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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. amibasuki


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] So you can tolerate bands like....Backstreet Boys...Nstink....B2K (damn I can't stand them!!)..to name a few. Well, I for one, can't. :sick:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]so what if he does? maybe it's called 'having a wide variety of musical tastes instead of closing yourself into only one genre of music'. until you can sing better than someone off of 'Nstink', you don't have any room to talk about who doesn't have any talent.[/FONT]
  2. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]I'm not that big of a pop fan anymore, but some pop is decent. and you gotta give credit to some boy bands, not all of them got into the business just by their looks (or who their brother is *cough*Aaron Carter*cough*:butthead:, but you can pretty much tell which ones got in that way). for example, I don't think NSYNC deserves [i]all[/i] the hype they get (or got, anyway), but they're still pretty good if you look at it from a vocal stand point. they really can sing well, now if only they'd stick with a capella or something. or get some original music (or write some, for a change). or if they were gonna stick with the 'true' boy band stereotype at least be able to dance decently :cross:. but they are talented, I don't think it's fair to them to say they're horrible simply because they're a boy band. same goes to other boy bands, too. it's different if you just don't prefer it, but it's stupid if you don't like it just cuz everybody else hates it and you don't bother giving them a chance. [/FONT]
  3. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]heh, the only song I really hate off of Play is South Side. I like Gwen Stefani (in Tragic Kingdom anyway), but I can't stand that song for the life of me. I like pretty much everything else off of Play though. the calmer music is really soothing, good to listen to when I'm trying to rest. I got his older CD Everything Is Wrong the other day; it's okay, but I like Play better. I can't really say anything about 18, since the only song I've heard off of the album is the single. but that's next on my list ^_^. [/FONT]
  4. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]I'm on a Moby kick right now, so I figured I'd make a thread about him! so what do you ppl think of him and his (older and recent) music? [/FONT]
  5. [FONT=arial]well now, I can't remember any quotes at the top of my head, but I have quite a few words I like. like spoot and w00t. but here's some quotes that I've managed to scrounge from my brain in the past couple of seconds. "I'm no stoopy poopy beaver!" Daggit from Angry Beavers "Are you threatening me? I will never die!" Beavis from Dear Santa Butthead. it was the way he said it that intrigued me. peh. .....yeah..... I'll post more if I can think of some decent ones....[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial] [B]1) are good manners lost in todays society?[/B] somewhat. yeah, some people are really rude (there've always been rude people), but manners are still there. the difference is manners are more understood than said nowadays. you don't have to actually say 'excuse me' or 'thank you' to people to get your point across for the most part. [B]2) Why don't we have as many manners today.[/B] simply because people are just more casual around each other than in the past. [B]3) what do you think are some ridiculous manners?[/B] the sexist ones, like a girl expecting a guy to do [i]everything[/i] for her on a date simply because he's the guy. that's pushing it.[/FONT]
  7. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]heh, prolly the longest book I've ever completely read is the 4th Harry Potter book :cross:. not that I'm lazy or anything, I just haven't found an interesting book that just happens to be over half a foot thick. but yes, I do like reading, I just don't read as often as I used to.[/FONT]
  8. amibasuki

    Mst 3k

    [FONT=arial]yup, that was the one. if it wasn't for the comments the dudes were making while the movie was playing, I wouldn't have bothered sitting through it, lol.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=arial]me being popular online-wise, feh, that's a joke. I don't get online near enough to be noticed. I just like reading what other ppl write, lol. me being popular real-life-wise, meh. I have a small group of good friends, so I'm not off bad. if anyone else actually did know who I was, it would be from student council or marching band. I don't worry about popularity too much, since as I've heard before, you don't see but maybe 2 or 3 ppl from high school after you graduate; ever. popularity doesn't do anything for you in the [i]actual[/i] real world anyway. adults you'll associate with (or [i]do[/i] associate with, whichever the case is) aren't gonna care how popular you were, only how mature you think and act right now.[/FONT]
  10. amibasuki

    Mst 3k

    [font=arial]I've seen it before. it's friggin' funny. I saw the one where they showed some really old bad Arachniphobia (sp) movie. never seen anything else though, I'm usually never awake at that time of the morning, lol. [/font]
  11. [FONT=arial] [B]1. What is honor?[/B] the definition I found to be the closest to how I define it is 'principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.' [B]2. How strongly do you believe in honor?[/B] strongly. nobody's perfect, but I do my best to live it. [B]3. Would you rather die in honor, or live with out it?[/B] die in honor.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=arial] gaw, just about all the guys from Fushigi Yuugi are awesome, lol. but my top favorites would have to be Tasuki, Hotohori, Chichiri, and Tokaki. then there's Inu-Yasha, Sanosuke, Vash, etc. etc. etc....[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=arial][b]NOOOOOOO![/B] my Tasuki was taken from me!! *sobs and dies* okay, I guess I'll make do *sniff* I claim [b] 1. Vash from Trigun 2. Kenshin from you-guessed-it! 3. Yuu from Marmalade Boy[/b][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=arial]if I didn't have to pay for my ticket, I'd go see it. but since that prolly won't happen anytime soon, I don't think so.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=arial]Sugarcult's great. I'll have songs from them stuck in my head for days. One of my favorite songs is Saying Goodbye for some reason. I think it's cuz the song takes a different view on why people like that act the way they do, it reminded me of a friend I used to have. and of course Bouncing Off the Wall Again is awesome to listen to anytime :D.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial]I don't like them as much as I do a couple of other bands I've heard a little from, but they all sounded pretty good nonetheless. [/FONT]
  17. [font=arial]okay now, here are my questions. 1. How many licks [i]does[/i] it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? yeah yeah, real original, I know....:p 2. ........................ um, yeah, I think that's it. I basically already know everything anyway :bow:. bleh. [/FONT]
  18. [font=arial]a friend of mine who's really into DBZ got me into it around May-ish last year, and told me theotaku.com had alotta good pictures, so I checked it out. one or two weeks later, the site was temporarily shut down for work on either version 2.0 or 3.0, I forget which. they had a link to the message boards, so I came on and registered since I was bored, and have been posting (rather sporadically) ever since.[/font]
  19. [font=arial]I've only read A Tale of Two Cities and am currently reading Great Expectations for Lit. I don't really have any gripes about his stuff. it can sometimes be hard to decipher what he's talkin' about, but it's not that bad.[/font]
  20. [font=arial]I'm pretty much the same online as in real life, can't think of any differences.[/font]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I want to know how this topic got this far without someone mentioning [i]Super Rad[/i]. o.O That's a mystery to me, lol. It's so hard to find their CD's here.. which bothers me a lot. :twitch:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial]well, I had already said the quote "Fear the wrath of the SuperRad!" in some of my other posts on here before, didn't want to tire it out though, lol. AUGH, I almost forgot the Magic Chicken song! that song is friggin' awesome! Can you dig it? *[i]yeah![/i]* We got the chicken! *[i]oh yeah![/i]* Cut it up, cut it up, cut it up *woah, woah* We got some chicken guts In a chicken cup! and then there's the cool Baker Song! you want a cookie?![/FONT]
  22. [FONT=arial]Kenshin!!! I love the way he makes rice balls in the shapes of little animals :D. [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=arial]lol, I love the Pool Party song. do you have just that one CD, or do you have others?[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=arial]looks-wise, I'd change my nose. other-wise, I'd change my lack of conversation and my fickleness concerning guys (bleh). EDIT: quoting the whole rap thing; true, there are lots of people I know that like rap that are popular, but I also know quite a few people who like rap yet everybody hates them.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=arial]I believe there are aliens in space. although I wouldn't call them aliens. and I highly doubt we're ever going to ever actually see one, considering how far the universe spans out. someone living on the other end of the universe wouldn't be able to come 'visit' if they tried, lol.[/FONT]
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