along, walking amicably with their heads up and their eyes taking in the sights. Several rushed past, looking at the ground with their backs hunched over. She reveled in the friendly atmosphere. Too often in the Middle Ages Load, she?d seen war. Here, there was peace. Little scuffles and fights, of course, but nothing so major as to kill thousands for no good reason. She ordered her meal quickly, asking for her usual toasted ham and cheese sandwich. The waiter nodded, and she tipped him quickly, handing over a couple of shards. He stared at her, pleased at the amount, and Adaline smiled at him, and then went back to watching the people. She watched them pass, and made up stories for them. [I]That one, with the brown hair, had lived with her grandparents because of a shuttle mission gone wrong. The blonde had had a normal life, and now had three children and an ex-husband.[/I] Someone called out to her, and Adaline turned to face the person, her face breaking into a smile as she saw Terra. Terra hugged her, and then pulled back to frown at her. ?You decided not to join me and the girls so you could sit all alone in an unknown café?? The blonde gave an uncharacteristic giggle, and shook her head. ?I decided to come after all, but I forgot where the restaurant is.? She shrugged helplessly. ?I ended up here. Oh, there?s my food.? They sat down, Terra explaining that the rest of the girls had gone home. Adaline nodded and they conversed easily for a few minutes. The conversations lapsed, and they sat there quietly. Terra gained the courage to ask Adaline about her latest Program. Adaline smiled. ?It?s as good as you know it is. You did well. You?ll certainly be chosen for something soon.? Terra shifted in her seat uncomfortably. ?Well, you see?I sort of already have been chosen.? Her fingers fiddled with the strap of her shirt, and she refused to look at Adaline. ?I?he approached me and said that I could?and I don?t have any other offers or anything. If I hadn?t accepted, I would have been listed as a back up?I?m sorry, Adaline.? Adaline stared at Terra intently for a minute, then sighed and gazed at the table. ?Just spit it out and tell me, Terra.? ?They put me in Celtic Mythology.? Terra recoiled, as if waiting for Adaline?s explosion. Adaline stared at her, amused, and continued eating. ?You?don?t mind? I know how much you want to go into that section.? ?No, I don?t mind. Everyone has his or her preferences, and yours, I believe is Greek Mythology. You didn?t get what you like either. It doesn?t matter. Eventually, transfers will come through. However, until then?? The younger of the two grinned, fiddling with her brown hair. ?Oh! I?m so glad. I thought for sure that you?d be mad.? She continued talking, and Adaline drifted off into her thoughts. [I]One day, [/I]I?ll[I] be the one with the Celts.[/i][/color]
  23. [color=darkred]Rae grinned. "Well, I was thinking fire power, but now that you mention it..." The others glared at her. "No. I'm serious. What if...someone just [i]happened[/i] to receive a tip off of the SYF corruptness, total uncontroversial proof, and the whereabouts of one of the most wanted families in the SYF database? Okay, so it?s not so much origami as paper, but it?d go one hell of a long way?? Siren rolled her eyes and flopped down on a couch. ?And how would that help Liam?? Rae grinned. ?You forget. I?m Adam?s sister, and as much as he?s a traitor, he?s never fed me false information. The detention centre is linked into the government databases, which is linked into the SYF ones. With the right program you can hack right through, and grant an ?official? pardon. All you need is a distraction.? Serric grinned at that. ?I can help you in that area.? Rae shook her head and picked at her nails. ?No. We need you for something else.? She thought for a second, looking at Jaudiar vaguely. Her eyes sharpened on Jaudiar?s face as she had an idea. ?What about them firepower you and Liam unloaded from Pizaro?s joint? It wouldn?t still be there, but they?d have replaced it.? ?Actually,? Siren mused, ?we?ve been betrayed by our own side. We?re working against them now. Why don?t we involve others in our position?? Rae grinned and did a happy cartwheel, landing badly, but giggling none the less. ?Perfect.? Serric looked around, clueless, and then turned to Jaudiar. ?What are they talking about?? Jaudiar gave a savage grin. ?We?re going to work for the Baudez clan.?[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]Rae shrugged as the Commander looked at her pleadingly. "I'm not going to help you. First of all, she's scary when she's angry, and secondly, I happen to agree with her." The Commander hurried out the door, not bothering to close it. Rae walked behind him, shutting it gently, then looked at Jaudair and the others. "I say we do something." "There's nothing to do. Should we help him, we get in trouble. Get in trouble and we can't help him anyway." Rae spat on the carpeted floor and sat down again. "I hate helplessness."[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]The blankets were hot. No, not just hot, they were burning. Rae kicked them off and opened her eyes, using a heavy hand to hold them open while she woke up. There was an IV drip in her hand, she realised. Remembering Liam's incident, she pulled it out, got dressed, and stumbled her way into the kitchen, relaxing when she saw Jaudiar and Siren. She saw Serric and smiled at him. He waved and bit into a sandwich that proceeded to squelch itself into his stomach. She raised an eyebrow and sat down. Jaudiar followed suit and sat opposite her. "Have a nice rest, Sleeping Beauty?" Yawning, she replied with a sleepy, "Arty Ar Ar", then looked down at the food Siren set infront of her. She nodded her thanks and started eating, scoffing the food faster than Serric. When she finished, she looked at him happily, then at the others, and stated, "Food is good." ~~~ Blair pulled the apple tart out of Robert's mouth. "Are you stupid? Stop feeding your fat face. We must find out a way to capture Adam's sister, or Pizaro and Nicholas will have both of our skins." Robert paused, his rat-like face twitching at the insulting "fat face" remark. However, he knew better than to contradict Blair. Blair leaned back in his chair, thinking for a minute, then smiled coldly. "Return here tomorrow and I will have written instructions for you." The man scuttled outside, glad to be free of Blair's overdominating prescence. Blair watched him go, the new plan forming in his mind. It was practically fool proof. All they needed was time.[/color]
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