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Lady Asphyxia

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Everything posted by Lady Asphyxia

  1. lol, dont worry, I won't lynch you. I agree with you. If the Western countries hadn't interfered in the Middle East conflict, a lot of the...erm...fighting wouldnt be happening now. America wants to enlist the Australian SAS if they go to war with Iraq. Its basically because our troops are better, more patience, more discipline, less trigger happy, less of a bull****er. Basically everything that the Americans aren't. Yes, we all know I am commiting the horrible crime of generalisation. Don't pull me up on it.
  2. Yeah, I know what your saying... I'm doing an assignment on Arabs and Jews, mainly Jews, and there's lots of quotes there on how the arabs who oppose their right to their country must die...so I looked up quote by arabs...same thing. Extremists I'm going to say this. They shouldn't have done it. But the retaliation attacks were also harsh...so basically, everyone is in the wrong.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B] How do you know that wiping out America is the wrong cause? How do you know that wiping out Afghanistan is the right one? Now the order to kill civilians on mass scale is not just isolated to these countries. The good old us of a and England have all done it to and so has Australia, just not on as big scale. One example. Korea, America HQ ordered it?s troops to open fire on ANY one that entered to field of war. (The was a city in this case, civilian.) On the ordered specified that civilians (including children) where in included. And this is what happened, it was a massacre. So don?t get all self rightcheas(sp?), every country has done bad things in the past. -Eps [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. I see them as matyrs. They died for something they passionately believe in. So did Joan of Arc...of course, to compare Joan of Arc to them these days is inane, simply because, to most people, religion isn't a big factor anymore. Okay, looking back at this post, I have no idea what I'm saying. Its hard to put into words. Erm *flexes her fingers, not sure what shes about to write* I'd say they were matyrs, but I don't like the way the ratio went. It was like, 4:4000 or whatever. I don't like that. People died because of where they lived, and because of thier religion. And now, well, everyone else is paying for it. America bombed a wedding in Afganhistan by accident...those people payed for what they didn't do...but so did those who were in the world trade center... :drunk: okay, totallyconfusing myself, so I'll stop here. By the way, Its righteous. lol
  4. He's right, it is good. And you do feel depressed after it...I like it.
  5. Okay, am I going crazy? I thought we'd started this...and now I can't see it! Grrr...ahh well...I'll probably find this as soon I post, and then I'll have to come back and delete it...joy.
  6. I'd say I probably regret my dad dying(sp?), but it wasn't my fault and, as mercenary as it sounds, I'm getting an education, and have a good life(clothes, money, food) because of it (compensation) What else? I probably wouldn't have quit swimming...I really stuffed myself there.
  7. Checks the clock: 12pm. ts still Thursday, isn't it? Can I still join? If not, I'll delete... Name: Galina Ha'ani Location: Apartments in New York Gender: Female Appearance: Black hair, dark blue eyes. Slim, usually wears jeans and a black t-shirt. Weapon of Choice: Dagger/s (3, all concealed) Items: usually some long-life food, asprin, hair ties, wallet(with money adn credit cards) Stature in Dark Order: Emisary
  8. To me it looks like...well, has anyone everybeen to the underground caves in Victoria? It reminds me of them...and the sulphur/mud lakes in Hell's gate NZ.
  9. I usually tend to stay silent. I make up conversations in my head, or read a book and re-write the plot. I remember when I was little, I used to play with my dolls (whom I managed to give crew cuts to) but I was by myself, so I didn't say the words or what they were saying, I only thought it. Even around family, I'll stay silent and listen rather than speak.
  10. [b] Name:[/b]Taleni Ha'ani [b] Gender: [/b]Female [b]Location: [/b] Riverdale [b]Weapon(s):[/b] A small dirk, easy to conceal [b]Skills:[/b] Information (whether in the village or out), Flexibility, Silence and Agility [b]Magic:[/b] some, mainly to do with others minds. [b]Spells:[/b] [i]Caligo [/i]- clouds an opponents vision for a few minutes - an escape spell [i] Accipius [/i] - A spell to hear others thoughts for a limited amount of time. Can't be used often or will drive the user insane. [i] accendere [/i] - Fire throwing spell. Cannot be used more than once a day. Powerful. [b] appearance: [/b] Pale, with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Plain, and is able to fade into the background, especially in the forest. [b] Biography: [/b] Her mother was a town gossip, and for some reason, Taleni can retain anything in her memory. Because she is plain, she finds she can go almost anywhere without detection. Her father was taught the mage-craft by his mother, and handed to ability down to her, but died before he could tutor her. She has learnt from another in the village, Camin, a fire mage.
  11. Thanks. Actually, I only wrote the poem because I had the lines "All I want etc" in my head.
  12. Yeah, thanks. Unfortunately, Anade will settle down for a while and leave me to write stories, so there'll probably be no more poems for a while...
  13. Okay well, Anade, My muse, started to nag me, and who am I to deny her? This is the product. ADDICT What I want is to live, What I'll get is to die. What I need is happiness, What I have - a lie. The needle, my arm. They go hand in hand. And they take me, soaring, To a brilliant land. Where happiness rules, and agony fades. Where day is like night, and night, day. Addiction A word we all hate to use But all I do to my body is just that; abuse. I'll fall down off the plain, And my conscience will whine So I promise myself Thats the last time. A day or two, and I can't stand the pain. So I'll go back to Ms. Heroine again. All I what is to live, All I'll get is to die. What I need is happiness What I have - a lie.
  14. OOC: I'll post so you can again... [size=2][i] Galina stopped at her cottage. Although small, it was serviceable, and seeing as she only needed it for herself, she didn't mind. Collecting a hunk of cheese and some bread, she wondered outside to the forest behind her cottage. It was quiet, and best of all, reportedly haunted, so people didn't go there. Besides, it had a stream where she could sit. Deciding that she wouldn't go there today, she instead climbed an oak tree, wedge herself inbetween some branches, and started to meditate. As she took a deep breath, she sent her mind out to find her father. He was always lying to his wife. There! her mind cried as she found him. With his leman, of course. Sighing, she turned her attention to other people. [/i] [/size] ___________________________________________________ OOC: Well, aren't I lucky...I actually know that its started...and I've posted, lol. I'm impressed with myself.
  15. OOC: Okay, seeing as we're assuming....I'll post too. I didn't even notice it had started until I saw Harlequin's message on the sign up. hehehehe....first RPG ever.... [i] Galina closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the townsmen. Living out of the village as she did, she wasn't used to the noise, the thoughts, the LIES. As a truthseer, or Veraugur, as she was known, she could pick up a lie houses away. Along with it came the power to spy - she could read the some of the thoughts of people close to her, and even had some abilities of people gifted with the sight. But now, now her head hurt. Someone around here was lying through their teeth. Deciding that she had to leave NOW, Galina fled, sending a glare at one of the men standing near the carpenters house when he insulted her. As she reached the Patterson's place, Galina broke into a run, almost desperate to get away from the lying, promising herself that next time, before she came into the village, she would block out her powers. [/i] ____________________________________________________ OOC: Any good? I have no idea how to do this, really, though I've been looking at RP's for quite a while...
  16. And I do like the cello in the background. Thats what made me actually listen to the song in the first place, because now, most of the time you only hear the other stuff, like bass guitar and drums.
  17. Yeah, I was planning to buy. Which CD would you say would be the best? By the way, who cares about logic? The most of human kind live on feelings as opposed to logic; all Raven is saying is that because Goth isn't a music genre, but a way of life and a belief, technically, you can't define Gothic music. Sure, there is the basic belief that Gothic music is darker and heavier (typically not Holly Valance pop stuff), but apart from that, I see no rules...
  18. hmm...okay, I'll join, but I'm new at this, so go hard on me. I want to get better. Name- Galina Ha'ani Hair- Black eyes- Blue sex(m/f)- f hair size(long/short) - Just below shoulder length. weapons- Jewel encrusted dirk. Magic powers(yes/no)- yes Psy Powers(yes/no)- yes occupation- Veraugur good/evil?- Usually indifferent. She'll work with whoever seems to be winning, and when the scale tips, she'll convert. At the moment, she's good.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] yeah Rasputina did that song. They have a few CDs out, but they haven't put anything other than an online single out in quite a while. A lot of people know Translyvanian Concubine from some movies, in which case it was probably the Manson remix. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, it was by Rasputina. At least, I believe it was. It was on a C.D. and it said the artist was Rasputina. So...I'll go with the obvious and say it was by Rasputina.
  20. jeez, you reply quickly. Anyway, thanks for the tip
  21. I haven't heard him, I'm afraid. Actually, I probably have, but I don't know it. I just listen to music, I don't bother finding out who it's by.
  22. erm...I define daft as a mixture of ignorance, apathy, and insanity, which is basically me. It doesn't bother me, really. I just like the word daft. Much like I like the word defenestration. Thanks for the info.
  23. And he's often done on the piano, too right? I know who he is now. I probably seem daft. Sorry. I just think in simple concepts...and now I feel really foolish, because I just realised that I have a C.D. with Bach on it. Never mind.
  24. Oh, wow, someone's talking to me. (We are talking to me, right?) Okay, anyway, thank you for the tip. Bach was the one born in Germany...renaissance time?
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