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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. amibasuki


    [FONT=arial]alrighty now, 5 different ppl don't have to make the same comments over and over to make a point, I'm sure he gets the picture. [/FONT]
  2. [FONT=arial]I really wanna see Escaflowne. I started getting into anime right when they decided to take it off of tv *hits self over the head*. but yeah, it looks cool, I'll hafta get it if I get some extra money.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=arial]Lain is really good. it's different from most of the other anime I've seen. the animation isn't as 'pretty' as most, but I think it works better being more simple. it is rather confusing, but it's just one of those anime you have to watch more than once to understand :D[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=arial]the CCS beginning and ending theme songs are really cute. you might be able to get MP3's from some sites on Anipike, but you'd really have to search for them.[/FONT]
  5. amibasuki


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]OMG! I forgot about the giver!! okay here ya go, new list. (1) number the stars (2) The Giver (3) the lion, the witch and the wardrobe (4) where the red fern grows (5) The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle [/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=arial][B]oh yeah, number five is really good, too. I haven't read any of the Chronicles of Narnia books except for the 5th one for some reason, but I liked it.[/B][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=arial]most of my 'awards' have been in elementary school, as pathetic as it sounds >.
  7. [FONT=arial]if I was only gonna live for 17 more years, I'd build myself a non-burnable, bulletproof-windowed house w/ locks on every door. j/k, though everybody should prolly get one anyway, what with how many lunatics would have the "Oh, we're gonna die soon anyway, so let's make hell and kill everybody while we're still living!" attitude to the situation.[/FONT]
  8. I learned how to type from some Mavis Beacon computer game that my dad got back way back when, so the 50 minutes typing classes I had to take in school were perfectly pointless. I'm still pretty decent at typing, though it's slowed down a bit now and I can't do numbers or these little thingies [] without looking :cross:.
  9. sorry that this happened to you, it must be pretty tough right now. but I'm sure everything'll work out for the better.
  10. System of a Down is awesome. I got it while I was present-shopping for a friend's birthday, and thought I'd go ahead and get one for myself too :D. I first heard it and didn't like it much, but now I love listening to it, it just took some getting used to it is all. prolly the only song I don't care for too much off of the CD is Needles, but I like everything else. it's definitely one of my favorite CD's.
  11. [FONT=arial]I read the Rayearth manga and liked it a little. the drawings CLAMP does are always really pretty, but I couldn't get into the story that much. the last couple of volumes were pretty good though.[/FONT]
  12. I almost always remember my dreams, had some pretty strange ones too (Anna and QA can back me up on that, lol). if I don't remember them when I wake up, I usually start remembering bits and pieces after I start moving around and then piece 'em all together. if I don't remember, I'll still know if it was a good or depressing dream by how I wake up, like if I want to smile and go back to sleep or if I want to shoot somebody in the head and go back to sleep.
  13. Screenname: I got it by combining Fushigi Yuugi's Tasuki and Amiboshi together, since they were my favorite FY characters at the time. Avatar: the Aquabats are awesome ^.^ Feel the wrath of the SuperRad! Sig: I have a Monty Python quote in there just cuz it's one of the coolest movies EVER! and I made my banner the way I did cuz Angelfire sucks (and I couldn't come up w/ anything more original :cross: ).
  14. heh, in years to come, the 2000-2005 year period will be known as the Superhero phase in the movie business. I don't really mind them making movies about comic book characters and such as long as the movies are good and aren't cheesy or corny. but if they keep it up for too long, ppl are gonna start saying "good lord, not another one" whenever a new superhero movie goes in theaters.
  15. Avril [i]cannot[/i] be even [i]closely[/i] compared to Alanis Morissette. and while [i]some[/i] of her old stuff might be somewhat angsty, she didn't write it or sing it just because it was 'the thing' at the time. and anyone who has listened to more than her singles on the radio would know that she's not all about 'fck the world' or whatever. even for the ppl who [i]have[/i] only heard the singles, Head Over Feet doesn't sound angsty or violent, does it? not trying to badmouth anyone, just for the record. just got a liiiittle ticked that a poppish performer like Avril was compared to [i]Alanis Morissette[/i]... >.
  16. amibasuki


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Silent Warrior [/i] [B] This summer I have to do some summer reading for high school. I have to choose from: "A Tale Of Two Cities", "The Diary of Anne Frank", and "Animal Farm". I chose Animal Farm. Anyone read that book? If so, was it any good? [/B][/QUOTE] I liked reading Animal Farm, it's really good. not to mention it's a pretty short book, so if you're not that big on reading it wouldn't take you forever to read it. A Tale of Two Cities and The Diary of Anne Frank are good books too, but I wouldn't want to actually take them apart and analyze every little thing about them, like I'm gonna hafta do with TOTC sometime this year or next year in English.
  17. heh, there's a ray of hope after all.
  18. amibasuki


    I like reading, but I'm not as big a bookworm as I used to be. I used to be a really big fan of Roald Dahl when I was a kid, he had some great books. for school summer-reading I've decided to read the first Harry Potter book (no problem there), Many Waters by Madeline L'Engle (one of my favorite authors), and Animal Farm by George Orwell. if I'm ever reading for fun it's usually on traveling or psychology (or manga, of course ^.^).
  19. the Spiderman movie is okay. the novelty wore off after seeing the movie twice. I do wanna see the next Spiderman movies though, to see how everything turns out.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]I don't mind them editing it as long as the keep showing the unedited episodes on Adult Swim. [/B][/QUOTE] same here. let the little kiddies have the dinky screwed up show, while the rest of us who actually [i]do[/i] like it unedited can see it the right way. but yeah, they're prolly not gonna do that, so sucks to Funi, for screwing things up as usual.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Hahahahahahaha.... hahaha..... haha... ha...... heh.. :sick: No. I do not enjoy her music. This one girl I know tried to convince me that she's punk by sending me some songs. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] how anyone could think her music is anywhere near punk is beyond me. yeah, I've noticed the anti-typical pop star trend thing too. once everybody's tired of it, record companies are gonna start signing performers who are [COLOR=deeppink]totally extra poppy[/COLOR] to make up for lost time. oy....
  22. well I had already figured she wasn't your g/f, since you only mentioned her as your crush. I think only your friend is really at a wrong with the kissing thing, but like I said, it wasn't exactly the best thing for her to go kissing him, him being your best friend and all. I also don't think it was right for her to say she loved you after you found out and got mad/upset about them kissing, and then say she just thought of you as a brother. that is, unless she meant she loved you like a brother or something, it would depend on the context. so yeah, however it comes out, I hope it'll work out for ya.
  23. my mom's really not that bad. she likes to 'borrow' alottuv mine and Anna's clothes, and doesn't mind listening to stuff like System of a Down (unless she's got a headache or something). my dad's still living in the 60's though. actually, he hasn't matured a day since he was 9, but that's another story >.
  24. I like the song, but I think she's just gonna be somethin' of a fad. she was pretty popular on the pop radio stations here too, but they hardly talk about her or play her single now.
  25. just because a tv series or movie is anime-related doesn't mean it's going to be good. I can think of a couple of examples right now.... good lord, people just don't know when to leave things alone. DragonBallZ already has enough movies as it is.
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