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Everything posted by amibasuki
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina [/i] [B]Two weeks ago, while I was in New Jersey, there was this mews report on the cops foiling a plan by some kids, ages 18,14 and 15(?). These kids were planning to go on a killing spree and were quite heavily armed. During trial,the 18 yr old, who is said to have started this thing,blames their impulses on the Matrix. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]what a load of bull. if it really was the 18-year old who said that watching the Matrix had made him attempt to kill and not the psychotherapists or whatever they were, then he's just trying to find an excuse to cover his sorry....buttocks. I mean, that's what we've been told nowadays. the media's influence is what make people kill. yeah, that's it. he was [i]hypnotized[/i] into trying to kill people; yeah, that make loads of sense! hah, that'll be the day. he knew exactly what he was going to do. I seriously doubt he had a some mental impairment that would have weakened his judgement, because if he did, then it would also be on the news. he [i]chose[/i] to give into those 'impulses,' whether they were caused by the movie or not. if he had such a problem with negative influences in the first place, he shouldn't have watched those types of movies. again, that's why they have R-ratings, because it keeps most impressionable kids from watching R-rated material. if kids [i]do[/i] manage to see it, it's not the director or the actors' faults. the people who let them see it are the ones to blame (ie: parents/guardians and ticket distributors). and even then, while the law says they can if they want to, if certain adults can't handle it, then they shouldn't watch it either. they have control over themselves, they don't [i]have[/i] to watch stuff like that if it puts 'overpowering' thoughts into their heads. :rolleyes: edit: :drunk: maladjusted, your banner is evil. how could you even [i]think[/i] it?! *dies* they're kinda cute in chibi form though. :love:[/FONT]
when do you guy go back to the hellhole aka school?
amibasuki replied to darkside's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]heh, ditto. I'm not even on the hundredth page of my first summer reading book (I've got another one waiting in the wings), and the reading test is next tuesday. I'm screwed >. -
when do you guy go back to the hellhole aka school?
amibasuki replied to darkside's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]technically, in our area school starts on August 8th (sorry Tasrai! >. -
The eternal Question " How the hell do women think?!"
amibasuki replied to a topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]*sigh* I'd like to know what goes through a couple of guys' minds every now and again. >.>' crazy-ness. but anywho, yeah, it's not gonna be the same for everybody. some girls like guys who are shy and reserved, while others go for guys who wouldn't feel the least bit daunted about talking to a whole group of people at once. I think probably the only thing that all girls would go for would be attractive looks (that could go a number of ways), and good personality compatibility. common sense type of stuff. [/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]ah, Les Miserables on Broadway. that'd be awesome. the person who got me into it saw it on Broadway too, and ever since he told me about it last year I've been dying to see it for myself. it was pretty neat hearing it from him, considering he's a guy not much older than me, and most guys that age aren't into liking stuff like that (or wouldn't admit it anyway, lol).[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]my thoughts exactly. :toothy:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]lol, I know. that's how Harry spelled it :p.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, that's started happening to an extent already for me. I used to be really into rock and all that, but now I'm leaning towards more melodic music, especially involving vocals (a capella, musicals, some pop). I still do like some rock to an extent, but not as much as I used to. but hey, this whole thing right now could just be another phase, and I'll end up addicted to bagpipe music in 10 more years ^_^.......... good lord help me if I do 0_o'.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I don't have a favorite band, but my favorite song is Oasis' 'Wonderwall'. I remember when I first heard it, and how much I liked it then, and how much I like it now. brings back memories of many kinds. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]well, if it makes you feel any better, I had to get some work done on my mouth today at good 'ole Mr. Dentist's office. didn't hurt since they gave me a whopping of novocaine large enough so that I couldn't feel my left ear or my nose for a couple of hours afterward, but now that it's worn off my mouth hurts like all get out. ..................but not that much! really, you'll do fine :D.[/FONT]
Favorite Amusement Park Ride! BWEE!
amibasuki replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]out of the amusement parks I've gone to *cough*DisneyWorld.WildAventures*cough*, the Tower of Terror is my favorite. I could've ridden that thing all day, and I would have, if the rest of my group hadn't wanted to ride the other rides, too. the Cheetah (I think that's what it's called) and the Hangman from Wild Adventures are also really cool. but they still don't hold a candle to the Tower of Terror.[/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]I have one modest piercing in each of my ears. a nose ring sounds cool, but I don't think I'd ever actually go through with it. I have pretty bad allergies. :toothy:[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]See, once again I never said that. Never said I was the only one with a rough childhood. Never said I wanted sympathy. Never said I was threatening to throw a tantrum, because I'm not. If you ignored me then you wouldn't even pay attention to that. I don't care if I'm physically or mentally mature. If you don't like it then don't. No one even has to talk to me. I don't really care. I'm just saying what's on my mind. If you think I'm not mature enough to say what I want then go ahead. I have my own way of things and how I work. Deal with it or leave me alone. It's up to you. I don't care what anyone else thinks of me I'm the way I am and I like it. I'm just tired of everyone trying to judge me when they don't know me. I state an opinion and all of a sudden something like this happens. Get over it if you don't like it. I'm going to keep posting like this and I don't care. I might get banned for it but I have to say what I have to say. If you don't like it don't. Just stop telling me what to do and how I act. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]no, you never outrightly said "Everybody, I have a rough childhood." You just said, "I've had a rough life," is all, and in this very thread, in fact. if you don't want sympathy, then why do you keep bringing that fact to our attention (or imply it) in almost every post you make? for the tantrum, how many times have you said that you were about to get angry, that you had a hot head, that people shouldn't make you angry, because if they did, there would be a lot less people around (also in this very thread)? I don't care what opinion you have, and I don't care if you state it. but you should be careful [i]how[/i] you state it. accusing people of having 'puny brains' because they don't agree with you [i]is[/i] rude, whether you think it or not. that was the thing that probably got people fired up at you to begin with, not because you stated your opinion. people here are allowed to have their say-so in opinions, but the rudeness is what gets people in trouble. I myself have gotten in that sort of trouble here, because I wasn't careful with how I said things, and I came off sounding like a jerk, when I didn't mean to sound mean in the first place. just some food for thought.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]I wasn't being rude. And I wasn't trying to make you think about it. I know how to explain it. But no one gets what I mean anyway. So, I don't take out my time to explain. Just a lot of time to yell at them about what I'm saying now. So, once again I'll say this. Don't think you know more than me or get me mad. Because I really don't get along with people that well. And most of the board thinks I'm immature because of it. But I'm not and I know more than you think and I don't like to be told things like that. I lose my temper easily. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]*sigh* heaven forbid I should get you angry at me. :rolleyes: no point in arguing with you after this, since you won't listen to reason anyway. crying shame that you aren't keeping on topic with your own thread, when you were on 'some people's' cases about it earlier.[/FONT] [quote][i]Originally posted by Perfect Cell[/i] [b]yea me too....but he wont for a bit. he's only 2 so i still have to deal with him for a few years...[/b][/quote] [FONT=arial]so he's two, huh? C.J. (my brother) didn't ever copy me then, but he sure likes to copy me now, and he's 11 0_o'. he does it on purpose because he knows it annoys me like all get out :drunk:. well, your brother's probably copying you because he likes you so much ^_^.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]See once again you didn't get what I said. If you took the time and read my post carefully you would have saw what I meant. And relationships aren't about sex and nothing else. I don't see why anyone even pays me any mind. They never get what I mean when I say it. No one gets anything about me. No one understands me. None of you probably get why I write poems. It's all just words and such to you, but I actually wrote it for a reason. See and now I'm so mad I'm about to cry. That's how angry I am right now. You need to all just leave me alone and ignore what I say since you don't get it anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]pardon me for being blunt, but be quiet about it already. suck it up, you're not the only one who's gone through a rough childhood, but you don't hear other people complaining about it trying to get sympathy. if it's not for sympathy, then I sure don't get why you would bring it up here, since it has nothing to do with the topic. maturity also has to do with how you deal with conflicts, so if you're as mature as you claim to be, while they shouldn't have quite said what they did, you're not helping to prove your case by threatening to throw a tantrum because people don't agree with or 'understand' you, as you put it. you're gonna get quite a bit of that in the future as it is, might as well learn how to face it now.[/FONT]
I beat up two 15 year olds, I'm king of the world
amibasuki replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]heh, while it's a bit funny when only hearing about it (mean me and all), it probably wasn't the best thing to do. I'm sure you could've thought up something equally as nasty but not as violent instead. police are not fun people to deal with. neither are biased parents who think their children are absolute angels.[/FONT] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]Didn't I say don't ask? It's a reason. I have this thing and it's not good right now. So it's not a good time to get mad for me. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]:therock: if you don't want to have to explain yourself, then it's not a really good thing to say something as vague as, "don't ask, I have this thing," unless you're inconspicuously trying to get someone to ask you what your problem is, since something like that [i]does[/i] leave people wondering. while I've been trying to keep from being snappy, you've been particularly rude (and not just in this post), and I don't appreciate it at all.[/FONT] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Perfect Cell[/i] [b]oh man dont even get me started on little brothers and sisters. there are 10 kids in my family. My little sister will always turn ANYTHING in to some house game,like super smash bros. i have a little brother who will copy ANYTHING i do anything i say. Somtimes i really just wanna kill them!!! but im stuck with them......forever......[/b][/quote] [FONT=arial]:faint: man, and I thought 5 kids in the house was bad. I can't imagine what 10 would be like. my little brother copies me, too. drives me INSANE, I tell ya! heh, well at least you're not the youngest (or the oldest, for that matter >.>'). what place in line are you at? [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]well, what thing? people are staying on topic.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]well pish, why don't you just out and say the names if you're going to try to accuse somebody? anywho, no fear, for while it was temporarily off-subject, I [i]was[/i] talking about my two siblings Anna and Deedlit, which was what you wanted anyway, so you won't have to worry your pretty little head.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I use industrial. I just like the way it looks more than the other skins for some reason. plus it fits my avatar better ^_^.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]oh yes, I assure you we are in our underwear. we just wear clothes on top of them. glad you learned something new today, Dragon Warrior. makes me feel all warm and squishy inside ^_^. oh, and Deedlit was the elf person that Anna described, in case you wanted to learn a little extra. ;)[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]I did that on purpose; not that I NEED to clarify that! It's obvious! I tell ya! Don't EVEN get me started on my household: I have a sister who's... um, ? kind of like a Ste, and then I have a sister who thinks she's an elf, and a sister who's going through a phase (and not a growth one, ooooooooooooh!), and brother who....... is different, in his own way. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]psh, 'kinda like a Ste'? that's the best you can do? yesh (I did THAT on purpose; not that I NEED to clarify that!), all of the above is true; I am in fact kinda like a Ste, and she pretty much pinpointed everybody else. but Anna herself, in her shy goodness, forgot to tell you about herself! the fact that you need rabies shots every month or so is nothing to be embarrassed about, dear. :toothy:. *sigh*, I tell ya, once that moose bit her, it's stayed with her ever since. she'll nibble on ya every now and again, if you don't look out for yourself.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]Hmmm...how stupid are they? [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]well, considering my almost 19-year old sister can't even spell 'sweetie' right, it just about proves it. :p[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I have brothers....brother and sisters who actually [i]are[/i] stupid. does that count?[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]I'm really getting tired of people always saying you're too young. You're never too young. Can't any of you get that through those little puny things you call a brain!! Sorry, about that. Got a little carried away. But I have seen over half the people I know have been in relationships for months. Maybe it just wasn't working out with you and her. Did you even know why she dumped you. If you told me what she said I guarantee I can figure it out. I've done it plenty of times to people. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, 12 is too young to be worried about dating people, whether you want to admit it or not :p. I was 'going out' with someone when I was twelve. we went out for awhile, then we broke up. now when we see each other in school, we don't even remember that we used to go out unless someone who knew us back then brings it up for memory's sake. besides, most people at that age aren't mentally/emotionally mature enough to realize just what they would be getting into if it was the real thing. you know I'm right, don't deny it :p. what are you gonna do at twelve, anway? "meet you at the monkey bars. :naughty:. teehee!" it's pointless. there's no point. the point is not there. even if you do get to meet outside of school, it's not all that great having your mommy take you to the movies. [i][b]believe me.[/i][/b] [/FONT]