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Everything posted by amibasuki

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B];) Well as many of you probably know already toonami will be back to its 3 hour time slot starting June 3, I believe that at 4pm they will be showing Sailor Moon again, this is the rumor going around, so if that is the case it would be Sailor Moon, and Hamtaro back to back! Meaning toonami would get an hour dedicated to the females out there!:p [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno about the Sailor Moon thing. I think they're gonna show Powerpuff Girls (dunno why they would though) cuz they've shown clips of it in their new lineup commercial (along w/ the Hamtaro thing). but I don't know about this for certain, so *shrug*. Hamtaro'll prolly be off the lineup a month after they start showing it. looks cute, but boring as anything.
  2. My main passion is music. drawing, [certain awesome] anime, and writing are all mixed up in a big blob, since I don't know which of the three I like more.
  3. I wanna see it SO BADLY! I'm trying to buy it by at least the end of the month.
  4. the sub is so CUTE!! I love Tomoyo's voice! the Yuki/Touya thing doesn't bother me much. the dub is awful though. I'd rather not see ANY of CCS than see nothing but the dubbed version. okay, so maybe I'm overreacting a bit, but that's just how much I hate the dubbed version after seeing it subtitled.
  5. yeah, take it out just for that occasion. then once you get to the college, you can wear it whenever you want:D
  6. I'm part Danish, English, and American. yup, that's about it. found out through this big geneology (sp?) book that's been handed down for a good while.
  7. the Winter Olympics are awesome. they're even in my home city:D:D:D! I like watching the figure skating the most, but the skiing was great too
  8. amibasuki


    it's okay, I don't really care either way. as long as it works the same or better, I've got no problems with it:D
  9. subbed is usually way better. and I don't seem to have a problem w/ reading and watching the animation at the same time:rolleyes:. it's not the same watching dubs as it is subs. hearing the actual language helps me think that the anime is actually supposed to NOT be somewhere in America or Europe (if that even makes sense). the Japanese voices usually fit the characters better than the dubbed ones anyway. however, I don't mind watching dubs if it's dubbed pretty good. subtitles is just my preference.
  10. TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!!! and Hotohori Tokaki Chichiri (w/out the mask:)) Amiboshi and Suboshi Yue Touya Akito Shinji Toji Kenshin Spike Gren Vicious Inu-Yasha Miroku Ryoga Mousse Eagle Clef Vash Duo Gourry Zelgadis (mirai) Trunks Juunanagou (Android 17) adult Gohan (w/out the glasses) man, I know I'm leaving a bunch out! this should be enough though
  11. anime isn't commercialized enough! though there are a few BIG exceptions to this statement (DBZ, Pokemon, Digimon). ppl barely know anything about all the other anime series there are out there. when I say anime needs to be more commercialized, I mean commercials for the videos/DVD's/manga, t-shirts, wallscrolls, and that's about it. other than that, it should be left alone. AND NO CHEESY CRAPPY COMMERCIALS!!!!:flaming:
  12. Best Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion Second Best: Cowboy Bebop Third Best: Trigun Best Quote: can't think of one Best Male Anime Character: Tasuki!! Best Female Anime Character: Washu Best Plot in an Anime: NGEvangelion Best Dubbed Anime: Cowboy Bebop Best Subbed anime: NGEvangelion
  13. off topic: hehe, love the Washu avatar, Sephiroth:cool: on topic: okay, I finally get it now. at least better than before. :toothy:
  14. .......heh, that basically summed it up. I prefer shoujo, but shounen's great too
  15. looks-wise: -Ash from Pokemon and Genki from Monster Ranchers -Yue from CardCaptor Sakura and Sesshomaru from Inu-Yasha - Amiboshi and Suboshi from Fushigi Yugi :D:p j/k *doik*
  16. I had someone to look forward to ^_^. today turned out pretty good. not much to say about it, there wasn't really anything different about today except for the gift part. but it was still pretty good ^_^.
  17. :mrt:root beer's the best:mrt:
  18. lol, that's how I thought it was. pretty neato comic
  19. Tenchi and Sasami!!! age won't matter once she's grown up, and besides, she's the only one that he's not psychotic around (pairing wise :p). they get along great together! sure it might be more of a older brother-younger sister thing, but that can change once she's older ;).
  20. heh, now I wanna see what all the fuss is about. all the stupid thing'll do is show me that egg that keeps waving at me......and is starting to creep me out......but what about these hippos with cameras, you say?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]When I was a kid [and now] I was [am] a godzilla fan. So I had these insane nightmares of me running from this huge godzilla. o_O......... And they were recurring. -___-'.... Then one time I had a dream I saw a pair of eyes stareing out of a black area in a newspaper photo and I looked out the window and the eyes were there. Stareing at me >_< And thennnnnnnnnnn... I had a bloody dream. I was in my living, and the floors and walls were white, with splashes of blood on them. On a white couch, two courpses sat [my parents i suppose] and I screamed. I tryed to run but a large bloody hand ripped out of the floor and grabbed me pulling me under... I was a disturbed kid ....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] heh, I've had a couple of nightmares somewhat like the first one you mentioned. I was maybe 8, I think. I had gotten the eyes off of a Disney movie somewhere, it kinda freaked me out when I saw them then, but the nightmare amplified it a lot more.........................come to think of it, a lot of my childhood nightmares had to do with stuff from Disney, and most other movies I liked watching.....................that's stupid..............
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]I used to have troubling dreams before....They used to feel very real, like it was happening...and they used to be very violent sometimes...like a knife through someones head, pinning them to a wall, and that kinda thing. Sometimes it used to be people I know or knew...[/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean. usually I just get scared out of my wits when I have nightmares. but I hate those dreams when ppl die or get hurt. heh, I've been stabbed in the leg and back, shot in the arm, chest and head a couple of times, and I've watched my parents/siblings/friends get killed (thankfully not all in one dream). one time it actually felt like I got hurt (I think it was when I got stabbed in the leg), cuz I woke up and my leg was still hurting. I must've slept on it funny or somethin'.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]For the geocities pics...you gotta copy the shortcut and paste it into the browser and hit enter...then you'll be able to see it. [/B][/QUOTE] nope, still won't work. the site's prolly got some probs, cuz the page won't turn up either. here's another CCS pic of Sakura and Syaoran. not the one from before, but it's still pretty cute. [url]http://xhanabirax.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/liandsakura.jpg[/url] edit: here it is! [url]http://www.dagger.net/~sakura/pics/art6.jpg[/url]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] I still can't get your CCS pic to work, but I love the CB pics. They're coolish. ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] heh, I can't get it to work either ^_^'. it worked fine yesterday though! I'll have to find another link to it. and here's a Tasuki pic (more pics to be added later)! [url]http://www.canadianotaku.com/tt/gallery/tas1.jpg[/url] edits: -this one's with Tamahome joking around w/ Tasuki....near the edge of a ship (poor Tasuki).... [url]http://www.canadianotaku.com/tt/gallery/tas3.jpg[/url] -Tasuki and his buddy Kouji (he ain't too bad either :toothy: ) [url]http://www.canadianotaku.com/tt/gallery/tas24.jpg[/url] -another Tasuki pic (last one, I swear! *dodges tomatoes*) heh, this is, in my opinion, the best pairing in FY (I'm a sucker for alternative pairings) [url]http://www.canadianotaku.com/tt/gallery/tas40.jpg[/url]
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