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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [color=darkred]Suggestions and Feedback forum don't count as posts. Its like saying something that isn't there...or something. Anyway, posting here adds nothing to your posting count. The newbie lounge was another of these. It really also depends on [i]where[/i] people post.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1] You're the same person, and my opinion of you hasn't changed a bit. You're still the cool guy I've never-quite-talked-to-although-I've-always-halfway-been-meaning-too. Cheers. ;)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]And it goes double for me!(Which is really pretty wierd. The guy I [b]really[/b]-never quite talked to-althought-I've-always-[b]really[/b]-halfway-been-meaning-to.) Don't worry about it Duo. You'll always be the wierd, wacky guy who kept trying to steal my job when the NL was still open. [/color]
  3. [color=darkred]Rae flicked a bug from her bag with her newly painted fingernails. "Eh, you know, Jaudiar, that we should probably get the other SYF agents out too. Not our group. The last one." Liam looked at her, turning his back on the scenery - lots and lots of trees. "Who are they?" "Iono. I just heard about them from the guards. I'd say that they aren't in the best shape, though. Come on." Rae led them through the passages. After collecting the agents, most of the group proceeded to ignore them. Rae herself was thinking. They needed to get back to base. The group was tired; Siren, Iitashi, Craig and Ryan more so because of their joyful jungle trek. Jaudiar, reading her thoughts from her expression, smiled. "I think it's time to go home." _______ Filler is finished... [/color]
  4. [color=darkred]Semjaza's I always saw as Semjaza Azrael. I'm pretty alright with everybody else. And I can pronounce Mnemolth's name! Whoa, I feel proud. (I know your name is from a book. I'm not entirely sure [i]what[/i] book.)[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Hi. Welcome to Otakuboards. I've been here since about July, I think. We're a pretty nice group, and I'm sure you'll have fun. Not all of us like anime here, I for one saw my first anime in 2002. I've never played Everquest or Warcraft 3, so I can't talk to you about that. However, I do know of, and often even watch the Simpsons! (Phew! ^.^) Anyway, have a good time here. I think a mod will probably close this thread, though, because introductions threads aren't allowed. Feel free to PM me if you need any help or have any questions. I'm happy to help. [/color]
  6. [color=darkred]I've been to a counsellor once. He wasn't a school counsellor. I pretty much ignored him and drew on his white board. In general, I don't like them. They might be nice people and everything, but I don't understand how whining about your problems to someone you don't know (and pretty obviously can't trust, if you don't know them) can help you. But that's just me. I'd rather talk to a close friend, or someone who'd been in the same position that you could trust. Even then, I'd hesitate. I don't like talking about my problems until they're all over. I'd say some school counsellors are good, just like some are bad. It'd probably be better if you had someone who could help you deal with practical stuff, instead of just emotional, and who wouldn't push you to go into your history and how you feel. But like I said, I've never had a school counsellor. [/color]
  7. [color=darkred]Pizaro sat in the dark room he'd used to hold Liam captive. Rae and Ryan were standing guard, talking between the two of them, while the others were leaning on the opposite wall. "How do you want to handle him?" She thought for a minute. "I don't know. He's a tad complex." She shrugged. "I'll figure it out." Rae stood still again, smiling at Niomi and Siren before walking up to Pizaro. She circled him twice, then stopped at his blind left side to move some mussed up hair. "Are you scared?" "Jenna," Pizaro whispered. "Jenna, please, you wouldn't do this to your father, would you?" Rae shot a surprized look at the others then shrugged and looked down at him again. "Yes." "Please, Jenna, someone's turned you against me. Don't listen to them, Jenna. Listen to me." Smiling as an idea formed, she shot a glance at them, then moved foward to Ryan, sidling close to him. "You're right Daddy. Someone has turned me against you. You can thank Ryan for that. he showed me how wrong your business is. I'm sorry, Daddy, but you'll have to pay the price." Smiling fondly at him, she turned and kissed Ryan softly, then turned back to Pizaro, fingers twined with Ryan's. She noted the pain in pizaro's eyes with satisfaction, then started tellin her hastily concocted story. "I honestly can't believe you didn't realise. Didn't my school tell you of those visits with strangers, my abnormal behavior lately? No? Well, what about those detectives and guards you place on me? No? You should have hired better people, Daddy. I thought you knew the first rule was to know your family. They know the most about you. Everyone in this business knows that the people you know are the ones you hate. Do you believe that? No, I can see you don't. Well, I have to say, I believe it. With all my heart. I hate you Daddy." The man's face crumpled, looking as if he were about to cry. Rae grinned, keeping her eyes trained on him. "What do you think? Do you think I should forgive you? That I should invite to my house when I get married. To let you give me away?" He nodded, eyes searching hers, pleading for the forgiveness she offered. "Well," she said, smiling at him prettily. "I won't. You've commited too many sins, Papa. Tell me. Tell me why I should forgive you." Pizaro looked down, and Rae stormed over and pulled his chin up so he faced her. "Tell me." He was silent. "You can't, can you? Then tell me what you've done, and maybe I will decide to forgive you." Pizaro nodded, and started listing his sins from the time he was 3. Rae sent a glance at the others on the wall, silently telling them to start recording. Their faces stone, they nodded. When he finished, Pizaro looked up at her hopefully. "Will you forgive me, daughter?" Rae's face hardened. "No." And she turned and walked from the room, hearing Pizaro's soft crying echoing behind her. [/color]
  8. [color=darkred]Wow, that's harsh. Was your friend upset, or did she just shrug it off?[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]Eh, well, personally, I think cloning in itself is wrong. However (just to slide to the side of the subject a bit), people tend to lump stem-cell research and cloning into one bag, which I don't like. A lot of the arguements are that stem-cell research will lead to cloning in the end but if strictly controlled, it should be fine. SCR (I couldn't be bothered typing the entire thing) is where they get a cell and try to grow more of the cells, for exapmle a pancreatic (sp?) cell to produce insulin which can be tansferred to diabetics. I don't believe the claim. We have to go a long way before we can actually clone people. To do it properly, we'd need a better understanding of our DNA. In time we'll gain that, but I think that our scientists are trying to run before they walk.[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]Well, by now you'll probably know if your cat has been poisioned or not, so please tell us the outcome? I can't really help you with anything practical, and the people above have probably helped quite a bit...[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]I usually ask for money. I usually get clothes of some sort. Socks, nighties, pajama's, hats, bags (okay not clothes exactly, but you can wear them if you want...).[/color]
  12. [color=darkred][b]Real Name:[/b] Kathryn [b]Character?s Name:[/b] Tylenia [b]Email:[/b] [email]alaina_leblanc@hotmail.com[/email] [b]Location:[/b] MSN [b]Appearance:[/b] Tylenia?s appearance often gives people the assumption that she had never seen the world. Soft hazel eyes manage to hold a wistfulness that isn?t there. Her hair is a mixture of red and gold, and is often decorated with a hair ornament of some sort. Standing around 5?6, Tylenia often looks up at people. This, too, gave the aura of innocence she never possessed. The only hint to her real life and abilities with weapons come from the scars and calluses on her hands and body? [b]History:[/b] Tylenia was born a long distance away, to a vigilante, although he referred to himself as a farmer. She?d learnt how to wield weapons from him, or rather, defending herself from him. Two years ago, she?d reluctantly left her mother to discover the rest of the world, and hasn?t been home since. ______ The picture isn't in colour... [/color]
  13. [color=darkred][list] [*]A beach towel [*]A nightie [*]A board game [*]A toe ring [*]Chocolate [*]A video [*]A bag [*]A hair clip [/list] I tend to get little things like those. However, I loved the beach towel. Its huge, and I've been wanting one forever.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]I have no idea what I believe in, if anything. I was baptised as a Catholic, and religion was almost ignored in my life until 3rd grade when I was sent to a private Catholic school. Then came confirmation. However, I've recently found that I don't like the Catholic ideal's and beliefs, or the one god, or the idea of trying to be someone who was perfect. So, at the moment, I'm hovering on Atheist.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]I was prodded into joining up by Dave. He was prodded into joing by someone who was prodded into joining by Liam. Everything links back to Liam. I didn't particularly like anime, and I still don't, not really. I'll watch the occasional program, and say, "Hey, I want to see that again." That's the extent of my anime expiriences.[/color]
  16. [color=darkred]I want to crack down on my schoolwork. My marks keep dropping because I'm energetically challenged in the academic area. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with my life.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]Well, it seems I'm jsut a tad late, seeing as we're now onto the subject of where we live - Toowoomba, by the way - but I'll tell you who I'd like to meet. I'd like to meet Rain, Deus, Transtic Nerve, Deathknight, Raiha, Mitch, and Mnemolth. Half of those people I've never even talked to, but I think they'd be pretty interesting. That's my contribution.[/color]
  18. [color=darkred]OOC: Okay, okay, I'm here. I was going to post when I was at my grandparents, but I accidently blew up their computor screen. When are you coming home? I can't talk to [i]anybody[/i] here. Anybody being Saide. Or Alley Catt. ________ Plastering on a social smile, Rae started moving towards the doors on the other side of the room. She'd left Jaudiar and Liam to their own devices. It was time to get Pizaro. She'd had enough acting for one year. She gladly left the room, walking along to Siren's cubby hole. The others were stationed at other miscellaneous points around the complex. "Heya." "Hi." Siren fidgeted. She wasn't in a cupboard exactly. It was a hatch that separated into to paths. One led down to the basement, the other to the fusebox. However, Siren had had to stay near the door. She was acting as a scout in case anyone was going to pre-empt their attack by ambushing them. Rae rubbed her face. "Can we finish this soon? I want to go home. Sleep for a week or two. Maybe even have a beer or something. It's so [i]hot[/i] in this godforsaken place." "They'll probably provide coke when we get back to base." "I can settle for coke." Grinning wryly, Siren started sending out calls to the rest of the team, informing them that they were about to start their hastily made plan - using Rae as bait. Rae considered it rather ironic, if that was the correct term. They were using a fake daughter to capture Pizaro, while the real daughter [i]was[/i] a hostage. "You know, maybe someone should tell Liam and Jaudiar..." "I will." Rae crawled out of the hatch, glad no one was around to see her. She'd walked back into the ball room, and was looking for Liam and Jaudiar when her search was interrupted. "Jenna!" Rae turned, smiling at the man. He was young, just older than her, most probably, and well dressed. He was almost pleasant, but there was an aura of weakness and oiliness around him. "Hello. How do you find yourself tonight?" "I'm quite all right, Jenna. A little bored though. I've been all alone in our family's villa for almost three weeks. You know how our parents' are. Always plotting with each other. I tell you, they were very glad when we started going out..." Jenna was going out with this schmuck? Somehow it didn't seem to fit her profile. Mentally shrugging, Rae tuned in again. "I think that they're planning marri-" He cut off. "You aren't Jenna. There's a remarkable resemblance, but..." he peered closer. "There's a difference in your smile. And a hardness around your eyes. Jenna is sweetness and light. You...you're darker." A stiff smile came to Rae's lips. "Yes. I'm...I'm Jenna's cousin. Excuse me. I must go and get myself a drink." Her walk was slow and casual as Rae made her way to Liam. It almost killed her. "Help me help me help me help me," she whispered to herself. It wasn't going to be long until Pizaro found out. "Liam!" She grabbed a glass from his platter. "We're starting early. Partly out of boredom, but also because someone's realised that I'm not Jenna. Some schmuck who say's that he's her boyfriend." A dry expression crept over his face. "Joy. Okay. We'll be fine to go in a second." "What will we be fine to do?" Rae turned to see Jaudiar. "We're starting early. Pizaro is going to be told I'm not Jenna soon. Someone will tell him, or ask where she is. Ugh. I should have though someone would be able to tell the difference. Dammit! Okay." Rae took a deep breath and calmed herself. "Here we go. Act one." Rae walked back outside, hating all the running around she was doing. Ryan was lounging just outside the doors, and Rae flicked a smile at him. They got into position, Ryan behind her, a gun at her head. "Ready?" Rae choked back a laugh. A little late, no? "Ready." She answered, then let out a scream as they entered the ballroom. All faces turned toward them, to see little Jenna struggling to get away from the armed stranger. "Papa!" She screamed. "Papa! Help me!" "Shut up, *****." Ryan growled. The tension was almost palpable, made even more so when Ryan announced his demand. "Pizaro, I'm gonna kill your little girl, unless you surrender yourself." Adding a touch of realisim, she started to cry, wondering how many crocodile tears she'd shed over the past few days. Pizaro nodded stiffly, walking out of the room, where, she knew, Siren, Iitashi, Craig, and Tursi were waiting to make him docile. Ryan dragged her back outside, just for effect, then let her go. Rae rubbed her throat as Jaudiar and Liam walked towards them. "Well done," Jaudiar commented. "The tears were marvellous addition." "Thank you." She flicked the lingering moisture from her face, then turned to Pizaro. "You see, [i]Daddy[/i], I'm not Jenna. And I'm not a sadistic *****, either." She then emphasised her point by slamming a fist under his jaw, smiling as he was knocked out. ____ OOC: Happy?[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]I have to be honest. I don't like it all that much. There's no actual reason for it, I just dislike the overall product. What I do like is the rough speech. That was very well done.[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]We were trying to find a book like [i]The Kuma Satra (sp?) for the Elderly[/i], for one of our friends...but that might be a little iffy...[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]Must agree with Evie. *claps her hands* Go, Mishka! Amazing. It doesn't drag you down with complex words, but it draws you in and then surrounds you with the simplicity. Brilliant.[/color]
  22. [color=darkred]If I had the time, I'd thank many people...but I don't, so here's select few. [b]Deus Ex Machina:[/b] Funny guy. He puts up with the "lol" habit I have, and can hold his own in a sobbing fight. [b]Rain:[/b]She has crazy friends that hate my guts. Rather refreshing, in a way. Besides, she's there when I decide to ***** about [i]my[/i] friends. [b]Liamc2, and well...everyone else I know in real life:[/b] Besides teaching me something every time I talk to them, they always have fun. Of course, my arm has a big bruise from the bottle fight I had with Alley Catt, but it was fun at the time ^.^. [b]Mitch:[/b]He writes well, which always gets me thinking about what I want to write next. And he'll tell me when my stuff is crap. He'll also tell me how to fix it. [b]Mnemolth:[/b]Makes me laugh, and shows me how to write...and he taught me how to spell "Criticism". Heh... Thats all I'm going to do...[/color]
  23. [color=darkred]Rae thought for a minute, then decided. "The ship." Seth nodded, and trasported them there. He'd never been to the ship before; only those completely trusted by every member were allowed there. He wasn't, and Rae knew it, but thise was an emergency. She pulled herself out of his arms, and stood shakily. "Quickly." Walking as fast as she could, Rae entered the ship, through the main hatch, and strode into the rooms where Siren would go. "We have to find her." They found her in the kitcken hunched down rocking backwards and fowards. She looked up, insanity wild in her eyes, and Rae knew that it was almost too late. She bit her lip, crouched down, and looked at Siren. "Come on," she whispered, her mind starting to probe Siren's. The insanity made Rae dizzy, and she fell over, the world seeming to swirl around her. She could feel Seth trying to hold them both upright, and could see through Siren's eyes. Rae whimpered and tried to ignore the swirling, starting to find the problems in Siren's mind. She hoped Siren wouldn't get upset. At the moment, Siren would be almost invincible if she went on a rampage. [/color]
  24. [color=darkred]"Hybrid Vigor"? I've never heard of it. It sounds alright though. ^.^ Certainly Liam... 70, if you include the one which you made but no one replied to. ^.^" Of course we love Flashy. He has an avatar which looks like the Horsehead Nebula.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]In the Adventure Arena.[/color]
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