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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. there's around 90-100 episodes of Rurouni Kenshin. I love Kenshin, he seems like just the sweetest guy ^_^. I don't like Yahiko that much, he's a bit too obnoxious for my tastes. but then again, he [i]is[/i] only a little kid. the first couple of volumes seem a little slow, but I'll be glad when they start getting to the juicy stuff in the series:D.
  2. to me, DBZ is good for watching once or twice (one saga, I mean), and then leaving it alone. DBZ is good if you're just barely getting into anime and haven't seen much of it, but once you realize that there's plenty of other anime that's better than DBZ and you've already seen the different sagas w/ the same plot, the hype wears off. that's how it was w/ me, anyway. I still like some of DBZ, like the Cell saga, but I won't watch much else of it.
  3. amibasuki


    heh, I listen to 311 to keep me awake. like in the middle of the night, and I'm tryin' to get a project done or something. I dunno what it is, but it works ;)
  4. amibasuki


    *sigh* Vaaash. I haven't seen much of Trigun, only the first 2 volumes :(. but I like what I've seen so far. I laughed so hard watching the first episode:laugh:. I swear, Vash's deformed faces bare uncanny resemblances to the Animaniacs. I wanna get to the more serious episodes though, so I'm not confused about some stuff (I don't wanna go to any Trigun sites, don't wanna see any spoilers).
  5. I really wanna see Knockin' on Heaven's Door, subtitled. if I can find it that is, lol. I like how they dubbed CB, I want to hear how the characters sound in Japanese though.
  6. commercials are okay, as long as they're not stupid (as in the cheesy, makes you wanna puke stupid). I like the new Snapple commercials. and the one with the 7-Up truck drivers modeling for calendars. and the Juicy Fruit commercial where they sing the stupid "Sharing is Caring" song.
  7. Stewie is awesome ^_^. he was the main reason why I watched Family Guy. my favorite episode is when Stewie had his 1st birthday (...I think, I haven't seen the show in ages), and he thought they were going to 'put him back in the womb' :laugh:.
  8. heh, I got outta school 2 or 3 weeks ago ^_^. I'm going to a camp on Monday for a couple of days, might be going to visit some relatives the week after. plus I've got a sort of part-time thing for the summer, 8am to 4pm, 5 days a week, babysitting :cross:. heh, I'm gonna have almost [I]no[/i] social life. not that I have much of one anyway *doik*, I just have an excuse now :rolleyes:. but the pay is good and the kids are cute ^_^, so I shouldn't be complaining much.
  9. amibasuki


    lol, me too, it's one of my favorite songs on there ^_^. 311 is good, I've only heard their latest CD though.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B] We're [u]knights[/u] of the round tablw We [u]dance[/u] when e'er we're able We do routines and [u]quarter[/u] scenes With footwork impecc-Able. We [u]dine[/u] well here in Camelot We eat ham and jam and [u]spam[/u] a lot. [/B][/QUOTE] close, but it's wrong :p try again, you missed one. and NO CHEATING!!! lol ^_^
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Okay here's one of my favorite quotes...: Dennis: Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical ______ _______! [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] .....aquatic ceremony ^_^! here's one: Fill in the blanks to the song the knights of Camelot sing: We're _____ of the round table We ______ when e'er we're able We do routines and _____ scenes With footwork impecc-Able. We _____ well here in Camelot We eat ham and jam and _____ a lot heh, that'd actually be a pretty good MadLib, lol
  12. My type is INFJ Introverted- 33% Intuitive- 11% Feeling- 22% Judging- 1% You are: moderately expressed introvert slightly expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed feeling personality slightly expressed judging personality
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B] yeah, but the worst part is is that from now on when I get a shot, they have to lay me on the ground first so I don't fall on my sister again. :grumble: :shifty: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, that scared the crap outta me :twitch::laugh: anywho... an embarrassing moment was when I wasn't paying attention to the signs on the restroom doors that said which doors the guys and the girls should go through. well, I walked through the wrong door:huh:. so I made up some excuse about looking for somebody in there and ran away inconspicuously:cross:.
  14. amibasuki


    I like POD well enough. I don't listen to 'em much, but they're decent, I guess.
  15. Dennis is 37 ^_^! and apart from the scene where he first appeared in, he appeared one other time. that I can remember anyway. whether the answer's wrong or not I'm gonna write my question anyway:p bah, can't think of a good one. oh well! What number did King Arthur have a problem remembering?
  16. amibasuki

    Lilo and Stich

    Disney usually puts out decent stuff.....usually.....but anywho. Lilo and Stitch looks like a good movie. I'd like to see it.
  17. 1)characters 2)story/plot 3)art/animation
  18. I know what you mean. I got the first volume of the Kenshin OVA on DVD last Saturday, paid almost 30 dollars for it, and it only had 2 episodes on it -_-'. at least the OVA is really good.
  19. it makes me sick when ppl who think they're all cool and whatnot are really just a bunch of idiots. I guess that fits this case somewhat, lol. so yeah, it drives me insane. of course, when I try to tell them about an anime that's twice as good as DBZ, or at least as good, they're not interested :rolleyes:....
  20. heh, that'd be me that was asking about it. I asked her to make the thread, couldn't get on at the time ^_^'. ANYwho, what do y'all think of it?
  21. I don't like criticism much, but I always ask for it when I'm working on a drawing or something. I'd rather get criticized and have my work turn out better than leaving it as is, knowing it prolly could've been better.
  22. ppl do have a right to choose whether they want to die or not (I guess), but they shouldn't find a new way to kill themselves when there are enough ways to do it as it is.
  23. the Castle of......Aaaaaaaaaugh. lol kay, here's another easy one. "What do you burn apart from witches?" first answer they blurted, please ^_^
  24. the first anime I saw was dubbed Sailor Moon. I hated it (no offense to SM fans). then last year my guy friends were talking about Dragonball Z playing on Toonami, and I thought it was stupid, despite I'd never seen it but knew it was anime. one of 'em finally convinced me to try it out, and once I started watching the Cell saga I was hooked and moved on from there ^_^.
  25. I LOVE Miroku! he's awesome! I haven't seen the anime version of Inu-Yasha, but the manga's good.
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