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RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick] OOC: I [i]know[/i] that Liam will kill me if I haven't posted since he went away, so I'm posting now. _______ Thankfully, the fire had been contained. However, Adam's temper wasn't. Rae sat through at least an hour's scolding in silence, then her nerves got the better of her, starting to twitch and cramp. Rae sighed, stretching her muscles, and Adam, who'd been pacing, whirled around to face her, his expression dire. "Rae, you put us in danger. What would have happened if...if someone wanted to break in while your confusion had taken everyone form their posts?" "Adam, nothing happened. Get over it." He sighed irritably, his features hardening. "Go." She snorted and rolled her eyes, leaving quickly. "Well, that was fun," she remarked to Craig as she left. "I think an inquisition would be more fun." [/color] -
[color=firebrick] Rae stopped and sniffed the air, sighing contentedly. Valentyne's cooking. [i]So[/i] much better than hers, or Sirens. Walking up to Valentyne, she sighed happily and sat down. "I lvoe you, you know. I wouldn't survive without your food...I wouldn't survive with Siren's food." Siren called out from the lounge room. "I heard that! There is [i]nothing wrong[/i] with my cooking!" "Yeah, except for the edibility factor," Rae whispered as Valentyne chuckled. "Siren," Rae called out, walking in to sit down opposite her. "I think I sorta let slip about the mind reading." "Oh, Rae, not again. You know you freak people out about that." "Yeah, but sometimes I can't tell if people are thinking it or saying it. A persons voice is the same in their head as in real life..." Twitching, Siren rolled her eyes. "You should be thankful that you learnt how to block out thoughts, or you'd be insane by now." "As if I'm not already." "Who's insane?" Valentyne called out. "Big ears! I am. Anyone attempting to break in [i]there[/i] has to be insane. Or foolish. Or both." [/color]
[color=firebrick] lol. This is on Cartoon Network. Oh lord, was I obsessed with this when I was younger. [b]Name:[/b] Lady Asphyxia [b]Character:[/b] Linka [b]Reason why this character was chosen: [/b] She has the power of wind. I [i]love[/i] wind. Beside's which, she has a cool accent. I was obsessed with being her when I was little. I used to play games with my friends where we'd be the Planeteers. And she was compassionate, and thought about every body...except maybe Wheeler. However, on occasion, she was nice to him, too. I like that. [b]What you know about the character:[/b] She has the power of wind. She also has a cool accent (I swear, I love it). She's quite smart, more logical, than emotional, though her temper [i]does[/i] get the better of her. [quote]Taken from the Official Captain Planet Site Gaia, the spirit of Earth, awakens from a century-long sleep to the pillaging of the planet by a largely oblivious humanity. Fearing for the future, she sends magic rings to five youngsters from around the globe - Wheeler (North America), Linka (Eastern Europe), Gi (Asia), Kwame (Africa) and Ma-Ti (South America) - Gaia's team in the battle against further destruction of the Earth. By letting their powers combine they summon Captain Planet, the greatest hero the world has ever known. hese planeteers must fight to protect the earth from the eco-villains. As the youngsters place the rings on their fingers, they are magically transported to Gaia's home, Hope Island, an uncharted, unpolluted tropical isle far from civilization. There, Gaia teaches them the secrets of nature. As they learn of their personal power, each identifies with one of the four ancient elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and a very special new power, Heart, which symbolizes the compassion needed to save the Earth. [/quote] I could just [i]hear[/i] the narrator saying that. :rolleyes: Man I was obsessed.[/color]
[color=firebrick] 1) Well, I'm from Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. I'm also currently cursing my mother for moving here from New Zealand, and melting in my own body heat. It is very hot here at the moment. 2) Toowoomba is regarded as "The Garden City" of Australia, despite the fact that New South Wales (or is it Victoria?) is known as the Garden State. It's the Second biggest inland city, the first being Canberra. Toowoomba's around one and a half hours drive from Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland. Toowoomba is also aboriginal for "Swamp"...great name. Every September, we hold a big festival, called the Carnival of Flowers. We have a population of around ninety thousand. We're on the Great Dividing Range, which means it's full of hills. We used to be a volcano, swampy type of place, which is how it got its name. It's pretty safe here. We've left our front door open all day and nothing has happened. Though, that [i]might[/i] have something to do with living on a dead end street. I've got friends who've been robbed 4 times by the same guys. 3) Okay, I won't say it. However, I will say, that my Mum, despite knowing it was a good place to raise children, regrets staying here for so long. It's a pretty prejudiced place. If you'r from a different background, or a little strange or something, people won't like you. 4) [i]Discuss about it[/i] ...Into which, I'll read, "What is your opinion of it?" Personally, I dislike Toowoomba. I'd rather be somewhere colder, rainer (I love the rain), possible somewhere like Scotland or England. But that's just me. I find this town a little too stifling, and my school, especially, a little too religious. However, it's a nice town. Pretty. Jacaranda's, Liquid Ambers...very very pretty in Autumn. It sort of depends on your tastes. [/color]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick] OOC: Hehehe....that is sad, Liam. And a funny word. "Scheming." Hehehe... _____________ Raellyra, having finished her shower, decided on a drink. Kkowing the vending machine was near the gym, she went to her room first to get the money needed. As she passed the gym, she smirked, hearing the blaring music, and Raiha and Adam indulging in a shouting match over the top. Sticking her coins into the change slot, she pressed the "Sunkist" button, and waited. Nothing happened. Sighing, she pressed it again. But still nothing. Glaring at the inert machine, Rae sank down onto her knees, and pulled out a case of lock-picks from the pocket in her pants. She chose one, and stuck it in wriggling it about until she heard the lock click. Smiling, she opened up the door. Inside was a mess. It were as if someone had tipped it over, making all the drinks fall down, blocking up the door. This, she found out as cans tumbled all over her, was not conducive to hold the drinks up. Sighing, Rae grumbled about all the bruises she'd have tomorrow as she started to pick them up. However, as she did so, she noticed soemthing dripping in the back. Carefully, Rae grabbed a lock-pick and used that to swipe it. She brought it up to her nose, sniffing it, then, surmising that it [i]wouldn't[/i] be acidic, she touched it, rubbing the substance between her fingers. Deciding she needed to find out more, she grabbed the box that obviously held the substance. It was black, metal, and perfectly unidentifiable. Thinking, Rae decided on a course of action, putting the box, with barely anything in it, on the ground, then lit a match; another item she always carried on her. She dropped it into the box, watching as burst into flames. Unfortunately, Rae learnt, the box was just a [i]tad[/i] bit close the everything else. The drink machine [i]somehow[/i] went up in flames, at the same time creating a huge explosion. Craig, who'd come up behind her when she was pre-occupied, stated dryly. "I believe the correct statement would be 'Oops'." "Yeah," replied Rae. "Thanks for that." She stood up, watching the machine burn. "I think..."she started pensively, "we might need an extinguisher. Or water." As she finished that thought, Adam crashed out of the gym, a look of alarm on his face. It was, Rae realised horror that history could be repeating itself. [b]***FLASHBACK***[/b] [i]The bomb was completely unexpected, and devestated the group. They'd been sitting in a meeting, what for, Rae had never found out. All she knew was that the bomb had blown with a huge explosion, Adam being just rooms away. He'd gotten scars all over his body because of the fire. He come running out of the room with two men behind him, his eyes searching frantically for Rae and Matt. "Adara! Matt!" He'd called hoarsely. "Get out! Now! There's been a bomb!" Rae who'd been in shock, hadn't been able to decipher what he was saying. It was Matt who'd grabbed her arm and started running. It'd been close, so close. The fire had spread quickly over the building. So many had died.[/i] [b]***END FLASHBACK***[/b] Adam's eyes took in what had happened, scanning the now melting veinding machine , and resting on Rae's guilty face. "Rae," he asked, as a security guard came running up with an extinguisher. "What did you do [i]this[/i] time?" Rae just shrugged sheepishly. [/color] -
[color=firebrick] Let's see...most secrets I know aren't about me, they're about friends, and I wouldn't tell [i]those[/i] for the world. Otherwise, I'm a pretty open person. I have a collection of stuffed toys...which I keep in a garbage bag in my closest. Hmm... The thing about secrets is that on-line, they're not so much secrets as stuff that hasn't come up before. ...like you'd tell real secrets to the entire world...or however amny people there are here. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Well, I can only say this; at least you didn't die from the car accident. And believe me, you Dad would probably be a lot unhappier if you had. So, I can't give you any really useful advice, and I don't pray, but good luck. On another note, Yu Yu Hakusho!, you're signature is too big. You'll have to make it smaller. Perhaps put them into a list like this; [quote]Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragonball Z, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Gundam Wing, MANY MORE!!!! [/quote] Sorry to get off the topic, but honestly, its too long. [/color]
[color=firebrick]Rae walked in eyes lgihting up as she saw the occupants. "Tinny!" She squealed. Valentyne glared at her, and Rae settled down. "Sorry..." "Yeah, its okay, Rae-Rae. We know your mental capacity only allows emotions." "Har har. Funny." "I thought so." Rae smiled at Valentyne. It was good she was back.[/color]
[color=firebrick]Carrie was leaning against the wall, breathing deeply to control herself. The battle had been a good one, full of fury. And that, of course, was the problem. The fury was still thumping through her. If there were a trigger, a surprize, a major emotion, someone innocent would get badly burnt. Carrie opened her eyes as she heard a footstep, whirling towards the sound, fire flying around behind her. Her hand came up to her chest in the classic "You just scared me" position. The fire rushed towards the man; Henry. It stilled just before it hit him, curling behind Carrie. She grinned sheepishly. "Sorry." He shrugged, or rather, seemed to shrug. It was hard to tell. "I just...lose control sometimes." "What's happening here?" "What do you mean?" She shifted from foot to foot. "Why is everyone gathering?" "We're going to kill Dracula." "So it's as easy as that, huh?" "Nope, but hey, it'll be fun." Deciding to go and find something to do, Carrie started walking away, wondering if she could find some targets, in order to get rid of the extra power. [/color]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick] Rae shrugged, and walked back to the common room, after dropping Jaudiar's shirt inside the door. Okay, it [i]was[/i] stupid for Adam to be so self-conscious. However, he put up with her idiosyncrasies. She put up with his. It was what they did. Reaching the common room, Rae glanced at Siren again, bit her lip, then shrugged. She needed a shower. Returning to the dorms, Rae remembered her files. She'd left them in the Head Quarters near Gryphon. Sighing, Rae left with her clothes to go to the shower. ____________ OOC: Ack! Attack of the filler posts! Someone, please, save me! [/color] -
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick] Rae rolled her shoulders, scratched her neck, cracked her fingers, and finally gave up. "Okay, Jaudiar, you win." Jaudiar whooped with joy. "Yes! I [i]told[/i] you that you couldn't do it!" Rae glared at her. "I know. How do you do this thing, anyway?" She turned her head to a different angle, considered standing on her head, then just turned the puzzle upside down. Jaudiar chortled, a snort escaping from her battle not to laugh. "There's a trick to it. I'll see if Siren wants to try." She turned to where Siren was sitting, again in a corner. They were in the common room, however, Siren, Rae, and Jaudiar were the only ones there. The others seemed to prefer the cafeteria. "Wanna try and beat me? Or Rae? Not that that would be hard..." she muttered, wincing as Rae kicked her. Jaudiar turned back to Siren. "So you want to?" Siren didn't reply, instead just turning away and finishing her drink.Frowning, Rae turned to Jaudiar. "I'm worried about her. Honestly." Jaudiar nodded. "So am I. But she's got to sort out her own problems. Just leave her for a while." Rae glanced uncertainly at Siren, then nodded. "Okay. I have to train now, though, or I'm going to loose all my flexibility at a vety fast rate. Want to join me?" "Sure." They made their way to the gym. Jaudiar started off on the floor, stretching into those amazing positions Rae jealously watched. Rae started on the beam, taking it easy with basic manouvers. "This is fun. I should do this more often." Adam, who'd come into the gym without them noticing, remarked. "You mean twice a day, instead of just once?" Surprized, Rae wobbled and fell. She glared at Adam. "Yeah. Thanks." She got up gingerly, making sure nothing was wrong. Everything was fine. Jaudiar walked over to Adam, having stood upright from a backward walkover. "So, what's wrong?" "Nothing, I was just keeping track of everyone..." Rae smirked, trying to keep her laughter hidden. "You wanted to use the gym, but you never use it when someone's inside, so you wanted to see if anyone was occupying it?" "Something like that," he muttered, a stain of red flushing his cheeks. "That's okay. Come on Jaudiar." Rae almost skipped out, Jaudiar following her bemusedly. "What was that about?" Rae giggled. "He's embarrased. When he was younger...all these girls flocked towards him because of his body, and now he's got all these scars and things, so he's...embarrased." [/color] -
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick]Rae followed as the trio slowly progressed through the building, pausing as a helicopter sounded overhead. "I think we'd better..." Jaudiar finished her thought. "See who it is. Find a safe place." Liam grunted in opposition. "You can't kill her if you'r dead before you get to her, Liam." She remarked dryly. "Okay," he acknowledged grudgingly. "We'll be careful." They quickly clambered into the air vent, making sure that it would hold thier combined weight. Staying alert, Rae was their eyes, Liam their ears, and Jaudiar their firepower. Rae peered down through the small grate, nerves stringing tightly as footsteps came closer. She breathed a sigh of relief as she realised who it was. "It's Craig and Ryan." She was pushed out of the way as Liam silently scrambled to have a look. She exchanged a glance with Jaudiar. "What are [i]they[/i] doing here?" He sighed in exasperation. Jaudiar snorted. "Could it [i]possibly[/i] be that they weren't sent here because we rather obviously stole a helicopter and came to this hell-hole?" Liam didn't to acknowledge that with a reply, instead pulling out the grate and dropping onto the floor. "What are [i]you[/i] doing here?" He asked, glaring at both of them in turn. "Well, Adam found out that you were here and decided to make us come and back you up." Ryan stated, staring at Liam fearlessly. "I thought it was generally accepted that Liam was going to go," Raellyra murmered to Jaudiar. "What do you mean?" "I know my brother. He isn't as dumb as Liam thinks. He'd have known Liam was going to go..." "Ah..." Jaudiar's frown cleared as the reason dawned on her. "And he wanted Liam to take care of it. He trusts Liam. But we threw a spanner in the works, and if three go, all of us have to." "So where are the others?" Craig, who'd been listening to the girls' whispered conversation, answered. "They'll be here sooner or later..." "We didn't bother to pick them up with us..." Ryan explained. "But..." Raellyra began confused. "There were only two helicopters at the place where we got ours from..." Jaudiar rolled her eyes. "How eloquently put." "Well, we [i]are[/i] in enemy territory..." Liam, who'd been pretty much silent, butted in. "Precisely. So, maybe we should, you know, get moving?" "Oh, right." Rae muttered, already starting to slide towards the walls for protection. The others followed her lead. Liam knew the basic set up, so he was just looked to as the guide. It was obvious, however, when they came upon the main rooms. "You'd think they'd be more heavily guarded," she remarked. "No," Liam argued. "Jes...the target believe's she is invincible. Beside's which, she's expecting us." OOC: There you go Liam. Happy? [/color] -
[color=firebrick][size=1] Erm...you can edit, Rei...anyway, the thing is, it's a [i]show[/i]. They need ratings. They need to kill off people, bring them back if the ratings go down, that sort of thing. As for the Prue thing, it was because She and Alyssa were fighting like cats and dogs, and they had to chose which one was more popular and get rid of the other...[/color][/size]
[color=firebrick][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Raellyra [b]Age:[/b] 457 [b]Race:[/b] Vampire [b]Town:[/b] Ostea [b]Weapon:[/b] Katana [b]Dark Gifts:[/b][i][b]Immolo:[/i][/b] It is a basic necromancy spell. It doesn't kill the human (for they have to be alive), instead takes away part of them. It can be part of their soul, or part of their mind. [b][i]Illusion[/b][/i]: Allows Raellyra to weave images into the victim's mind. For instance, it can make a rough wooden chair seeem like a throne. [b][i]Accendere[/b][/i]: Creats a large blast of fire. Sort of like a flamethrower... [b]Bio:[/b] Raellyra isn't interested in her past; it's in the past and isn't really relative to the present. She knows that she's now situated in Ostea, and she tends to keep company with vagabonds and murderers. They seem more innocent than everyone else. [/color][/size]
Writing The Story My Teacher Tried to Burn
Lady Asphyxia replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
[color=firebrick] Wow, I get first comment *looks around in a daze* I thought it was good. The whole backstabbing life is a ***** thing is very well done thing, two. [/color] -
[color=firebrick][size=1] Carrie hesitated as there were shouts from the men. "What do you think? Should we save them?" "No, they've probably just found out that the bread is cold or something." Carrie made a sound of disgust. "Men." They could hear Artemis shout, "Henry? Henry!" Carrie, who'd been getting dressed anyway, threw on her clothes, and took a gulp of water from the nearby river. "I think," she began, stopping as Misty nodded and took off, barely covered. Carrie followed quite closely, and she skidded to a halt as as the picture of Ryan and Asteroth battling various lesser minions of evil. Carrie raised an eyebrow...they were shouting for [i]this?[/i]. "Hopeless" She remarked. But Misty wasn't listening. "I can't find Artemis." Carrie raised an eyebrow. This was odd. Misty was usually amazingly ready for a fight, and now, she wanted [i]Artemis?[/i] Sighing, Carrie rolled her eyes. "We'll go find Artemis, then. Ryan," she called. "Where's Artemis?" "Erm..." he looked around, deftly dealing with another Harpy. "IO think he went to the tavern..." "Right. Thanks." "A little help?" Asteroth asked as another wave of demons attacked. Carrie grinned. "I thought you'd never ask." She replied, sending a wave of fire at them, feeling anger as she did. It was a downpoint of her powers. They were closely linked to her feelings. If she was deeply moved through emotion, she couldn't control her powers. If she used her powers, her feelings were affected. Annoying, but she could live with it. Jerking out of her musings, Carrie realised that Misty was running towards the tavern, completely forgetting about the danger. "Oh for..." Baring her teeth, she sent another wave of water towards the spirits about to attack Misty. Misty twirled around as she felt the energy at her back. "Thanks" she called cutting down some more demons. "No problem!" Misty smiled and ran into the inn. Carie, who loved the power that come with her magic; the rush from her fingertips, the tug of evil that always accopanied it, stayed put, fighting more demons with a joyous expression on her face. [/color][/size]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick][size=1]Rae stopped quickly as shouts and gunfire were suddenly heard. "I think we're there." It had been twenty or so hours since they'd last spoken. Quite some time for her. "So how are we getting in?" OOC: Oh My God...or rather, not my god, anyway...[/color][/size] -
[color=firebrick][size=1][EDIT] Well, guys its offical. I have fractured my ankle...weee! Name: Raellyra Hero / Villian: Rummi Age: 18 Race: Human Top 3 spells: [b]Immolo:[/b]Can bring back people from the dead. However, the body must be right there. Its more of a putting the soul back in, not a zombie thing. [b]Belua[/b]: Lets her control the will of beasts. [b]Veraugur[/b]: Lets her see if someone is lying, or if deception is going on. Discription: Black hair, blue eyes, with red streaks in the front. She is quite pale, and about 5'5. She has a tattoo on her right shoulderblade. It looks like a tiger. Bio:... Guardian: Jaque. A 'miniature' white tiger. About a 2/3 the size of a real tiger. [/color][/size]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick][size=1] Liam glared and turned around, a vien in his neck twitching. "I heard that." "You were supposed to." Rae rubbed her wrist. "Rain's coming." Liam looked at the barely visible sky, obviously full of rain clouds. "No **** Sherlock." "You're such an ***, Liam." Jaudiar intervened. "Leave it, Rae. He's not a happy camper." "Neither am I. In fact, I hate camping. I tend to whinge when I do." "Oh," Liam groused, still stomping through the bushes as he cut them one by one. It seemed more like a release for angrer than a necessity, really. "We hadn't noticed." "And sarcasm is just one more service we offer," Jaudiar murmered. "...Along with bitchyness, trigger-happyness, being a bastard, and, of course, dwelling on ****." Liam spun around. "What is [i]wrong[/i] with you, Rae? Is there a [i]reason[/i] why you like annoying me when I'm burning angry?" She nodded, unconcerned, anger showing in her face. "Yeah, there is. **** happens, Liam. I got stabbed a lot. Jaudiar killed a lot. Siren killed poeple she didn't want to be dead...or maybe she didn't. Maybe you didn't have a sister, and in reality she was jsut sent there to kill you from the word goes...yes, okay...thats a pretty bad explanation, but, hey, thats how it goes. I don't mind. In fact, I'm going to shut up now, so that I don't make a bigger fool of myself..." "Too late, Rae." Rae's hand went to her gun and she jerked, stopping herself from shooting him, just. "Liam, just...you know what? I'm not going to say it. Go and sulk over the fact that she's on the enemies side. But, remember, that life isn't about good or bad...it's about survival." With that little rant over, Rae grabbed the machete from Liam's hand and began hacking away at the growth. OOC: Okay, wierdness. This is all [i]your[/i] fault Liam. [i]You[/i] wouldn't fight me, so I went off on a pretty stupid, probably uncomprehensible post. So there :p ...Erm. yeah. Ignore this. Its Sunday night. School tomorrow. I'm mourning the loss of another weekend. [/color][/size] -
[color=firebrick][size=1] Raellyra, who'd been about to walk past the table as Seth spoke, paused, then continued on her way, striding towards her current sucker. Matt. "Saide," Matt grinned jovially. "I was beginning to wander if you'd abandoned me." She grimaced. First of all, she was sick of the name Saide, at least for now. Second, she was sick of this guys [i]happiness[/i]. "Yeah, sorry for that. Look, I've met some friends," she went on, thinking fast. "So I can't stay with you tonight, okay. Good." She spun around and left, making her way back to the table she'd passed before. "Hi. Nice to meet you both. This seat taken?" Not waiting for an answer, she sat down. "I'm Andrella, by the way." OOC: Sorry for the short post. I'm going out. :blush: [/color][/size]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick][size=1][b]***FLASHBACK***[/b] [i] "Hellcat got her nails clipped," Adam announced as soon as they were alone. Rae was eleven, only old enough to kill, not old enough to be privy to information. "That's nice." "Adara..." "Listen, you can't call me that here...I am Icicle, or Icy. It isn't safe." "It should be." "It isn't. And I'm sick of it. I want out." He sighed and lent against the wall. "I'll get you out, Icy. But the big bads don't like it." "**** them."[/i] [b]***END FLASHBACK***[/b] "You're Hellcat?" "I just said so..." "Nice to meet you. You were the top assasin there..." "You were one too?" "Seems like lots were." "Liam?" Rae snorted. "No. Liam's too SYFish to be one. Speaking of which..." Jaudiar, who didn't know Rae had somehow worked herself into anger within the space of a minute, watched as Rae stormed into Liam, who was raiding the fridge by now. "Liam snap the hell out of it! It was her decision, not yours!" Liam ignored her and continued to raid the fridge. "Liam! Look at me!" Liam closed the fridge and met her gaze with two cold and unblinking eyes, "I know it was her decision. That's why I've got to kill her. I'm leaving this evening and none of you are going to stop me." Rae thought for a minute. She should have expected it...she'd do the same thing... "I'm going with you." He made an exasperated noise in the back of his throat and pulled out some cheese. "Liam, you hurt my grandaddy. At least let me go with you." He glared at her. "Fine." "Good." Rae turned around. "Jaudiar, you wanna come?" A squak of protest was heard from Liam. "Sure," Jaudiar replied. "Where are we going." "To kill someone bad." "Okay," a grin lit Jaudiar's face."What about Siren?" "Iono. Siren, wanna come?" Siren stared at them, not blinking. "I guess it's just us Liam." He grumbled all the way to the car. [/color][/size] -
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick][size=1] OOC: Ohh...so [i]thats[/i] the other surprize you were talking about... ________ Rae finished her icecream, then went to her room, gathered her clothes, and continued to the showers. Surprizingly, nobody was there. Shrugging, she figured that they'd probably finished their shower. Not bothering to check the temperature, she jumped in and turned it on. Her shriek could be heard in the cafeteria. Jaudiar smirked. "I think Rae just discovered the water problem..." Rae emerged half an hour later, almost blue. She was dressed in a black top and jeans, and was carrying with her a small book. Her hair was wet, and poured down her back in a brown, tangled mess. Walking into the dining room, she noticed Siren staring at her. Siren's whole demeanor was different. And Liam...Liam wasn't rihgt either. Something was going on. She found Adam in the computor intelligence room. "What happened?" "What do you mean?" "Don't play stupid with me, Adam. You're my brother. I know your not stupid." "Nobody else does." Rae looked at him closely. There was a lot of hurt in those eyes. Liam had really gotten to him. She sat down next to him. "What's wrong?" "Nothing's working out right. Its as if they know our every move before we make it. And I've just found out why." "Why?" "This is confidential, Rae." "I didn't tell anyone anything else." "Okay." Adam looked around, checking for eavesdroppers. There was no one there [i]no one[/i] could find out what he was going to tell her. "Liam's sister..." "Jess..." "Yes, Jess." Adam didn't ask how she knew. She'd hacked into the computors. "She's switched." "She's an enemy?" Adam nodded. "Okay, that explains why Liams ****ing angry now...but why Siren." "Siren isn't angry. Siren's scared." "Why?" "She found out that I know about her past." "As Ariana?" "Yes." "But...we said we'd never let on, Adam. The files were destroyed, even [i]my[/i] hard copies are gone. And it [i]wasn't her fault![/i] I thought we knew that!" "We never really confirmed it." "[i]Adam![/i] God! Yes, we worked as enemies of the country for a while when we thought it was fine...but we don't need to do anything else...we made up for it...I got rid of my milita training, I don't use it anymore... and you went to the SYF people and enrolled me, and Matt, and you join the SAS. Our parents never found out, thank god. Matt died [i]for[/i] his country. Why did you bring it up [i]now?[/i]" "I'm sorry Rae. I was sick of catering to little gun-happy brats." "okay, Adam. Okay. I'll...I'll work it out." Rae left, casting a worried glance at Adam as she did. Walking back into the dining room, she went and sat next to Jaudiar. "Wow, some atmosphere we got going here...hostile from all four courners. Well, two, but it's enough to cover four corners." "Yup," Jaudiar agreed, flipping a card over. "If I wasn't going to be shot almost the minute I stepped outside the entrance, I'd leave." "Wanna play blackjack?" "Okay." Rae flickered her eyes up to Siren, then over to Liam, and back to the game. There was nothing she could do right now. [/color][/size] -
[color=firebrick][size=1]Rae slid back behind the wall. So Seth was a Necreen. Or he'd implied he was. Walking up to Slade, she smiled, and answered his comment. "No, there isn't any point in both of you dying." "Wha..?" "I know things." "Like?" "I'm from the house of Mirwell. Paranoia, Spying, Death... everything runs wild there." Slade stared at her. "Rae...I know who you are. You're Raellyra Stanton. There's a goddamn bounty on your head." "Not really. A bounty is usually dead or alive. I'm alive only. They want me to be the next ****ing ruler. Can you see [i]me[/i] ruling?" "Erm...not really." "Precisely." "Anyway, what's on your hidden agenda?" Rae asked bluntly. [/color][/size]
[color=firebrick][size=1] Carrie watched as the succubus started attacking. Forgetting herself, she reached into her bag and pulled out a sketchbook and charcoal, starting to sketch the creature. Then it started singing, and the three stopped and stared. "Oh, for the love of..." Carrie stood up and shrieked, wind whipping the Succubus around until Artemis could get his spear ready. When he had, she stopped, reseated herself, and continued sketching. [/color][/size]
RPG SYF: Special Youth Force: Garrotted Threats...
Lady Asphyxia replied to liamc2's topic in Theater
[color=firebrick][size=1][b]20 Minutes Later, at 0530 hours. [/b] Rae sighed and stretched happily as she clambered out of the helicopter, getting the annoying kinks out of her back. Jaudiar got out next, and stood behind her, doing the same thing. They were [I]finally[/I] at the air base, and Rae was happy enough to skip around the maypole in the middle of December. [i]Sleep, beds, showers.[/i] Speaking of which..."I've got first shower!" She called, and started running towards the bathrooms that were evident in the modern building, knowing that certain people wouldn?t be far behind. Jaudiar, whose reflexes were split second, cried, "Oh no you don't!? and took of after Rae. "Oh yeah," Rae asked whirling around and running backwards for a few seconds. "You gonna fight me for it?" A determined gleam came into Jaudiar?s eye. "Yeah, I will." "Okay then." As they both got into a fighting position, Rae standing with a hand propped on her hip and Jaudiar standing straight and ready, Siren, seeing her chance, started running, reaching the bathroom first. "Siren," the others screamed in unison. "That?s not fair!" Siren shouted through the locked door. ?First in best dressed, people.? Rae glared at the oak door, not bothering to kick it down, though she seriously considered it. Slouching, she slumped over to a wall and sat with her back resting on it. The position of the wall meant that she could see the others coming through the door. Adam, Liam, Ryan, Niomi, Craig, Iitashi, Andrew, Adam?they were all coming. Adam, of course, was the last one inside; he?d had to organize things with the pilots. Rae turned to Jaudiar. ?Maybe we should settle for food.? ?Yeah, maybe.? ?Food is good.? Rae arched a bit, rolling her shoulders, and flopped back down. ?But then, so are showers. I like showers better. You can have food.? ?I want a shower!? ?I prioritize better!? As she said that, Liam strode in, holding a small cup in his hands. ?What is it?? He grinned, licking a spoon. ?Chocolate Ice cream. Adam wanted me here, and I?d figured that I?d lay off him for once. But,? he said, pointing at her with the spoon. ?It won?t happen again.? ?Why did he want you here?? ?Said something about there only being a bit of ice cream left.? Rae jumped up. ?You can have the shower, Jaudiar. That ice cream is mine!? And took off running. Jaudiar snorted. ?That?s okay. I can raid the fridge later. I want a shower first.? She glowered at Liam. ?You?d better not get in the way of me and that door.? [/color][/size]