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[FONT=Arial]I have this...thing?, for Youtube, and I find it actually takes up a huge percentage of time I'm on the internet, which kind of surprises and embarrasses me ^_^'. I'm interested in what the Otakuboards members like to see when they're using it themselves. so for this thread, maybe mention some of your favorite clips, what type of videos you look for, and any youtube videos you yourself might have uploaded![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]I have a soft spot for Cici's; they got me hooked on barbecue chicken pizza. and I am sure glad someone else mentioned Godfather's. definitely one of my favorite places to get pizza. depending on what you order, it can get pretty greasy, but that's never stopped me from coming in. so,my favorite place is either Godfather's or The Pie. LAWDY!!! you have NEVER eaten pizza until you've eaten there!!! if you're in downtown SLC or just around the general Salt Lake area, chances are you'll run into one. I would seriously recommend any one of their specialty pizzas, and they've got some pretty interesting ones. Little Caesars is hit or miss for me (depends on the location and type of pizza you get), Domino's is usually cardboard, Pier 49 is always a good choice (and I love the apple beer on tap), Pizza Hut tends to be great usually, and the only thing I'd ever order from Papa John's is their thin crust supreme pizza. oh, and for another Utah place, if you're ever in Ephraim (lord help you), eat at Fat Jack's. pretty amazing stuff. [/FONT]
[quote name='DeathKnight'][COLOR=crimson]Eh, I eat dead cows, pigs, chickens, and fish. Few bugs can't hurt. My girlfriend hates all these wonderful things that she thinks are gross: Okra (not even in jambalaya), Shellfish (including CRAWDAD :(), and Mushrooms (!). Man, fried okra is the ****. Add a few crickets and I am sure it is that much better![/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Arial]okay, I can understand how she might have a problem with mushrooms, but crawdads? okra? come on! I have yet to see the sale of any in Utah (then again I haven't gone out of my way to look either :P), but I had them quite a bit living in Georgia. okra too, but that was mostly because of the school cafeteria -- I think I'm the only one in my family who likes it. :catgirl: I could maybe -- possibly -- perhaps if some sort of payment was involved -- see myself eating bugs. but I'd have to know EXACTLY what I was eating, and it would have to be spiced accordingly. I ain't eating bugs with just salt! could you imagine being one of the cooks/chefs who get to taste-test in this potential area of pioneering territory? [/FONT][FONT=Arial]:tasty:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]haha, I remember being all about the post counts. I'd write just a little over two sentences on some topic I didn't honestly know too much about and rationalize to myself, "I kept on topic and it was over two lines. it counts!" and I very much miss my old Julia avatar. cute little thing. the furthest back I've looked at old posts of mine was maybe a couple of months before I stopped coming around for a while. I think I was quite more well-spoken in the written word than I am now, mostly because I'm so out of practice nowadays, I guess. I've also noticed how my opinions from back then have changed pretty drastically, and how I had a habit of making uninformed or prejudiced generalizations about people, which I think (at least for me) came from a combination of immaturity (both age and mindset-wise) and a lack of being exposed to different cultures/viewpoints growing up. not to say that getting older or being aware of personal differences ensures mental maturity lol, but I think the increased life experience that someone can get from both do help as far as individual maturation goes. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]ramen never really did it for me, but I kept it around because it was so cheap and it was one of the only things I could afford during my first year of college. I'd eat pretty much any flavor, but there was a preference in brand, I think; one brand just tasted a little nastier than the others. occasionally I can eat it about once a month nowadays, but there isn't much overall nutritional value to it, so it's kept at a minimum.[/FONT]
[B][FONT=Arial]Requiem for a Dream [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]- after the movie ended, everybody who was watching it with me were stunned and couldn't think of anything to say for a good 10-15 seconds afterwards. I myself am not (entirely) familiar with drug culture, but a few of the people watching it with me attested that it was all entirely accurate (worst-case scenario-wise also, but accurate). definitely not a feel-good movie, but incredibly powerful. [B]Smiley Face[/B] - I saw clips of it on Youtube before and thought, "who would make such a ****** movie?", but curiosity got the better of me. actually, if you can handle the whole stoner movie thing, it's pretty funny. I guess it would help to have 'experience' in one way or another (first-person or second-hand) with said substance to appreciate it lol. I'm just glad it was under a hundred minutes long; much more than that would've been overkill. [B]Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman [/B]- this is a play production on DVD I'm talking about. Tyler Perry is hilarious both as a playwright and an actor. the only real problem I had with the production was the guy who played Charles: great singing voice, but what a flat boar he is as an actor! didn't have me convinced in the end at all. the ending wasn't what I would have preferred btw, but I guess the ending it had was legitimate. [B]Movie Count So Far: 30[/B] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Sideways [/B]- freaking amazing movie. pacing was slightly slower than I would have preferred, but it was appropriate for the movie. it's one of those character development-focused movies (my favorite type), and a must-see for anyone else who favors those. [B]Cats [/B]- second or third time watching it. if you don't like musicals, you probably won't like this either. it also helps to have background info about the musical, or it could be confusing. [B]Barbershop [/B]- first ten minutes of it were so cheesy I almost turned it off right there. it got better after a while though. ending was corny as well. Raisin in the Sun plot, except more gangsta, or something to that effect. Cedric the Entertainer is great in it. Ice Cube sucked. if I were to watch it again, it would be in a guilty-pleasure way, since parts of it were pretty hilarious. [B]Wanda Sykes: Sick and Tired [/B]- I LOVE this woman! one of my favorite comedians (best part about Evan Almighty too, which isn't saying much I guess). [B]Angels in America [/B]- parts of it were amazing, and then parts of it were extremely disappointing. one of the main characters was just dropped and forgotten about at the end of the movie! some of the rhetoric of the movie felt too pretentious (which is what I think the playwright was going for, but I certainly didn't prefer it). however, everyone in their respective roles did an amazing job on their performances, and the musical theme for the movie is absolutely beautiful. [B]Movie count for 2008 so far: 27[/B] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]major prop-age to the person who quoted Demetri Martin. some other jokes to add from Demetri: [/FONT][FONT=Arial]-the one in my signature. - I heard this lady say, ?I love kids.? That?s nice, a little weird though. It?s like saying ?I like people, for a little while.? ?How old are you? 14? **** off!? You can say ?I love kids? as a general statement, that?s fine. It?s when you get specific that you get into trouble. ?I love twelve-year-olds.?[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]- I think it's weird when you give someone flowers, you're really saying, "Here you go. Now watch these die....because I like you." I feel like you should give someone flowers when you want to threaten them. "[/FONT][FONT=Arial]Here....you're next." - I think vests are all about protection. You know what I mean? Like a life vest protects you from drowning and bulletproof vests protect you from getting shot; and the sweater-vest protects you from pretty girls. - A drunk driver is very dangerous. So is a drunk backseat driver, if he?s persuasive. "Dude, make a left." "Those are trees?" [I]"Trust me[/I]." - A quick way to start a conversation is to say something like ?What?s your favorite color?? A quick way to end a conversation is to say something like ?What?s your favorite color?person??[/FONT] [FONT=Arial] some stuff from Helen Fielding (Bridget Jones's Diary author): Good things to say to Radical Feminist Bank Managers: - "I'm part of a pioneer generation relying on my own economic power, struggling to be freed from centuries of paternalistic sexist oppression. Bastards! F***wittage! So can I have a teensy extension on my overdraft, please?" Bad things to say to Radical Feminist Bank Managers: - "If you don't lend me enough money to buy outfits, how can I be expected to find anyone rich enough to pay off my overdraft?" [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]chibi-master... I kind of want your dog. I hope that's not awkward or anything. as far as favorites goes though, my favorite doggy in the whole wide world is my 5-year old 'puppy' Pippin. she's this completely white, beautiful, adorable chihuahua. oh yeah, you know it. I am of the opinion that most chihuahuas are way more hassle than they're worth, what with the obnoxious barking and nipping and well, peeing all over the place. but Pippin is different. she rarely barks, she NEVER bites, and when she's around people she just wants to give them kisses! or entice them to play with her. and, okay, the peeing is still an issue, but hey, she doesn't live with me! not like my parents would let her even if my apartment allowed for it; they like her too much. ^___^ anyways, I'm a big fan of most (house)dogs, provided they're not mean of course. ever since visiting Seattle, I've had a curiously strong puppy hunger (forget baby hunger), and there's talk of moving into a rented house with another couple next year, so maybe I'll get to have one after all! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]the ones that had me hooked from the go were Trigun and *gulp* Fushigi Yuugi. Fushigi Yuugi was the first shoujo (?) anime I had watched (the first anime period being DBZ), and it had never occurred to my young, Americanese self that 'cartoons' didn't necessarily have to be episodic. and for Trigun, come on. Vash is pretty much one of the funniest, addicting characters you could possibly ask for. I wish I could find my Vash doll. :( sucker cost me forty bucks!!! anyways, the series itself was very funny and exciting as well, so....yeah. definitely some good times coming from that show. it took me two or three-ish episodes to get into Cowboy Bebop, but once I got a feel for the show and recognized the underlying plot, there was no stopping. I have to say that nowadays Cowboy Bebop takes the cake compared to the anime I liked from the start. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]haha, yeah. next time you need to feel her up [I]really [/I]good. but seriously, with the kind of stuff this girl is pulling [I]that you know of [/I](and her not even being that smart about it), if you actually did end up doing something with her down the road, you can count on a good chance of getting something nasty from her. if you're willing to risk that, go for it. and, I wouldn't expect anything emotionally stable to come from it, if I were you. [/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] And [I]here[/I] I'd like to introduce to you a couple of dear friends of mine: Rhetoric and Flippancy. They're an interesting pair, but they tend to behave themselves whenever I invite Discernment over as well. And then we all play Brawl together.[/FONT][/quote][FONT=Arial] because it's totally easy to discern what someone is [I]actually [/I]saying when you don't have a clue who's actually talking. [I]expect [/I]it to happen; this medium of communication allows for multiple levels of interpretation, especially coming from strangers. [I]get over it [/I]already. [quote name='Allamorph']]I know all that, which might or might not surprise you. But everybody can see also that you're arguing with a wall, so where does that really get you? :p And hey, at least it wasn't [I]me[/I] being flip. Oh, wait. [/quote][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]what wall was I arguing with again? [/FONT][FONT=Arial]you obviously didn't get the point, and this is getting ridiculous. if I'm making points in response to what she's saying, it's not just for [I]her [/I]to see. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]she can be totally unaffected by whatever's being talked about, and I say whoopy for her (and calling someone a wall isn't exactly the best way to stick up for someone -- it's implying she can't/doesn't listen to logic when it's put in front of her, whether or not that's what you were trying to say -- that's how it comes across, which believe it or not, [I]does [/I]count for something on a message board). it's not all about [I]her :smirk:.[/I] the point of responding, even if I was talking to her, was to [I]add to the overall [/I][I]discussion, [/I]regardless of whether she cared or not[I]. [/I]which I'm sorry to say I haven't been doing in this post, but will refrain from going off-topic in future posts. kind of sad how I have to make a case for relevant discussion on a [I]message board[/I] of all places, go figure. [/FONT]
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][COLOR=#9933ff][FONT=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4]I know I've already replied to this, but I have to throw two more cents into the ring.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=4][FONT=monotype corsiva][COLOR=#9933ff]I don't see why so many people are up in arms about gay marriage when there are so many other important issues at hand. Things like the rising costs of fuel and food, the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and who's going to be the next American Idol should outrank if Bobbie and Benny or Debbie and Tiffani are getting married. Get your priorities in order![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/quote] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]to that I say, David Cook. all zeh way, behbeeeee.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]I have to say I've been pretty into Fort Minor lately. I heard about the "group", I guess?, from my husband, who's a big Linkin Park fan, and after listening through The Rising Tied a good couple of times, I think I'm hooked. Mike Shinoda is absolutely amazing at what he does, and he is definitely to thank for how well Linkin Park is doing. if you guys want a good recommendation to start you off, try listening to Kenji or maybe Slip Out the Back. oh yeah, and Where'd You Go has been on the radio for a while now, so if you recognize that song, yeah, Linkin Park's rapper is responsible for that. :p[/FONT]
[quote name='Allamorph'] [FONT=Arial]Ehh, no, it's pretty much always been that way. No evolution about it; us humans are surprisingly sot in our ways. We don't change, we just find different ways of saying it. :p[/FONT][/quote] [FONT=Arial]okay, true that. [/FONT] [quote name='Allamorph'] [FONT=Arial]Quote within the quote:[/FONT] [I][FONT=Arial]I don’t know how that would even be a question. what, gay couples can’t be as happy as straight couples? what would keep them from being less happy relationship-wise? whether or not marriage ends well isn’t the issue on gay marriage anyway.[/FONT][/I] *end* [FONT=Arial]This isn't a commentary on why homosexual couples shouldn't have marriage rights. It is instead this statement here: *insert cat picture* We cool? To be honest, the parts of her post that weren't laughing at you for blundering straight into her were the basic sentiments of that picture. You're tryin' to argue with a wall, my friend. She just don't care.[/FONT][/quote] [FONT=Arial]so if we’re talking about the second post, considering how she started off by saying, “And seriously folks, let's think about it. …”, it’s up for discussion. if asking a question like that amidst the topic at hand was solely an attempt at sarcasm that she didn't want an answer to, it was very much displaced. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]the parts where she wasn’t hatin’ from my hatin’ consisted of arguing why she didn’t agree with my reasons for supporting gay marriage that I previously wrote. regardless of whether or not she was apathetic of the topic she wrote about or whatever the apathetic-ness involves, she participated in the discussion, which the points she brought up were perfectly legit to reply to, especially on a message board that’s made for discussions such as these where it’s not just her and me who’s going to be seeing the responses.[/FONT] [quote name='Allamorph'] [FONT=Arial] And this isn't so much about homosexual couples wanting to be able to "marry" as it is about them being officially recognized as a family unit. Since (for some reason beyond my ken) the act of marriage requires the State's approval (again, o_O), crying or [I]de[/I]crying anything about religion seems rather pointless. So us Christians may not like it. So what? Our precepts do not tell us to forcibly subjugate the governing laws to our purposes, but tells us how to conduct our own business. If the laws where we live do not line up with our beliefs, either we deal with it or we leave, unless we're being unfairly oppressed, and I don't see that happening here. [/FONT][/quote] [FONT=Arial]I really wish that was the case everywhere (the not forcibly subjugating bits), but having lived in two extremely conservative states and being in and hearing the views of a number of different religiously conservative groups throughout my life (being a full-on twenty-year member of one myself up until somewhat recently), I have to disagree. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]sometimes the only way anyone’s been able to keep religious opinions from becoming local government policy (or trying to take religious bias out of something to begin with) is through [B]serious [/B]protest (assuming that even works). [/FONT][FONT=Arial]I mean seriously, look how many people voted for Mike Huckabee in the primaries! if large amounts of people are willing to vote for someone who says that “we need… to amend the Constitution so it’s in[/FONT][FONT=Arial] God’s standards,” that’s not being impartial in any way. that’s not leaving room for anyone who doesn’t agree with his opinions of what the Christian God’s standards supposedly are. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]of course not all Christians are that way; you probably know how many sects there are of Christianity. and even in the same sects, you can count on hearing different things depending on the address you go to. just because some Christians think the government should do its own thing while they do theirs doesn’t mean that other Christians (Christians being the one I bring up only because it's the majority) aren’t going to try putting their religious views into the government. I think this is a large factor in[/FONT][FONT=Arial] what's keeping a hefty number of states from allowing gay marriage at this point.[/FONT] [quote=Drizzt Do'urden] I'm with you 100%. But you know that's where it's going to end up. A pastor won't agree and it's going to be a big hissy fit and a screaming tantrum. And the next thing you know a pastor will be "lynched" by the media. I'm for equal rights. But it sucks when it goes overboard.[/quote] [FONT=Arial]nobody will be able to legally force a religious organization to perform marriages they don't agree with because of the free exercise of religion part in the 1st Amendment. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]gay couples will have to look elsewhere for getting married with the exception of churches who don't have a problem with it. [/FONT][quote name='Raiha][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman] [Yes. The California Supreme Court took a trillion pages to say that you can marry whoever you want.][/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Black] [FONT=Arial]brothas' gotta be thorough to leave no room for misunderstanding sometimes. you know how it is. [/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman]That was sarcasm at it's finest dear. And let's consider your response. Youbelieve me to be sincere in my belief that marriage will lead to unhappiness. You have no idea what I really believe and look around you, turn on a tv. How many happily married couples do you see? I see Bill and Hillary. A divorce rate going through the roof. On and on and on until you could puke. Sure, marriage sometimes leads to true happiness but the point is that I was being both facetious and ironic. But that's my choice. And seriously folks, let's think about it. What makes you think gay couples that are married will be any happier than same sex couples that are married? As for why you mentioned bisexuals in an article that didn't mention them anywhere is utterly beyond me. An adult wanting to marry another adult? Marriage was originally a construct of the church. And while the church is separated from the state, you've conveniently forgotten the free exercise clause. The government can not limit the free exercise of any religion. The glib "separation of church and state" line might get you somewhere with stupids, but it won't fly with everyone. Save that line for later. But on the other hand, I, like Shy, believe it is a state's rights issue and as such, the Supreme Court will most likely not lift a finger to do a thing about it. And considering the way the court is tilted at this particular moment, we'll be waiting for awhile for the conservative justices to die before any legislation is passed on a federal level.[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Arial]first off, what does “that’s my choice” have to do with this? it’s your choice on how to write your posts? obviously. and it’s my “choice” to interpret your intent based on how you wrote it. I don’t get where you’re going with that particular point.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]as far as the married gay couples being compared to married same-sex couples, I’m going to have to suppose you were comparing straight couples to gay/bi couples, since the other way is redundant and it was probably a typo. I don’t know how that would even be a question. what, gay couples can’t be as happy as straight couples? what would keep them from being [I]less[/I] happy relationship-wise? whether or not marriage ends well isn’t the issue on gay marriage anyway (btw, the marriage issue [I]does [/I]legitimately involve bisexuals in the event that a bi person would want to marry someone of their same sex). [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]as far as us “stupids” go concerning church and state (which, if you don't think you were offensive before, you pretty much just undid yourself, “choice” of yours or not -- call it a “choice” of mine to call you out on it), separation of church and state IS in fact a part of the Constitution, and it doesn’t have to be stated in that specific phrase to be so. I don’t know how you not-stupid people don’t get that.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]what do you think the First Amendment refers to? [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ." [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]meaning yeah, the government can’t tell people they’re not allowed to practice their specific religions, but that it likewise can’t push religion(s) (including beliefs/opinions) on people in the form of laws either (which is what separation of church and state means in the first place). [/FONT][FONT=Arial]the free exercise of religion [I]can be [/I]limited when it infringes on the rights of others, the same as for free speech. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]it’s one thing if laws are considered out of logical societal human decency, but the main argument for something being “my religion prohibits it” shouldn’t be a factor when making laws that all people (including people who don’t believe in whatever religion happens to be the majority at the time) are supposed to follow. you can give good reason for murder being morally bad without a religious reasoning behind it. you can’t justify gay marriage as being morally bad without a religious reasoning other than “it’s just not natural,” which is a tremendously weak argument.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]and even if you were right about marriage’s original beginnings, you can’t discount how marriage has evolved to be what it is now. take it to be a bad thing or not, but you can marry someone for just about anything, whether it’s for someone’s money, or for love, or for having a steady ****-buddy – but only if you’re straight, of course. you don’t have to love the person you’re marrying or anything; you just have to sign some papers and say you’re willing to legally be with your partner. and with that going on, a woman can’t marry another woman for love when this other guy just did it for the sake of having a trophy wife to keep up his reputation. that’s a really classy double-standard. if people want to talk about keeping the ‘wrong’ people from getting married (if you’re striving for marriage to be held in an idealistic light), try getting people like that banned from marriage instead. [/FONT]
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman]Congratulations. Now all homosexuals can be just as miserable as the rest of us poor straight people. On the other hand, I argue semantically against gay marriage. Of course this is moderately meaningless because until the Supreme Court of the United States makes a ruling to this effect, it isn't the law of the land. Get married, but stay in California. Or Massachusetts.[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Arial]wow, that wasn't just a little offensive, that was [I]immensely [/I]offensive. it's sad you think marriage implies misery, but at least same-sex couples now have a [I]choice [/I]in how they can be 'miserable.' I say it's about ****ing time that more is being done to give gays and bisexuals more rights (at least somewhere). this shouldn't even be an issue in the first place, you know, an adult wanting to marry another adult in a church-separated-from-state country. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]if you want the make-outage, say yes. if you want a girlfriend who isn't going to screw you over, say "screw you".[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B] 1. If you believe in God, why do [I]you[/I] believe? [/B]I don't know that I believe in one. there's no proof that there isn't one, but there's no proof that stands up to scrutiny that there is one either. so, the two cancel each other out for me. I'm agnostic, towards the side of 'you need to convince me first'. [/FONT][FONT=Arial][B]2. Why do you think [I]others[/I] believe in God? [/B]the first one I can think of is simply the want/need to believe in a god so they'll feel better about dying, or because the thought of going to heaven after death or whatever else a religion teaches makes it easier to keep living. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]the second is the want/need to give reason to phenomena (ie miracles, freak accidents, the beginnings of 'life' as you want to interpret it, etc.) that haven't been explained yet. people in general seem to hate ambiguity, so if something doesn't make sense, they [I]have to [/I]come up with something that makes things fit. thousands of years ago, if there was a huge storm, the people generally attributed it to a god being angry/sad/whatever because hey!, where else would it have come from? now that the science of weather is understood, the thought that storms come from a god venting its feelings is laughable and offensive at best (i.e. "Hurricane Katrina happened because of all the gays in New Orleans!" -- yes, that is an actual accusation, among other equally disgusting statements to further push certain people's morality agendas). the only difference between then and now is we have more information. and [/FONT][FONT=Arial]humans already know everything there is to know at this point (right? :rolleyes:), so what else could be responsible for the unexplainable other than a supreme being? [B]3. The most popular conflict between faith and reason is usually on the evolution/creationism controversy. What’s your take on the issue? Can science be compatible with belief? Do you accept evolutionary theory? [/B]if you believe in a god, I think you could fairly easily rationalize God himself being responsible for evolution if it's explained convincingly enough, unless you take the King James version Bible literally. if science happens to works with your religion, then great. but I don't know how you can make science line up with a religious belief when something doesn't mix without changing either of them (if you change the religion, then what the hell are you doing calling it truth when you just change it whenever you feel like it?, and I don't know how the science part could possibly be changed). [B] 4. What do you think are the most compelling arguments to [I]not[/I] believe in God? Or, what do you think are the greatest challenges to peoples’ faith. [/B]I think that my answers to #2 also fit here as far as saying how those reasons don't prove anything, at least. wanting or needing something to be true, especially concerning [B]objective [/B]matters like the existence of a god that's talked about in the Bible, doesn't make something exist (you can't just create the god that's talked about in the Bible with your mind). I could will the sun to turn purple all day long, but just because I want it to happen doesn't mean it's going to happen or ever will (unless you live in a DBZ series). I very well will just have to deal with the fact that whenever I attempt to look at the sun, it will look yellow-y white and not purple. that just sucks. to add to that, many people seem to just take what they've heard since childhood as fact and stick with it for tradition's sake. sometimes people will believe in a god or church simply because they were raised to and they don't want to think about it too much. those same people would be saying the same thing about a different religion if they'd been born on the other side of the country/world with a different upbringing. being raised at the end of generations of a religious tradition doesn't necessarily make that tradition accurate (or even good), either.[/FONT][FONT=Arial][B] 5. Do you think there is such thing as “reasonable faith”? Or, do you think they are in conflict? [/B]maybe, but I don't think so. I'd say the more inclined you are in one way (going off of facts instead of faith, or vice versa), you're going to have an even lesser chance of being able to see it the other way when confronted. [B] 6. Lastly, if you believe in God. What evidence do you have in favor of your belief? [/B]all the proof I need is this feeling in my heart. ..........or is that my burrito talking? :nervous: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]I am Stephanie, and also a girl. I used to be all into running because I was quite overweight at the beginning of high school, and then I stopped running, and actually got skinnier. nowadays I sit around on a couch watching Netflixed movies and various episodes of 30 Rock and The Office. but when I am not sitting on my ***, I am either lying on it for tanning purposes or moving around my local library at various speeds working as a page until I (hopefully) move up in the world and get promoted as a circulation desk worker, meaning more pay. I'm doing this to pay rent and to help fund college efforts towards obtaining a career in theatre. before I die, I'm going to get paid for my acting, and it won't be for porn ;). the idea has been brought up recently that dialect coaching is an extremely promising job, especially since I can imitate and pick up on sounds/voices so well, so that might be something good to consider later on down the road, depending on how much looks and lack of talent get in the way. religion-wise, I am an agnostic I guess. after being in a religion all my life and realizing I didn't have anything concrete (in my mind) to base it off of, I'm extremely wary of most, if not all religions at this point. the closest I've come to some deist religious belief is Pastafarianism, which is....yeah....kind of, not that way. at any rate, I like Talk Like a Pirate Day, and the thought of heaven being filled with volcanoes of beer sounds pretty enticing. I'm kind of biding my time until I can slowly, piece-by-piece let my immediate family know how far gone their used-to-be insanely shy, sensitive, 'moral' family member is (actually, I think everything still applies except for the moral bit), which isn't really that bad I think, but considering how certain members of my family wigged out (one or two in a most offensive way) when I got my nose pierced, I'm taking baby steps on it. and, I love coffee. especially when it's filled with chocolate. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]in no particular order: [B]The Bourne Ultimatum: [/B]SO GOOD. I still haven't seen the second one, but it wasn't really even necessary to watch to appreciate the third one. [B]Enchanted: [/B]I was surprised I liked this as much as I did. it was so obnoxious, but it never got [I]too [/I]obnoxious, and Amy Adams did a great job, I think. [B]Borat: [/B]for being an hour and a half long, it felt like it was MUCH longer. but it was still funny to sit through, and I laughed my *** off over the ending. Great Success!!! [B]Pleasantville: [/B]one of those movies that makes me go "AMEN!" [B]I Am Legend: [/B]not as good when watched on a television set compared to in a movie theater, from what I understand. [B]Moulin Rouge: [/B]one of my favorite movies of all time. I don't doubt I'll take this movie with me in the event I end up in a nursing home. :P [B]Deception: [/B]not as good as I was hoping it was going to be. but, I'm a huge Ewan McGregor and Hugh Jackman fan, so I enjoyed myself. [B]The Amityville Horror: [/B]being a wuss, I can't handle scary movies. I was peer-pressured into watching this one. *sigh* at least it was a [I]good[/I] scary movie, which seems to be hard to find. [B]Saw II: [/B]made me reeeeeally queasy in some parts (as can be imagined), but it was decent to sit through, even if some of the character motivations are outlandish (or nonexistent :rolleyes:). and isn't the bad guy played by that one guy on Scrubs? [B]Sweeney Todd: [/B]yay Sondheim! I still think of Johnny Depp as being Jack Sparrow, so I kept thinking of Sweeney Todd as being a pirate (a little distracting). that's my fault though :P. for being a movie musical, it wasn't the best, but adapting something like that to film had to be crazy. I just wish Tim Burton hadn't done it. [B]Adaptation: [/B]I thought it was amazing up until the middle-end-ish area. it became a little too farfetched for me after that. [B]Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: [/B]another amazing movie, except this one was amazing from start to finish. I've only seen it once, but perhaps this will be another all-time favorite with more time. [B]Memento: [/B]I thought the main actor literally looked like a donkey in the face, so that was distracting. aside from that, the way the movie is set up makes it so much more interesting than if it had been sequenced conventionally. definitely worth watching if you're in for a movie that you don't just zombie your way through. [B]The 40-Year Old Virgin: [/B]I was hoping it'd be funnier with all the hype it got. it was....okay at best. [B]Wedding Crashers: [/B]and I loved watching this movie on the other hand. it's one of those cheesy, "no way that stuff could ever happen" movies, but for entertainment/comedy value, I wasn't disappointed in the least. [/FONT][B][FONT=Arial]Orgazmo: [/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial]hmmm... weird doesn't quite cut it. I did think the premise was pretty amusing though. and I love saying, "and I'm Choda Boy!" whenever the impulse strikes now. and never forget, Jesus and I love you guys.[/FONT][FONT=Arial][B] Sicko: [/B]shows why France has one more reason to gloat over being better than the United States. it convinced me anyway, but then again I was already inclined to that opinion before watching it, so I guess that doesn't count. [B]Knocked Up: [/B]I didn't like this one as much as [I]Wedding Crashers [/I]for entertainment sake, but I still thought it was definitely worth watching. it had some really good moments, both hilarious and.... significant? something like that. [B]Disturbia: [/B]it was definitely creepier than I thought it would be. I was pretty impressed with it, and with Mr. Shia LeBeouf as well, however his Frenchy name is spelled. [B]A Night at the Roxbury: [/B]if I'd watched this a couple of years earlier, I think I would have loved it. it was more more annoying to watch than not at this point though. at least my little brother liked it. [B]Live Free or Die Hard: [/B]I like the [I]Die Hards [/I]for an action series, and this one was pretty good, too. and I hate most action series. [B]The Prestige: [/B]second or third time watching it, and I still love it. I'm pretty sure Netflix is my best friend. next on my list is [I]Sideways[/I]. we'll see how that goes. :) shootin' for #23![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]so, I'm not quite new, but I haven't been on in ages, so I figure I'll update to keep myself occupied while I wait until I'm tired enough to go to sleep. I used to live in Georgia, and I now live in Utah (buh). I used to be a Mormon, and now I am.... not one. I now also have a nose piercing and enjoy cafe mochas more than you could possibly believe. I used to be single and crush over some random boy for years at a time, and now I am married and celebrating my one-year anniversary on Sunday. I used to be a huge anime junky, and now I think most anime sucks (but I didn't say that out loud -- I know what kind of a forum this is!). I used to be about 14 or 15 years old, but now I'm actually 20 (I haven't died quite yet). I used to play piano (actually, I still do), and now I've tagged singing and acting to that and I'm going to be a professional theatre actress (I'll be paid!!!) once I get my resume pumped up. I also like YouTube way more than I think I should. I think I'm done. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]on clubbing weekends, I stay up until about 4 in the morning, and wake up around noon. otherwise, I get to sleep around 1. that seems to be the case for most weeknights as well, other than an hour or two difference here or there. and I never wake up before 9am if I can help it. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]that is one cool emoticon. and I am a writer of sorts. I write plays, and I kind of suck right now (especially considering how I've never even finished one because they were so nasty). but I'm going to get better and make it work. I can also draw some pretty amazing stick figures. not trying to show off or anything. [/FONT]
[font=Arial][/font][font=Arial][size=2]the best way to break up with someone (assuming the person wasn't a jerk) is to just tell it like it is... tactfully. the more you say to try to make them feel better about you dumping them ("I still like you though," "We can be friends, right? *classic*," "You're such a great person, I'm sure you won't have trouble finding someone else"), the more rotten they're probably going to feel, because that's [i]not what they want to hear at the moment[/i]. keep in mind that doesn't necessarily mean to forego telling them [i]why[/i] you're breaking up with him/her in the first place, heh.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]and if the dumpee did something to bring it on themselves (such as cheating or just being an all around jerk), then say whatever you want. :animesmil [/size][/font]