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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [color=darkred]Wrist Cutter, where are you from? EDIT - Sorry, Sere. Shy, I like your quiz. But some of the people in it I haven't heard of...like Forte. Who was he? [/color]
  2. [color=darkred] Yeah, its pretty much coincidence. I'm not stalking her. lol. or I've posted, then she's said soemthing to me and I've replied...or vice versa.[/color]
  3. [color=darkred]I know, Sere. Have you read my posts in this forum. I'm surprized with myself. And by nice, do you mean cheerful, or well put? Besides, I wanted to put something in here. Dealing with Death makes you feel completely alone, and in solitude. Even when people who have been through the same thing try to help you out, it feels different, because its fresh for you, and they don't seem to care any more. And even that scares you, because you think "What if I won't care any more?" Again, I wanted to say something. Hope keeps you going. As does the feeling that you [i]aren't[/i] alone, even if you seem to be now.[/color]
  4. [color=darkred] Yes! I am coherent![/color]
  5. [color=darkred] Oh...I see... Here's my results for that one... #1 Babygirl "Jedi Master" Click for more information #2 Cera "The Cynic" Click for more information #3 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" Click for more information #4 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" Click for more information #5 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" Click for more information #6 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" Click for more information #7 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" Click for more information #8 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" Click for more information #9 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" Click for more information #10 Sepiroth " Cool" Click for more information #11 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" Click for more information #12 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" Click for more information #13 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" Click for more information #14 Forte "..." Click for more information[/color]
  6. [color=darkred] I'm more inasane then you are? Really? Oh, thank you, Sere. Okay, how do I get to Shy's quiz...? [/color]
  7. [color=darkred] Growing up is scary, but you have to do it, at least in some areas. You can stay with Anime, because it isn't necessarily juvenile. If you're, say 48, and still laughing at a jack in the box when it springs out and scares little children, thats when I start to worry. But if you're mature in other things, why worry? Everyone has things they're immature about. Me, I'm pretty much Immature most of the time. The people who are the most mature of us probably sleep with a hello kitty doll and need a night-light. Don't worry about growing up. We do it naturally. You probably won't even notice that you are growing up. Wow I'm in a wierd mood today![/color]
  8. [color=darkred]Make a decision, and stick with it. If you like the other person(and the other person likes you), then go out with them. And dump your current "significant other". However, don't be nasty about it, but don't do it in a way that would lead them to believe that there might be something left in the relationship, and it could be salvaged. If you decide, after a while, that you made a bad choice, and that you shouldn't have left the first person, tough it out. Going back to them would probably cause more pain to them, and fresh pain to the person you liked whilst in the relationship with the first person. [/color]
  9. [color=darkred] I used to play Volleyball, and loved it. Then I came to my highschool. They aren't so big on Volleyball. Netball for the girls, and Rugby Union for the boys. Those who don't play sport are pretty much ignored, unless they're really good in academic areas. Me, I swim. Thats pretty much the extent of my noticableness.(I realise that isn't a word) But yeah, I love volleyball. It was one of those games you could play as a team, but individually as well. It was (usually) fairly distributed, with rotating sides and positions. It was my favorite right throughout Primary school. [/color]
  10. [color=darkred]Death is always hard. I know it sounds stupid, but it's the truth. You ache, then you cry, and then you keep it inside, and finally you bust, and cry some more. But eventually, you accept it, and move on. The word moving on is a bad one, and it always scared me. What if, by moving on, they mean forgetting? What if I forget them? After a while, say a few years, you'll suddenly say "I don't think about them much any more. I can't remember what they look like." You freak out, and start to cry again, and go frantic and pull out all the pictures you have of them, anything that might remind you of them; aftershave, perfume, the old stamp collection they gave you when you were six. Anything to let you hang on to them. Depending on what type of person you are, you'll let people know you're unhappy, or you'll stay there, keep the misery locked away from prying, sympathetic eyes, learn to put on a normal face, and eventually repress it away. That's the way things work. However, it does get easier. Instead of grieving because they're gone, you might laugh once in a while because you remember something funny they said. Then "once in a while" will come more often, and you can laugh, and remember fondly all the good times you had. Death [i]is[/i] hard, but it will always get easier. Its in the nature of human emotion to let it get easier. I promise. [/color]
  11. [color=darkred]I've [i]never[/i] done [i]anything[/i] wrong. I'm the [i]perfect[/i] student, child, friend, granddaughter, role model to absolutely [i]everyone[/i]. Yes, that was sarcasm. Of course, I've done things wrong. They just don't warrant a mention here.[/color]
  12. [color=darkred] Yes, he fights with socks. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16279/] Go here to see it.[/url] lol. Very well done. Personally, I prefered the Library one...it was wierd, but this poem has its own charm. Good work :p[/color]
  13. [color=darkred]There there, Sere. I haven't gotten you yet. Hehe...I'm gonna keep trying until I do...or get bored of it... And, Flynn can't get on Otaku much...I read the post by Ravenstorture in the Newbie Lounge...you'll be safe for a little while, at least...[/color]
  14. [color=darkred]...Faris is a [b]guy[/b]??? Whoa...now I feel stupid...[/color]
  15. [color=darkred] You mean betting over the internet?... :p [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]You think it's hot now? Just wait until December. Actually, I don't know about Queensland, but I do know that it gets a lot hotter in December here in Perth. I really don't like summer in Australia. I've lived here all my life and I'm still not used to the heat.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Yeah, the same thing happens here. We hit highs around October time, then again around christmas...*grumble* damned weather. Oh, I'm [i]used[/i] to the heat...if by used to you mean every time it seems at all hot I barricade myself into my sisters room and turn on her air-conditioning.[/color]
  17. [color=darkred]The other two went off into a different room, and Rae set to work translating the book again. [i]The passage to the east leads underneath the building, and connects with another passage, intersecting at exactly 90 degrees. The north end of the tunnel is blocked by a cave in, the south end comes out at a cliff. Step out of the tunnel in the south end, and you'll plummet down the cliff. They know of only these four entrances. The North, South, East and West. They will surround you. However, the maker of this building was known as Nairn. He would never trap himself that way. Find the passage near the hooked crutch, hidden by the silver leapod...[/i] "Seth," Rae called. "Its hidden again." Seth came in, looked at it for a minute, than said. "No, it isn't." "Then this is one ****** book." was her only comment as she continued reading.[/color]
  18. [color=darkred] Honestly? Solitude. I have to be alone (or relatively alone) for at least an hour each day, or I drive myself crazy and turn into a *****. Thats my most important. Then, (in no particular order): books, notepad and pen, food, water, probably internet, ermm...motivation. I don't know what kind of motivation, but I have to have it. :p [/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] Yes, good suggestion, Asphyxia, I'll change it. I do admit I did overuse the word then, but I had to because 1)I was writing in first person, and 2) this is a recount of an event that the unnamed character which I created is experiencing. Oh, and I'd like to ask one thing. What did you think happend at the end? Do you believe he was dreaming, ect, or do you have your own theory? Oh, and did you like how I left the ending for the reader (you) to decide what happend?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Yeah, I overuse then in first person, too. Or under use it and make the whole story sound choppy. I hate writing in first person, and you did that much better than I could. To me, it sounded like he was dreaming, but instead of just a dream, more of a divination-type dream, where it shows what could happen. I [i]really[/i] liked the way you ended the story. It made me think, and my mind was almost twitching to write more and end the story myself, but I honestly don't feel like writing anything at the moment (my brain has turned to mush). The way you ended the story sort of shows that its the end, but lends itself to extension. I know when I'm reading a book that I'll put it down and make up what happens next. However, in letting the story finish like that, you didn't do it so 'cut off' like that the reader is left with a feeling of it being unfinished, or wanting to [i]really[/i] know whats ahppening next. For instance, have you read [i]Letters from the Inside[/i] by John Marsden? He cut that story off, and it infuriated me, because there was [i]no clue[/i] as to where the story could have gone. It didn't leave you any way to extend the story. This does. And is anything I just said making sense to anyone but me?[/color]
  20. [color=darkred] Mitch, that really good. I'm glad you got rid of (for the final draft) the two 'pensive' words. In the last two lines, I suggest you get rid of 'then' [/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Mitch[/i] [color=red]I then awoke to find myself back in Mick's car. The door stood again ajar, as if by some replaying of the torturous event I had just lived.[/color][/quote] [color=darkred][quote] [i]Rae's suggestion.[/i] I awake to find myself back in Mick's car. The door stood again ajar, as if by some replaying of the torturous event I had just lived.[/quote] It isn't big, but those are my thoughts. Well done. [/color]
  21. [color=darkred]Rae let out a scream of frustration, and Siren came running, stopping Rae from shooting a whole through the now closed book. "What is it?" "It makes no [i]sense[/i]." Siren sat down beside her. "Obviously. Look at it. It's gibberish. There are these funny swirly things that look like fish, and these square things that look remarkably like triangles..." "Siren, its a language. The translations make no sense....gold monkeys, needles in the skin...and look at this! 'The dawning time of 7pm!'I don't understand it!" "Okay, okay. Wait till Seth gets back and see what he knows." Okay," she replied grudgingly, letting the book drop on to the floor with a loud 'bang'. [/color]
  22. [color=darkred] Rae sat crosslegged on the sofa, flipping over cards from a deck quite idly when Valentyne sat down. "What's wrong, Rae-Rae?" Leaving the cards alone, Rae leaned back against the sofa arm, frowing. "Not really. Just a little bored." "Oh?" "Yeah. I'll be fine soon." At that point, Seth walked in, a book in hand. Looking up, Rae saw the cover's title, and squealed happily. "You brought me a book!" It seemed rather inane for Valentyne to point out that it wasn't necessarily for her. Rae'd snatched it from Seth's hands. "Oh..." she gasped looking at the pages edged in gold. "Pretty." Skipping back over to the couch, she sat down, and settled herself down. "Right," Valentyne said, a wealth of sarcasm in her tone. "I think i'll leave you to it." "I was wondering if you could translate it? Mindreaders are usually good at this sort of thing, aren't they?" "Oh, sure we are." She replied, still immersed in the pages. "When do you want it?" "As soon as possible?" "Okay, I can give you the rought translations in a few minutes. Now shoo!" She waved her hand at him in a vague 'go away' motion.[/color]
  23. [color=darkred] Yeah, I saw that saying. Mine was "The Fear Within"[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I got you on the first quiz...strange... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Why? Hehe, you must have put in all the soppy *shudder* answers. That's how you get me. I'm not sure why. [/color]
  25. [color=darkred] ...Well, okay. I'll use Desbreko's definition (which I believe comes from dictionary.com) [quote]Normal - nor mal [i]adj.[/i] 1. Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical: normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations. [i]n.[/i] Something normal; the standard: scored close to the normal. The usual or expected state, form, amount, or degree. Correspondence to a norm. An average. [/quote] Normality is relative to the standards of people in the environment, as you guys have already said. Normal will change with time, seasons, fashions, and people who were once considered wierd will become normal...but it might take a few hundred years or so. Some people revel in their wierdness. Some are just naturally odd. However, I must admit, in this day and age, normal is pretty much an 'ideal'. Everyone has their quirks which takes them out of the normal category. And thinking about it, would we [i]want[/i] everyone to be normal? Think about it. The idea leans itself so much to everyone being identical in looks, thoughts, and feelings. But normality is something which, in trying to be normal, we create the wierdness that defines and identifies so many people. I have no idea if what I just said makes any sense, but there you go. [/color]
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