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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Ok fine then, again in my perspective gay marraige is wrong. However, those ppl who decide to do it make their own choices. Its their life and they should do how they see fit. However, even as a minority don't go around rubbing into ppl's faces their lifestyle and such and how ppl should accept it or else...--; [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]while gay marriage is wrong to most Christians (and non-Christians), it's still also wrong to patronize gay people the way some people have been doing it. two wrongs don't make a right. I do agree that it should stay their business as to what they do and not put it in others faces so blatantly though. as an example, some people talk about exactly what they did just because they know that it bothers some people. frankly I don't really want to hear that sort of rot, whether it was between members of both sexes or opposite sexes. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]last year I splurged mostly on anime stuff. I spent almost $40 on my Vash doll 0_o'. then there's the DVD's, wallscrolls, manga, etc., all of which are ridiculously expensive but addictive (the manga didn't cost as much, but $10-15 for each manga starts to add up reeeeeeally quick). I think probably the most expensive anime item I've ever bought was a Fushigi Yuugi OVA boxed set, which cost about $75. sad thing is, I don't really have much to do with anime nowadays, except for a few series. I think I'll keep my Vash doll, Spirited Away artbook, and Marmalade Boy mangas, but I'm gonna try selling everything else. this year though, I splurged on tickets to Les Miserables. awesome seats, but altogether it cost $140. imo, well worth the money though, I've been dying to see the live performance for forever. it's not the same seeing something on tape as actually being there, ya know? [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]hehe, man, I wanna hear how your school band sounds. or watch a performance. or SOMETHING! sorry 'bout the mouth problem though. hope it gets better.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]man, I used to pull all-nighters all the time back about three years ago. it was really easy during summer, since I had nothing to do. I wouldn't get to bed until at least 5 in the morning most nights. but nowadays I have trouble staying up until midnight, let alone 5. having to wake up at 7:30 every morning'll do that to ya ^_^'. it's a blessing. now I won't have to go through the first month of school in a sleeping coma because of a whacked-out summer sleeping schedule.[/FONT]
A early "What did you do during the summer?" Essay
amibasuki replied to a topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]for the major stuff of this summer, I had a 'job', as in, babysat two kids from 9am to 3:30pm. with some of the money I got from it, I got myself some tickets to go see Les Miserables up in Atlanta in September, which I'm totally psyched about ^_^. probably one of the best parts of this summer was going to a church camp called EFY in Gainsville. that was frickin' awesome. what I have yet to do this summer is band camp, which starts for me this......Wednesday or Thursday, I believe. that'll pretty much take up the rest of my summer, so I don't have much to talk about other than that ^_^'. [/FONT] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Well, in the whole "gay marriage" thing, it could be about people pushing their beliefs. In my opinion, people [i] are[/i] using their 'God' to hide their own prejudice and discriminatin against homosexuals. When I used to be a Christian, I brought up the topic of homosexuality in bibly study class, and my teacher stiffly said it was a sin since God said so in the bible, and therefore all homosexuals were bad. Of course, after reading what amibasuki quoted from that...person (srry), the people who are rallying together and protesting against gay marriage are wrong. (If they are Christian) But I guess some of the people protesting [i] know [/i] that they're wrong by saying homosexuals are bad in Christian terms, and they say that being homosexual is being anti-american. And that, from my point of view, is incorrect. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]well, there are exceptions, but I believe for the most part that the people who are protesting and such are just doing what they think is right. what with the talk about all the sin that's coming into the world in these 'last days', they're doing all they can to make sure that things stay as 'wholesome' as possible, I guess. heh, you know how some people were trying to ban the Harry Potter books because of 'witchcraft'. gay marriage is just something else they're protesting against. but while most of them may have good intentions in mind, the way they're going about it is wrong, in my opinion. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]here's most of the stereotypes at my school - overachievers: in BETA club (and every other club), star in sports, and just about everything else. doesn't get home from school until 7 at night during the school week. everybody at least knows their names, since their names are called at least 50 times during Honors Night. - rednecks: the camo-wearin' country-lovin' southern folk. some people like 'em, some don't. - jocks: people who play in at least 2 spring sports and/or football. kinda like the band junkies (look below at 2nd sentence). - band junkies: marching band, color guard, and drill team; the people who put on that awesome show during half-time ^_^. people don't look down on us much at all really, unless they've got a problem with you personally and such. - rockers/goths: self-explanatory. some people like 'em, some don't, some don't particularly care. - gaming freaks/card players: the people who sit in the corner of the lunchroom playing Magic the Gathering. unfortunately kinda looked down upon here. meh, I think that's about it. I would be in the band junkie category, considering that's what took up all my after-school time this year, though next year I'm probably gonna be one of those overachievers (except without the sports; uncoordination-ness). there's quite a bit of stuff I'd like to look into activities-wise.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]but what if the best time to tell them never comes? [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]that's how they found out about it. somebody saw him on a surveillance camera. he was caught shortly after.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, nothing else to talk about, most likely.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I thought he only molested the girl. either way, >.>', I hate hearing about stuff like this. kinda strange how nobody else saw what was going on, it's not like he did it in some employee-only back room or anything. bah, anway. hopefully he will have justice done on him.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, I'm still waiting for mine to come in, and I'm almost sixteen (whoopy.... . ). my dentist thinks I'm some kinda freak case, the way he talks about it 0_o'. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]......:twitch:.....THE Blue Devils?.....:twitch: :faint: that must've been awesome. I envy you. if only our band director was that good.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bishie [/i] [B]"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but looking together in the same direction" [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]nice quote. I like it ^_^. love, hmmm. I love my friends. kinda weird saying that, because up until one or two years ago, my friends to me were just people I hung out with at school. if we happened to part ways, I wouldn't have really cared much. but if I were to leave some of my friends behind if I was moving or something now, I'd truly miss them. a few of them know more about me than my own sisters 0_o'. then there's love for your family. catchy little phrase to work with this one: "You have to love 'em, you just don't have to like 'em." yes yes, horrible me :p. actually, I do love my family as well. whether it be out of necessity or not, lol. romantic love. the love that this thread was initially supposed to be about :cross:. this one's kinda tricky. I don't really think I've been 'in love' with someone before. the closest thing to love that I've felt was over someone who didn't feel the same way about me. so I don't know if I just happened to like him more because I couldn't have him, or if I really did just like him that much. blah, but anywho. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I don't really have a favorite Japanese band, since I've only heard about one or two songs from very few bands as it is. I've heard some L'arc~en~Ciel, and while I can't remember anything about the songs, I remember I did like them a bit :cross:. I've also heard a bit of Siam Shade, which I really like, though the only song I can distinctly remember from them is Bloody Train. and there was this one other band named something like.....NOiX, or something like that *looks around for help*. I've only heard one of their songs, but it was awesome. can't remember the name of that one either, unfortunately. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]that seems to be the case in the band here, too >.>'. except just about all of 'em are like that. I think the ego problem is a trumpet thing.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]then have at it ^_^. harmonica's usually don't cost too much, anyway. still, don't completely give up on school concert band ;). it teaches you a lotta important things that could help you with your music. maybe not harmonica, but music things, nontheless. and trumpet's really fun, too ^^ .[/FONt]
[FONT=arial]well, it's hard for me to play, anyway :p. it can be pretty cool when it's done right. are you thinkin' of playing an instrument for school band, or just for fun? [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]regardless, you should tell your parents, if you haven't done so already. what if one of them does it again, except something worse happened to you? your parents might have been able to do something to make sure that it wouldn't have happened. when all is said and done, it's best to just get it all out and done with, or it will chew at your mind until you go crazy. and who knows? maybe your parents will be a little understanding that you don't necessarily want them to get a really serious punishment, especially since one of them supposedly changed. off subject and out of curiosity, how old were they at the time? and I know if I had a daughter, I'd want to know if she was raped, even if the news would be hard to take. if you had one, wouldn't you?[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]before I start, I'd just like to say I totally agree with Dan L's last post. most of it (if not all of it) is how I look on the issue. I might just be repeating a lot of what other people have said, considering there [i]is[/i] eight pages of all of this, but hear me out. please ^_^. From my own beliefs as a Christian myself, I do look at homosexuality as a sin. That does NOT mean, however, that I am going to patronize and look down on people who are homosexual. Kinda like saying "hate the sin, not the person who committed it." Yeah, that can be taken as a way of pointing the finger at someone, but in my case it's not meant to sound as patronizing as that. It's like how Dan L put it: Christ didn't agree with what they were doing, but he loved them regardless of what they did. He didn't look at them just as sinners, or recognize them as, "Okay, she's the one who sleeps around with everybody," or "Okay, he's the one who steals from people." He looked at them as his brothers and sisters, as children of God. Period. If anything, he felt grieved that they were committing the sins that they were, but he didn't think any less of them. That's how I think on the matter. It could be likened to other things as well. We are told to love everyone, not just people who live up to 'Christian standards'. That includes people who smoke, have premarital sex, and yes, people who are gay. People who do those kind of things can still be good people. Any 'Christian' who doesn't give and show respect to someone who has different preferences or a different lifestyle than they do, especially when the said person is in no way harming the other person or any other people at all, is just being a bigot. Using God as a scapegoat for a petty prejudice against someone who is different from you is one of the most un-Christian things you could possibly do. Everyone is given free agency to make their own decisions in life, laws or no laws. With that said, there are also consequences. Applying this to people who are gay and also believe in Christianity, they already know what they're doing and getting into, so let them be. It's their decision. [i]They[/i] are the ones who are doing it, so it's not your place to get caught up in their business. If people choose to be openly gay, then that's their choice. If they want to be married, then they should have the right to do so. All the same, if churches don't want to marry them because it would be against what they believe, then they shouldn't be forced to. But gay couples who want to be married should at least have the right and opportunity to be legally married somewhere, since America [i]is[/i] a country where people [i]should be[/i] able to make their own choices and where everybody [i]should be[/i] counted as equals, regardless of personal differences. That's what the people who fought for this country centuries ago and even now wanted. Well anywho, that's what I've got to say on the matter. Kinda wordy in some places, but I hope what I said made sense. [/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Terpischore [/i] [B][color=b60039] I think that the woman looked like a cross between Natalie Portman and Winona Ryder when her hair was down. When it was up, though, she looked like herself.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]yeah, I thought she looked a lot like Winona Ryder in the face at some parts, especially when she was on the Black Pearl for the first time [spoiler]when she found out about all of the pirates being nothing but skeletons[/spoiler]. At certain parts if I had been, say, watching the movie on tv without having seen it before, I would have sworn it was Winona Ryder...with a wig. I never thought she looked like Natalie Portman though. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I believe that is called statutory rape. so yeah, even if she didn't resist, it's still illegal.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I don't remember either ^_^'. cursed short-term memory. anywho, I think I first started using the internet when I was in 5th grade. I even made my own girls club webpage: Where the Girls Gather ^_^. gimme a break, I was 11 :shifty:. actually, I knew more about HTML and all that rot then than I do now. forgot it all in the span of 4 years :drunk:.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Perfect Cell [/i] [B]well the drums are pretty easy....i think.....but yea the recorder is a good starting one. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]tell me, what level of music do you play on? from the description you've said, flute would be the best choice. but clarinet also might be good, if buying new reeds every so often wouldn't bother you much.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]...Anyway, I'm a freshman and I'm on the DRUMLINE!!! *yays and w00ts! (except for the freshman part)*...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]come-come now, you won't have to worry about being picked on in the freshman department as long as you don't act like a stereotypical freshman. other than maybe Steven, since he'll be glad he's not a freshman anymore, but he himself acts worse than one regardless, so he's got his comin' anyway. :devil:[/FONT]