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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [color=firebrick][size=1]I like it, but to be honest, I have no idea how to improve it. Up until a while ago, I didn't even know what Photoshop was. [quote][b] Very good - a few mistakes, but you also picked some of mine. "Start in c5" C5 is Counter Strike. (Or cs, I think you just missed that one?)[/b] [/quote] Yeah, I didn't know what it was...and have I heard of Counter Strike? Noo...:blush: But I'm learning! :D [/color][/size]
  2. [color=firebrick][size=1] Ohh...can I translate it? Please? Well, I am anyway... [Quote]|-|3`/ 1 541|] 7|-|47 1 4/\/\ |}4|] 47 73x7!!! 4|| 50 |337 |]1|] n07 54r7 1n c5, 1f j00 |}3|13v3 7|-|47 j00 |-|4v3n7 |}33n 0n j4 n37 v3r`/ |0n6! 4n`/\/\/4`/ 1 |-|473 |337 700...[/quote] Hey I said that I am bad at text!!! All so (should be also) leet did not sart (start?) in c5, if you believe that you haven't been on the net very long! Anyway, I hate leet too... How did I do? Anyway, I do like the banner. The text, though...the text... *twitch* But then, I can't talk. I've never made a banner before... [/color][/size]
  3. [color=firebrick][size=1] Carrie knew that Misty and Artemis had left, which was good. Carrie had just been dropping by to rest, anyway. She had to go find Asteroth. Asteroth could find the grand son of Nathan, so that they could kill Dracula. Dracula was ripping too many lives apart, and it had to stop. They had to find the hunters. Carrie walked along a path covered by leaves, glad that because of the rain last night that they didn't make any sound. Pausing, Carrie listened. There. Stepping towards the sound, she reached for an arrow and fitted it to her bow. Whispering, she asked, "Asteroth? Is that you?" Knowing that he'd hear it if it was. He had exceptional hearing. Asteroth jumped out of the tree. "Carrie." "I need your help." "What with?" "I need to find the hunters." "Now? Why? Why not a few days ago?" "The time is right now." "Okay. You're the one who knows." There was a shrug in his voice. "Thank you. First we need to find Nathan's. Sylpha always said he was the most needed. And we need Misty." "Yeah." "Okay," Carrie said, turning around to think. It was a nervous gesture, and always seemed to calm her down. "We can do this. Can't we?" [/color][/size]
  4. [color=firebrick][size=1] Rae glared at Niomi, folded her arms and sighed. "It was probably Avon, Jaudiar. Its hell when those bitches get angry." "Yeah, I know." Rae shuddered in mock horror. "All that paint...but that isn't the point, is it?" You could hear Adam stomping towards them. "Ohh...you gonna be in big, big trouble. Huge!" She said in a childish voice, giggling at the same time. [/color][/size]
  5. [color=firebrick][size=1] Rae watched the event with a snort of laughter, and a glare at Liam. He really should control himself. Rae shuddered with horror. She was acting like Adam! She'd been hanging around him [i]way[/i] too long. She padded over to Liam and Adam in time to hear Liams say, "Just keeping you on your toes, Adam, just keeping you on your toes..." Smirking, trying to keep the laughter off her face, Rae bypassed the two and kept walking foward, in the direction of the now-bombed base. Whistling to herself the song about the man and the lady, she entered the remains. Everything was black. Scorched from the bomb. It was funny, really, how much destruction could be done. Rae wondered through the building, finally stopping at a door, or rather, trapdoor. She pulled it open. It was a bomb shelter. Inside was computor equipment, monitors and radios. So this was how the enemy's air strike had been called. Sitting down at a desk, Rae typed in a few letters on a keypad. They were using the basic "Narse" Keycode. After typing in three letters; K. C. A., the computor let her in. A message had been sent 15 minutes before their team had even gotten there. Rae called up the contents. "Air strike one, be ready in twenty minutes." It wasn't exactly [i]professional[/i] Rae thought. Usually militia tried to immitate the Army, but these people didn't. She cursed. She didn't have her laptop here. [i]Well,[/i] She though. [i]I guess I'll have to do this the hard way.[/i]Rae called up all the information the C drive, and started memorising every detail. [/color][/size]
  6. [color=firebrick][size=1] Carrie woke up and rubbed her eyes, sitting up from the kitchen floor. She'd slept here last night. Wondering where Misty was, she moved into the big room, finding the man and Misty staring at each other. Carrie paused and watched trying not to interrupt anything. [b]Carrie:[/b](muttering) I'll go make breakfast, then. She left, wondering what was going on between the two. [/color][/size]
  7. [color=firebrick][size=1] Rae grinned and stalked towards Adam. He took one look at her, and a horrified expression came over his face. "Adam," she said quietly. He started to back away. "No, Rae." "But you don't know what I want yet." "What do you want then?" "Shampoo. And a bed. And clothes. And food. And..." Rae whirled around to face Jaudiar. "Do I want anything else?" "A toilet." "Yes! And a toilet." "And drinks" "And drinks." "And sunglasses." "And sungl - why do I want sunglasses?" Jaudiar shrugged. "I dunno...I couldn't think of anything else." "Okay then." Adam shrugged. "Just shut up Adara. You'll get it when you go to the base." "Okay." She sat down again. A tune ran through her mind [i]We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz...[/i] Rae giggled. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto...Damn i hate that movie." Adam just shook his head as Jaudiar sat next to Rae. "You're insane, Adara." "Rae." "What?" "Rae's better. People get confused if you call me Adara." "Okay then, Rae." "Good." "Good." "I hate that word!" Rae turned to Jaudiar. "So why are you 500?" OOC: Wow, a whole heap of nothingness...great one deary...[/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1] Rae nodded and moved backward. "Do you want to eat with us? We have plenty of food." Siren paused for a second, thinking the prospect over. "Sure," she finally replied. "I'll eat with you." Rae smiled and bent to look at Elsyans wound. OOC: Crap post, I know, but I have to do an assignment and its taking me [i]forever[/i][/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue][size=1] Carrie trudged along the road. [i]Great,[/i] she though miserably. [i] I'm going to arrive covered in mud. Brilliant way for a famed witch to present herself.[/i]Frustration builded inside her, and she screamed in fury. The wind suddenly picked up and the rain poured harder. Carrie cursed. She couldn't even get angry without the weather mocking her. Walking further along the lane, she made her way to the cottage, and entered it. It belonged to a woman called Misty Renarde. Looking about, she saw Misty, and another man in the room. "Who are you?" She asked the man futilely, for it was obvious he was out cold. Misty was obviously dead-tired, for she didn't stir as Carrie made her way around the house. Carrie lay down and closed her eyes. She'd talk to them when she woke up. [/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1] At the mention of Pineapple Fanta, Rae twitched and sat up. "Thanks Jaudiar." Jaudiar grinned. "Now look what you've done Siren. Made me mention Pinneapple flavoured Fanta." A stupid look came over Rae's face. "Chocolate fudge." Siren snorted. "Took you that long to register it?" "I was half asleep," she pretested, in mock hurt. A voice came in over the headset. [i] You're always half asleep, Rae. [/i] Rae sat bolt upright. "Adam?" [i]No, Rae. It's Santa Claus.[/i] "Funny." Jaudiar looked at her quizzically. "Who is it?" "My brother.Adam." "The one Liam doesn't like," Called Siren, who'd walked over to the bags to get another drink. "What does he want?" "I don't know." [i]I heard you Rae. I'm coming to see the team. I've got to tell you something.[/i] "Liam," Rae called. "Adam's coming. Something about...erm...something." [/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1] Rae wiped her brow and walked back into the room, where she noticed Celest and a stranger had entered. "Whats going on?" She settled herself down on the couch after grabbing a drink from the fridge. [/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1][i] Raellyra shifted and twitched, showing her dislike for blood. It was a necessity, true, and wouldn't change. But, Nepenthe knew, she preferred it was for a good reason.[/i] Rae: Do you suppose that it would be over now? Nepenthe laughed shortly. Nepenthe: I doubt it Raellyra. [i]Raellyra nodded and continued watching. It was horrible. Destruction. But that was life.[/i] [/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1] Rae stood up and stretched. "Liam," she asked. "How long 'till that place gets bombed?" "About two minutes." She groaned. "Dammit! I need to pee." Jaudiar grinned. "I'd suggest going behind a bush, but," she looked around at the bush-less surroundings. "There aren't any." Rae glared as the others snickered. "Fine. I'll wait. At least until the whole air raid thing is over." She stomped away, paused, walked back, grabbed her guns and stomped away again. The group heard the faint sounds of the childhood song, "The Ants Go Marching Two by Two," eminating from Rae. She hesitated, then walked back, muttering under her breath. "I thought you were going." Siren remarked. "I can't," Rae grumbled. "There's an air raid going on!" She sighed and sat back down. "Wake me up when I'm in danger or when we get real food, okay?" [/color][/size]
  14. Lady Asphyxia

    Blood Omen

    [color=blue][size=1] Raellyra appeared next to Jaudiar, watching, waiting. Kain should know he couldn't force a Nosferatu to drink. Gatheirng her surroundings, she walked over to Athen. "What's happening?" "Shhh..." "Who is he?" "Kain." Raellyra's eyebrow rose. "Oh..."[/color][/size]
  15. [COLOR=blue][size=1]OOC: Okay, thanks. I'll remember it...Advil. ______________ Rae nodded silently, then looked around. "Siren's an infiltration girl, she'd probably join us...do you know where she is?" "Erm...no. Liam might." "Liam knows everything. Or he thinks he does. Liam," she called over the headset, "Where's Siren?" Siren herself answered. "I'm here." "Gee," Jaudiar remarked. "Helpful." "In the base. Ryan wants to know if we should attack them. Its not designed for an internal attack. Two guards at a door." Rae arched her brow at Jaudiar. "Why would they do that? Why protect just the outside?" "They're fools. They don't believe that the can get hurt. Invincible and all that." [/size][/COLOR]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Rae glanced up and smiled before gulping down the Advil with a swig of softdrink. "Yeah, maybe. But then I wouldn't have gotten these." She gestured to the guns. "Will the acid in the softdrink dissolve the pain killers faster, do you suppose?" "I dunno. Probably." "Okay." She took another sip. Resting her hands on her hips, Rae declared "This is getting boring. When's night time? I want to sleep. Maybe do some training under the cover of darkness." "Training?" "Flips, handstands, kicks, punches, anything really." "I'll join you." "Okay." "You like that word, don't you?" "Okay? Yeah, its...okay." She laughed. "I use it alot because I don't like the word good. Good is a bad word." "Yup. I agree." ______________ OOC: Advil [i]is[/i] pain-killer, isn't it? We don't have it here...I don't think. [/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1] OOOH...AHHHH...Pretty...*rewaches out to touch the picture* Yes, actually...I've been ready since almost *cough* 2 weeks ago *cough*...But don't worry...I'm learning my virtues. Patience is apparently a virtue. I don't agree, but what the hey, I'll wait. It'll be a novelty. [/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1] I enjoyed it. I love the last line. Its like this quote I made up "Happiness is a state of mind, depression is reality"...um. yeah. I'll go now. *shuffles out of the room, head down* [/color][/size]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ×braceletWhore× [/i] [B]'Gone to die' he writes. And then he presses OK. This is his message, That is his away. 'Gone to die' he writes. Because of just one girl. I guess she didn't realize, She was the center of his world. 'Gone to die' he writes. Blood dripping on the keys. Messages to his friend, Who's begging him please. 'Gone to die' he writes. And then there is no sound. All that there is now, Is a body on the ground.... ----------------------- Beautiful, you said. As you wrapped your arms around her, and kisses her on the cheek. Beautifuly, you said. As you took the clothes right off of her, and laid her into bed. Beautiful, you said. As you loved her so passionately, long into the night. Beautifuly, you said. As you slid the knife across her heart, and took away her life. ------------- [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1] I enjoyed the first one. For the second, I've a few suggestions. First of all, beautifully is the correct spelling. Two 'l's. Secondly, where it says "As you wrapped your arms around her, and kisses her on the cheek." It should be kissed, so that you stay in the same tense. Other than that, I thought it was great! As for the third one, I have no opinion of it. I thought it was good, though I'm not a big fan of freeform, seeing as so manythings can go wrong. I believe, however, that you managed them quite well. [/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue][size=1] Yeah, I have a few... "Happiness is a state of mind, depression is reality" (Me-In a crummy mood) "Just because everyone else thinks your sweet and innocent doesn't mean that your not a whore." My friend, Zia...or Kate, if you know her that way. "Transvestite: Men who want to eat, drink, and be Mary" ...Remembering is hard...I'm going back to bed. [/color][/size]
  21. [color=blue][size=1] EDIT - Thanks, sorry about that, my sister just phoned from England(I'm Australian)Here you go. Name: Carrie Fernandez Age: 16 Appearance: Carrie has black hair, with two red streaks down the front, blue eyes, and prefers black clothing. She wears her great-grandmother's necklace; a sliver chain with a black opal in it. Bio: Once a young sorceress, now a glorified witch, Carrie is Sypha's great-granddaughter. She's been trained well, and is quite ready to face what she knnows she has to; Dracula. She is one of the youngest witches ever, her Great-grandmother was just as powerful. Weapons: She carries a bow and arrows, and a dagger, preferring, as her ancestors did, to use magic. Abilities:Skilled with elemental and beam magic, she is light and can jump high. ---------------------------------------------------- There you go ^_^ [/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1] Rae took a gulp of a sodas and stuffed her face with Power Bars. Finishing, she asked Jaudiar, "Do you want some soda?" She motioned to the backpack. "I've got my own." "Okay." Realising that her plait had somehow come free, Raellyra groaned and pulled out another hairtie, slipping it into a ponytail. She'd been sitting there for a while, Rae realised when she developped a twitch in her right thigh. Sighing, she stretched her leg. "Thanks for the stuff, by the way." [/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1] [i]Rae smiled, loading the gun and aiming the target. It was an automatic weapon, and so much fun to use. She aimed for the paper target, and let it rip. Starting at the heart, then the head, then in a prefect circle around on of the target rings. She stopped, happily letting the gun drop, then switched to another gun, a sniper this time. Deciding she'd better move to another target(one more blow would probably make it drop to the floor), Rae moved again. One shot, in the head. Perfect. Grinning, Rae turned around to Siren and Seth. [/i][/color][/size]
  24. Tsunami. [i]What[/i] a [i]Surprize[/i]. (Yes, that was sarcasm). I've been in the water since I was 14th months old. Swimming all my life. Stopped for a while, though. I am back again. Fear my wrath! :laugh: I actually don't mind Tsunami...
  25. [color=blue][size=1] I did. I was obsessed with the Chipmunks. Did they have movies? I'm sure I remember begging Mum to buy me the movie. My sister, wonderful person that she was, had all their songs...fun. [/color][/size]
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