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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [color=darkred]hehe...yeah...coherancy is my biggest problem a lot of the time. Actually...I used to think of DeathKnight as a girl, because of his avatar...then afterwards, when I realised what his gender was, and that he was 'Ken', not 'Kenna', I pictured him as a mafia member. Suit included.[/color]
  2. [color=darkred]Well...there is a thread on [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16574]this subject[/url], on the second page, however... Not many people [i]know[/i] why people do these things...shrinks probably don't either. The only time the government will arrest someone is when they have proof...or when they are desperate. However...the shootings have stopped now, haven't they? [/color]
  3. [color=darkred]I believe there has to be more than what I see...but that's more of a desperate hope that there's meaning somewhere. I believe in reincarnation...not heaven. I [i]don't[/i] really believe in other beings from different planets, and I've no idea about the government cover up conspiracy.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred]Sorry, 6 years of hanging around with my friend has corrupted me. He refuses to spell it without a k.[/color]
  5. [color=darkred]Oh, stormwing is Raquel. Well, its a good name. Pretty. Cloricus, I know who you are... I seem to remember a thread where The Harlequin posted his full name: Flynn Edward Mitchell? Can't fully remember, though. The Harlequin has to grow his hair at the front more before he can dye it... And I've got another question. Do you ever think of people as colours?[/color]
  6. [color=darkred]Does having a high pain threshhold count as a sixth sense? Other than that, precognative dreams happen quite a lot to me, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people get them. [/color]
  7. [color=darkred]Rae stretched, pulled out her trunk and set it on the bed, glad to be able to sleep. She could never rest on a plane; a horrible fear of flying from when she was little prevented that. Dumping her things beside the bed, Rae flopped onto the matress, sighed, and closed her eyes, eventually falling asleep. OCC: Wow, short post...sorry guys. I've been infected with WB..,[/color]
  8. [color=darkred]Cloricus...how very constructive of you... Who else do I think of? Cloricus. When I didn't know who you were, I thought of you as green hair. I've never understood why, but I did.[/color]
  9. [color=darkred]Magick? Sure, I believe in magick. I don't believe it can change events in history, though. I've got a friend who's Wiccan. Are we talking about Wicca here? Assuming we are talking about Wicca here, which we seem to be, the revenge spell would, as Piro said, class them as a Warlock. The Wiccan Rede's most famous lines would class her so... "Eight Words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An' it harm none, do what ye will."[/color]
  10. [color=darkred]Phantom: Blonde hair, brown eyes. Sara/Cera: Light brown hair and eyes. Baby Girl: Black hair blue eyes. Yu Yu: Dark brown/black hair, with brown eyes. When I think of people, its usually their hair or eye colour. Question: How close do you think our perceptions are? [/color]
  11. [color=darkred]If I could go back in time, I'd probably go back to before I was born, in the Middle Ages or something. Just for the sake of going back there. Or, I'll go and change my reaction to a few things. Nothing specific, though.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred]Well, as I was lying in bed almost two nights ago, and coming up with all sorts of fiendish super-secret-world-domination plans (yes, okay, I was dreaming of chocolate), I was struck with a thought. We all have visual impressions of people on the boards. For instance, you might think of someone as having black hair, blue eyes, one arm, and a patch, for some inane reason. So, what are your visual impressions of certain members on the boards? And was it influenced by anything, like avatars? James, I think of as having blue eyes. This was actually influenced by his colour font. If this is in the wrong forum, or needs to be closed, I understand...heh...[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]People laugh because otherwise they have to show pity, or sadness...which is, of course, seen as a weakness. People prefer to be respected, however dodgy that respect is. People laughed because its hard to absorb that it really happened and people got hurt. As you get older, you realise that it actually happened. Like everyone else said...maturity.[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]You're quite correct. Almost everyone in my grade [i]is[/i] stupid. Of course, because I hang around wiht the smart people I get shunned. Which suits me fine, really. And...happy water. I've done that before, but we put liquid in there as well. Drinkable liquid...and I gave it to friend who had to drink the whole thing as a dare...fun stuff.[/color]
  15. [color=darkred]No problem. I know how confusing it gets when you don't have all the information. UNless you were talking to Cloricus, in which case I feel like a fool. The only fighting I do, in fight terms, is with my brother, and that doesn't happen so often any more as we get older. The only other type of fighting I do is verbal, which, half the time, is (for me at least) for fun. [/color]
  16. [color=darkred]Erm...what? No, I'm saying it because the Pranks that I know of (at least in our grade; Year Nine, if your wondering) have been punished (as I see it) rather harshly, especially on people who don't really deserve it... *cough* Happy Water? Please feed my little mind with information about this "Happy Water"[/color]
  17. [color=darkred] Yeah, I thought so. However, my mother didn't. Eep. I wans't allowed privileges for almost a month. [/color]
  18. [color=darkred]Actually, The One,(whoa, its you...ack!), I've seen the ganging up situation that Cloricus was talking about. Almost every lunchtime they'd come, pick a fight with him using the rather sad insults of "He is such a ******" and then fight. Now, because, basically, in the eyes of the school, Cloricus started the fights (he struck first blow), despite the stirring by them, it's actually a wise move for him to record the incidents and tell his father (who is a teacher here), otherwise, he gets in trouble... Our school bullying system is pretty wacked. It depends on the sort of teachers around. I've gotten teased by guys in my homeroom class, and I retaliated (with words, not actions). My PC teacher wasn't happy, but he realised that I was standing up for myself(which doesn't often happen in my grade) and said nothing... Our school, to my viewpoint, preaches about verbal bullying, but doesn't recognise it in real life. Which is how so many people get away with bullying at our school. With the guys who were annoying Cloricus, they're already in trouble, because, to be honest, they're complete ****s who have no respect for anyone. They've been gotten for vandalism, bullying, smoking(I think) and quite a few other things. Eep. Long post.[/color]
  19. [color=darkred]That's okay. I wasn't trying to start up an argument, so I'll stop that train of thought right now. However, I've found a(rather distant, I must admit) prank. When I was younger, say, perhaps 6 or 7, I took bathwater, added soap, aloe vera, and hand soap into a cup, and left it on the bench for my brother. (I used give him milk every night) It was white because of the Pears soap, and he was 3, and still trusted me, so he drank it. I don't believe he's ever trusted me again...[/color]
  20. [color=darkred]Ack! Whoops. Now I feel stupid. I [i]know[/i] grammar is spelt with an 'a'...but I tend to put comma's after an and because I was taught to, for some unknown reason... I [i]might[/i] get you on TV, The One, but it can [i]also[/i] get you into hospital.[/color]
  21. [color=darkred]I get on well with most people, and have quite a few friends here...on the whole, with people who don't know me, I probably come off a little juvenile. [/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by enigma [/i][b] [B]1:[/B] [I][COLOR=orange]Two explorers were on an expedition. When night came they were cold so they decided to light a fire then go to sleep. When morning came, other explorers found that they had died. How did they die?[/I][/COLOR] [B]2:[/B] [I][COLOR=orange]When I am small, I am consumed. When I am big, I can consume. What am I?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Erm...for question one, who [i]found[/i] the explorers? There could be several answer, the least of which they got hypothermia... 2. A business. [/color]
  23. [color=darkred]Don't ask [i]me[/i] why. I think it's pretty stupid too. [/color]
  24. [color=darkred]Yeah. We had some guys at grade eight camp light their arms on fire with deoderant. There was actually a reason for it. One had a cast on his arm. Yup, when asked why he did it, he said. "I have a cast"...at least I think so. They were suspended for that. Our school comes down pretty hard on people for pranks.[/color]
  25. [color=darkred]Well done, Shy. I'm really bad at offerring praise (or a review, for that matter), but I like it. [/color]
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