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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. [color=blue][size=1]We had some big fires over here...last Christmas I think it was. (or was it beginning of the year?) Anyway, it wasn't really near us, it was in a different state, but Mum used to watch the news reports almost fanatically because my sister lived just near the fire zone. In the end, my sister moved to a friend's place until her flat burned down or the fires were contained. They were contained. [/color][/size]
  2. [color=blue][size=1]Rae screamed as something in her ear squealed. ****! Her headset. Seh had it turned to a special program so that it could be turned off, but as soon as someone wqanted to cantact her, it would grab her attention. This was [i]not[/i] the way she planned. Too late she realised that she'd moved her gun in the process. She quickly fired another warning shot. Hearing running footsteps behind her, Rae shuddered and quickly looked back. "Iitashi." He smiled at her. "Yup." "Its about time you got here...to the briefing that is. Speaking of which..." Rae fiddled with her headset turing the speaker on, confident that Iitashi would cover her until she was finished. "Adam," she said, recognising Adam's voice on the speaker. "Adam, can you wait. Me, Iitashi and Niomi should be there in say, ten minutes...we're a bit caught up right now." Knowing that Liam and Craig would have been there in the first seconds, she spoke to them. Anytime it was on the headset, they'd hear it too. "Don't you say a word, guys. Hold up. You've probably been standing at the conference room door doing nothing for the past half an hour; doing nothing won't kill you. Besides, by now, Adam has probably unloaded some pretty toys. Go play with those." She rang off. [/color][/size]
  3. Rae nodded thougthfully. "They have spies all over my old household...but that could get messy..." She turned to Celest. "Yours is a good idea."
  4. [color=blue][size=1]Rae only just stopped herself from spinning around. He was [i]dead[/i]? She kept her gun trained on him. "That's great, Niomi, but do we want him dead?" [/color][/size]
  5. [color=blue][size=1]Rae smiled and looked aorund. There was no way she would miss this. "Sure, I'm in." Siren looked at the others. "Well, what do you say?"[/color][/size]
  6. [color=blue][size=1]The silence was broken by Rae's laughter. "He knows me too well. He also knows more than he's letting on. Could you see his eyes darting around? He was desperate to get away from us...you" she amended. "You're two mean sons of a b***h." Liam smiled and bowed with flowery hand movements. "Oh, I try." "I know." Rae bit her lip, considering something. "Liam, if the information's on the files you could probably get them. The passwords are so easy even a child could break into the computors." Leaving it at that, she turned to Craig. "Do you really burn the bodies?" "Yes." "Does it smell?" He sighed, as if becoming irritated. "Yes." Rae wrinkled her nose. "Is there much smoke?" "Usually happens when things burn." Was there a twitch of laughter around his mouth? "Well, do I get to burn something eventually...that isn't bodies?" He stared. "What? I like the flames. And , the bigger the flames, the more fun it is." Liam groaned. "We have a budding pyromaniac running around with guns. What are the chances? And we'll probably end up with flamethrowers too, by some twisted fate." Rae smiled uncertainly. "I see." She didn't, and they probably both knew it, but it sure made her feel better. Craig pulled her arm out to look at her watch. "Eleven thirty. Half an hour won't harm us, will it?" They stared. "It was a rhetorical question." The others nodded. Rae sighed. "I should train. I'm not going to have time to do it after the briefing." She walked off to the gym. Deciding she'd like some music, she turned to the sound system. The sound system with holes in it. Bullet holes. Sighing,she started muttering about "inconsiderate f**kwits", occasiconally adding the words "trigger-happy." Turning to the bags, she noticed only one was left. The others all lay in pieces. "Joy," she murmered."Fine," she said, looking around, "I get the picture. I won't train that way." She instead went to the wide open space used as a floor. It was padded, making it easy on the arms. Starting at one end, she ran to the middle, where she vaulted into a series of handstands, bariahs, walkovers and cartwheels, ending with a flip. Rolling her shoulders, Rae wished she'd warmed up first. Striding over to the beam, she mounted, starting off with a handstand, careful to get her hand positioning correct. One slip meant broken ribs, or, at the very least, a winding. Neither of which she wanted. Finishing, Rae was moved to the bathroom, washing her face and hands. From the window, she could see Niomi. Was she running from someone? She was. Sprinting back to her gunbelt, which she had left when she started her routine, Rae pulled out her gun and made sure it was loaded, running back to the window and jumping out. It was actually rather far down, Rae noted as she hit the ground, unconsciously making sure she didn't hurt herself. Dismissing that thought Rae pulled up her gun and aimed, shooting a warning shot right near the guys shoe. "[i]What[/i] are you [i]doing[/i]? [/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]Raellyra will be on your side. [/color][/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] |_33+ (_)(/\)|\|5 j00|2 5[]u|_5... [/B][/QUOTE] *bats the message away futilely* I've been staring at this thing for 15 minutes, and I [i]still[/i] can't figure it out! I even copied it down...but no...*shudder* this is going to plauge me for the rest of (however long it takes for someone to tell me what it says). Considering the fact that I drive myself crazy trying to interpret L33T, its a basic fact that I cannot stand it. Brb is fine, as is g2g, but when it takes me longer to read than it would to type in the first place, that's where I draw the line. _______________________________________________ (Note: Drawn Line ^)
  9. I like it. Its good. lol. comments aren't my stong point. :blush:
  10. Rae sat and fidgeted. She hated waiting.When they finally got to the room, she sighed happily. "Shelter..." "Couldn't stand the cold, eh Rae-Rae?" "Nope," Rae smiled. "It is, to put it simply, cold. I don't like the cold anymore than the next person, Tini." "I like the cold." Celest intervened. "But you aren't normal, Tin...Valentyne." Raellyra smiled and walked over to Siren. "So what's happening?"
  11. [color=blue][size=1][font=times]Rae groaned as someone whispered for her to wake up. She swore as the covers were ripped off her. "What do you want???" She screamed as she bolted upright. Adam drew back.Rae sighed. "Sorry, Adam. Long night." "No sleep?" He asked sympathetically. She smiled. "Something like that." She looked at her watch. "Its eight thirty!" She bellowed. "Why am I up [i]now[/i]?" Adam grimaced. He really was in the wrong line of work, Rae mused. Originally he'd joined because he held the ideallistic thought of changing the world for the better. He'd stayed joined to get money to open his own PR business. Adam had a knack for making anything seem good. He had enough money now, Rae knew. She'd looked at his bank account. He was, she realised, staying in because of her. "Breakfast, Rae." Rae glared at him. "You know you don't eat if I don't pester you." "Yes, mum." "Raellyra..." he said warningly. A part of Rae pulled back. This was ridiculous.[i]He was mothering her![/i] She smiled her sweetest smile at him. He frowned. "Adam..." she started... "No." He clapped his hands over his ears in a childlike gesture. "Oh, come on Adam, you dont even know what I'm going to ask yet..." "I'm don't care. Whenever you do I end up telling you." "Adam!" she cried frustratedly. He started singing. "I'm not listening, I'm not listening!" Rae laughed helplessly. He was the most childish person she'd ever known. She patted his arm. "Fine then. I won't ask. I can always hack into the files and find out anyway..." He glared at her. "Don't you dare." "I have all the passwords..." "You wouldn't..." "I would." "You couldn't..." "You sound like a girl, Adam. And I can." Adam sighed. She always won. "Fine, what do you want to know?" "Well," she started..."why haven't you left yet? You know you want to, Adam." "I'm not going into that, Rae." She put on a pout. "Please..." "No Rae," and stormed out.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]Raellyra shivered and looked around...She hated the cold. Yawning, she moved toward the diner. Finding Siren could take a while; she was probably just delayed. Outside she could see a familiar figure crouching down, talking to a dog. With a smile, Raellyra ran over to her. "Celest!" Celest looked up. "Raellyra...how are you?" "Fine, just fine. I was gonig to find some food and warmth..." Raellyra tilted her ehad toward the diner. Celest nodded. "So am I. Valentyne is inside." "Tini?" "Yeah," she replied, lips twitching a bit. "Okay..." Rae smiled and made her way inside.[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]Rae walked carefully to the kitchen, still in a state of stunned shock. [i]She had the shoebox[/i]. Taking a left, she followed the corridor to her dorms, flicked on the light, and opened it. There were pictures. Disgusting ones that made her feel violated all over again. Rolls of surveilence tape. Pictures of her wounds. The freshly made lines on her wrists, a picture of the one blow to her face. He was right. She needed to destroy it. Deciding to do a thorough job of it, Rae pulled out her lighter and burnt every photo, one by one. That done, she burnt the damned box too. And finally, Rae walked over to the oven in the kitchen. It was an old style; the type with wood used to heat it up, and was strangely sentimental in such a cold place as this. Then she threw the ashes in there, too. All that was left was the knife. It had caused a lot of good people pain. Maybe it should cause some bad people pain, too. Wondering about the best way to get rid of rust, she slipped it into her pocket. She'd find out later. Padding out to her car, Rae pulled out a thick box of her own. She heaved it back to her room, nodding to the guards as she went. Walking as fast as she could to her room, Rae dropped the box on the bed. Flipping through the many manilla files, she finally found the one she was looking for, labelled, "Liam Cameron" [i][b]Name:[/b]Liam Cameron...[b]Siblings, Birthdate...[/b][/i] Rae scanned down the page until she found what she was looking for, occasionally making corrections. There. [b][i]Personality[/i][/b]Crossing out the [font=arial]"trigger-happy son of a b***h",[/font] she thought for a moment, and instead wrote, [font=arial]"reserved, scarred(reason currently unknown), disciplined(to an extent), can be compassionate, impulsive, self-reliant, trigger-happy..."[/font] She pushed the peices of paper back into the file, slipping the manilla folder into its rightful place, between "Calston, Prue, and "Collingwood, Jerad." Yawning now, Rae placed the lid on the plastic box, and pushed it underneath her bed, figuring it'd be safe there until morning. She chuckled softly as she remembered Liam's last remark. "Beauty sleep indeed. If I needed beauty sleep, I'd be a hag by now..." And drifted off into rest. [/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]Rae walked out of the gym, feeling a lot better now. Deciding to get a drink before going to bed, she made her way over to the kitchen. She stopped dead when she saw a coat pooled on the floor. Walking cautiosly closer, she saw blood seeped bandages, and a knife. [i]The[/i] knife. It was rusty know, and covered in blood. What was going on? In terror at the prospect of her grandfather being here, Rae stooped and retrieved it holding it gingerly. Realising she was about to hyperventilate, Rae calmed herself. Her grandfather could [i]not[/i] get in here...her eyes flickered back to the coat and bandages...wait a minute...that was [i]Liam's[/i] coat! She'd be willing to bet that it was Liams bandages, too. [b][i]Liam![/b][/i] Rae stormed up to Liams dorm, not caring that the guards were gaping at her. He was sleeping. With all the force her fear gave her, she slapped him. His eyes flickered open. "[i]What[/i]," she asked, "the F**K are you doing with my grandfather's knife?" [/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]Rae watched as Siren used the password. It was the right one. Siren turned around. She bowed. "Glad to be of service..." And retreated. Rae walked to the common room. Liam was gone, as expected. She didn't quite know where...Too bad. She pulled out a bottle of Mountain Dew and took a big sip. The number of people walking around tonight was incredible. Well, not os incredible. They got things done at night. Its was surprizing that the head honcho's didn't realise that... Deciding she couldn't sleep anymore, Rae went to the excersice room. A few good punches would help her sleep... [/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Rae nodded. "Are you all right, then?" With Niomi's nod of confirmation, Rae stood up and walked with Niomi back to the dorms. Niomi went back to bed. Restless, Rae went for a walk. Looking around, she saw Siren and Ryan talking near the doors, and then watched as Siren moved out of sight. Deciding to follow her, she watched as Siren entered the pass code and moved over to a computor. The guards didn't even notice. They were funny like that. Rae entered the code herself and silently walked in. "You know," Rae commented, knowing Siren would probably be aware of her by now, "it would probably be easier to use the password. Hacking leaves footprints all over the system if you don't know how to get rid of them..." Rae thought for a minute. "The password for the files here is Gryphon. No capitals. Who are you looking up, by the way?" [/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]Well, I'm just a li'l bit obsessive, aren't I? Oh well...life goes on... __________ She didn't know what disturbed her. Rae's eyes flashed open. Her hand went automatically to her knife, which, when she was sleeping, she kept under her pillow. Nobody was there. Deciding that her sore throat was probably the cause of things, she slipped out of bed and made her way to the common room for a drink. Liam was there. At first she thought he'd been shot, but then he moved a little bit. Rae retreated. Like he'd said; they all had their own scars to bear. She moved further away, and heard someone call out. Running quickly, Rae ran to the voice. It was Niomi. Rae walked slowly towards her, running when she realised that Niomi had pased out. She swore softly, then picked dragged Niomi toward the wall, sitting her against it. Making herself confortable, Rae settled in to wait until Niomi woke up. [/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]Rae watched as Liam walked away. Despite being trigger-happy, he was all right. She'd trust him. For now at least. He wouldn't say anything. She knew that much. All of them were trustworthy. At least, they seemed to be. There was one person she didn't trust though. Not because he wasn't trustworthy, but because he was able to find out too much. Craig. Despite being too nosy be far, he was another intelligence officer. A rival, or atleast she saw him as one. So, Rae mused her mind playing over the scene that had occured just before. Liam knew about her grandfather. Amazing. Nobody else knew. Adam had, respecting her privacy, kept it out of the database files. Even Rae's parents had never known. Matt had. Adam did. Nobody else did. Liam knew. Apathy slipped away, and panic set in. Liam [i]knew[/i]. ~~~ The old man, almost 78, smiled at the ten year old sitting on the couch next to him. The girl tried to scramble away. She knew what was coming. Rae's grandfather drew out a knife. It was an ugly thing. An old blade, bordering on rusty. It was wickedly sharp. Rae tried to twist away again, but even at 78, he was still too strong for her. He pushed the blade into her skin, and roughly drew it up. Rae screamed... ~~~ Rae jolted out of her thoughts. When Adam found out, he had tried to make her go to counselling. She'd refused. Like Liam said, everyone had their own scars to bear. She looked at her wrist. Some were more prominent than others. [/color][/size]
  19. [color=blue][size=1] Rae looked around at the group. None of them were going to be happy about this. Sharing hopes, fears, dreams? Despite the total idiocy of the order, all of them were private people. Take Liam for instance. Was he going to have a good cry because people died? Was Siren going to tell them why she acted insane? Was Rae herself going to tell them why she joined in the first place? I think [i]not[/i]! Everyone had things they did not want to tell, were not going to tell. Nobody was going to say anything noteworthy. This was going to be a waste of time. Rae hung back as Adam showed everyone to their dorm. She stood outside to talk to him. "Why did you put me in on this?" His face held shock. "What?" "This mission. I know you must have. There are people more qualified than I am to do this..." "Rae, I am your foster parent. I didn't put you in for this mission. I tried to stop them from choosing you.They chose you for your memory. You know that." "When they say 'secrets', what do they mean?" "Everything. Even how you got those scars on your wrist. Even the fact that your grandfather was a f****d up b*****d who liked to make you bleed. Everything, Rae." "No." "Rae..." "I said no, Adam." Rae turned, and saw Liam standing there. [/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue][size=1]Name: Raellyra Age: 337 Appearance: Blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and pale, almost translucent, skin. She is 5'6, and is the opposite of Ariadne. Her colouring makes her appear innocent and harmless. She prefers to go against the convention of vampires and wear white, which only adds to her pure look. Personality: Raellyra was never trustworthy, and only in important things could she be trusted. She tends to act as if she were not in this world "floating off to a land only she could see", even though this isn't true. Raellyra will kill her victims with swords or daggers, and dislikes using her magic much, seeing it as a weakness in troubled times. She has very big survival instincts. Dark Gifts: Fulgrus - Brings out lightning from her fingertips (or the sky, its unpredictible), and destroys the nerest [u]living[/u] thing. Crepialuceo - Brings about a sudden darkness where no light, fire , anything can be seen. She usually uses this as a protection to get from place to place without being seen. Weapons: A dagger, silver handle, with intricate green streaks through it, and a sword, the same design as the dagger. [/color][/size]
  21. [color=blue][size=0] Thank you. But seeing as my brain has rather quickly dissolved into mush, anything I try to change at this moment will probably end up wore than it was...[/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1] OOC: Everything is so [i]big[/i](font wise)! Is it supposed to be that way? __________ Rae sat with a piece of paper, waiting for the presentation to begin. The commander seemed to be stalling for some reason. Was someone not here? Rae's mind flicked around and landed on Iitashi. He was an agent, too. Was he supposed to be here, then? __________ [/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1] Very good. I'm impressed. I like it. 9/10 [/color][/size]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]Eminem. Okay, well. I actually own one of his albums [u]The Eminem Show[/u]. My bother bought it 'for me' for my birthday. A tactical error; I could see right through him. He loves Eminem, and I'm not fussed either way. So I listened to it, just to annoy him. Its not [i]that[/i] bad. I wouldn't list Eminem as one of my favorite singers, but not my worst either. I enjoyed some songs like "Sing for the Moment"...that sort of thing. Most of the hype he generates is well, hyped up. I see nothing wrong with him...if you discount the prejudices. Everyone has them. [/color][/size]
  25. [color=blue][size=1] Yeah, Juuthena, I know what you mean. I [i]don't[/i], under any circumstance, dance (and would rather die than actually dancing), but you'd be right in saying they are good songs to dance with. Most of my friends will, and I like the film clip to Boys, especially the mansion thingy there... As for pop...its so hard to find pure pop these days. I actually dont mind it, though I [i]do[/i] prefer something less upbeat. [/color][/size]
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