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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. Lady Asphyxia


    [color=darkred]Adaline strode forward, picking up a hardcopy file of the girl's latest ?mission?. Adaline really had no idea how to judge Terra's performance, but Terra was a friend, and she'd asked this favour. As a new recruit, Terra?s training missions were all documented and rigorously studied for faults. Many agents often joked that the hardest part of the job was the training. Adaline herself didn?t agree. The hardest part was the Damsel in Distress. As a naturally strong woman, The Damsel in Distress role was very hard for Adaline to achieve with realism. However, thanks to her training ? which involved actin lessons ? she could pull it off, even if an afterthought of ?barely? was added. Scanning the copy, Adaline sighed, noting that they still used her bungled ?Helen? mission as an example of what [i]not[/i] to do on your assignment. It seemed that Terra was now using the Elizabethan Training Program, one that Adaline had excelled in. Terra had just completed the session where the recruit had to help Shakespeare with his writer?s block, thus producing his play, ?Othello.? ?Othello? was a personal favourite of Adaline?s, coming second only to ?The Merchant of Venice.? She?d spent most of her adolescent years reading the classics, and knew much of the character?s monologues. She took great delight in continuing a person?s ?To be or not to be, that is the question,? with ?Whether ?tis nobler in the mind to suffer?? Speaking of suffering, Adaline thought, she was having hunger pains. She should have accepted Terra?s offer to go out. However, she?d been on duty almost all day, and she?d just wanted to go home. It had taken her half an hour to remember that there was no food in the apartment. She snapped the folder shut, knowing that Terra had done well. Terra?s paranoia ran rampant at this time of the year. Three years of training had programmed paranoia into the recruits ? it was the time of the year when the oldest were selected for their first real missions. As for Adaline?s feelings on missions, at the moment, she?d have gladly accepted being fired. Of course, she?d also accept a promotion, or a transfer to the Celtic Mythology Section. Adaline was totally obsessed with the idea of Arthur and Guinevere, Tristram and Iseult, Merlin and Morgana Le Fay. However, so far, she hadn?t gotten to play those roles. She had had lots of fun playing Lilith, a female demon that flew around looking for children to kidnap in the night. She?d never actually kidnapped a child; just let people see her form in the sky. She?d used a jet pack to fly. The villagers had assumed that the fire was that from hell, and the myth had been created. In actuality, Adaline knew, Lilith was from ancient Mythology. But things worked like that ? they overlapped between periods of history. All this thinking was tiring her out even more, so Adaline decided she?d go and catch up with Terra. The girl had told her of the restaurant she was going to. It was a Chinese one, which apparently served exquisite fried rice. Normally, Adaline ate at home, but for once she decided to have some fun. She started out the door, grabbing her coat and wallet as she went. She shrugged into the coat and pulled the door shut, starting out into the town. [/color]
  2. [color=darkred][b]Name:[/b]Adaline Thompson [b]Age:[/b]27 [b]Appearance:[/b]Standing around 5'6, with blonde hair and blue eyes, Adaline is seen as remarkably plain, her only saving grace her hair. She has often been ignored and pushed to the side, even being described as homely. She is slender, with a wiry strength, and is proud of her appearance, though does suffer from self-assurance problems every now and then. [b]Bio:[/b]Adaline's first loop was of Greek Mythology. She was cast as Helen of Troy, and became very withdrawn when the men refused to go to war for her. Another lady was sent back in time to correct Adaline's mistake, and Adaline was sent to act as Odysseus' wife. She managed to make him look back at her at the last moment, and as a reward, was promoted to Medieval Lore. Since then, she's worked her way through the legends, cursing the fact that History kept repeating, and she was cast the same missions again and again. She has an obsession with the Celtic Mythology and aims to be promoted once again to join that team. Until such time, she is resigned to continuing in the medieval loop.[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]Or, you could ignore them both completely until you they confront you about it and you tell them straight out that you're sick of it. Just a thought. Anyway, there was this time when my friends wouldn't stop having water fights, and I had to play referee. (Okay, so it wasn't that big a deal, but it got [i]really[/i] annoying) In the end, I got sick of mediating and joined in. One friend got really annoyed and realised what I'd been feeling, and basically stopped the fighting. Perhaps thats a silly analogy, but maybe you should look into [i]showing[/i] them how you feel. Sometimes words aren't enough. [/color]
  4. [color=darkred]I have to agree with Lady M. The teenager has already had the chance to screw up and have nothing, the Grandmother has already had everything, and the baby has had nothing. Thus; baby. As for the second question; Yes. Lets face it, money is good.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Blair sat at his desk, anger etching his brow as he eyed the pitiful man standing before him. The man hunched in his chair, making himself as small a target as possible. He was looking down at the plush carpet, shuffling his feet and ringing his hands. "You what?" Despite being obviously Spanish in origin, Blair spoke English fluently, preferring its world-wide ackowledgement as one of the most spoken tongues. Spanish in business meetings was cumbersome. "We couldn't get her." The man mumbled his speech, letting the words collapse into oblivion as soon as they were spoken. He looked up quickly, gauging Blair's reaction. What he saw in his eyes obviously made him afraid. He rubbed the scar on his left cheek in a nervous action. Blair's response was clipped, and dripped like icicles around the room. "And why did you fail in this [i]simple[/i] task?" The man's stutter became more pronounced. He tripped over his words as he hurried to explain the circumstances. "Well, there were these girls...more like women actually. And they got her before we could. I think they were powerful, you know, like Wonderwoman or something..." He looked awkward, fiddling with the arm of the chair. "I know there's no such thing really, o'course, but still I thought maybe they'd work for the government. The girl...you never told me her name, you know that? Just gave me a picture. Well, the girl, she was gone before I could get her." There was a deadly silence for a minute, and the man - Robert - opened his mouth to fill it. Blair held up his hand to forestall the chatter that would inevitably come out of his mouth, then asked quietly, "Did you not drug her, as you were instructed?" In an effort to ingratiate himself with Blair, he nodded forcefully, then stipulated his answer. "Except, I think I maybe gave her too much, 'cause she passed out and she wasn't supposed to, not that soon. She was supposed to get sick, so we could take her away all offically, like what you said. So now I'm thinkin' maybe I shouldn'ta given her the amount I did. It was the normal amount, but she's a little thing. And not old, like most people who take it. So I dunno." Blair sat back, processing with disgust the information that had just poured out of Roberts bumbling mouth.[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] 'Furcht meine tollwutig eichhornchen truthan!' [size=1][b]- repeatedly quoted by me in German class, unfortunately I couldn't remember much other than that quote for my speaking test ^^;[/b][/size] [/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Translations: Fear my rabid squirrel turkey![/color]
  7. [color=darkred]Matt shrugged, eyes darting around in a paranoid gesture. "He betrays you the same way he protects you. Calmly, in a facade of the bumbling person in the wrong job. I always underestimated him. I'd figured out a month before the mission that he was the rat. I was about to tell the Commander when I was sent on that mission. It was a death trap. Literally. The only way I got out alive was because I figured it out halfway there and bailed out of the helicopter just before we landed. For some reason, they thought I was dead or in the helicopter. It blew up. They never found my body because I didn't die." Rae sighed and dropped her head down, staring at the pavement in the bright light. There were ants scuttling around, and all off a sudden she was feeling a tad lightheaded. It occured to her that eatinbg was a necessity in life, and the fact that she hadn't eaten in a few days probably meant she should eat. Soon. Her stomach piped up, seconding that notion. Dear God, what she would do for a nice steak or lamb cutlet. Practically drooling, she thanked Matt, stood up and staggered down the concrete to collapse at the front gate. [i]Crap[/i], She decided, [i]I think I've been drugged[/i]. [/color]
  8. [color=darkred]In a consecutive submission, does the story have to go straight from the previous story, or can there be a time lapse and the story starts a few hours later or whatever?[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]I think it snowed in Highfields once before I moved up here...but otherwise, we just get 35 degree heat. Lucky me.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]We have a paintball company here in Toowoomba. I've never been, but friends of mine have, and they say it was great. For a while, I really wanted to go, but I never did, and then I just gave up.[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]Well, since this is at the bottom of the page...I'd say its probably over. Did you call him?[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]Yes. Although, the people who would are more aquaintances, than friends. There is one girl who used to be counted as a friend who would have. However, I trust my friends. If they talk about me, chances are, I was being a ***** that day.[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]Yes, I believe that society encourages people to grow up too fast. That idea is helped along with television and everything else. It almost seems unconscious. When kids are grown up, parents say to them, "The years went so fast. You grew up to quickly. Don't be so cynical." Anyway, just to quote something in relation to growing up, this is a poem entitled Growing Up. (No, I didn't write it.) [i]Time moves on, ageing me more and more each day, now I become cynical, so by the time I'm old enough, to know and do what's right, I no longer care.[/i] Kids now-a-days know way too much too early. I don't just mean book learning. Stuff like violence. I know a 5 year old who spends half his time going around killing people on a computer game. It sounds stupid, I know, but I remember when 5 year olds were still playing with trucks.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE] [b]The sentiment shows a surprising level of maturity. There's a glaring spelling mistake you need to eradicate pretty quickly. Spell checkers are fine, but easily fooled. I'll leave you to find the error. [/b][/quote] [color=darkred]Eh, I found it. Thank you. Gah.[/color] [quote] [b]The ideas are exceptional, especially for one so young, but the execution does not quite match. This could be an A+, as it is I'd say a B. [/b][/quote] [color=darkred]I know. If anything, this would be the copy before the rough copy. That's how basic this is supposed to be taken as. I suppose I can be getting to revising it sometime...I'm pretty lazy in that area.[/color] [quote][color=red] Heh. But there are a few spelling mistakes that stand out, and otherwise diminish a pretty good work.[/color][/quote] [color=darkred]I know. There always are. I could never spell. I'll find them later. ^.^[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]I've got it pretty easy. Three siblings. One younger brother, and two older sisters. The oldest sister is...33 this year, I think. I never lived with her. She now has 2 kids, a husband, and lives in a different country. The second sister is 23 this year, and is currently living in England. Then there's my brother. He is annoying. He is mean. He has a huge temper. He is rude. And I wouldn't trade him for the world. He goes into these nice stages where he gets you things, and gives you presents for no reason. He's 13 this year. Yes, I am the only one not born on a decade.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]I believe in spirits in general, not just ghosts. To be honest, I can't make a distinction, but ghosts and the idea of haunting jus' plain old freak me out. So, spirits it is.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] Lady Who Is Choking To Death [b]Magic Type:[/b] Dark [b]Type:[/b] Dead [b]Picture:[/b][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=345128[/img] [b]Effect 1:[/b] Pluffocation - Being smothered by a sea of pink fluff. [b]Effect 2:[/b] Nail Bite - Drives you insane with the sound of her nails being bitten ^.^ [b]Description:[/b] This card is used with other dark cards, and is affectionately categorised as "Cruel and Unusual".[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]Basic, disjointed thoughts after visiting my gandmother and seeing her relationship with Eric (her lover). I wasn't sure what form to put this in, so I put it as prose, to be used as a female monologue. [size=1]I am in love. It?s not a majestic love, filled with beauty and passion. It?s not tragic. It?s not a rose; it is a daisy. An everyday, common garden variety. It is simple. I like him. He likes me. Neither of us is mooning for the other, thoughts rushing past in an agony of unrequited love. Our love doesn?t feed on caviar and champagne. Instead, cordial and cheese is the diet of choice. I never much cared for fish eggs, anyway. And the bubbles in Champaign always tickled my nose. It is slippers, not high heels. Pencils, not fountain pens. I respect his life. He respects mine. We do not hurt each other, and we do not act selfishly. We both have responsibilities. Jealousy is given backstage jobs to do. Our world is quiet. Still. The chorus line does not ?oh?, nor does it ?ah?. It watches, and it waits. And we are pushed back to the shadows when another couple takes their cue. They are enraptured with each other. They will always be the leading couple. Sometimes, I wonder if I could ever have the love that people talk about. Words like passion, forever, and promises are thrown around. It seems however, that I am more suited to daisies. Other, less practical, people can chase their rose. I am happy. My love is a comfortable love, not a passionate one. But it is love, nonetheless. [/size] [/color]
  19. [color=darkred]Rae shifted from foot to foot, chewed her lip, inspected her nails, and finally said, "Well, I'm not going to be needed for this part. I'm going to go and do...something." She wandered off absently, knowing this was strange behavior for her. She left the complex, heading along the street to the cafe she'd been using the other day. She needed to see Matt. There was a nagging feeling that he'd be at a University. He'd always wanted to go; they'd discussed their degrees when they were younger. A smile played across her lips as she remembered a fleeting glance at one of the boy's polo shirts. She knew the University. 2 buses later, and Rae was at the campus. The question was, where would she find him? He wouldn't go around saying his name was Matt, would he? It was pure luck that one of Matt's friends found her. "Hey," he said, "you're the one Aiden was talking to, aren't you?" She nodded and he held out a hand. "Nice to meet you. Mike." "Do you know where he is?" "Yeah. He'll be in the mess hall now. If we go quick we could catch him as he's leaving." "Thank you." They walked quickly, Rae almost running. She skidded to a halt as they found the campus dining room. "Where is he?" "Erm..." the guy replied, his eyes searching the room. ?There.? He led her over, calling out as he went. ?Hey, Aiden. We?ve got a friend to see you.? Matt stood up and walked over to them. ?Heya.? He nodded his thanks to Mike, then took her arm. ?What are you doing here?? ?Matt. I want you to tell me what happened. Adam?s set us up again, and I need to know how he operates.?[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]Erm...I can pop my wrist in and out of joint. At least, I think that's what it is. Other people don't like it when I do it, so, I don't think anyone else can. Oh, and I can move my toe sideways...[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]I have a dog. His name is Flash. He does nothing and is fat. Unique, eh?[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]Ohh...good going Adam. ^.^ Heh, they're fun. I'm not going to post what I got, because I can't remember. I know, however, that I am a ditz. ^.^ Phear me![/color]
  23. [color=darkred]Honestly, I don't know. I'd hope the answer would be yes, and at this point of time I say I would, but when or if I actually got into that situation, I have no idea. I know my faults; I'm a pretty selfish person. However, hyperthetically, yes. I would.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]Adam stared at the scene through the window. It was double-sided glass, and often used by the agents to keep criminals and wanted men under surveillance. He watched as Jaudiar pulled out the IV, and sweat began pool on his face. It was going wrong. No one should have found the switched bags. He'd forgotten to change the labels on it, but no one would have looked at it unless they were suspicious. He cursed and left the room, hurrying to his office. Using his phone to dial the number, he called Nicholas' head honcho - Blair. 'Todo deshace. Ellos tienen funda la gota. Hará sólo los toma tan largo darse cuenta quién trata de destruirlos.' Blair replied with a calm that had sustained him through the toughest of times. 'Ellos no averiguarán, a menos que usted los dirá. ¿Qué quiere que haga usted, para acabarse en su hermana y parientes?' '¿No. no. ...No. que yo no los saldré. ..but hace Rae obtiene su protección cuando finaliza?' 'Es la única razón por qué Nicholas no la ha cazado abajo todavía. Ella es la familia, por distante que. ¿Sabe ella?' 'No. Ella hace no.' They rang off seconds later, Blair once again reassuring Adam that they would not find out. Calm, Adam placed the phone on the reciever, and turned to go. Rae was standing in the entrance. "How dare you?" She spat, then turned and walked away. ___ [size=1]*"it's all falling apart. They've found the drip. It'll only take them so long to realise who's trying to destroy them." *"They will not find out, unless you tell them. What do you want to do, run out on your sister and relatives?" *"No....No. I will not leave them...but will Rae get their protection when it ends?" *"It is the only reason why Nicholas hasn't hunted her down yet. She is family, however distant. Does she know?" *"No. She doesn't."[/size] [/color]
  25. [color=darkred]Leaving the two girls, Rae ambled aimlessly towards the drink vending machine. She didn't have any money, but one of her old friends had shown her how to get drinks for free. One well placed kick later, and she had a bottle of apple juice. She turned to go back to the girls, then chnged her mind and left the building. She needed some fresh air. Rae sat down, then stood up again, turned one way, then the other, and sat down once more. Had Ryan - or any other person able to read body language - been there, they'd have known her state of mind immediately. She was totally, and utterly, bewildered. She'd known people to have surgery before. Some of her friends had. Even she had, to get her appendix out. But none of the operations had been dangerous, other than the basic risks that all operations had. She was scared something was going to happen. "Hard, isn't it?" "Yeah. It could be harder, I suppose." Adam's accent thickened, and Rae listened to him, almost not registering the difference between Spanish and English. "What do you think of Pizaro?" She took her lead from him, speaking so that passers by couldn't understand them. "I hate him for what he's done, but his family loyalty has to be admired. Had my family betrayed me, I wouldn't forgive them." Adam didn't look at her. "What if it they'd done it for another family member? Rae shrugged. "I could accept it in time. Do you think Liam's going to be all right?" "Yes. Rae, do you know about the papers? You know a lot of things, but have you heard of the papaers about Liam?" She nodded. "I found out one day when I was snooping. They basically say Liam has to obey orders." "Or what?" "Or lIam is going to be run over by a Landrover." She stodd up, walked away, then back to him, and continued pacing that invisible line. "I don't think we should discuss this. I need to...I need to..." She whirled around to face Adam. "Tell me about Matt's death." He sighed. "I was beginning to hope you'd never ask about that." She looked down at her jeans, then back up at Adam. "Well, I am." "He dissappeared on a mission. In the end, we found some of his clothes - bloodstained - down a ravine. It was assumed that the wild dogs had taken his body." She nodded, for some reason keeping back the overjoyed shout that said, "But he's alive!" Something wasn't right. For some reason, Matt hadn't let Adam know that he was alive. He hadn't let her know either, until he saw her. Rae decided she'd keep an eye on things. Just in case. [/color]
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