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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [FONT=arial]I agree. JC's a lot more talented than Justin, both vocally and musically. if anything, [i]he[/i] should be the one thinking about the solo career, he'd make better use of it than Justin ever would. [/FONT]
  2. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]I like some of her music, but I don't really like her. she reminds me of all the posers who say they're 'punk' or try to act 'punk' just for attention, it gets annoying after awhile.[/FONT]
  3. amibasuki

    Music Fan Club

    [FONT=arial] [B]1. Your favorite kind of music (rap, pop, etc.):[/B] either punk/rock or easy listening/new age [B]2. Your favorite singer/band/song group:[/B] can't choose, too hard [B]3. Your favorite song:[/B] heh, can't say for this one either. [B]4. Your least favorite kind of music:[/B] probably country [B]5. Your least favorite singer:[/B] Aaron Carter (if you could even call him one), and A*Teens *gags....long and hard* and just about anything they'd play on Radio Disney [B]6. Your least favorite song:[/B] my most recent one is She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd, that song annoys me to no end [B]7. Any songs you wrote:[/B] some, but they're not that great [B]8. What the name of your band will be if you answered #7:[/B] I'd just use my own name [B]9. Would you rather be a singer or a songwriter?:[/B] singer, but I'd prefer to be both [B]10. Which songs are you the best at singing (excluding the songs you wrote, if any):[/B] not too sure.....[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=arial]let's see if I can make myself make sense. okay, the way that I look at 'destiny' is that we have certain opportunities to be introduced to things or have things happen to us, but it's up to us whether or not we take advantage of them or not. for example, say there are these two people that are 'destined' to be together; I think that during the course of their lives they'd have an opportunity to meet each other. but as to whether or not anything would come out of their meeting each other is up to them. so yeah, I do believe in destiny, to an extent, but that ultimately it's up to us to make destiny work. or something like that....[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]that's about as far as I read before my attention span got the best of me...[/FONT]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by roxieortatiana [/i] [B][color=indigo]The one toy that TOTALLY stunk, were those POGS. Anyone remember those? ...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]..........pogs...........weren't they those little cardboard circles that looked like...well, cardboard circles with various styles on them? I remember buying a pack of, like, 100, but they were for a friend. I never could figure out why he wanted them.....I thought maybe just to throw at people......only thing I could come up with anyway......those are pogs, right? *walks off confused*[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=arial]I don't care whether he leaves NSYNC or not, since I never really liked Justin in the first place. I think it'd be stupid of him to leave though, he's not popular enough now to be able to sell a lot of stuff on his own. [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=arial]goodnight, this is all just turning out to be nothing but a bunch of spam. who frickin' CARES whether it's band geek or dork? btw, it's band GEEK :cross: anywho, I wish I could play drumset. but I unfortunately lack in feet coordination. couldn't ever play guitar very well either. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]I like to play music, sing (head for the hills!), draw, read.....books that aren't school-related anyway, and write posts that no one will remember after 3 days in message boards. man, I feel special![/FONT]
  10. [FONT=arial]Pepsi owns (I can't believe I just said that). anywho, Coke is fine, but Pepsi's better :p. never tried the Pepsi Blue before though.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=arial]there are a couple of series I don't mind seeing dubbed, but there are very few of them. the dubbing for pretty much everything else ain't that great. oh, and if you wanna really see how bad DBZ dubbing is, watch Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, then watch a couple of episodes of DBZ. only after I did that did I really see how bad the DBZ dubbing is, you'd be surprised at how the 'dubbing' qualities are so similar, lol.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=arial]I know a teeeeeny bit of the waltz and swing stuff. man, swing is fun. I can't dance freestyle though, I look silly :cross:. and I don't go for the whole grinding thing (if you could even call that dancing), just cuz I don't. but yeah, swing dancing is fun.....[/FONT]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Hey tocca, that was total spam. Please read the rules, you can't make posts like that.[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial] that was also spam, if you wanna get technical. I'm not a die-hard fan of Greenday, but what I've heard from them I've liked. they're pretty cool. only problem is that they sound like every other band out there. or the other way around. I like the song they have out on the radio now.[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]I do pretty good up until I get past the head.....most of the pictures I make are busts of characters....[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]it seems a lot of the toys made that were really stupid were made specifically for girls. one time the Barbie company thought it'd be a great idea to sell a barbie doll that was pregnant, and you could take the baby out through the stomach. of course, those aren't around anymore.....I hope....[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]anyone remember those Magic Potty Babies? *cringe* of course, that Cabbage Patch Kid doll that ate stuff was pretty stupid, too. and gave a lot of kids mental problems to boot.[/FONT]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Yeah, conformity is everywhere... no one will ever be a complete 'non-conformist'. I have more of a problem with people who consciously go against conformity than those who consciously go along with it. [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]I know what you mean. there's conformity even in groups that are so against it. like, if somebody was a part of a group that liked nothing but punk or rock music, and the person liked a celebrity like Christina Aguilera cuz he/she thought she sang well, he/she would be completely disowned. or the person wouldn't dare say it out loud, for fear of just that, and just because he/she liked something that didn't fit in with the group's image/taste. I'm not saying it's like that all the time, but it's like that for a good portion of it nowadays. a lot of the non-conformists are just as bad as the actual conformists themselves. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT=arial]what are some of the stupidest toys you can remember from when you were a kid (or now)? did you ever like them, or hate them from the start? your comments, please.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=arial]I'm in the choir at my church, but other than that..... I'd really like to join the choir at school, except that the choir instructor moved over to the middle school to teach 8th grade English, so the band director here is teaching it. the band director knows what he's doing I guess, but I already have to listen to him in marching band class, and the songs he picks out to sing are so....blah....the Christmas concert sucked last year >.
  20. [FONT=arial]well, for marching band, I play the quints in the drumline (w00t!). awesome, those quints are. as for other band instruments, I can play trumpet and a little bit of flute and baritone. but my main instrument is piano. been playing for about...maybe 8 years. been getting a little slack lately though. but let me teeeeeell you! one of the best modern piano composers EVER is Jon Schmidt! y'all have seriously gotta check out his music. :mrt:[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=arial]lol, I love the way Kaoru lectured Kenshin about his sword ('you know you're not supposed to be carrying around a sword now and blah-blah-blah they're dangerous blah-blah-blah') while she was waving his sword around like she was about to cut off his nose. the OVA is really good, really sad though. I think I prefer the OVA over the tv series.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=arial]General Specific was pretty funny, in a stupid....well, stupid way. but one of the main reasons I watched that show was to see the Ranting Swede.[/FONT]
  23. amibasuki

    I am Sam

    [FONT=arial]I didn't ever get a strong desire to see it, but one of my friends had really wanted to see it, so I just thought what the heck, couldn't hurt. I'm glad I saw it, it's a really good movie. one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. peh, it's a shame that hardly anybody I know has seen it though. [/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]prolly the music I can't stand the most is modern country. especially Trisha Yearwood, for some oddball reason. I like some bluegrass though :cross:. but I REALLY hate how country singers do remakes of other songs, ooooh that annoys me to no end. like how I think it was Dolly Parton that redid Collective Soul's Shine. I could've died. there's prolly a buttload more too, I can think of at least 3 other songs at the top of my head that've been redone. funny thing is all the originals sound better than the newer versions, so I dunno why they bother, since their reps are just getting smashed. but off the subject of country. I don't like a lot of pop anymore, though there are some exceptions. I don't like hip-hop and rap either, but only because of the lyrics. if the words weren't all about drugs/girls/money/etc., I'd listen to it all the time. can't really think of any other genres I don't particularly like, just individual bands and such. but this oughtta do it.[/FONT]
  25. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]and while a lot of Moby's songs aren't the kind you could just 'shake your booty' to, he at least writes his lyrics, produces, engineers, programs, and performs his music (I had to look off the the CD jacket for all that.) and if he could've come up with something like Porcelain, he really is talented. intelligent, too, gathering information from the interviews that he's been in. I bet that's why Eminem started gettin' on Moby. I remember MTV or VH1 interviewing Moby during the whole Eminem controversy, and Moby said something about while Eminem does have the freedom of speech to write the things he does, he should take into cosideration that he's not just affecting himself, he's affecting other people. or something to that extent, I really can't remember the specifics. Eminem figured he'd go ahead and bash him, since Moby wasn't all for him. seems to be the way Eminem thinks to me; that you're either for or against him. but anywho...[/FONT]
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