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Everything posted by amibasuki
[FONT=arial]I think I might want to major in sociology and either philosophy or psychology. when I'm actually enrolled in college, of course :cross:. [/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky [/i] [B]I'm sure ever one will remeber: Near, far...where ever you are.... What songs that? The song that stole our hearts...we played that at my nana's funeral. Titanic.... That....is a great song.... [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, that would be Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On."[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Johnny Depp was awesome, and I actually liked Orlando Bloom a lot more than I thought I would (what with crazed lunatics in my house screeching 'Legolas!' in my ear ever since the LotR movies came out, it was all I could do to keep from hating him with a passion). and as most everybody else has said, the graphics were pretty neat, especially the ending scene in the cave. definitely enjoyable seeing it for the first time. the second time around would be a bit iffy though.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I usually only have bad days when I get in bad arguments with people (or when my parents are really going at it), or if I just have a bad bout of low self-esteem or something. if one of the two have happened, there's almost nothing that can take me out of it.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]all you have to do is say 'I like - big - butts, and I cannot lie', and you've got the entire group singing the rest of the song. then it stays in your head for another couple of five hours.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I like being alone for periods at a time. it's when I get most of my music practice done and anything else that I need to do during the day. but if I were to go for even a week without so much as talking to anybody, I'd probably go crazy 0_o. either that or improvise and make little sock buddies for me to talk to. *gets out the buttons and glue* :beer:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, I have no clue as to what I want to do for a living once I'm up and out of college, but I sure don't want to be a good-for-nothing all my life, lol. if all else fails, I'll go work in the Peace Corps.; sounds like an interesting job anyway. :mrt:[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Vince Diesel...? Yuck. Carrey annoys me. He gets applauded for doing crap I was told to stop because of my age. Where's my millions of dollars? :( My favorite actor is Johnny Depp. He's an incredible actor and really gets into his roles. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a prime example. You would barely recognize him in it. Edward Scissorhands is another example. He doesn't even need to [i]speak[/i] in that film and is still better than a vast majority of actors out there. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, I agree with everything said here, except I haven't seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas yet. but yeah, I can't stand Jim Carrey, because he's so freaking obnoxious. and Vin Diesel isn't exactly one of my favorites either. Johnny Depp is my favorite actor, but as for actresses, I'm not quite sure. maybe Michelle Pfeiffer :huh:. I really liked her in I Am Sam.[/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Oops when I wrote that post I thought we were talking about dumb people or something sorry! lol [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]heh, s'alright, just makin' sure. got kinda skeptical, cuz I know someone who dropped out of high school; he regrets that he dropped out, and he's still a really sweet guy.[/FONt]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Personality over looks... that's not how it is in the real world. People don't care if the person dropped out of highschool they just want some hot hot hotness and that's about it. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]ya know, someone who's dropped out of high school can still be a good person. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]doooode, what do you play? yeah, quints/quads (depends on how many drums there are) are awesome. my second favorite drumline instrument would have to be the base drums though, when it's done juuuuuust right. we start practice on the 23rd. I really need to 'work on my chops', as Josh, the almighty section leader said, since I haven't practiced much at all since summer started. so I don't end up doing xylophone >_
[FONT=arial]I admit that when I see a really good-lookin' guy, well, I like lookin' at him (who wouldn't? :tasty: ). if there's no personality there though, then that's all he's good for: looking at. I go with personality hands down. guys I know that, compared to other people, aren't necessarily blessed with the good looks gene come to seem attractive anyway once I get to know them and find out what great guys they really are. if you've got a good personality, it'll show through onto your countenance.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, marching band is awesome. band camp is probably one of the best parts of it ^_^. I'm in the drumline. the drum instructor hasn't decided 100% who's going to be playing what, but I'm probably either going to be playing xylophone (bleh, I want to march on the field since it is, you know, marching band :cross: ), or snare; xylophone being a choice because I happen to be pretty decent at it, while almost everybody else can't play anything with 16th notes in it 0_o'. *praying for snare*. last year I played quints. man, that was awesome. if I had the choice to play quints this year, I would without a doubt. but we'll see how it goes, I guess.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I post if I'm familiar with the subject being discussed. kinda like how it is in the Music/TV forum; you can't really reply to most of the threads unless you've actually seen the movie/tv show or heard the CD, can you? I also post if I happen to like what's being talked about, or if I want to give my opinion on something. as for avoiding certain threads, if I get on and see a new thread that's already got six pages attached to it, and there's really nothing that interests me about it on the first couple of pages, I don't bother with it. I also don't reply if what I had to say would just be repeating what about 10 other people before me said, or if I don't know much information about the subject being talked about. those political threads come to mind for that case; I think the only one I've ever posted more than two posts in had to do with the whole war thing that happened this year, and that was because I actually had a fairly good idea of what all was going on. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]anytime I hear something that's got loads of vocal talent involved, or something that has a lot of emotion put into it (or something that has emotional value to me), I get chills. I get the shivers from my head to my feet whenever I listen to music performed by Jon Schmidt (not a singer, but still) and Josh Groban. both are so talented at what they do, you can't help but feel the hair on your arms stand up. I remember that happened when I heard the Les Miserables soundtrack for the first time too, especially during the finale. there's a whole bunch of examples I could think of if I took the time to think about it, but ya get the idea.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]dangit, I love a whole lotta cartoon shows! I can't pick just one. I like Spongebob (the only funny cartoon Nickelodeon's got, besides Fairly-Odd Parents), the Angry Beavers (even better than Spongebob, and they went and cancelled it; stupid Nickelodeon losers), Dexter's Laboratory (the old stuff kicks butt), Powerpuff Girls (same case as Dexter), Family Guy (I love Stewie!!!), the Brak Show (Brak is one awesome singer, lemme tell you what! :p), and Home Movies. the marble song is classic.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]once I stayed on from 7pm to 8am the next morning. there were other times I pulled all-nighters, but no other particular occasions come to mind. those days were back about 2 years ago. now I only stay on for about an hour or two at the most every day. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]now that I think of it, when I was about three or four years old, I remember seeing some movie about a kangaroo. the kangaroo was animated, I'm not sure if the actual movie was animated too though. at the end of the movie the kangaroo ended up leaving, and the little girl it was with cried, which got me and my sisters crying, too. I can't remember the name of the movie for the life of me. hm, well, nice little trip back in memory lane. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I'm not scared of death itself, just how I'm gonna die. it'd be pretty messed up if I died because someone stabbed me to death. but if death only involved going to sleep and never waking up, I wouldn't be the least bit scared of it. don't necessarily want to die at this point in my life though.[/FONT]
Writing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
amibasuki replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=arial]*cries with Solo Tremaine* [spoiler]he was mine, too! the absolute [i]last[/i] person who I wanted to die.[/spoiler] seriously, I did cry when I read it. I wanted to pick the book up and throw it across the room when I finished it. the only thing that kept me from doing it was the fact that it's so freaking thick it would've put a dent in the wall. I want to [i]strangle[/i] that madwoman (talkin' about Rowling). the book is very good, but very frustrating. especially certain characters *cough*[spoiler]Umbridge, Percy, Cho[/spoiler]*cough*. and yeah, it was nice to see Harry show a bit of a temper. I agree that the book cover is awesome. it's probably my favorite one so far. all those blues. made me want to sleep ^_^ j/k. and they finally made him look like he was over the age of 12! *happiness!* [/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]when I was in sixth grade my mom tried putting 'highlights' in my hair. she ended up doing my enire head, and it came out completely bleached and tinted orange. and a couple of hours later, she made me go to a New Year's Eve party that was being thrown. this one guy called me Vitamin C, except he had no room to talk, because his hair was the exact color of mine :cross:. since then, I haven't let my mom so much as [i]trim[/i] my hair, considering she can't do that right either anyway.[/FONT]
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend
amibasuki replied to TarMeg1989's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]I don't usually do much, and am GLAD for that. I just usually sleep in, mess around at home, and when I have some extra money go shopping. shopping-shopping-shopping. bought an artbook of Spirited Away today, actually. lovin' every page of it. :love:[/FONT] -
Writing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
amibasuki replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=arial]I am so PISSED!!! I went to go get the book early at Barnes and Noble, but they had already sold out by the time we got there. they said to come back Monday :flaming:. I'm determined to find a copy at least by Saturday night. errgh, angriness![/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]I think the last movie I cried over was either Grave of the Fireflies or Pearl Harbor. I didn't even like Pearl Harbor that much for the most part, [spoiler]but the part where that dude (forgot the name) died when he was about to become a father was really sad[/spoiler]. ironically, I think that was probably the best part in the entire movie. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I speak slang all the time. half the time I don't realize I'm doing it, while the other half I talk like it to sound stupid on purpose for jollies. sad thing is I've got a bad country accent now, so I sound like a total idiot whenever I talk. the [i]really[/i] sad thing is that whenever I try to talk decently, I sound slow. I'm really not........really :flush:. I can seem somewhat intelligent as long as I'm not speaking in person.[/FONT]