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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. Lady Asphyxia


    [color=blue][size=1] Hey, I've jsut had a brainwave...I LIVE IN AUSTRALIA!! :eek: Well, Liam...what time and day is it on? Its funny... :laugh: By the way, have you watched Crank Yankers? Funny, funny stuff. Its about these muppets...they look like they're on drugs... Yeah, okay, I'm done.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=blue][size=1] OOC: I know! I was away from HALF A DAY! And then all this comes up...that's it...I'm never leaving the comnputor again! :rolleyes: _____________ Rae's face was childishly happy. She advanced, letting the flamethrower work its magic. Looking back at Jaudiar, she nodded. "I know what you mean. I was actually trained for information. My last mission was as a spy. Then I got babysitting duties. Besides," Rae paused as one enemy got too close, and she aimed the flamethrower at him, letting rip. "I prefer hand to hand. Its more elegant." She could hear Liam snort behind her. "Shut up!" She called, laughing. Jaudiar laughed too, spraying bullets at the same time. [/color][/size]
  3. [color=blue][size=1] [i]Raellyra glanced at Elsyan. This fight was taking a lot out of them. The soldiers kept on coming. Moving closer to Elsyan, she whispered to her. "I'm so tired, Elsyan. I'm not a good fighter. Do you mind if I use magic, now?" Elsyan glanced at Raellyra, seeing she was, indeed, tired. "Sure, Rae." Raellyra let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Elsyan." She immiedately used her "Cataraestu" spell on the closest three men. Smiling, Raellyra whispered it over and over again. It was the only [i]real[/i] killer. The other spells flooded, spoke, liquified. This one was effective. And quite easily. It simply changed the body temperature...raised it. Finally, they stopped coming. Raellyra let out a sigh of relief and fell against a nearby tree. "Well, that was fun." [/color][/size]
  4. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: Well, that threw me for a loop, as you know, Liam. You were there at the time. o.O Ahh well, the more the louder...or something to that effect. ___________ Rae started spraying bullets like there was no tomorrow. Amazingly enough, she was having fun. Or perhaps not so amazingly enough. As only Adam knew, she was an adrenaline junkie. Crawling over to Liam, who'd just run for cover, she yelled at him, trying not to giggle with the noise of the explosion. "When do I get to use my flame-thrower?" He just laughed. Rae rolled her eyes and turned to Jaudiar, holding out her hand. "Wonderful to meet you. I'm Raellyra Stanton. I'm currently waiting to you my new flamethrower, because I like them." Jaudiar nodded. "I'm Jaudiar Sevenstar. I'm waiting to get out of this hell-hole. Nice to meet you." Rae turned to Liam. "I have no idea what to do next. So I'm asking you. Now what?" [/color][/size]
  5. [color=blue][size=1][i]Rae noticed Siren smiling at her. She turned back, giggling childishly. Siren rolled her eyes and turned back to Seth.[/i] Siren: She's like a kid in a toystore. Surprize her with anything else and she'll explode. She's a crack mark-man though. Had to be, to get away from her family. Seth: Her family? Siren: She's a Mirwell. [i] Rae turned to Siren.[/i] Rae: Do you want to have a go? [i] Siren decilined knowing it was out of politeness that Rae offered.Rae nodded, and smiled, then left, making her way down to the rifle range. [/i] [/color][/size]
  6. [color=blue][size=1] Rae sighed happily. She'd already gulped down her food. Rae: True...So very true. I never learnt to cook.Members of my family weren't allowed to. Siren...is Siren. She's great at fighting, but try to get her to do anything like cooking, cleaning or mending, and she'll probably blow the place up trying. Siren pouted. Rae: You know it's true. But don't worry, Siren. You can hire people to do those things. Rae turned to Seth. Rae: By the way...I love your guns. So many of them. So, can I ask you a favour? Rae was warming to her topic, seeming like a little girl, eyes wide and innocent. Rae: Can I [i]please[/i] borrow them? [/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1] Raellyra rolled out of bed early, and walked over to the river. It was clear, not muddy, made so because of the pebbled bottom. She quietly whispered "Eluere"; her spell to converse with the aquatic animals in the region. Her mentor had told her that she could probably extend her reach to non-aquatic animals, but she preferred not to. Aquatic animals were the most coherent. A fish swam to the surface. She dismissed it. Fish were stupid, and slow. They annoyed her. The second creature swam up. Good. It was a seahorse. [i] Good morning friend,[/i] Rae whispered, though it was more of a talk between minds than voices. [i] How do you find yourself? [/i] An image of swords and giants came to her. It was, of course, just humans, but to the creature, they were huge. The seahorse was scared of them. Rae cocked her head [i]Why?[/i] Another image of the horses family being taken away was produced. Of course, the humans needed food. [i]How long ago? [/i] 1 day was the reply. Seahorse time was odd, they counted by the number of meals. Plankton were eaten only when hungry. 5 times was around 24 hours. So the sea horse had seen men 24 hours ago. Soldiers, even. Seahorse didn't move their nests...the men had been here. Soldiers were not good. Raellyra quickly ended the conversation, turning to Elsyan and the other...Indrid. It didn't matter if they were asleep or awake, she had to talk to them. Soldiers were on the move, and that was never good. [/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1] Rae followed Liam's actions, accepting that she honestly had no idea what they were doing. She checked for her guns and daggers. They were there. Good. If she was going into a mission without them, her daggers, she'd feel a lot more vulnerable. And, she remembered, she'd put in her grandfather's knife, just for enemies. And the flamethrower. Rae smiled as a thought flashed into her mind. [i]Fun times[/i] She realised she'd said it out loud when Siren looked at her. "When?" "Wha...?" "When were the fun times?" "Oh. Never mind. I was talking to myself." "First sign of madness, that is." "Then why aren't you muttering?" Siren glared and turned around, muttering to herself. Rae fought back a laugh. It was all good. This mission might be hard, in fact, would definately be hard, but they could deal with it. [i]Or,[/i] Rae thought, in a strangely euphoric mood, [i]they'd die.[/i] [/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue][size=1] Raellyra's mouth twitched. Cooking. Seth look rather...dumbstruck. It was almost amusing how badly someone could ruin eggs. Rae: It's actually probably easier to order pizza. Siren: I didn't mean to Rae... Rae (muttering): Less burning the place down... Siren looked crushed. Rae giggled. She knew it was just an act. Siren didn't care if she burnt food. It didn't matter. There was always more food to be found. [/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1] Raellyra slid deeper into the water as she heard someone approaching. As it came closer, she realised that it was Elsyan, an elf, and friend of hers. Slipping out of the water, quickly pulling a proper dress over her white shift. Deciding that she'd do it just for fun, Rae quickly whispered her [i]"Brevis"[/i] spell, turning her into water. Fighting to keep her shape, Rae held out her hand in a welcoming gesture. Laughing, Elsyan moved forward. "You know if I touch you when you're like that you'll lose your shape." Sighing, Raellyra solidified. "You're right. As usual." "So why are you here?" "Oh, well...I thought I'd see what life was like in this part of the world." "I know you, Raellyra. You wouldn't leave your cottage if you didn't have to..." "You know me too well," she grumbled. "The animals have been extremely talkative lately. There are stirrings...not good ones, either. Something big is going to happen...I just want to be here when it did." "You do realise that curiosity..." "But I am not a cat, am I?" Moving closer, Raellyra whispered to Elsyan, "By the way, there's a guy behind you...he's been following you for days." "I know." "Who is he?" "How should I know?" Raellyra rolled her eyes; Elsyan didn't really worry about things until they presented a problem. Her nature was almost as much Undine as Raellyra's own. Less curious, perhaps, though that wasn't alway true... Shrugging her shoulders, Raellyra smiled at Elsyan. "Mind if I join you?" "Do you want to get dressed first?" "Of course. That was a given." [/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1] "Erm...here." Rae flicked on the lights. "Ahh... good." Siren moved over in a surprizing large area, complete with kitchen and couch. Slouching onto the couch, Siren sighed. Rae sat down next to her. "This is the life, isn't it?" [/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1] Rae was slouched in her chair, not moving. One word was repeating over and over in her mind. [i]Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. [/i] Iitashi, who had been on the computor, stared at her as she did what she called "Spontaneous Convulsing." Jerking around, arms flailng, letting out shouts. It only happened every so often, and usually only out of boredom, or sitting in one place too long. And in betweeen, Rae sat and stared at the wall, occasionally reminding herself to breathe. [i]Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. [/i] [/color][/size]
  13. Lady Asphyxia

    Blood Omen

    [color=blue][size=1] Raellyra started walking towards the energy. She could feel the crackling of mind-whispers. To normal mortals, it seemed like the wind. To vampires, it was energy in its purest form. Brain waves. Probing slightly, she felt her mind slide along a barrier. Immediately, she knew whom it was. Jaudiar. An old one. Smiling, she made her way to Jaudiar and her companians, one of which she recognised as the vampire from before. She could her the third person in her mind. Flicking her mind back and forward, she realised it was Athen. [i]Athen: You've been sloppy Raellyra. Raellyra: No more than you are, Athen. Blood just shows up better on white. Athen: Which is why we wear black. Raellyra: ...and why [/i] I [i]wear white.[/i] [/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1] Sure, I'll join... Character Bio Name: Raellyra Age: 73(Actual), 17(Appears) Physical description: Long (half-way down the back) blonde hair, baby blue eyes, she blends in with humans easily. She usually wears a white dress, with a silver bracelet on her right arm. Preferring no shoes, when the situation calls for it, she'll don sandals. Clan: Ravnos Generation:9th Personality: Raellyra is a clasical Ravnos. Those who know her (and many don't), know her wickedly wry sense of humour, and her appreciation of irony. Her weakness lies, of course, in the fact that she loves deception. She'll consciously play on her innocent appearence. The people who have been introduced to her know her not as Raellyra. She'll give them different names, backgrounds, and lifestyles. Some know her as Saide, some know her as Raina, other know her Lareina, others still as Zahlie, and it's led to some sticky situations. Background:When Raellyra was Embraced, she was 17, and from a lowly background. She'd spent her life making up stories of spys and thieves, and when she was made, the temptation to join them grew stronger. Her sire was a man going by the name of Michael, and he'd found her by a riverbank, sitting there at night, unprotected. Now, Raellyra lives in the hustle bustle of New York, being everyone, and no one at the same time. She is a gracious host, charming many into what she wants. Character ablilities Physical:3 Social:5 Mental:4 Willpower: 3 Attractiveness:6 and a half Disciplines(Four dots in disciplines are allowed to your character). 1.Animalism:1 2.Chimestry:2 3.Fortitude:1 ...what's going to happen in the RPG? It seems interesting...I can't wait to find out the plot. [/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][SIZE=1]...We call them bubblers here (Australia). They are tainted. I will not touch them. I've found blood in the bowl thing before. We call fountains water fountains... anyway, I expect it's an inconvience. In the old days way back when,the kids had to take Brandy and alcohol to school because the sewerage and drinking water got mixed...*shudder* [/SIZE][/color]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Raellyra walked to her room, and desert fatigues. Looking through her stuff, she found what she needed. A hair tie. She plaited her hair, tying it with two hair ties. It'd probably seem stupid to someone who didn't know her, but she hated having her hair down. On missions, it was even worse. She pulled out a small bag. This she took to every mission. Rae opened the bag and tipped it upside down, inspecting the contents. Hair ties, liniment for stiff muscles, suncream, sunglasses, water, a change of clothes (sucked into a very small ball), a portion of food, pen, paper, ammo, and a camera hidden in one of the pens. And, of course, her headset , which she turned back on, and gun, which she reloaded. Stuffing the items back into the back, she pulled it on, grabbed her car keys, and left the room. Jogging out of the HQ, she made her way to the carpark, where she jumped into her Vauxhall Lotus Carlton, grateful that she had her own. If she'd had to wait, or if she'd had to have been earlier, it would have disrupted things. Thinking for a moment, Rae smiled, got out of the car, and opened up the engine. Grabbing a piece of insulated wire, she hotwired the car. It was good to stay in shape. Getting back into the car, she revved the engine and screamed out of there, glad that she got this chance to let her hair down before leaving. Reaching the airport, she noticed Ryan there, seemingly stroking a gun. Her lips twitched. Rae didn't really appreciate guns. She used them to shoot people, not to be the best marksman, or to praise the quality of the gun. As long as it aimed, and shot, it was fine for her.She remembered something Matt had told her when they were younger. "A gun is like a car. It has to look good, not just work well." Rae appreciated cars, and she loved making them purr as she sped along the road, but guns, she just didn't get. Climbing out of the car, she walked up to the Commander and held out her arms. "Ah, yes. Raellyra. Adam put in a special request for you, and, as it was needed anyway, here you go." The commander reached in and handed one gun to her. She smiled,it was a Steyr Scout Sniper Rifle . Then he reached in again, and Rae smiled in delight. They'd gotten her a Flamethrower. ____________ I'm going to the coast today...I won't be back until Monday... [/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue] [size=1]Rae thought for a moment. "Okay." She pulled her piece of paper out again. She wrote "Base" on four pieces of paper, and "Squad" on another four, then tipped them all into Adam's cardboard box. She pulled out a piece of paper and stared at it. "Looks like you're with me, Siren." [/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]She was going to kill Adam. Rae hated these sorts of choices. They were, to say the least, annoying. She much preferred if she was told where to go. Then she mightn't like it, but at least she wouldn't have to choose. Borrowing a piece of paper from Adam, pinching him in the process, she wrote on opposite sides ?Base,? and ?Squad?. Drumming her fingers, she considered the best way to go about choosing. Chewing her lip, Rae considered. The best way, of course, would be to assess the pros and cons of each. To logically state all the reasons why she should go. To? Sighing, Rae stalked over to Adam, kicked him in the shin, and stalked back to her chair. He raised his eyebrow, and she glared at him. Turning away from her, Adam started to fiddle with other gadgets. She turned to Siren, folding the paper idly in her hands. ?How should I choose?? Siren shrugged. ?You got any personal grudges?? ?Nope.? ?Then you should do it logically.? Siren winked and turned back around. Rae nodded thoughtfully. Logical. Right she could do that. She?d already thought of logical?okay. Logical it was. Going back to her piece of paper, Rae unfolded it and looked at it. ?Right,? she said. ?Logical. Eeni, Meeni, Mini, Mot, catch a gang; entire lot, if they squeals let them rot, Eeni, Meeni, Mini, Mot.? She stared at the end result. ?Okay, so I?m going to find the Squad.? She again walked over to Adam, who flinched back. She smirked. ?I?m going to find the squad.? He nodded, still not looking at her. Great, Rae thought as she ambled over to prop up the wall. Now I?ve got that in my head. Eeni, Meeni, Mini, Mot? _____________ OOC: The sad thing is, I actually used the Eeni Meeni Mini Mot thing...ah well... [/color][/size]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]Can I add some? I've got the same thing, but its got different ones on it... 1)Every time you enter a room, sit in a chair, lean back too far, and fall over backwards. Laugh hysterically for about ten minutes. Then, one day, repaet the falling over exercise, but instead of laughing, get up, look at the chair sternly, and say "Its not funny anymore." 2)Get a surfboard. Put it on your bed. Stand on it, and pretend to surf for about fifteen minutes. Then, pretend to "wipe out" and fall off the bed onto the floor. Pretend you are drowning until your roommate comes over to rescue you. 3)Hang a picture of your roommate on the wall. Throw darts at it. Smile at your roommate often, saying things like, "How nice to see you again..." 4)Get a can of beans. Label them "jumping beans" Eat them, and then jump around your room. Get another can of beans. Label them "Dancing beans." Eat them, and then dance around the room. Get another can of beans. Label them "Kill your roommate beans." Eat them, smiling at your roommate. 5)Everytime your roomate falls asleep, wait ten minutes, and then wake your roommate up and say "Its time to go to bed now," 6)Paint abstract paintings, and title them things like, "Roommate dying in a car crash," and, "Roommate getting whacked over the head with a shovel" Comment often about how much you love the paintings. 7)Keep a collection of teeth in a jar. Act excited whenever you add to it, and say things like "In a little while I'll have enough for a sailboat." And, my personal favorites... 8)Get a pet rabbit. At a designated time everyday, take the rabbit into the bathroom and engage in loud shouting matches. If your roommate enquires, refuse to discuss the situation. 9)Keep a hamster as a pet. Buy a blender, and make milkshakes every day. Then, one day, get rid of the hamster. Make a shake with lots of tomato sauce in it. When your roomate comes in, look at the shake, look at the empty cage, and tell your roommate "I was curious." [/color][/size]
  20. Lady Asphyxia

    Blood Omen

    [color=blue][size=1]Raellyra sized up the woman. She knew this line of work well. Flicking her hair back, Raellyra grasped Siren's hand, shinking it. "Actually, no, I'm not new to this. I'm three hundred and thirty-seven. Possibly older than you. I just" she indicated her clothes, "prefer white." Siren raised her eyebrow. It probably seemed an inane thing to do for a vampire. It was true. But Raellyra always got a rush, seeing blood on white. White was so pure. So innocent. "I'm known as Raellyra." "Why do you wear white?" "It gives the impression of purity. It lends itself to the myth of Innocence." Raellyra started walking again, staring up at the sky. "It puts many off their guard." Picking up the hem of her dress daintily, she started walking with Siren. "And yourself? Are you new at this?" [/color][/size]
  21. Lady Asphyxia

    Blood Omen

    [color=blue][size=1]Raellyra strolled through the village, gazing up at the stars. Diamonds on black velvet. Her long fingers idly fiddled with the handle of the dagger. She took in her surroundings. There were many things there. Houses, hovels, huts, a tavern. The tavern seemed to be doing very good business, judging from the roudy noise coming from it. It was like a tiny doll village. A smile played around her lips. She was certainly in a whimsical mood tonight. Feeling a presence behind her, Raellyra slowly turned. "Hey there," the drunk slurred, his eyes roaming over her pristine white dress, and innocent face. She greated the drunk like she would a noble. She knew this game. Curtsying, she replied, "How do you do?" Startled, the man automatically replied. "Yeah, I'm good." Raellyra straightened to her full height again, gracefully pushing a lock of fine, pale blonde hair back over her shoulder. Her baby blue eyes assessed his gullability. Drunks were always the easiest, and this man was no different. "Would you be so kind as to walk me back to my cottage? I've lost my escort, and am afraid of leaving by myself. Such a noble man as yourself would be able to protect me, surely?" Oh yes, she knew this game. Treat a mand like a Lord, and he'd go out of his way to take you to privacy. The man stumbled over himself to accept her offer. "Why yes, M'lady, of course I can...which direction is your cottage?" She lowered her head to conceal her sudden ruthless smile. He was hers. "It is by the forest, Sir." Taking her arm in his, he started walking in that direction. "What name do you go by, Lady?" Raellyra sighed. He was rather coherent, for a drunk. "I go by the name of Raellyra. And yours, kind sir?" "Well, I'm called Bill around these parts. My name's actually William, though." "I see. And, William, do you have any family?" "None. They all died in the winter just passed." Perfect. A loner. The easiest to take. "Come, my cottage is just up here." She started quickening her step. The lust for blood was going to consume her if she didn't feed soon. Spying a private spot, she led him into an alley. "Thank you for your gracious service, William. I simply must reward you somehow." She paused. "But I have no money. How else could I reward you?" She could see the wheels ticking over in his head. Jumping in before he could say anything, she exclaimed, "I know! Come here." Smiling, William walked towards her. Pulling him down to her height, Raellyra smiled, sticking a dagger into his stomach, changing into her real self. She grew fangs, and she started gasping with her need for blood. She drank from his neck. It was so old. Classically so. A vampire drinking from the neck. It was, of course, one of the easiest places to reach. Finishing at last,she pushed the body away from her, staring down at it as it fell. A flash of red caught her eyes. Blood on snow. No, it wasn't, instead it was blood on linen. "Great," she said out loud. "This is all your fault, William." She pouted. She had blood on her dress. [/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1] Name: Raellyra Race: Poly-morphic water sprite: Half human/half Undine. Age: 23 Weapons: A dagger. Spells: [list][b]Amnis[/b]- Can flood the nearest river or creek. [b]Brevis[/b] - LEts her change into her liquid form. [b]Cataraestuo [/b]- Boils the blood of a living thing. [b]Derivus [/b] - Diverts water (usually used after the Amnis spell) [b]Eluere[/b] - Lets her converse with aquatic animals while in human form. [/list] Bio: Raellyra lived with the other members of the hybrid clan, until the man identifying himself as her father came for her. He turned out not to be her father, instead the man who killed her father. Using what she later found to be her 'magic' )only some Hybrids are born with the Undine magic), she killed him, boiling the liquid inside of him. From then on, she trained. Because she didn't know the way back to her clan; she'd never left it before, she stumbled across a cottage occupied by a mage. He taught her what she needed to know. Later in life, she found out that her father had been killed because of orders from Bashag. She vowed to kill anyone who spoke kindly of him...if not in jest, and protect the stone should it ever emerge into the world again. Description: Raellyra has long black hair, and ocean green eyes. Her complexion is very pale, spent from life in the water and out of the sun. She usually wears a black robe slit up the side with black pants underneath. She has a scar in the shape of a five pointed star on her back. It is a brand, and appears on every Undine's back the first time they perform magic. She wears a gold band embedded with saphires around her wrist. [/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1] ...ahh...I've heard of those debates. I'm absolutely Lime with envy...most of the time I just sit there and do nothing, [i]our[/i] teacher is usually talking to the football team(he coaches them) about the Simpsons. Can you guesss who I've got? Religion is my doodle hour, too. And that Study period we have to have...and history when I'm in the library...and Drama...and German...and English, too...and Maths...and Science. But other than that...:rolleyes: Anyway, back on subject. I like it. And if you turn it upside down, it looks like an alien with a bird-house hat. :p Its good. I like the wings.[/color][/size]
  24. [color=blue][size=1] I [i]really[/i] like that one. The meaning is elusive, letting you use your imagination. To me, it brings to mind vampirism (sp?). Was that what it was about? :blush: [/color][/size]
  25. [color=blue][size=1] OOC: Wow, I thought I'd posted after Iitashi...:blush: I've probably got it on some ridiculous post and its soo out of place it isn't funny... anyway... _______________ Rae grinned wickedly as Niomi's brother's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, and he dropped like a 467 kilogrammed camera on a hot summers day. "Niomi", she called as she walked up to her, "I want some of that stuff. I like it." Niomi smiled. "So do I." Rae turned on her headset again, looking around. They were near the basketball courts, the black pitch type she hated. On one side were green grounds, trees dotting them occasionally. On the other were and dry patch where the sprinklers hadn't been for a while. Probably a few days. The heat wasn't that intense. "Niomi," Rae started. "Do you know the gardener?" "Nope. I don't usually come here." "What about you, Iitashi?" He shook his head mutely. Rae bit her lip. "Okay. What do we do with him?" She asked, nodding towards Niomi's brother. She didn't wait for an answer, letting Niomi decide. Turning on her headset, she muttered into it. "We'll be there soon, Adam. By the way, do you know the gardener?" "Yeah," he replied. "Nice guy. Name's Kieran Harnett. The poor bloke had to leave to go to his wife. She's got cancer." Rae swallowed a snort hearing Adam say bloke. She could hear Craig laughing in the background. "Okay. I was just wondering. Won't be long." [/color][/size]
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