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Everything posted by amibasuki
[FONT=arial]ergh, rumors are horrible. two years ago, a good friend of mine (I'll call her Jan) moved here during the halfway point in the school year. things started out okay for her at first. then a group of girls got up in her face and called her all this rude junk one day, so she retaliated back with a couple of her own insults. after that, a so-called 'friend' to both of us at the time spread rumors about her, saying that she was bolemic and wanted to kill herself. now since Jan had talked back to the group of girls, most all of the other girls didn't like her, since the group of girls was really popular. then everybody found out she was an atheist, and thought she was some Satan-worshipper since she believed in evolution, which got everybody calling her things like 'monkey' and 'ape'. so since people didn't like her anyway, people believed the rumors. at that point, I was literally the only one that was sticking up for her; it was a horrible mess. then the same girl who started the rumors about her went to the counselor saying the same stuff. Jan almost got into a huge amount of trouble from that, along with all the other stuff she was going through. eventually, everybody found out about the backstabbing wretch who spread those lies about her, so they started backing off. but I'll never forget all that, and how some people can be so closed-minded and cruel because of physical/religious/status differences. soooooo yeah. I hate rumors. and I have no respect for people who start them. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]0_o' I must be weird or something, 50 degrees is kinda cold to me. a normal, spring day in Georgia is about 70-75 degrees. anything lower than 65 is considered chilly. I hate cold weather. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]well Deedlit, if you think the councilor is bad when she's overly happy, picture her when she's overly mad. glory, her scream could make glass shatter. she reminds me of some little daschund that won't quit yapping. and at the high school, there's a lovely girl who talks just like her on the intercom everyday. looks like she'll be haunting you forever. hehehe. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]the little things that make me happy make me feel peaceful and content. soooo here's a list of things that make me happy. - listening to my favorite music - rainstorms at night - playing relaxing piano music - being at church - looking up at the stars on a clear winter night - singing - hugs; from the right person, it's the best thing in the world ^_^ [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]my thoughts exactly. John Lennon was the person I was thinking about while making that security comment. and the sad part is, now that they've given so much information about his whereabouts, anybody that owns a good bit of technology who knows how to use it could find out where his house is, and rob it (lord knows they'd get at least a billion dollars wortha loot outta there) or kill him and his children. yeah, that's what security's for, but let's say someone managed to get around it? it's not a totally impossible concept. 'course, I'm lookin' at the worst thing that could happen, but it's still possible. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]pretty much the same concept as the "anime that aren't well known" thread, but this one deals with manga. wasn't sure whether or not this subject should go into that thread or not, since some manga series differ greatly from their anime counterparts. plus, there's a lot of manga that haven't been made into anime yet, so it kinda wouldn't fit. so if the thread doesn't get closed, name some manga you've read that might not be that familiar to other people and give a summary and your opinions on them. [/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus Bing [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]I am hearing loads of stuff about him, people arguing for him, saying he doesn't do anything with those kids. Now, I kind of believe that, but if he is so innocent, why did he have a security system installed, so he can see if anyone if coming towards his room? And, he turns this on when he is in there with kids. A bit suspicious if you ask me...![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]hmmmmm......maybe for safety reasons? maybe he had a security system installed so that some insane fan/hater doesn't come in and blow his brains out while he's sleeping. seems perfectly logical to me :cross:. and if he really does only turn the system on when he has kids with him, that does look rather suspicious. but looking from a different angle, if he had kids with him, it'd be all the more reason to be wary of things like that. he could simply be doing it for their protection. I really don't believe the rumors that he was (or is) a child molester. he seems a bit naive/immature, not sure which word would fit better, but he still seems like a decent, nice guy. he really does seem like a child. with that being said, I don't think he should have custody of his kids. even though I'm sure he loves them to death, he doesn't seem to have enough good judgement capable of keeping them from harm. him hanging his baby off the balcony to let his fans see him is an example right there. if he makes poor judgements like that all the time off-camera, his children could be in serious danger. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I don't really care eitherway. theOtaku.com sounds fine, but if you've come up with something better, than go ahead and use it. 'what's in a name,' anyway? it'll still be the same site whether the name is changed or not. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]hmmm....for band, I played trumpet my first year in 6th grade, then switched to percussion the year after. for high school marching band this year, I played quints in the drumline. Mr. Geiger (drum instructor) wants me to play snare next year (so does my mom, but she's more concerned about my back), but I really don't want to. I just don't like snare, and it's not nearly as much fun as quints is. but when it comes down to it, I'll probably go along with it, although I'm gonna freak if some punk freshman ([i]EDIT: I'm using that term in its stereotypical sense; just thought I'd say that so nobody gets offended or whatnot :twitch:[/i]) who doesn't know what he's doing comes along and ends up playing my quints. I say open season on his sorry arse. my pet instrument besides quints is piano. I looooove playing piano. been playing since I was about 7, so I'm decent at it (I should hope so), though it takes me a while to learn new music if I don't like it, cuz I'm just stubborn like that :cross:. my favorite contemporary piano composer of all time is Jon Schmidt. anyone who likes piano music (or even if you don't) should seriously look into him sometime. some titles to check out are Waterfall, All of Me, Sacred Ground, and Game Day. those are some of my favorites anyway, just about everything else he's written is awesome, too. I can sing a slight bit. when I say a slight bit, I mean a slight bit, as in I can usually sing on key. I mostly sing for church, but I'll sing to just about anything I know the tune to. in the car or by myself, that is. yyyyyyyyup, I think that about covers it. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I'm terribly sorry that happened to your brother. wish there was something I could do. like other people mentioned, he's in a better place now, and he's probably doing great. only advice I can give is to stay close to the people you care about. hope all goes well for you.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]man, I would SO love to be a performer. not like a movie actress, something more in theatre. cuz it's LIVE! but then the question arises, what would I do if I were to get married and have a family? my time priorities would [i]greatly[/i] change; I'd probably drop acting altogether, because it's so time consuming. but I know it'd be worth it. so I'm gonna get my jollies out in high school and maybe college, and look at the experience in a nice remembering sort of fashion.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]if your grades aren't up to snuff, then try working harder at them. I pretty much coasted last year when it came to school, and I ended up getting F's in two subjects. this year, grades aren't [i]nearly[/i] as bad because I'm putting in more effort to make sure my grades don't suck like they did last year. if you're already putting in effort, try putting in a little more. do whatever you can to get it clicking (as long as it's not destructive, that is :cross: ). same w/ your chores. and I'm sure that with a little work you could right your relationship with your friend. dunno about the girlfriend. BUT, if you think your girlfriend was somethin' else, just remember that there's about a thousand other girls out there who are just as great (if not better) than she is. you're not missin' out on too much. overall, remember it's the bad things in life that make the good things seem all the better. in other words, your bad days will make all the good ones seem even...well, all the better! just keep pluggin' along, if you work at it things'll be set right in due time.[/FONT]
Breaking Up: Advice Needed Desperately! (please read)
amibasuki replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]don't have any doubts about your self worth. you're smart and beautiful enough to get just about any guy you wanted. it's not your fault your husband went and decided to be a jackash. I'm sure you'll eventually find somebody who's a thousands times better, and will treat you as such, too. and yeah, I wouldn't see a problem with starting to go with other people. you and your husband separated, and you're trying to get a divorce, so there's no reason why you couldn't. wishing the best of luck to you![/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]the nicest gift I've gotten on Valentine's Day was from my best guy friend about 2 years ago. I wasn't expecting to get anything since I wasn't going out with anybody, but coming in after lunch I found a card he had made and a chocolate rose on my desk. it was a 'from a friend to a friend'-type deal; proof that not everybody who gives someone something on Valentine's Day is out to get laid. :p I actually like Valentine's Day for the most part. I think of it as a nice, convenient excuse to tell the person you like that you care about him/her, especially if the person in question doesn't know about it. sometimes it just being Valentine's Day gives people more courage to say something rather than if it was just a regular weekday. makes me feel all squishy inside seeing my friends getting and giving stuff to their crush/boyfriend/girlfriend, whichever the case may be. 'course, it's better if you actually have someone to spend Valentine's Day with than if you didn't *cough* >.>' , but I don't mind as much as I used to, even if I do get jealousy pricks every now and again. I'm thinkin' this year I'm gonna buy a couple bags of chocolate and throw candy at people all day. certainly wouldn't hurt anything (except for an occasional eye or nose *harhar*), and us people not getting anything would get our chocolate after all. better than moping about all day writing down names of ppl who got stuff so they can go on your hit list..........*gets ideas*.......no! no getting ideas *smacks self*! eh, anywho, V-Day can turn out as decent as you want it to if you're willing to give up the 'poor me who's not getting anything' attitude. speakin' from experience. [/FONT]
how am i suposed to make up my mind?
amibasuki replied to chibi_kunoichi's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=arial]take a look at the list of things you like about them that you made. for cal, it just sounds like you've the the hots for 'im. whereas, Matt sounds like a nice guy if you've liked him for half a decade. I'm not sayin' to drop cal, but keep in mind that lust usually fades after a while. hope this helps a bit to coming to your decision! [/FONT] -
[FONT=arial]a song that brings back a lot of memories is "One Day More" from Les Miserables. I could go into [i]great[/i] detail, but I'll spare y'all the boredom. but yes, quite a very nice song, though I haven't gotten the opportunity to hear it for a while. Taken Up and Oh L'Amour by Inside Out are some songs that remind me of.....multiple things from this year. I have a feeling I'll have them committed to memory for quite a while at least. other than that, nothin' else comes to mind. but my mind's sortuv overcharged at the moment, so I might be able to think of some others later.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]well, I was going to suggest if you didn't want to put it bluntly, whenever he came close to you like that again, you could say somethin' like "you're in my space, dude" kinda jokin' around-like. I had to do that before, and the guy took the hint to quit, but his feelings didn't get hurt all the same. but since he's calling you, I would casually bring Ryan into a conversation the next time you two talk. like if he asks how your weekend went, you could say "Oh, me and my [i]boyfriend Ryan[/i] went to go do this and this," and he might get the hint then. hope this helps![/FONT]
[FONT=arial]heh, this one over-the-phone telemarketer asked me a question somewhat similar to yours. she asked, "Does your phoneline work?" I told her she had the wrong number and hung up the phone. people who ask questions like that in seriousness (if that's even a word :p) need to be smacked.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I love qizzes. ^_^ anywho, here's what I got. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animestereotype/nen.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animevampire/morr.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dbgirl/pan.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dbguy/piccolo.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dragonhalfcharacter/mink.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/mononoke/spirit.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/inuyashavillain/kouga.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/nervchild/kaworu.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/sanx/nyan.gif[/img] [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/shoujomascot/nazo.gif[/img] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]*laughs insanely* I saw it! dear Lord, I actually saw it! and I [i]loved[/i] it! one of these days when I get the money, I'm gonna buy that movie. Ewan McGregor is awesome. they totally duped him on the Star Wars trilogy deal. I cried during parts of the movie, and I don't do that for most movies. and the songs were great. I freaked a little when I heard 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' though, hehe. [/FONT]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I thought someone here might know this... What even happened to the girl that won the last American Idol? I thought she put out some single, and they made it sound like they were going to do all this stuff to make sure she got out into the public... And I've heard nothing about it since. Although I suppose it really hasn't been that long heh. Just seems weird to start another one, when the last winner hasn't even really done anything yet. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]I think she's working on a movie with one of the other contestants from the last season of American Idol, and she has a single out on the radio. supposedly it went number 1 its first week somewhere, but I myself have heard it maybe once. the song isn't very memorable anyway, even if she can sing well. [/FONT] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i] [B]I loved the first episode. Did you see that guy with the cut-up pants? [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]oh dear Lord, you mean the guy that had slits all the way up to his butt? man, that was nasty. and he sounded like a freakin' girl, when he wasn't singing. when he [i]was[/i] singing, he didn't hit a single note that [i]wasn't[/i] off-key. and he didn't know it either! but he does have a point about Simon and that other what's-his-face dude crackin' on people like that. they really don't need to say they suck as bluntly as they do. of course the irony is, who would watch the show if they didn't? most of the people watch American Idol just to hear Simon knock on people anyway. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]I can sympathize with ya SM, lol. this guy sounds pretty nice. but even if he doesn't like you, just remember that there are plenty of other guys out there that are just as great....if not better...than he is. you just hafta get out there and look around a bit is all.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]*repeatedly beats head into the wall* I've been dying to see it since the last time I saw a thread on it here. and I even went so far as to go to Blockbuster to rent it. turns out that when I got home, the cashier had given me a completely different (and sucky) DVD >.
[FONT=arial][b]Who am I in my own mind?[/b] ergh, where to start.....I'm so contradictory it's not funny. I'm always at extremes; I'm always either really happy, or really upset. sometimes I can be really outgoing and could talk your ear off, but other times I clam up and don't want anything to do with anyone. I laugh really easily, but if things really get to me I can cry at the drop of a hat. heh, maybe it's mood swings or something, I dunno. I'm usually a people-pleaser type person, cuz I don't like people getting irritated at me and I like making people happy, so sue me. but it really irritates me when people take advantage of that. so yeah, I show some spine every now and again, when it's necessary. my self-esteem could use a good boost. I think the only thing I'm proud of myself for is my performing ability. I'm decent at various music/acting (if I try hard enough :p) activities. if I didn't have that to fall back on, I'd pretty much be screwed. I'm well-rounded for the most part, I like a wide variety of different music/people/etc. I have a hard time forgiving people though; when I get my feelings hurt, they get hurt, and they stay that way. kinda stupid, but that's how it is. [b]How do others see you?[/b] I have no clue how my friends see me. everybody else sees me as this smart girl who doesn't talk much, I think. in my health class the other day, we did this little self-esteem thing where we wrote one good thing about every person in the class. I got my paper back, and yeah, it said stuff like 'smart', 'quiet', and a couple of 'friendly's thrown in for good measure. of course, those were only the good things. I don't know if I'd want to see what everybody would write if they were concentrating on the bad things >.
[FONT=arial]Monday through Friday consists of 5:30am: wake up 6:30am: early-morning seminary 7:45am-3:10pm: school 3:10pm-about 5:00pm: music lessons or school activites 5:30pm: get home and do homework, relax, etc. 11:00pm: sleepy-time!; this one can be shifted forward into the a.m.'s on a crummy day Saturdays vary. get up anywhere from 10am-3pm (yikes), and from then on I do whatever. Sundays I get up at 7:30am and get to church at 9am. get home from that usually around 1pm. after that, I usually rest or do something at home. then back to Monday. [/FONT]