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Everything posted by amibasuki
gaw, she did not 'murder' her kids. it was an accident for cripes sake.....I'm assuming it was, anyway. does anybody have a link to an article about this? or at least know the woman's name so I can look it up on Yahoo! or something? then at least we'd have some facts to go off of instead of just hearsay, and it'd be a lot easier.
I start Summer School tomorrow on my BIRTHDAY!
amibasuki replied to Krillen's topic in General Discussion
crap, I'd hate summer school. summer's the only time I get to catch up on sleep that I missed during the school year. I failed my first class this year. actually, I failed two classes this year :therock:. both at once (one of them being algebra >. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]I wish I would have got to this topic when it first came out. All of the things I wanted to say have already been said. However, I would like to reinterate a question that was asked earlier in this thread. Now, leaving a baby or small child in a car is absolutely one of the worst things a parent can do. What should someone do when they see a pet in a hot, un-ventilated vehical? Pets have no more resistance to heat, if even less, than children. I know that to some of you a pet dying will not seem to even be on the same tier as a child dying. However, there will be some that feel the same way about a pet as a child. How, if someone does spot an enclosed pet, should they handle it? [/B][/QUOTE] it's not one of the [i]worst[/i] things a parent can do. like, if she was only gonna take 5 minutes and she left the windows cracked, it'd have been okay to do. she should have brought them in since she knew it would have taken more than 15 minutes anyway though. but anywho.... as for the pet thing, there's not really much you can do. you can't exactly break into the car and say ''Run away, you're free!". the only way you'd be able to do anything was if you knew who owned the car and you found them in the store or something. but as sad as it is, there's not much else you can do about it....
:therock: geez, don't jump down his throat just cuz he made his own opinion. that was the whole point of this thread, to tell ppl what types of music you do and don't like...
oh now that's mean, lol! Ed may be a bit.....weird, but c'mon, give her a little credit :toothy:. who COULD she be paired up with though? certainly not Spike or Jet.... that's a funny thought..... *Ed glomps Spike* I love you, Spike!!! *Spike looking annoyed* Get off me!!! ah, young love.......
now I'm guilty of about half of this stuff 0_o'! lol, j/k, but I'm still rackin' it up..... *worried look* anywho, to any Fushigi Yuugi fans who like this sort of stuff, here's a site you might like. it's been on Anipike for ages, but it's still pretty spiffy ^_^. [url]http://userpages.chorus.net/schmidtz/fushigi/fy1.htm[/url] just for anyone who wanted to know!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1][font=century gothic] According to what I can remember it was suppose to come out last June then didn't, then was suppose to come out the same day as the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie and it didn't, then it was rescheduled to this june and it didn't, now they say it WILL be in sometime this fall i think.JK Rowling just has writers block i bet.[/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] well if she [i]does[/i] have writer's block, she can take all the time she wants.... ...as long as when she's out of her funk the story'll be as good as if she'd never had one :D. but seriously, if she needs the extra time to get the story all sorted out, I can wait a couple more months.....maybe not years:drunk:, but months *hopeful look* :toothy:. I haven't seen what Dobby looks like yet. I'm not sure if I want to either, from the way he was described as a 'stoned Pinocchio' >.
I think that's the reason why I didn't like it that much. I saw the commercials and expected it to be this way awesome movie, and it turned out being just decent. nothin' wrong with it bein' decent of course, it just wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
my 4th of July was pretty decent. around 7pm me n' my family went to a big party that we were invited to. the ppl who invited us have part of a lake in their backyard, it was really pretty seeing all the boats from the shore at the opposite end of the lake. ate lottsa good food (BBQ!!! :tasty: ). the fireworks were probably the high point of the party, I love fireworks ^_^. I just wish I had taken pictures.
I was thinking about this today and I started rethinking my opinion a bit. I was thinking about the part where someone said she could've left the kids in the car because they were being really bad or something. she could've just been mad and left them in her car because they might've caused a ruckus in the hairplace or something. I don't think she meant for them to die out there or anything; though it was stupid to leave them out in the car for so long. as for the part about her lying and saying she didn't kill them, think about it for a second. if you loved your children, you wouldn't want to admit you let them die even to yourself. she lied to the police for the obvious reasons, she didn't want to get in trouble and because she didn't want anybody else to know. then she made up the story about somebody else killing them so she'd be off free, which I strongly think was unexcusable. she should have just admitted to it instead of try to slap it all onto an innocent person. of course, nobody here actually knows this person though, so nobody really knows what kind of a person she is. I'm assuming she really did love her children and that it really was an accident. it certainly makes more sense than saying she did it all on purpose just to be malicious. I agree she should definitely be punished, and I'm glad she did, she still took two lives and almost put an innocent one in prison, or worse. but I don't think she did all of this just for kicks or something, she was just really stupid throughout the whole thing. also, it's important to remember that the way the media tells ppl about things like this sometimes tends to be very biased and blows things out of proportion. it helps tone things down a little to look at things from a different perspective.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1][font=century gothic] The only thing that looked like I had imagined it was Hagrids Cottage. That really isn't hard to imagine since it gives you all of the detail. That is sort of how I imagined Dobby but sort of not. Now out of the books The Chamber of Secrets is the one I don't like. The Prisoner of Azkaban is my all time favorite because Sirius Black rules![color=red] (right on!!!)[/color] How long do you think the 4th movie is going to be??????[/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] prolly not for another 2 or 3 years. or hopefully by that time they would've gotten tired of making Harry Potter movies and there'll never BE a 4th movie. if they had trouble trying to turn a 300 page book into a movie (time-wise), they're gonna seriously blow it on a 700 page book. I'm just wondering when the 5th book will be out, I'm getting impatient :mrt::p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spike01 [/i] [B]What do u lot think of Spike and Electra? Do you think it's a good idea or not? [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't seen the movie yet, so I dunno. somebody told me she liked Vincent though. anywho, I'm firm on thinking Spike and Julia should stay paired up :toothy:.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] I foresee someone asking why shinji was strangling asuka at the end, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] weeeeeeell, since you mentioned it ^_^, I would like to know, actually. I couldn't get why he did that, but man did he look pissed *:flaming:* to (try) to stay on topic, I don't like Ranma 1/2's ending. I admit I've never actually seen the ending, but I know how it ends nonetheless, and it just seemed like a bad way to end it. a bit fitting, I guess, but I didn't like it anyway.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]I do believe that Jet and Faye have a thing going, but more so Jet and Meifa, the gypsy girl. However many there are, the only ones I can truly see getting together are Jet and Meifa, and Faye and Gren. Ah, but the possibilities are endless, and I'll just...stop there.[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] I agree on the Jet and Meifa thing, forgot about that one ^_^'. the only thing that'd be slightly weird about it was that Jet was a friend of her dad's, but that's it. I don't think there's a problem with the age difference.
heh, she did female Ranma in Ranma 1/2 also, along with loads more, too. she's an awesome seiyuu. another piece of info: the creator of Yuu-Yuu Hakusho (Yoshihiro Togashi) married the creator of Sailor Moon (Takeuchi Naoko) about 3 years ago. dunno if that's all that unknown, but I thought it was interesting.
watching the first movie ruined my image of the entire series. at least the way I imagined everything looking, nothing looked plastic and fake (and the characters looked how they were supposed to >.
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
amibasuki replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
I'd want to be my big seeester, Anna-banana. cuz she's craaaaazy. don't be fooled, she's even more dumber and nonsensical than ME, for crying out loud. she just doesn't let it show as much :D. but [i]I[/i] know better ^_^. -
:rotflmao: darn you, IIIIIeee was going to put that!!!! Norbie ^_^
people like that utterly disgust me. if she's not mature or at least decent enough to take responsibility for her actions, she shouldn't have ever had kids in the first place.
I didn't bother reading through much of the thread, considering there's about 10 pages to it, so I'm just naming some I've gotten recently that didn't seem to be overly mentioned. -Generator Gawl: only seen the 1st volume. it's okay, but it was kinda boring. I'm gonna try to get the 2nd volume though in case it's just cuz the beginning was slow or something. if it doesn't get better, I'm leaving it alone. -Please Save My Earth: seen the OVA. I think I would've liked it if I had read the manga first, they left WAAY to much info out of the movie. I still liked it though. -Kenshin OVA/Tsuioku Hen/Samurai X: really good. I think they went a little overboard with the blood though -Marmalade Boy: only read 1 volume, but it's addicting :D. I've special ordered the 2nd one, -Grave of the Fireflies: really-REALLY good. even my mom, who is prolly the most anti-anime person I've ever met, watched it and liked it. heh, prolly didn't give a hoot, but I figured I'd post anyway :cross:
same here. I thought the CB ending fit the series pretty well. I don't like the OVA of Please Save My Earth. no, let me rephrase that. I hate the way they tried fitting 21 manga volumes into 6 episodes. like what Queen Asuka was saying about cramming everything into one short movie. I watched it through and was as confused as anything. it pissed me off that I had to get on the internet to look up the stuff that they left off in the DVD. I think I would've liked the OVA more if I had read all of the manga first.
never had the inkling to get one of his CD's, but I like a lot of his music, too. my favorite song is prolly The Way You Make Me Feel also ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo] Vegitto4, if you don't want to just forget one of them, I would find out who kissed who the first time. [i]That[/i] person is the backstabber. The second time was merely done in the moment, whether they knew you were going to be hurt or not, they kissed a second time because they were caught up in the moment. If it was the girl who initiated the first kiss, I'd say just forget her. [i]"There are plenty of fish in the sea."[/i] as the saying goes, and obviously she doesn't care much for you if she would do such a thing. If you best friend was the one who did it, I would talk to him about it. And get the whole deal straight. Why did they kiss? Does he like her? Or was it just a fling? If he likes her, I would give him the choice between you or the girl, and the decision would be final. If it was just a fling, again, let him know that you are hurt by this and he should understand. Also, if ti was your best friend who kissed first, then I would still be somewhat friends with the girl, but obviously not interested in her anymore. She would probably fade away eventually.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] it shouldn't matter if it was a fling or not. if he had enough respect for and cared enough about his friend, he wouldn't have kissed her. the only circumstance in which the friend would have been totally innocent was if the girl was all over him, but it doesn't sound like this is the case. it just depends on how forgiving you are, I guess. if it was me who got backstabbed, I'd forgive the friend [i]only[/i] if they were sincerely sorry for what he/she had done. but absolutely no third chances.
I too have a special nitch for the Angry Beavers. Daggit was the coolest. I can't comprehend why they'd take off such a great show, lol. I'd rather watch that anyday than watch the new stuff they've got on now (excepting Spongebob and Fairly Oddparents). it sucks how ppl will change something (or someone) that's fairly decent to begin with and turn it into something horrible to try to make it seem 'cool' and 'in style'. blah
well, sometimes a movie can be predictable, but still fun to watch. but it doesn't work if the movie is both stupid [i]and[/i] predictable.....