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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. heh, I've seen only the first 3 volumes of the tv series, and both volumes of the OVA (I prefer the OVA over the tv series). I thought it was the neatest thing that you could flip the DVD jackets over, they look SO much better than the blah 'Samurai X' ones :D. anywho, the series is okay so far.
  2. I've drawn my own little characters, but not a manga or anything. I wish I had some pics to scan, cuz they're so cute ^_^, but I gave them to some of my friends. I'll hafta draw some more of 'em I guess :D.
  3. I'm pretty hyped about the next movie. I'll admit I've never read any LOTR books, I've just never had the patience to read one all the way through. but yeah, the first movie was awesome. I seriously doubt the second one isn't gonna be as good as the first one.
  4. it's important to remember that Vash himself is not a Power Ranger, his va is :D and I have no idea as to why you like Tasuki's voice koolaid, it gets so annoying :cross: but seriously, his dubbed voice is [i]nothing[/i] compared to the way Hayashi Nobutoshi does it.
  5. the term rap band would be considered an oxymoron :p I'm not the biggest Metallica fan, but they're good. the one CD I have (or had, one of my 'friends' won't give it back >.
  6. from what I've seen, my favorite characters so far are Akito and Gai. man, he was cool :bawl:.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]bah. Sterotypes are stupid. A few years ago (3 or 4 years) [color=red](1 year ago :rolleyes: )[/color], all of the girls started to look at me wierd because I watched DBZ and started to get into more anime more than I already watched and they said "That show, Dragon Ball Z or whatever, is just for boys. Why do [i]you[/i] watch it?" I watched it because I liked it. Of course, that was like back in 5th grade and I'm sure (or hope) that they have matured since then, but it just agrivates me. I myself am a tomboy. I don't see why most of the people back then expected me to listen to Brittany Spears and N*Sync (>__
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] [color=darkblue] Sorry if that was considered spam [/color](have no fear, it wasn't :D)[color=darkblue], and I actually meant Whitney Matsumoto :p [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] when Faye was revived from her 'sleep' thing, Whitney introduced himself to her, saying he was her lawyer or something, if I remember correctly. when Faye got her medical bills (which were in the millions or billions), she basically flipped out and tried running away. Whitney calmed her down and basically told her he would help her however he could. over time, they developed something of a relationship and everything was lovey-dovey and blah blah blah. some time later, the people at the hospital tracked them down, wanting their money (which Faye couldn't pay, I don't blame her either :drunk: ), so Whitney told Faye to run while he distracted them. Faye escaped while he sped off, only to supposedly be killed in the chase. Faye went back to the hospital where she was told that Whitney gave Faye everything he owned in his will. Faye went ahead and accepted all of it. right when she was thinking about how much he must've cared about her, she finds out that she ended up accepting all of his unpaid money debts, adding even more weight to hers. Faye was furious when she found out a couple years later that he had even been alive the whole time (Jet caught him as a bounty-head). hope that helped ^_^.
  9. lol, he's hilarious. I wish there was a little download thingy that you could hear of Johnny-boy playing Vash, he really doesn't sound bad at all. maybe not as good as the Japanese seiyuu (I wouldn't know, I haven't heard him yet), but his voice is still good.
  10. people (or should I say children?) who watch an anime simply because of the adult content really aggravate me. like in the case that some kids who think that watching R-rated movies or hentai will make them mature. if you want to be mature, act mature; watching movies isn't gonna make you that way. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone cuz I can't remember what any individuals wrote anyway. if you [i]do[/i] get offended by that comment then so be it, you wouldn't have gotten offended if it didn't apply to you. okay, now that I'm done with my ranting >.
  11. eh, the dubbings of the shows themselves are okay I guess. I don't know how Vash's Japanese voice sounds, but I really like Vash's dubbed voice, it seems to fit him almost perfectly ^_^. and Kenshin's dubbed voice is nice to listen to (when he's not pissed off), that it is :p. btw, Vash's voice actor is Johnny Yong Bosch, that dude Kouberei mentioned earlier (I didn't notice it until just now :whoops: silly me). see if you can guess which show he was in before he started working on Trigun :laugh:. here's a pic of him ^_^
  12. yeah, that's what I was gonna say. the kid could've just decided to be lazy about his schoolwork, and that's why he was getting bad grades all the time. if that was the case, I don't blame the dad for getting on his case all the time, he deserved it. and killing his dad and grandmother were inexcusable actions. I get really tired of my parents (as I'm sure a lot of you do as well), but I'm not gonna go and shoot them in the head cuz they pissed me off.
  13. Faye and Gren? yeah, I think that'd be good. or maybe if I was going at a reeeeeally long shot that Whitney Matsumoto guy. but Faye's too good for him.
  14. that's already been stated. the question was which voice actors you like (or could stand, if you want to look at it somewhat pessimistically) ;)
  15. I know what you mean. I'm getting better at not being so gripey, cuz it seems that anime dubbing is getting better now (for the most part). I still like getting anime subbed, cuz in most cases the subs are still better than the dubs. but for some series I wouldn't mind getting dubbed. anywho, here are some voice actors I like (I don't know most of the ppl's names, but oh well.) -Vash from Trigun (my favorite so far ^_^) -Akito from MS Nadesico (one of my other favorites) -Kenshin from you-guessed-it! (Richard Hayworth; I didn't like how he tried making his voice sound tough in the Candidate for Goddess dub though *bleh*) -Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi -Sasami from Tenchi -Hiei and Kuwabara from Yuu-Yuu Hakusho -Faye from Cowboy Bebop (Wendee Lee)
  16. okay, I know most prefer subbing over dubbing, and that there's a heck of alotta really crappy dubbing actors. but there are some English voice actors that are actually pretty decent. if you can think of a couple of 'em, which ones come to mind?
  17. tell me about it. it could be done (and has been done), but it'd really suck (and it did). I can just picture these actors wearing those stupid plastic SSJ wigs that they use in those toy commercials, screaming and hunched over like they're constipated trying to go SSJ2... ...how ridiculous...
  18. I'd prolly have to say the movies that I still need to see are Lilo and Stitch MIBII Powerpugg Girls Juwanna Man aaaaaaaaaaaand....that should do it, I think ^_^
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B] Well, in the both ways that I look at it, it's still the lady's fault. If she had children with her husband just by being careless, well, it's her fault she was careless. She was being very conceited and stupid because it's her fault that the children are hers, and it doesn't give her the right to leave kids in a black car when it's 80 degrees outside. And, with the husband forcing her choice, I think woman shood stand up for themselves and not be pushes around like that, and if the man goes as far as rape, then she ca file charges agains't him for that. I guess it's not really her fault, but it's a problem in the world. Thats all I have to say about that, but I feel very sorry for the children. Hehe, I remember when my mom forced me to go into the supermarket with her because it was too hot outside. [/B][/QUOTE] when I was a little kid, I usually just stayed in the car, sometimes for up to an hour. didn't hurt me any, I just sweat. a lot :drunk:. of course, staying in there for another two hours would've been a lot worse. anywho, when I went off topic into a tangent about the whole mother thing, I wasn't necessarily saying it was right for her to do what she did. that whole thing I wrote might've not even been the case with her. I don't really know why I even wrote it, I just wrote what came to mind. but yes, she was very careless about what she did, and like it's been said hundreds of other times, she's going to get the punishment she deserves.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajinBuu [/i] [B]I agree with Rick on this. Hamtaro is far from the worste anime ever. I actually watch it both times everyday, I even dance with the hamster during the closing theme, so there! *sticks out toung* [/B][/QUOTE] lol. well, I've never done that before, but if you like it, you go ahead and keep on......*backs away slowly* when I first saw it, the dancing hamster reminded me of Ryoouki (I never could spell that name!) from Tenchi. cute little cabbit :D. Hamtaro's actually not that bad of a show, considering it was made for little kids in the first place, therefore it doesn't have to have a complex plot (if any at all :cross: ).
  21. it would depend on the anime. mecha anime would be horrible basically because, like Mist said, it would most likely end up looking like an adult Power Rangers series or something. some or most anime where ppl power up or use spirit blasts (i.e. DBZ or Yuu-Yuu Hakusho) prolly wouldn't work either, considering it prolly wouldn't look real enough. shoujo anime or manga that's very pretty and detailed (like CLAMP's or Watase Yuu's stuff) shouldn't be put in live form, because it simply wouldn't look as good. not to mention it'd be hard to find actors that look as good as the anime bishies do :tasty:. samurai anime could be put into live action, like Kenshin's Tsuiokuhen. and of course the romantic anime soap operas and whatnot could be converted into regular shows. I'm forgetting a lot of other anime, but I'm sure there's more. it'd sure be messed up trying to make Ranma 1/2 into a live-action film...
  22. you have a point. she might've just been careless accidentally-on-purpose. like, leaving them out there, thinking 'oh, they'll be fine, but if not, it's not gonna hurt [i]me[/i] any.' it still could've been an accident though. not everybody who doesn't want their kids is gonna try to get them outta the way. I to an extent know this to be true. some women have kids soley because their husbands or partners practically force it on them. sometimes they wouldn't want children because they wouldn't be able to handle it, physically or emotionally (and in some cases, they wouldn't be able to provide for them). it's very superficial if you don't want kids just because it would cut into your social life...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]...Nowadays if you're smart enough you can get all that stuff without a Fake ID. Like I said, I don't drink or smoke but I can easily get them if I wanted to...[/B][/QUOTE] really. some ppl'll just [i]give[/i] that stuff to you, it's fairly easy to get... when I turn 18, it'll be around the beginning of my senior year, so it's not really gonna be all that special. I don't drink or smoke, and won't be doing either of those then anyway, it doesn't suit my Constitution. and since I'm still gonna be in high school, it'd be pretty pointless to get my own place, cuz it'd be really crappy considering my lack of $$$, and then I'd have to just ship off to college a couple months later anyway. probably the most satisfaction that I'm gonna get out of it is that my parents won't be able to say jack about what I can and can't do. course, they could threaten to kick me out or something (they wouldn't go through w/ it though cuz my dad would be too worried about his reputation >.
  24. congrats to ya! enjoy that PS2 ^_-!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=1][font=century gothic] ROFLMAO!!!!! Didn't you see my avatar before?? It looked like an elf sorta thing. That was Dobby man.[/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] 0_o' [i]THAT[/i] was [i]DOBBY[/i]?! good lord! I don't quite know what to say except....sheesh! :laugh: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B] And the Quidditch pitch? Not what I expected. I had though that it was going to be like a football stadium . . . or a soccer field, (even though Wood had a Scottish accent that left me a drooling pile of goo) you know, not the towers. [/B][/QUOTE] same here w/ the Quidditch match. it was prolly the part I liked best out of the movie, but I imagined it looking a lot different. I dunno, it looked too......bright :huh:? oy, I'm thinking too much. and yes, Wood does have a wonderful accent :D
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