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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [FONT=arial]mmm...well, I don't know anything about the show, but I saw the Christmas special the other day. MAN that was awesome. I didn't know that the dude who did Daggit's voice (Angry Beavers) did the alien thingy's voice, too. all the better, I say. makes me wish I had started watching it sooner. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial]0.o' good lord, there's a Gorillaz movie out? what could it [i]possibly[/i] be about? or do I even want to know? .....[/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Heh, Ste, you are interesting. Stalkers aren't wonderful things to have. I think at one point or another, all people stalk or will be stalked, to some degree. I just think it's kind of funny. ::Points and laughs at amibasuki:: But as long as they aren't sadistical, I wouldn't mind. I'd have fun with it; go into weird places, do odd things, speak to strange people, just to play with their mind. And hey, if ya can't shake 'em, there's always the restraining order. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]good grief, you always hafta make some comment on my predicaments, don't you? however, I don't think it's the least bit funny :cross:......okay, so maybe it is a little bit....like at Carrolton....and you and Carlton *dodges claws* :toothy:...but gaw, it's annoying.... geez, if you're gonna follow somebody around, the more inconspicuous you try to be, the more you're gonna get noticed. meh.....[/FONT]
  4. [color=009966]OOC: I want to say right now that this is Deedlit. Something's wrong with the cookies on this computer, so I can't get Amibasuki to log off. =_=;;; The reason why John keeps calling me Deedlit is because I'm also Deedlit in another RPG, and that's my screen name. But you even called yourself Raiye. :p It's in the post above. [/color] [quote][color=green][b]Raiye was sitting in a corner of the Inn with Twomoons layng in her lap...[/color][/b][/quote] [color=009966]^_- ------------------------------------------------------- IC: [i]Elsyan's eyes opened in amazement as she saw Hunter standing, then they filled with worry and concern.[/i] Elsyan: "Hunter! You shouldn't be moving yet! You're wounds--" Hunter: "They're alright. I have regenerative abilities." Elsyan: "I still wish that you would rest a bit longer so I know you'll be alright." Riona: "She's right, you know. You're injuries were awful!" [i]Hunter smiled at them reasurringly.[/i] Hunter: "Don't worry. I'm fine! I promise." ----------------------- OOC: Sorry it's short, but we're about to go see LOTR2 (^^), and I gotta go.[/color]
  5. [FONT=arial]some pretty sweat songs, huh? hah, that's funey. j/k well, I'd [i]like[/i] to go to a music festival, if there were actually any decent ones around here. but nope, pretty much country ones here also. either that or crummy local acts.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial]ugh, my health teacher for next semester is HORRIBLE. he's one of those type coaches/teachers that always ogles all the girls in (and out of) gym class. plus he grades things way out of proportion. you do one little thing wrong, he might as well take off an entire 20 points. and I have him for [b]2[/b] periods each day aaaall next semester.....:faint: [/FONT]
  7. [FONt=arial]let's see now.... I got -Anna a [spoiler]lump of coal[/spoiler] -Deedlit a [spoiler]really big lump of coal[/spoiler] -Anime goddess a [spoiler]yup, you guessed it: another lump of coal[/spoiler] -C.J. a [spoiler]pair of socks, just so he'd feel special[/spoiler] [spoiler]geez, I can't say [i]anything[/i] personal on here nowadays....[/spoiler]:p Merry Christmas! :whoops:[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]I love the movie. I read from online reviews that it was a really good movie, so the first (and only, unfortunately) time I saw it at Media Play I bought it. the first time I saw it, I watched it with one of my sisters and my mom. all three of us cried at some point in the movie. and even though that my mom hates anime, she liked GotF (despite what she'd have you think). the little sister of the narrator seemed very real (not literally speaking, of course). her expressions and the way she acted in the movie reminded me of how a real child would have reacted. I forget where I heard this, but supposedly the movie was animated instead of taped in live action simply because a child actor wouldn't have been able to portray her character so genuinely. I thought it was pretty interesting. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]I got my exams over with last week (vacation for us started this Monday). I think I did pretty decently on everything except for maybe biology and economics. won't find out for sure until we get back in January though.[/FONT]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Gah. Speaking of stalkers... I wouldn't go as far as calling this guy a 'stalker', but he follows me around all the time. He asks for my locker combo, what floor my locker's on, he follows me to lunch, and watches me from one of the pilars, and stares at me and my friend. oO At lunch, I always see him, or his creepy friend, sipping his coke, and staring at my cousin and me. It's freaky... really freaky. o_o[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]hmmmm...sounds like a stalker to me :whoops:. I've got one of those right now, too. he's done pretty much the same stuff as the stalkers you and AnimeAddict have. he's not as bad about it now as he used to be though, thank goodness (and his brother). problem is we've been friends for about 2 years now, and even then we've known each other since way back in elementary school 0_o'. so I don't know how to tell him to back off without hurting his feelings. he's still a nice guy and good to talk to (when he's not following me around), but it's gotten to the point that I avoid him whenever I see him. something else that's sad to see is when I see girls stalk guys. it's all pretty harmless, but it annoys the crap out of the guys being stalked. and unfortunately, a lot of times it's the nice, sweet, wouldn't-tell-somebody-off-for-anything-type guy that gets followed around; from what I've seen anyway. at least with more outspoken guys, they can tell the person that's following them around to buzz off. but for some guys (thinking of one in particular right now), they just go along with it, and pray that somebody else comes over so they can veer away from the other person. makes me wanna go up to the girl following him around and tell her to back off myself [size=1][i]("possessive much?" "yup." :drunk: ).[/i][/size] but of course that wouldn't go over well at all, for multiple reasons....[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=arial]heh, Eiffel 65 made that song. it's catchy, but the radio stations [i]seriously[/i] overplayed it to the point that I could've clawed somebody's eyes out whenever I heard it. Jessica Simpson stuff got stuck in my head too, even though I can't stand anything about her. why is it that the songs that suck are the ones that get stuck in your head the most?![/FONT]
  12. [FONT=arial]lol, I like Loser and Get Free. I don't like the Vines CD overall, but it's okay if I put Get Free on repeat for a little :cross:. I also find that Weird Al Yankovic songs get stuck in my head a lot. like the parody Pretty Fly for a Rabbi. good lord, that song is stupid. the lyrics got stuck in my head so bad that I couldn't remember the words to the actual song for a while. it drove me insane...[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=arial]I've watched it a bit before, since my dad was watching it at the time. some of it's kinda funny (cuz I'm just morbid like that :cross: ), but I got a little tired of it by the end of the episode.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]heh, I've already gotten some of my Christmas presents. so far I've gotten a couple of CD's and a volume of Marmalade Boy. the other presents I'm gonna have to see about on Christmas morning, lol.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]the actual school part is kinda blah-ish, but even then, some of the classes are pretty awesome. I wouldn't be able to take them if I was homeschooled. the social aspect is pretty decent for the most part. if anything, that's the reason why I'd [i]want[/i] to go to school. school's fine, as long as there's breaks every now and again.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]heh, I was in something like your pickle, Ginny (did what I just say make any sense???? :confused: ). ANYwho, I was invited to a Christmas party for this Friday, but I couldn't/wouldn't go for some personal reasons. when I told my 'friend' that I couldn't go, she was more upset that I wouldn't be helping her set up (when I said I might not have been able to anyway) than that I wasn't gonna be showing up. kinda hit a nerve. isn't the first time something like that's happened though. I can't think of any time I've been guilty of being friends with someone for my personal benefit. and I [i]try[/i] to stay away from people who act like that towards me, because frankly it pisses me off. I'm fairly generous most of the time, and I don't mind being so, but I can't stand it when people start [i]expecting[/i] me to do everything for them. especially if they just flat out tell me to do something. by that time I'm just like "Excuse you?" and basically tell them to screw off. it's pretty discouraging trying to be nice. stuff like that makes me [i]want[/i] to be rude and self-centered.[/FONT]
  17. [quote]PS: I bet all the animal rights people are going crazy over that....[/quote] [FONT=arial]well, you heard Cloricus... maybe if you call the number at the top of the page, it'll tell you something.[/FONT]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Ha ha ha! Oh my god, that's funny. I saw this on the Panel one time. It's just a massive joke alot of people took seriously. Ha ha... You can't raise a cat in a jar, it's impossible. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]crud, ya beat me to it. sorry peoples, it's not real. sorry if it got you worked up for nothing :cross::box:.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]heh, I noticed the Japanese/anime influence thing in the Powerpuff Girls, too. like how they occasionally have signs written in Japanese, and this one time Bubbles was reading a shoujo-ish looking manga with some really long, confusing name. I think it's fine that they use some influence, as long as they don't overdo it. good when used [i]in moderation[/i] ^_^.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=arial]the only song that comes to my head is Brick, since that was the first song I'd heard from them. never really got into them much though, considering I was maybe 7 at the time and had no money, lol. I looked into them a little last year when I was invited to go to a Ben Folds concert with a friend (couldn't go :bash: ). I downloaded a couple of songs, and really liked what I heard. I've been meaning to get some of their music, just haven't gotten around to it. what's the best CD to get?[/FONT]
  21. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]honestly, I really want to go see it. probably cuz I'm into drumlines and such of the like :cross:. I want to see if the actors/people in the 'drumline' actually have a decent amount of talent, or if it's all just cheesy stuff, or lousy 'boogy-band' performances (yeah, there are some decent ones, they're just [i]really[/i] hard to find). there's some extra bits in the movie I'm not too wild about seeing, but I'd probably go see it if I could anyway.[/FONT]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] ...Anyways, gay is a very racial and prejudice word... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]prejudiced, yes; racist, no. anywho, so I'll stay on topic, while I don't believe it's right to use the word 'gay' in the context it's normally used in (insults-wise), banning the word from television wouldn't really help anything. people would still say it anyway, just like people have brought up before. plus, it seems ridiculous not to be allowed to say 'gay' if the people on t.v. are actually using it to talk about gay people, gay rights, etc.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]lol, I'll have to look out for it. I take it that's the pig from the series that you've got as your avatar?[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]LOL, I remember that show. the girl Cataleena was played by Jewel Staite [sp]; I remember because she also played Becka on Flash Forward. if I remember correctly, I think she and Harlen had a little thing going at the very end, before she died/disappeared, or something like that........that's really sad I can remember that.....ANYwho..... I used to love Stick Stickley, not sure if he would be 'old-school' though, lol. I liked Clarissa Explains It All and Legends of the Hidden Temple a lot, too. can't think of any particular old Disney shows I was into, though.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=arial]I remember I also really liked Cake's "Short Skirt, Long Jacket [?]" song for a while. not really sure why though 0_o'....[/FONT]
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