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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B] Twelve! It's disgusting. They're not physically or emotionally ready to handle it. This seems off-topic, but it links in to what I have to say next.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Well, actually, [i]physically[/i] they are. If they're having children, they must obviously be ready [i]physically[/i], if not emotionally. As for toddler, which is what I think Liam said, whoa! That's in the way of insane. But it does happen. Not to the 'PADDED LINGERIE' extent that you talk of, but I know girls at 6 who wear crop tops and stuff...[/color]
[color=darkred]Whoa...wierd. I like it. Well done. I'm not sure if I'll stick with this skin, though, I'll probably just change them when I get sick of one...[/color]
[color=darkred]Wha...? Oh, right. The Status. Yeah, its back to Newbie now.[/color]
[color=darkred]*Sighs* Sorry, Newt. I've edited it now. [/color]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=darkred]OOC: Sorry Liam, I didn?t get home till now? __________ A man came into the heavily guarded room and whispered into Baudez?s ear. The man was actually quite nice. Protective, caring, respecting? A flicker of annoyance crossed Pizaro?s face, and he stated in a coolly controlled voice, ?They can take care of it. Just?leave some.? He finished, nodding minimally towards Rae, or Jenna, as it were. ?Now, Jenna, are you hungry?? Smiling, she replied, ?Yes, I am, thank you Papa.? ?Good. After we eat, I have a surprise for you, Jenna.? And so, they ate. The meal consisted of chicken cordon bleu, salad and pineapple juice. Simple, yet surprisingly elegant. As was the surroundings. Pizaro seemed to be rather arrogant, though. Almost an entire wall was made out of glass. If this place was ever attack, [I]which it will be soon[/I], that would be the weakest spot, right in the middle of everything. The conversation ranged over a variety of subject, and Rae found herself acting quite naturally, even thinking he wasn?t so bad. ?Jenna. Jenna. Go to your room and get changed. I?m sure those clothes feel quite crumpled.? ****. Now this was one possibility she hadn?t encountered. Eyes darting as she thought quickly, she said out loud, ?Father, I want to start a new tradition. I want you to come with me to my room every time I come home for the holidays. I?m not sure why. Lately I?m beginning to feel if I go somewhere I haven?t gone for a while, some agent will jump out and hurt me?? Pizaro nodded sympathetically. ?I know my business is hard on you, Jenna.? And he dismissed his personal bodyguards, and then walked with her down the halls, loading his gun. They reached what was obviously her room. It was pristine white, with little gold and sliver touches here and there. Now she realized why Pizaro had told her to get changed. Jenna was obsessive compulsive. Or Jehane, according to the framed birth certificate on the wall. Jehane Baudez. Interesting. Choosing some clothes; white blouse, black skirt, she moved to the ensuite and changed, redoing her hair. She stepped out of the room, noticing absently the guards at the door. Making her way back down to the dining room, she found Pizaro engaged in a discussion over the phone, the conversation mainly consisting of? ?that *****. She betrayed us. Double crossed.? ?Who was, Papa?? Came the question after he hung up. ?Double crossing us, that is?? ?Someone you don?t know honey. A girl names Prue Calston. She?s dead now, of course, but she betrayed us to the SYF force.? ?I hate them. They always try to ruin our plans.? ?Don?t dwell on it. I have a surprise for you.? ?Really?? A secretive smile touched his lips, and he led her down a series of pathways, to a long hallway. Contrary to the previous hallways, this one wasn?t exuding any ambience at all. It was cold, and sterile, and there were doors all along this corridor ? all locked. A finger of apprehension slid her nape, a rush of cold burning down her, from her face to her toes. Nothing so uncharacteristic could be good. Were they on to her? Her stomach plummeted to her feet, along with her nerves. Her pace slowed considerably, and Baudez turned to her. ?Come, Jenna. I know you?ll love it.? He entered first, assuring her that she wasn?t in immediate danger. If he were on to her, he wouldn?t turn his back. She entered, and decided that she was going to through up her wonderful meal. Liam was there, strapped to a chair, shirtless, gunless and totally defenseless. The world roared, and it seemed as if the ground was rushing up, then away. Then she became aware that Pizaro was talking to her. ?I know how much you love watching them, love making them bleed. And you know how much I respect you for that, Jenna. It takes a special kind of girl to be able to stomach that much blood. A special kind of girl to be able to doll out that kind of treatment without flinching. You,? he whispered affectionately, wrapping her in a hug, ?are my little angel of stone. Cold. Unmoved. You?d make your mother proud.? [I]Proud. Pride. Love. Heart. Red. Blood. Bleeding. Liam. Bleeding. Liam?was?bleeding.[/I] Rae snapped out of her semi-comatose state, staring at Liam, assessing his wounds. ?Thank you, Papa. He?s precious.? Acting for everything she remembered, hoped for, and ever knew, Rae?s hands twitched as if she couldn?t wait to get started. ?May I?? Pizaro, the monster, smiled. ?Certainly.? The female bodyguards moved to the door to guard it, Pizaro standing back. Rae gulped. ?I think I?d like to do it alone, this time.? Her voice came out hoarse, barely a whisper. Liam?s head lolled backwards, eyeing her silently. ?Certainly, Jenna. But, just to please me, can I watch for a few minutes?? Bile rose in her throat. She?d actually have to hurt a friend. Again. [I]The young girl, around nine or ten, watched as her prey stalked up the hall towards her. ?Ra?Icy, what is this about? I mean, I know the big bosses have been on your back, but? Rae winced. ?Sorry Kainar. Please forgive me.? Kia?s eyes widened. ?No. Oh, God. Don?t tell me. [/I]I?m[I] the liability. The entire time you were bitching about them want to take care of the ?liability?; you knew exactly what they were after. Dammit, Rae, you could have at least warned me.? Rae?s eyes pleaded for forgiveness. ?I?m sorry, Kia. I have to protect my family.? ?Because friends don?t mean anything,? came the bitter reply. ?No! But?family?family is?everything.? Kianar?s face hardened. ?So do it, Raellyra Adara Stanton, and kill me quickly, then have this on your conscience for the rest of your life. Go on. I know how you have to do your job,[/I]Icy[I]. Go on.? The gun wavered in her hand as Rae brought it up, tears almost blinding her as she let the bullet plunge into Kia?s brain. In death, Kia?s eyes were open, staring up at her. ?Please forgive me, Kia.? Rae whispered as her eyes bored into Kia?s lifeless ones, searching for the forgiveness that would not come. [/I] ?Jenna? Jenna!? Rae snapped out of her daze, flashing a smile at her ?father?. ?Sorry, Papa. I was distracted. So, which do you want me to use first?? Her entire being was surprisingly blasé, considering that she was burning with shame inside. ?Weapon?? A smile of pleasure played over his lips, forming a gruesome smirk. ?Certainly. Why don?t you start with the knife. I know how you like the dagger.? Smirking back at him, she walked over, countenance haughty , totally in control. She surveyed the weapons kept in the case to the side. Katana, Miniature Claidhmore, Semitar, Dagger? Picking up the dagger, Rae moved over to Liam, and knelt on the floor. ?Hello, sugar,? she whispered in an innocent, soothing voice. He looked at her almost pleadingly, and bile again let itself be known in the back of her throat. Smiling understandingly, she pulled out his arm, and pushed the knife into the muscle up the top of the arm, just near the shoulder. Liam stared at her betrayal. She stared back. Rae knew ice was always the best. Rae knew acting. Rae also knew how to hold herself together on the outside. Smiling at him, she pulled out his palm, and started to carve her symbol on it. The blood had welled and plunged off his palm by the time Pizaro and his guards moved out of the room. ?I?m sorry, Liam.? She whispered as she stared down at his hand. ?I?m so sorry. I didn?t know what to do. I didn?t know how to react. Are you all right?? His response was a groan. Rae looked at him properly. Liam had lost blood, possibly too much. He was pale, with a sickly tint to his skin, and he was sweating, as if trying not to make any noise at all. He had no clothes above the waist, and was bleeding on his chest, too. ?Oh, ****.? Were her only words for a few seconds. ?Liam. We?re in over our head. We need help. I can?t do this. He?s a monster! So is she! And to think, I was starting to like him! I forgot completely about you, Liam, and I?? she stopped as Liam started to speak. ?For gods sake, Rae, pull yourself together. We need Pizaro.? ?This place is too well guarded.? ?Is it? There are no slip ups anywhere?? ?Well, there are a few. One wall is completely taken up with window, but its just jungle on that side, almost impossible to get through there.? Rae, who?d stood up, sank down to her knees near Liam?s chair. ?I can?t do this, Liam. It?s too hard.? She whispered hopelessly, and then started to sob. She had, in a moment of thought, left the dagger next to Liam, and he cut the bonds away easily, then sat and listened to her, waiting for her to calm down. [/color] -
[color=darkred]hehe...I've only just seen this, and realised its gone down. I lost, like 150 or so, but I'm still a junior member...no idea why, though. Anywhoo, it doesn't really matter. Its only posts...and I think it might the number of posts you made in the Newbie Forum. I know that if you looked up my 'search for all posts by this user' on my name, then you'd find 450 or so posts, even though only 300 were recorded. Oh well.[/color]
[color=darkred]No problem, guys. I think I looked up ancient Latin in altavista or something. It was a few years ago, though, and I've kept it on favorites since, so I really can't be sure. I went crazy when i found that site, really hyperactive. I love Latin. *sighs happily* I wish they taught it at school, but I only get German... >.< [/color]
[color=darkred]Actually, i was refferring more to the "Its been there for months so I didn't think anyone would bother looking at it," state of Mind I was in. As for my writing style, I must confess, this isn't usually it! And I can deny it as much as I want! I can also deny that the sun is a big ball of hot gas and fusiony stuff, though...[/color]
[color=darkred]A mirthless smile crept over Rae's face as she slung herself out the window, letting herself free fall. It was quite a way down, but if you landed correctly, you wouldn't hurt yourself. As the ground came up to meet her, she folded herself into a ball, and landed, coming out from a roll. However, skirts weren't conducive to running away quickly. Wrinkling her nose, she started walking, skirts swishing as she did. From there, she crept into the forest-like part, pausing when she heard a noise. Slipping her mind out, she realised this man was a flooder, there in order to stop her leaving. And of course, he was succeeding. A flooder flooded a mind-readers psyche, confusing her. If exposed to a flooder too long, Rae would go insane. Whimpering, she tried to shut off the thoughts coming from him, sinking to the ground, hunched in a little ball. [i]Seth[/i] she thought, calling out with her mind as loud as she could under the shouts coming from the flooder, [i]help me. Please[/i] "Please," she whispered to herself. "Anyone, Celest. Please."[/color]
[color=darkred]Well, I am addicted to these boards, as my family will tell you ^.^" I've been here since June, which is v5, so not that long compared to some members, but I'm still happy. I liek the community. Even if your new people will say hi and befriend you, which is great.[/color]
[color=darkred]Wow, I can't believe you'd post in here. Basically, I consigned this piece to my folder of things I'll never touch again, for the simple fact that I dislike it rather intensely. I know I could make it better, for all means, make suggestions. As for the character fitting, thank you. I like doing stories in the character's perspective if they're young. otherwise, people are too complex for me. I know I have a writing style, I just didn't know it actually fit well. Now I feel all special and giggly ^.^ I prefer not to name people in these pieces, a quirk I have. However, I did name the little girl this time. Kathryn. [/color]
[color=darkred]Yeah, thats what I was trying to say ^.^" I only really use it if I'm looking up the meaning of words or something. However, it is helpful to me quite often...[/color]
[color=darkred]Well, we all know coherancy is one of my biggest problems...and this is what I wanted. Thanks. Sorry. I meant to include the words "Sign up sheet"...but I forgot. Name:Raellyra Race: Elf Character Class: Rogue Alignment: Neutral Good Description: Raellyra has black hair, blue eyes, and often tends to wear black, so she can get around during the night without being an easy target. History: Raellyra grew up as an orphan, after her mother, a whore, was murdered. She learnt to look after herself on the streets, fighting for what she wants. If there's food, she'll snatch it, the protect it with her life. Although good, she'll try to stay as neutral as possible, so that she can stay alive. She strongly believes in the rule "Survival of the fittest" [/color]
[color=darkred]What do you need to know? Its easier if you just tell us. I'm really interested in this, Newty boy, but what do you want us to say? And...what side is the main fight? Is this based as a "Stopping the big bad" RPG or one of my favorites where you are the big bad? Sorry if I'm a lil insulting.[/color]
[color=darkred]*Thinks* Okay, I'll be good. [/color]
[color=darkred] [url=http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/lookdown.pl?life]Translations[/url] That gives you words only, but I tend to use it on a regular basis. *grins* I helped someone![/color]
[color=darkred]Yeah, okay. Fun fun fun....Don't mind me, I'm rather hyperactive... name: Raellyra age:19 alliance (good or evil): Neutral Appearence: Black hair, blue eyes, stands around 5'5. Black shirt, black cargo pants. personality: Argh. I hate this part. A deep thinker. She'll often stay quiet, instead of speaking. She lives by the rule "YOu don't have to unsay what you haven't said", cautious. Weapons (no guns 3 is the maximum): Katana Miniture(sp?) Claidhmore Dagger magic(three max): (I'll do this bit later, I'm in a hurry) magic elemental: Water Bio: (Same as magic) Starting Point(city):(See above) [/color]
[color=darkred]I got given one, I think. By one of my friends for my birthday. I don't know if I still have it. [/color]
[color=darkred]Name: Raellyra Stanton Age: 29 Rank: Detective. Description: Black hair, usually worn up in a bun, or in a plait. Often wears dark blue, or something similar in black. Weaponry & Equipment: .38 Caliber Revolver Wallet Badge History: Raellyra had struggled up to her postion, knock-backs being many, based on decrimination. This, of course, made her rather bitter, twisted and cynical, meaning she could handle almost any case. However, they'd put her on this case to try to prove she couldn't, and, although they'd never admit it, because she was actually rather good at her job. [/color]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=darkred]The helicopter landed around an hour later, and by that time Rae was sweating with the humidity, despite the air outside. The guards, then Pizaro, and finally her alighted off the chopper. As she did, an hand grabbed her ankle. Knowing that it wouldn't be an enemy; she was currently in their fold she paused, looking down. [i]Liam[/i]. Winking discreetly, she stumbled, and the guards rushed around her. "Sorry," she fluttered, "I just caught my heal on the skid. No problem." They nodded and resumed thier positions. "So, Jenna," Baudez asked. "Did you have fun last semester at your new school?" Glad that she didn't have to interpret anything, and grateful that he thought she was actually Jenna, Rae replied, "It was all right, but it [i]could[/i] have been better. The food was quite disgusting." "I hired a Cordon Bleu chef just for you. Didn't he do his job?" Cursing her mistake, she covered her tracks. "No. He was lazy." "Ah. Forgive me, daughter, for my mistake." [i]Either this guy is ultra-devoted to his family, or he fears his daughter. He didn't seem very fearful, though. Devotion.[/i] "That's all right Papa. I think...I must sleep. I feel rather faint." She could almost hear Liam's snort as she acted, quite well, like an upperclass spoilt little girl, trapped in a 16 year old body. [/color] -
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=darkred]The man, who's name, she'd learnt, was Xach, started at the sound of Pizaro's voice over his headset. "We're under attack. I want my daughter out of there. Now." Rae jerked. He'd be able to tell the difference,wouldn't he? Apparently not, she decided as she was hustled away from Xach at Pizaro's command. [i]What have I gotten myself into?[/i] She wondered, as the moved her over to the helicopter. She looked around, seeing Craig and Ryan, then swore silently, hoping they'd understand her when she mouthed the word "Liam". They seemed to, considering the confused looks on thier faces, then dawning recognition. Ryan winked. "Wait!" Rae called out to 'her father'. "I need...I need to get something, Daddy." She almost winced at the word. He seemed rather surprized too. "I'll send someone to get it." "No! I mean, I have to get it myself." He watched her, suspicion in his eyes. "Fine." She left quickly, her skirt flapping around her knees. "Liam," she whispered over the head piece. "I'm going with Pizaro. Okay?" "What???" It was Ryans voice. "It [i]was[/i] you. But, thats... insane. What if you get caught?" "I have the feeling I won't. Pizaro doesn't know his daughter. Its like she's been at boarding school and only just come back or something. He doesn't even see the diferences between us." "Well. Becareful." "Will do. I have the information I was looking for, though. So, now I can help Lima's group, don't you suppose? I've got to go. Rae out."[/color] -
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=darkred]There was a commotion outside, and the man showing her, rather foolishly, she thought, sent out some men to see what was happening. There was a shout, and Rae realised that Liam had gotten into the compound. Acting for all she was worth, she tried to look concerned, asking what was wrong with them. "Nothing. Probably just a commotion in the hall way. A cat or something." "Kitties? I love kitties. I'm going to go look." And she slinked outside. There were four guards in the hallway, dead. Walking over to Liam, she stepped over one guy's head, wincing when she saw the blood pouring from his chest. "Thanks for coming. Here, I'll show you where she is." She led him down the hallway, walking quickly to aviod people in general. "I have some news. They have you on radar. Black dots. The have a lot of people on radar. Personally, I'm glad I'm not needed enough or, rather, so infamous that I'm tracked. You are. I suggest going quickly. Here." She watched Liam open the door. "You'll be fine now? I have to get back."[/color] -
[color=darkred]OOC: No offence meant, but...my EYES! Can't you just keep to one colour...please? ===== "So," Rae finished, checking her watch, "that's my life story. Do you know when training starts? I'm rather eager to begin." "Nope, no idea. There was a fight on earlier, though." "Yeah. I know. Personally I don't like fighting, at least not on my first day, especially with the instructor. I mean, I'll fight with you....but an intsructor?" She shuddered. "No thanks." [/color]
[color=darkred]Rae clomped herself into the mess hall, looking around, glad that the cat mess was over. Seeing another person, a guy, she walked over to him. "Hi. I'm Raellyra." "Yeah. Alkora. You killed the cat." Rae blushed, then dismissed the comment with a shrug. "It was an accident. What room are you in?" Alkora smirked. "Yours. You ignored before when you left the room." "Sorry." She sat down, and stared at him intently. "So, you're going to be my partner, heh?"[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic's Knight [/i] [B]HEHE WHOOPS!! :) Asking or suggesting, (at least as to what I am familiar with in the past) does not usually help for a seat as a Moderator. Also, I dont beleive its ALL about your member status, though yes, I bet it is a rather influencial(sp?) part of when James appoints Moderators. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]MK, I think you took my words out of context. What I was trying to get across was that there are quite a few people who would be happy to Moderate that place, if thats what James ended up doing. I wasn't 'suggesting', or 'asking'. And I understood that it wasn't ALL about your member status when appointing Mods, but I meant that it'd probably be better to have a member with a little more expirience... Cleared up? [/color]