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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [FONT=arial]the closest thing I've got to a job is a babysitting thing I've done for the past 2 summers. I don't make any money at home, since my parents don't do the allowance thing; when I had gotten money from them, they've consisted of singular quarters and/or one dollar bills (joy! candy store time! :flush: ). yes, jobs outside the home are very fortunate things. don't think I'll be able to get an 'official' job for a while though, considering I'd have to drive myself to and from it (requiring a driver's license and separate car). that's gonna take some time getting. but I'm perfectly happy with the summer job. lol[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial]jumpin' on the bandwagon. Happy Birthday, everybody!!! whenever my birthday rolls around, it's usually maybe one or two days beforehand when it hits me (oh!). last year I went to school and forgot it was my birthday until I found a candy bar in my locker from my Peggy-Sue. I don't think that'll be the case this year though. I've been waiting to turn 16 for a good while now. lol [/FONT]
  3. [FONT=arial]last year I got to know this guy who was/is totally awesome, and ended up getting the biggest crush on him after about a month. so after I got the nerve to speak of the matter a couple of months later, things didn't work out, and I was in a funk about it for another good couple of months. lemme tell you, when you add it all up, that's alotta months! *smak* don't think I've ever gotten so worked up about a guy in my life (hah, as if that's saying much :p). now that it's all over, I can't blame myself for getting in a tizzy about it all, but I'm just glad that I don't end up like that with every guy I end up liking. I wouldn't be able to take it 0_o'. I'd be one of those lonely anime fanfiction writers who write nothing but cliche, sappy, romantic ([COLOR=darkblue]*~Miaka![/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Tamahome!~*[/COLOR]), meant-to-be-but-the-love-of-his-life-dies-type stories. eternal hell. lol[/font]
  4. [quote]I never really could tell that it was an old show, until I went on the *** website. 1979 I think. To lazy to check right now.[/quote][FONT=arial]I do believe it started in 1971. and to think, something made that long ago is more entertaining than half the anime they make today ^_^. lol, Lupin is awesome. Zenigata trips me up. if only they didn't show it so late at night, I'd watch it a heck of a lot more. but alas, when you have to get up early on most weekdays, you can't really stay up until 2am watching tv, can you? not for more than a few weeks or so anyway, unless you wanna catch mono and everything else going around easier (speaking from experience, excepting the mono part). lol[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]if it has a weird (or just really stupid) thread subject, I'll read it to see who all said what *cough*. cuz I'm a bus-body like that :cross:. for some reason I also like looking at profiles of banned members and reading their final posts before they were banned, to see if they wrote anything particularly stupid and such. cuz I'm a busy-body. lol.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial]man, last year I spent almost all of my summer money on nothing BUT anime! in one week I'd get somethin' like 2-4 manga, and then a couple of DVD's. sad thing is, most of the stuff I bought last year I'm trying to get rid of (*cough* sell -- [size=1]anyone interested in serious discounts, PM me[/size] *cough*), since I don't like most of it anymore. I think I probably would've done the same thing this year lol, except I had to pay for some other things. what I've bought this summer anime-wise consists of a Kenshin wallscroll, Totoro, Kare Kano 1, Marmalade Boy vol. 7, and a Spirited Away artbook. I'd download anime like I used to, except I've got some raunchy virus on my computer that keeps screwing it up (and how do you suppose I got it? >.>'). nope, don't think I'm gonna be doing much of that anymore. I don't think I'll ever be near as spending-crazy about anime as I used to be. not much anime nowadays that's worth paying over $100 per series to see. lol [/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]oy, there's only so much Linkin Park I can listen to before I can't take it anymore. I could listen to Metallica all day. and while I haven't heard much Disturbed and Godsmack other than the radio singles, I'm not that big a fan of Disturbed, going off of what I've heard. Godsmack sounds pretty good. but I'm going with Metallica. just thinking about it now, what exactly were you trying to spell out in the subject header? lol.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]people remember what they [i]want[/i] to remember. no one wants to remember their mom/dad saying something like, "Clean your room!", so they conveniently forget about it. while when someone does something that pisses you off, you think, "Hmm, I could use this against them to prove I'm right the next time (s)he pisses me off," and you somehow store the information away, since it'll be good, useful information to you later. just my take on it. lol.[/FONT]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Just don't ask any random upperclassman for directions. You'll get them, most likely, but odds are they'll be wrong. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, one of my friends was asked by a fellow freshman (since she was one at the time, but the other person didn't know that) where a certain class was, and she told her it was on the second floor. poor girl went on looking for a second floor that never existed in the first place. some advice I can give to freshmen: look comfortable/nonchalant, and don't act stupid. if you don't act like a freshman, you won't be regarded/treated like one. and try to act comfortable, even if you don't know your way around yet. if you go around looking nervous and lost, you're marked, lol. if you need to ask for directions, ask a teacher. a nice one. lol [/FONT]
  10. [FONT=arial]niftiness. the cover page is awesome. actually, I went to your site and looked at the manga pages you've got done so far (pretty cool, btw). the only thing I could think of with the legs and arms is maybe they're not shapely enough. at certain times (like at the top of the second manga page), the legs looked a little too straight, almost like she was wearing slacks under her skirt. maybe you could try making her calves a bit skinnier than her thighs, and then she wouldn't look too skinny, but she'd still have a nice shape. meh, nit-picki-ness. regardless, you're still doing a great job. I'd kill to be able to draw like that.[/FONT]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]My name got mentioned. I'm so happy. But here are a few people. This is no special order. Taylor Hewitt Ruby Kesaki_Inedia dayday(yes me) [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]......hm, well, good to know you've changed yourself. heh, just joking. as in, not meant to be taken seriously, and said in a joking manner. slightly. anywho, not quite sure if anyone on here has 'changed' me, so to speak, but the people who've probably come close to it, or who I respect/like what they post/etc., etc., would be (in alphabetical order :cross: ), amiboshi, Charles, PiroMunkie, Semjaza, and wrist cutter. and then I doubt I'll ever forget Harry's 'purple dancing hippo'. don't worry, I didn't forget anybody. :wave: j/k lol [/FONT]
  12. [FONT=arial]so far nobody has a nickname this year. but last year, somebody was called Jewsh because his name was Jess and he wore a wig similar to the hair color of a snare player named Josh for something like a spirit day. then there was Uterus....er, Jeremy. we were going to be performing Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' with the color guard and drill team for Halloween, and during one of the practices, we were learning at what part in the song we were to do 'pelvic thrusts'. Jeremy goes up to Anna and says something like, "Okay, so do I put my hand on my uterus?" hoooooo, you should've seen Anna. she said, "........Sure.... if you have one." it was too late by then, because most everybody on the drumline had heard him. we couldn't practice for about five minutes because everybody was laughing so hard. he's been branded with the name ever since. smart folk, us drum people are.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=arial]I'm not too fond of fortune cookies. I think I'm one of the only people to have broken open a fortune cookie and not find a fortune inside. and the sad part was I got yet another fortune cookie (I was feeling horribly left out since everybody else had gotten one and was laughing at me :p), and that one didn't have one in it either (they're not homemade or restaurant-made, so it couldn't have been a prank). so I guess I have no fortune. or I'm not getting anything in bed. fortune cookies suck.[/FONt]
  14. [FONT=arial]my 3 favorite girl names would be (in order) Julia: it just sounds like a pretty name. makes me think of how Julia in Cowboy Bebop looks (see avatar to your left). Eve: makes me think of Eden and beautiful, green nature. Emma: a girl I know at school has this name, and she's really funny, nice, etc. the name's grown on me since then. Rebecca is my next favorite. at one point I liked the name Aelan, but every time I saw it the word 'alien' came to my mind, so I dropped it. my 3 favorite boy names are (also in order) Sean: I had a friend at school with this name. really crazy, nice guy. liked the name ever since. I can't stand the spelling 'Shawn' though; makes me think of drawn-out Southern talk. Adam: also had a friend at school with this name. plus I just really like it. nyeh. Christopher: I don't really know why I like this name. guess it just sounds good ^_^. I also like the names Jeremy and Timothy. but everyone who I've told about the name Timothy says they think of some shrimpy little kid that gets beat up all the time 0_o. I can tell you a couple of names I [i]wouldn't[/i] think of calling my kids. they consist of words like Rainbow, Cookie, Bambi, and Eugene. no offense to anybody with those names though, of course ^_^'. [/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]I have a beagle named Lizzy. she's almost 5, and she looks almost exactly like Mei's dog. they're both absolutely ADORABLE!!! Lizzy begs far too much though, and she's not exactly what you would call bright. but that doesn't bother me much, cuz she's so gosh darn cute! I almost ended up getting a guinea pig a couple of weeks ago. kinda weird, considering I don't normally care much for them. put them up next to hamsters, and they look like monsters 0_o. but I saw this guinea pig in a pet store that was a little smaller than the others and looked all roughed up, and it looked so cute and gentle. buuuuut I didn't have my money on me at the time, and my mom refused to let me come back and get it later. *sigh* sadness.[/FONt]
  16. [FONT=arial]for me, snare is harder to play. while you do have to be pretty good at drumming to play quints, it takes a little more technique to play snare. playing snare, just about everything you do is critiqued. it's like since you only have one drum to worry about, you should be paying more concentration on stick heights, rudiments, visuals, so on and so forth. playing quints, as long as you have good sticking, play the music right, and you don't do anything bizarrely weird/wrong, you're pretty much alright. I'm sure if it was something like national competition the grading would probably be a lot heavier. base drumline is pretty cool too though. it can be lotsa fun, especially runs ^_^. providing you get decent music, anyway. quints are still my favorite though. I'd be so happy if I could do butterfly strokes. *gets glazed, spaced off look in the eyes* one of my favorite groups would have to be the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps. my band director videotapes marching competitions and lets us watch them in class sometimes. anywho, the first time I saw them march, I about choked. frickin' awesome. definitely check them out. we've got a Spanish theme this year and one of our songs is Spain (go figure)! it sounds pretty awesome. it's supposed to be a drum feature, but my band director is trying to incorporate the rest of the band in it >.>'. guy can't leave well enough alone. aggravating so-and-so. anywho, go to [url]http://www.rowloff.com/MarchingFolder/MediumMPF.php[/url] and download the song (it'll be somewhere near the bottom) if you want to hear how it sounds. as for the movie Drumline, bleck. I was disappointed. besides, if someone had tried pulling the stunts that the Nick Cannon guy did, (s)he'd've been kicked off and [i]stayed[/i] kicked off. we've a got a rookie or two who's seen that movie one too many times and think they're God's gift because they can play cheese on snare that took them about 6 months to learn in the first place, and are the laziest s.o.b.'s. one of them is playing the quints I played on last year. :flaming: blasphemy. most of the drumline's about ready to give 'em whatfor, if not kicked off if they don't shape up soon. and good riddance. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT=arial]can't get whatever attachment that is to work. oh well. but anywho, I'm currently playing snare for our drumline, but wish I was playing quints. those things are awesome. I would've gotten to be on them this year, except my mom told the drum instructor that she didn't want me playing them anymore because she thought it'd be too hard on my back >.>' . curses! [/FONT]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] I like to shop. Yes, superficial. I know. But I really do enjoy it. ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial] ooooh, I loooooove shopping. once I buy something that I've had my eye on, it's like early Christmas ^_^. makes me feel all :angel:special:angel: knowing that I bought something with money I earned on my own. then again, asking my mom if she'll buy me a CD every now and again is cool, too. ^_^' then there's sleeping. I love sleeping. can't get enough of it (and don't, unfortunately X_X). playing the piano is fun too and can be pretty relaxing, depending on what the songs are. just doing nothing is probably the best one though, lol. ya know, just taking some 'alone time' to turn thoughts over in your head, and think about pleasant memories or to just think about whatever you want. hah, man I sound antisocial after reading this to myself. I do enjoy hanging out with my friends also. just didn't come to mind until I thought about it. :p[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]Futurama's pretty good. Bender's half the reason why I watch the show. can't ever get too much Bender.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=arial]I've barely seen any scary movies to speak of, so by default the movie that's creeped me out the most is The Ring. well, the first time seeing it, anyway. then I saw it at home, and it was still kinda creepy, but not as creepy as seeing it in a dark theatre where everything's bigger and louder. though after watching it even now, I can't help walking into a silent room and getting paranoid that some dead girl is going to come out of the mirror, or t.v./computer monitor, or out of the closet, and give me the look of death :demon:. and this is some odd days [i]after[/i] seeing it 0_o'. heh, what fun ^_^.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=arial]lol, I'd do a lot less procrastinating. usually whenever I have some unpleasant task I need to complete/start on 0_o', I say to myself, "Okay, I'll do it after I'm done on Otakuboards." actually, my life would be better without it. I could have good grades at school. and get more sleep. what a nuisance. :p [/FONT]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gargoyle God [/i] [B]I'd keep it hush-hush for a few years, then I'd bring over my boyfriend and when they started to freak out I'd say we talked about it a few years back and say they were cool with it. Try that. I would and my parents would fall for it.... .... I'm not calling them bad names, I'm just saying they might forget. Mine would.[/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]0_o' that's probably one of [i]the[/i] worst ways you could go about doing it. the bringing over the boyfriend without warning part was bad enough, but trying to make up a lie as unbelievably.....unbelievable as that to try smoothing things over blows it out of water. though your parents might somehow 'forget' if you were to tell them something that significant, that doesn't mean that his parents would. anywho, you really don't have to tell your family that you're gay if you don't want to, you being an adult and whatnot. but if you do want them to know, try inviting them over to your house ([i]without[/i] your boyfriend there :cross:, since they might be rude about it, and he wouldn't deserve that), and just straight out tell them. you don't necessarily have to give them the nitty-gritty, but if they have any questions, be honest with your answers. once they're okay with the fact that you're gay, suggest that they meet your boyfriend, if you think it would be okay. if they don't accept how you are, then they'll just have to deal with it, I guess. good luck! [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]the next time he's rude to somebody, as soon as the two of you get to where you're by yourselves, in a concerned (but not overly concerned) way, maybe even a little joking, ask him if he thought it was a good idea to have said what he had or done what he had done. it's a subtle way to clue him in that he's being a jerk, and make him stop and think about what he's doing. If he says it's not a big deal, just say something like "you probably shouldn't have said that, it pissed so-and-so off pretty badly." if he says he doesn't care, then at least he knows about it now, and hey, you tried *shrug*. if he's been doing it to you as well as to others, the next time he does it, if you don't want to make a big show if it, somewhat jokingly tell him to lay off a bit. if he knows he's being rude to you, tell him upfront that you don't like how he's treating you, and if he values your friendship at all he'll quit with what he's doing. sometimes you've gotta be a little blunt to get the point across to some people. anywho, hope this helps a bit.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]indeed. hence the little strip of paper saying: [i]Do u like me? [/i][][i]yes [/i][][i]no [/i][][i]maybe[/i] heh, might not quite want to go about it that way, but if you want to get a straight answer, then ask a straight question. or something like that.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=arial]who here has seen the movie? what did you think of it? I'd like to see it, since it has the Bean man and whatnot. I don't expect it to be A Beautiful Mind or anything, but still fun to watch. so do tell if you liked it or not.[/FONT]
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