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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [FONT=arial]that's actually pretty good. knew you could do it ^_^.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial]um....everybody nowadays at my school says snap instead of sh!t when saying it as an exclamation (ex: "Aw snap!") other than that, I can't think of any.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=arial]like everybody's said, be yourself. and don't forget to SMILE :D:D:D. you don't have to be peppy-peppy-talking-a-hundred-miles-a-minute-happy, but by having a positive attitude/appearance, most people will [i]want[/i] to talk to you. it has a lot better of an impact than being in a corner of a room with a pissed-off-at-the-world look. so yeah, I guess that should do it ^_^. [/FONT]
  4. [FONT=arial]some of my guy friends were raving about DBZ back about 2 years ago. I didn't wanna hear a bit of it, since I had seen Sailor Moon dubbed a couple of years before then, and I thought it sucked. I didn't want to give any more anime a chance, cuz I thought it'd all suck like I thought SM did (no offense to SM fans, I don't dislike it now as much as I used to). but somehow they finally convinced me. once I started actually paying attention to it, I loved it (this was during the Cell saga). I don't like much stuff other than the Cell saga though; dubbed, anyway. after DBZ, Anna brought home Fushigi Yuugi from Tori (Queen Asuka). I was skeptical about that too though, since the only other shoujo-ish anime I had seen was SM. but I loved Fushigi Yuugi also. those two anime got me interested in others. and that's my long-winded version of how I got into anime ^_^. I also learned a valuable lesson: don't judge something from just one angle. Different perspectives really help. :lecture: :D[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]lol, here come the band stories.... for a fundraiser for the drama department, the drumline was going to be dancing to Michael Jackson's Thriller with the drill team and colorguard in a talent show of some sorts (to some of the guys' mortification :devil: ). we had already done this for skit night at band camp, so it wouldn't be too bad to do it again. so anywho, while we were putting makeup on and such, this guy who I'd been a bit shy about talking to (if you get what I'm saying) was kinda just wandering around like I was. somehow we got to talking, and music was brought up. turns out he really likes Moby :D. that threw me for a loop, because I didn't think there was anybody that [i]did[/i] like Moby out where I live, lol. and so we talked a bit more, yadda yadda. a couple of months later at a band competition in Rome, Georgia, the chaperones said we could draw on the bus windows with markers if we wanted to (they gave us dry-erase markers :p). I drew an anime face on the window. he sat behind me on the bus trips, so he saw it and started asking questions about anime. also turns out he likes some anime :D. so we got into a little conversation about anime and such. and after talking more as months went on, I found out we actually like a lot of the same things, and he's even gotten me into a couple of new things as well. ....erm, what was the topic about again? oh yeah. well, it's always great when you find out other people like the same things you do, and you never had a clue until they told you about it. makes you feel all warm and squishy inside :whoops:. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial]usually I get up at 5:30am so I can be at a church seminary class that starts at 6:30. I'm usually dead in that class, though sometimes I actually manage to stay awake for most of the class period. by the time I get to school for 1st period at 7:45, some the sleepiness has worn off (unless I did something like pull an all-nighter *wince*), but it's still pretty much there. I would've thought I'd get the worst grades in that class, considering it's Algebra, and I'm usually horrible at math. but it's actually the class that I've got the highest grades in this year. go figure. so no, I don't think lack of sleep has to do with whether you get good grades or not. I'm probably one of the best examples you'd find anywhere, lol. though if you try keeping it up for long enough, it could start to get ugly....[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]alright, I'll admit I was bein' too harsh in that last post I made. it just aggravated me that you didn't at least explain why you didn't like him. sorry 'bout that. :bluesweat and I don't have anything against alternative music; I probably listen to that and punk more than I listen to any other type of music. but when people who listen to nothing but that say that anything that's not rock/punk sucks (I'm not referring to you), it tends to push my buttons....badly :toothy:. just somethin' I gotta work on controlling my temper about :drunk: [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]there's a lot more music out there than just rock. maybe if you tried sticking your head out and gave different things a shot, you'd be able to appreciate talent when you hear it. you'd have to be an absolute idiot to say that Josh Groban can't sing. he can certainly sing a heck of a lot better than all of the singers from alternative bands that I've heard.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]are there any specific avatars that you'd like made, like from a certain anime/game, or is it just whatever?[/FONT]
  10. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]I saw an episode of it once just cuz it was on and I figured I'd see what all it was about. what a horrible show, in more ways than one. the sad thing is the people who go on the show are only doing it to be on tv. otherwise they would have investigated their little situation without getting everybody and their dog involved. same thing for Jerry Springer and those other types of talk shows. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT=arial]I just listen out for stuff that they go "ooh, that's cool" about a couple of months in advance. and if they haven't gotten it by that time, I try to buy if for them (providing it's not that expensive, trying to buy presents for about 10 people is kinda tricky). if I don't really know what to get them, for girls I get jewelry that I think they would like, and for guys I get gift certificates (heh, I don't know what kind of stuff to get for guys :bluesweat).[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=arial]I like Daft Punk and Colplay some, and I [i]really[/i] like Moby, but I haven't heard of ATB. when I first heard Daft Punk, I thought they sounded too disco-ish (I was listening to Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger..I think that's what it's called), but after getting used to the music I liked it a lot. I've only heard maybe 2 or 3 Coldplay songs, but what I heard I liked. and I like just about all of Moby. I like Play the most, 18 coming in 2nd and Everything is Wrong in 3rd. though lately I've been listening to 18 more for some reason. but yeah, I like Moby :toothy:[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=arial]the only advice I can give you is to not let it get to you. if you need to, keep yourself as busy as possible to keep from thinking about it too much, since you're going to be thinking about it a lot anyway. pretty much what all gokents said. I can't really give you any better advice than that, because I'm (kind of) going through the same thing; if I can't help myself, I'm not sure I'd be able to help others...[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]:twitch: trust me, Evangelion was made [i]far[/i] before Candidate for Goddess was. and is also 50 times better. I've thought that both seemed alike before too, except in the sense that CfG seemed a lot like EVA. and that they ripped it off horribly.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]I'm probably going to stay at home this year. my family might do some family-ish stuff like going to the movies, go out buying presents, etc. I might do some stuff with a couple of my friends over vacation, so that's pretty cool. then on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, our marching band's gonna be bagging groceries for money to go on our Disney Trip in February. I hope I can get some odd job over Christmas break, cuz I have no money to buy presents with whatsoever. but it's all gonna be cool:cool:.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]oh, To Where You Are? yeah, that's a really sad song. I think he wrote that song himself, didn't he? either way, it's understandable how you would get emotional. I always get something like goosebumps when I listen to him sing. [/FONT]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FF7 Vincent [/i] [B]4. Some people are trying to hint it to you that said person likes you. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]I've felt bad whenever people have done that, because most of the time that person didn't want them tell me in the first place, they just couldn't keep their big mouths shut. that happened to me once a while ago....when the guy found out, neither of us could look each other in the face for weeks; him because he was a really shy person at the time, me because even though I liked him, I wasn't actually planning on trying to go out with him for this and that reason. needless to say, I was pretty mad at the person that told him, since she had said she wouldn't say anything about it.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=arial]heh, I've been able to tell before. some indicators flattering, some NOT so flattering :worried:. probably the most obvious (and annoying) way I've been able to tell is when someone follows you around while trying to go unnoticed (go figure). either that or when some wanna-be pimp comes over and says some cheesy come-ons. I don't know which I hate more. as for the more subtle stuff, I can't really explain how I know, I just sort of...do. and my guesses are usually right.....note how I said usually.... :bluesweat and no, I'm not full of myself, despite how it might sound from how I worded some stuff. I've just had some rather bad run-ins with some people who kinda pissed me off :toothy:[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]hmmmm......seems to me you're screwed :cross: *gets conked :bash:*. Hotmail hasn't done that to me so far, though I am getting fed up with some space size that they've screwed up or something.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=arial]is there any particular reason why you're so depressed? if not, then it's probably just a chemical embalance (sp?). it should right itself after a while. if you've had serious past depression though, you might want to take further steps. also, if you haven't already done so, talk to your girlfriend about what's going on. the tension you're talking about might be coming from that your girlfriend's wondering what's wrong with you. if you've been kinda dumpy around her, she might think that you're upset with her or something.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=arial]has anyone heard any of his music? my goodness, he can sing! I first heard about him off of a mini news show called Channel One News because he was a guest-host or something, and they played some of his music. what they played sounded pretty good, so I looked his name up on Yahoo and am listening to his music right now, actually :D. I'm just sitting here with drool coming out my mouth, wondering why I've just barely heard of him, even though he's doing some pretty big things to promote himself (look for him in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, among plenty of other things). so! anybody here know who I'm talking about? if not, I really recommend you all give him a shot.[/FONT]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shampoo [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]Well, I don't think it's repetitive at all. Each part of the story is different, it just so happens that sometimes the cirumstances are all the same. Let's see you come up with that many different series and not start seeing similarities here and there. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]here and there? here are the main stories for each manga/video: either a.) he's being chased/challenged by a fiance b.) he's being chased/challenged by a fiance's admirer (or HIS admirers) c.) Happosai (need I say more?) yeah, some details are changed in each scenario, but it's basically the same thing. granted, they do throw bits here and there where the story strays from the usual thing, like in the beginning and end of the series. but it'd be better if there were maybe at most only 20 volumes of the manga instead of 35-37 (I haven't seen a lot of the anime, so I can't say much concerning that). the whole Ranma series really didn't have to be that long. it's not nearly as funny when Happosai's stirred up Ranma for the 50th time. EDIT: btw, great picture of Shampoo, Semjaza ^_^. I remember seeing it on the Boards a while ago, and thought it was pretty nifty.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]well, I took a listen. they're pretty cool ^_^. some of my favorites are the one in your sig, Seed, and this one song with a name in katakana (can't read it :bluesweat), but the pic beside the link has some weird dummy that looks like a stoned Pinnochio; kind of a disturbing picture, actually :drunk:.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]yeah, it's best to do it then, since the prices won't be jacked up or anything also. I hate how Christmas has become some big money scheme.[/FONT]
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