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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [FONT=arial]yeah, I've had some mini-melodramas about all that good crap. currently going through one now. I would absolutely love it if I actually had something going with him, but that's got a reeeeeeeelly slim chance of ever happening. I'd tell him how I felt, but I can't, one of the reasons being one of my good friends [i]also[/i] likes him a lot :drunk:. so yeah.......good luck w/ your girl![/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Height:[/b] about 5'4 or '5 [b]Eyes:[/b] hazel [b]Hair:[/b] brownish-strawberry blonde [b]Weight:[/b] *censored* [b]Occupation:[/b] see profile [b]Interests:[/b] see profile [b]Fav Anime:[/b] Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Fushigi Yuugi, Marmalade Boy, etc., can't narrow it down more than that [b]Other:[/b] I can pat my head and rub my stomach at the same time. :toothy: ANYwho.... [/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B].....well i think i will go for him but i have to wait cuz he is camping right now..... *sigh* I told the girl about my feelings.... she was preety pi$$ed of at me... she said i wouldn't get him .... but i think i will since the guy has been calling me on his cell phone non stop.We talk about stuff and complian about how his little brother keeps getting into trouble.... its really sweet last night he SANG to me it was cute! He asked me to go to the formal with him i said yes yeah but i gotta go now im going to the fair with my brothers and sisters . Wish me luck because he gets back tonite and i'm going to tell him how i feel straight out! ~GG~ [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]well, don't worry about that girl. if she couldn't handle the news in a more mature manner than that, than she's not worth the bother. oh, and good luck to you! :toothy: [/FONT]
  4. [FONT=arial]I haven't heard it. did you download it off of MP3.com or something?[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]:bluesweatoh man, I'm in just about the exact situation you're in right now. if this girl is your friend or she's been talking to you night and day about him, clue her in about you liking him so much, she might be understanding about it and lay off him (although in all truth this one's highly unlikely), and it won't make you come off looking like a back-stabber if you decide to ask him out. but if you've only talked to this girl maybe once or twice, I wouldn't worry (as much) about telling her. if you like this guy so much, go ahead and tell him. but like I said earlier, if the girl who likes him is your friend, talk to her about it [i]before[/i] you do anything, if you want to keep her as your friend.[/FONT]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]...I had one big ship for a space collection that was missing one very small piece. I found a duplicate, but it was in a different color. Oh well ^_^ I used it, and you can hardly notice the difference. It is a piece that is pretty much covered up by other pieces...[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]my favorite LEGO model I have is this model called the Alien Avenger, I think. I let my brother play with it, and he ended up losing, like, 5 of the pieces. he then proceeded to play with my other space model (I forget what it's called now), and lost a couple of pieces to that one, too. ah, sweet memories.....:bash: I don't like the LEGO models they have out now. they all seem stupid. seems like the only models they have nowadays have to do with Star Wars and Harry Potter, both of which I'm sick of seeing all the merchandise.[/FONT]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kowloon Gundam [/i] [B]Rick...I don't get you. Pilot Candidate was great, even the dubbed version was awesome...[/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]:twitch: I NEVER thought I'd hear [i]that[/i]. well, maybe I figured I would sometime, but not from anyone on here. I haven't heard the actual Megami Kouhosei, so I don't know how the Japanese seiyuu sound, but that show has some of the worst dubbing I've ever heard in my life. you wanna know how you can tell? whenever you see a character's mouth moving but there's nobody speaking, that's usually a dead giveaway. DragonballZ doesn't even do that, for crying out loud. now please excuse me whilst I stick my head in a bucket of ice water to keep my head from popping off.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]I used to watch it a lot a while ago. my favorite character's gotta be Phoebe, she's absolutely crazy. if I ever turn on the tv and see them it, I'll watch it, but I don't really care either way now.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]well, my brother lost a lot of my Lego pieces to my favorite models back when I used to collect them.....yeah, it's a bummer.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=arial]hey now, there's different kinds of new age music. and yes, in a lot of it they use actual instruments, lol. I actually don't know of anyone else who ever listens to it, let alone likes it, now that you bring up new age's popularity (or lack of it, I should say). it just depends on which artists you listen to, I guess. some are really dumb, some are really good. I guess new age is just one of those genres you either really like or really hate...[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=arial]my favorites are Bugs Bunny and Speedy Gonzales. just about all the episodes they're in are great. especially that barber shop episode Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd did, that's gotta be my favorite episode of all time. [/FONT]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]...I watched one episode, and I'm kinda turned off by the anime. Sana is just too....too....I don't know, annoying in the anime. Her voice is obnoxious. >.
  13. [FONT=arial]do you know for sure that she doesn't like you anymore because you like anime? you never know, it could be about something else, if you haven't talked to her about it yet. either way, she's being extremely immature by spreading rumors about you. you're probably better off not being around her anymore.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]I can't even begin ranting about how much I hate that show. everything about that show is so boring and generic. I could take every character on that show and tell you where to find an exact replica of it. I don't like the whole CGI thing, but that's probably the thing I have the least problems with for this show. heck, I [i]tried[/i] to like that thing, and I still hate it just as much now as I did then! [/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]heh, I've only seen the first episode, and that's because I downloaded it off the internet. but what I saw was pretty funny, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of it. and that little Akito kid looks a lot like Yuu from Marmalade Boy, just younger. but yeah, Sana's a trip; her and her 'pimp', lol. [/FONT]
  16. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]......where?.........anyways...... if Avril hadn't decided to proclaim to the world that she was punk, I wouldn't have much of a problem with her. her music sounds fine, it's her I have the problem with. see, I have this thing against people who are fake and dress/act a certain way just to get attention. that is what she's doing. not to mention she's giving people who don't know much about punk music a false image of what punk is/sounds like. 'Complicated' is nowhere NEAR punk. but yeah, I've already posted my opinion, just thought I'd go into more detail with it... [/FONT]
  17. [FONT=arial]well, I'd like DBZ a bit more if it wasn't for the stupid 'know-it-all' fans at school that have their heads so far up their.......um, off-subject.... I can't think of any bands at the top of my head that I'd like more if the fans were out of the picture, but I hate it when people say they like certain artists just to try to look cool and get approval and to.......I dunno, make themselves look smart:nope:. example: somebody I know likes this dude and started talking to him about music one day. he said he liked Moby, and she automatically said 'Oh, me too!', even though she'd heard nothing but that godforsaken South Side song[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/smilies/puke.gif[/img]. so when he asked her what she thought of the CD, she just kinda went '......uh......'. I'm sorry, but that just aggravates me to no end. but ANYways....[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=arial]haha, Mr. Geiger said that was probably the cleanest he had ever heard us [the drumline] perform, lol. I dunno why though, that was probably the worst I've ever done at half-time so far. and one of my drum heads broke! I go to look down at my quints while playing We're an American Band, and it flippin' burst! by the time we marched off the field, the hole had tripled in size, and my stick kept getting caught in the hole. but yeah, it was fun playing in the rain, despite the mess. it made my quints look sparkly :toothy:.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]that was....annoying....somebody's sure got too much time on their hands....[/FONT]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I always found that quote rather interesting: "Love thy neighbor as yourself." Hrmmm.. well what if someone hates themself? That doesn't give them the right to bring spite and malice to their "neighbor", but it still happens anyway: "The rotten apple spoils his companion."... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]I've thought about that before. I don't buy into the whole 'before you can love somebody you have to love yourself' bid. I don't love myself; in fact, I really doubt that there ever will be a time that I really do love myself, but that could just be pessimism talking; but I do love other people. and I don't think that people are affected for the worse by it either, lol.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=arial][b]Love for your country:[/B] not really. I like living in the U.S. probably a lot more than I'd like living in some other countries, but I wouldn't say I loved some of the politics that have happened and are happening, whichever the case may be, I hate politics. [B]Love for your religion:[/B] [i]very[/i] important. I don't know what I'd do without it. I know where I'd be if I didn't have it though, and let's just say I'd be totally wasted, in more ways than one. [B]Love for your family:[/B] also very important. I actually get along with some of my family better than I get along with some people outside of it. of course, I said some. but I know that if anyone in my family were to die or be hurt, I'd be really upset. [B]Love for your friends:[/B] not quite as important as family, but still pretty important. I'm talking about real, true friends. just about all 'friends' (aka good aquaintances) will come and go. there will only be maybe a couple out of [i]everybody[/i] that you could tell are your true friends, but it'll takes years to find out. [B]Love for yourself:[/B] can't say I have that. I have respect for myself, but I don't love, let alone like myself. [B]Love for a significant other:[/B] I sure [i]like[/i] somebody a LOT (not getting into it more than that), but I don't think I've 'loved' anybody like that. it's kinda like the whole deal about the friends, it would take a decently long time before you could say for sure whether you love somebody or not. real love doesn't fade after six months, or even a year (and so on). [/FONT]
  22. [FONT=arial]to me, Destiny's Child is more pop than R&B, but then again I've only heard their radio singles so I wouldn't know all that well :cross:. to be honest, the only name I can think of that's R&B is Alicia Keys (she's pretty cool). you got any other names to look into? [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]she should at least wait until she's got a permanent living situation figured out. but I think it'd be better for her to wait until after she's married.[/FONT]
  24. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]heh, I'm with ya, but you know it'll never last...[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=arial]if I remember correctly, at my school this year we have an opposite sex day, when guys get a chance to [try to] fit their butts into their girlfriends' mini-skirts and nylons (and vice versa for the girls, but it's funnier seeing the guys, as you could probably figure), but they won't let us have a pajama day. go figure. still, it should be pretty...interesting, to say the least. I don't plan on participating though.....I'll just watch.....:drunk:[/FONT]
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